Bitwise multiplication of a floating point number - c

I am working on a project for school that requires me to manipulate floating point numbers using only their binary representation, specifically multiplying a float by two. I am supposed to replicate the function of the following code using only bit operations (! | ^ & ~), logical operators (&&, ||), and if/while expressions.
However, I am having a problem with some of my numbers not having the correct result. For example, when I pass in 8388608 (0x800000), the output is 8388608 when it should be 16777216 (0x1000000).
Here is the code whose function we are supposed to replicate:
unsigned test_dl23(unsigned uf) {
float f = u2f(uf);
float tf = 2*f;
if (isnan(f))
return uf;
return f2u(tf);
And here is my attempt:
unsigned dl23(unsigned uf) {
int pullExpMask, expMask, mantMask, i, mask, signedBit
mask = 0x007fffff;
pullExpMask = (-1 << 23) ^ 0x80000000; // fills lower 23 bits with zeroes
signedBit = 0x80000000 & uf;
expMask = (uf & pullExpMask); // grabs the exponent and signed bits, mantissa bits are zeroes
mantMask = mask & uf;
if (!(uf & mask)){ // if uf has an exponent that is all ones, return uf
return uf;
else if (expMask == 0){
mantMask = mantMask << 1;
else if (expMask != 0){
expMask = expMask + 0x00100000;
return (signedBit | expMask | mantMask);
I have been working on this problem for a long time, and any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated!

I'm not sure about what numbers you are referring to as failing, but I do see a bug in your code that would cause this behavior. The section with the comment // if uf has an exponent that is all ones, return uf does not do what this describes. It will test that the mantissa part is 0 and return the unchanged number, causing the behavior you're seeing. It should probably be something like if (expMask == pullExpMask) {
Also, you need to consider the case that the exponent increment makes it all 1. It should always become an inf, and never a quiet or signaling NaN.


How can I convert this number representation to a float?

I read this 16-bit value from a temperature sensor (type MCP9808)
Ignoring the first three MSBs, what's an easy way to convert the other bits to a float?
I managed to convert the values 2^7 through 2^0 to an integer with some bit-shifting:
uint16_t rawBits = readSensor();
int16_t value = (rawBits << 3) / 128;
However I can't think of an easy way to also include the bits with an exponent smaller than 0, except for manually checking if they're set and then adding 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 to the result respectively.
Something like this seems pretty reasonable. Take the number portion, divide by 16, and fix the sign.
float tempSensor(uint16_t value) {
bool negative = (value & 0x1000);
return (negative ? -1 : 1) * (value & 0x0FFF) / 16.0f;
float convert(unsigned char msb, unsigned char lsb)
return ((lsb | ((msb & 0x0f) << 8)) * ((msb & 0x10) ? -1 : 1)) / 16.0f;
float convert(uint16_t val)
return (((val & 0x1000) ? -1 : 1) * (val << 4)) / 256.0f;
If performance isn't a super big deal, I would go for something less clever and more explcit, along the lines of:
bool is_bit_set(uint16_t value, uint16_t bit) {
uint16_t mask = 1 << bit;
return (value & mask) == mask;
float parse_temperature(uint16_t raw_reading) {
if (is_bit_set(raw_reading, 15)) { /* temp is above Tcrit. Do something about it. */ }
if (is_bit_set(raw_reading, 14)) { /* temp is above Tupper. Do something about it. */ }
if (is_bit_set(raw_reading, 13)) { /* temp is above Tlower. Do something about it. */ }
uint16_t whole_degrees = (raw_reading & 0x0FF0) >> 4;
float magnitude = (float) whole_degrees;
if (is_bit_set(raw_reading, 0)) magnitude += 1.0f/16.0f;
if (is_bit_set(raw_reading, 1)) magnitude += 1.0f/8.0f;
if (is_bit_set(raw_reading, 2)) magnitude += 1.0f/4.0f;
if (is_bit_set(raw_reading, 3)) magnitude += 1.0f/2.0f;
bool is_negative = is_bit_set(raw_reading, 12);
// TODO: What do the 3 most significant bits do?
return magnitude * (is_negative ? -1.0 : 1.0);
Honestly this is a lot of simple constant math, I'd be surprised if the compiler wasn't able to heavily optimize it. That would need confirmation, of course.
If your C compiler has a clz buitlin or equivalent, it could be useful to avoid mul operation.
In your case, as the provided temp value looks like a mantissa and if your C compiler uses IEEE-754 float representation, translating the temp value in its IEEE-754 equivalent may be a most efficient way :
Update: Compact the code a little and more clear explanation about the mantissa.
float convert(uint16_t val) {
uint16_t mantissa = (uint16_t)(val <<4);
if (mantissa==0) return 0.0;
unsigned char e = (unsigned char)(__builtin_clz(mantissa) - 16);
uint32_t r = (uint32_t)((val & 0x1000) << 19 | (0x86 - e) << 23 | ((mantissa << (e+8)) & 0x07FFFFF));
return *((float *)(&r));
float convert(unsigned char msb, unsigned char lsb) {
uint16_t mantissa = (uint16_t)((msb<<8 | lsb) <<4);
if (mantissa==0) return 0.0;
unsigned char e = (unsigned char)(__builtin_clz(mantissa) - 16);
uint32_t r = (uint32_t)((msb & 0x10) << 27 | (0x86 - e) << 23 | ((mantissa << (e+8)) & 0x07FFFFF));
return *((float *)(&r));
We use the fact that the temp value is somehow a mantissa in the range -255 to 255.
We can then consider that its IEEE-754 exponent will be 128 at max to -128 at min.
We use the clz buitlin to get the "order" of the first bit set in the mantissa,
this way we can define the exponent as the therorical max (2^7 =>128) less this "order".
We use also this order to left shift the temp value to get the IEEE-754 mantissa,
plus one left shift to substract the '1' implied part of the significand for IEEE-754.
Thus we build a 32 bits binary IEEE-754 representation from the temp value with :
At first the sign bit to the 32th bit of our binary IEEE-754 representation.
The computed exponent as the theorical max 7 (2^7 =>128) plus the IEEE-754 bias (127) minus the actual "order" of the temp value.
The "order" of the temp value is deducted from the number of leading '0' of its 12 bits representation in the variable mantissa through the clz builtin.
Beware that here we consider that the clz builtin is expecting a 32 bit value as parameter, that is why we substract 16 here. This code may require adaptation if your clz expects anything else.
The number of leading '0' can go from 0 (temp value above 128 or under -127) to 11 as we directly return 0.0 for a zero temp value.
As the following bit of the "order" is then 1 in the temp value, it is equivalent to a power of 2 reduction from the theorical max 7.
Thus, with 7 + 127 => 0x86, we can simply substract to that the "order" as the number of leading '0' permits us to deduce the 'first' base exponent for IEEE-754.
If the "order" is greater than 7 we will still get the negative exponent required for less than 1 values.
We add then this 8bits exponent to our binary IEEE-754 representation from 24th bit to 31th bit.
The temp value is somehow already a mantissa, we suppress the leading '0' and its first bit set by shifting it to the left (e + 1) while also shifting left for 7 bits to place the mantissa in the 32 bits (e+7+1 => e+8) . We mask then only the desired 23 bits (AND &0x7FFFFF).
Its first bit set must be removed as it is the '1' implied significand in IEEE-754 (the power of 2 of the exponent).
We have then the IEEEE-754 mantissa and place it from the 8th bit to the 23th bit of our binary IEEE-754 representation.
The 4 initial trailing 0 from our 16 bits temp value and the added seven 'right' 0 from the shifting won't change the effective IEEE-754 value.
As we start from a 32 bits value and use or operator (|) on a 32 bits exponent and mantissa, we have then the final IEEE-754 representation.
We can then return this binary representation as an IEEE-754 C float value.
Due to the required clz and the IEEE-754 translation, this way is less portable. The main interest is to avoid MUL operations in the resulting machine code for performance on arch with a "poor" FPU.
P.S.: Casts explanation. I've added explicit casts to let the C compiler know that we discard voluntary some bits :
uint16_t mantissa = (uint16_t)(val <<4); : The cast here tells the compiler that we know we'll "loose" four left bits, as it the goal here. We discard the four first bits of the temp value for the mantissa.
(unsigned char)(__builtin_clz(mantissa) - 16) : We tell to the C compiler that we will only consider a 8 bits range for the builtin return, as we know our mantissa has only 12 significatives bits and thus a range output from 0 to 12. Thus we do not need the full int return.
uint32_t r = (uint32_t) ... : We tell the C compiler to not bother with the sign representation here as we build an IEEE-754 representation.

Cast Integer to Float using Bit Manipulation breaks on some integers in C

Working on a class assignment, I'm trying to cast an integer to a float only using bit manipulations (limited to any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while). My code is working for most values, but some values are not generating the results I'm looking for.
For example, if x is 0x807fffff, I get 0xceff0001, but the correct result should be 0xceff0000. I think I'm missing something with my mantissa and rounding, but can't quite pin it down. I've looked at some other threads on SO as well converting-int-to-float and how-to-manually
unsigned dl22(int x) {
int tmin = 0x1 << 31;
int tmax = ~tmin;
unsigned signBit = 0;
unsigned exponent;
unsigned mantissa;
int bias = 127;
if (x == 0) {
return 0;
if (x == tmin) {
return 0xcf << 24;
if (x < 0) {
signBit = x & tmin;
x = (~x + 1);
exponent = bias + 31;
while ( ( x & tmin) == 0 ) {
x <<= 1;
exponent <<= 23;
int mantissaMask = ~(tmin >> 8);
mantissa = (x >> 8) & mantissaMask;
return (signBit | exponent | mantissa);
Found a viable solution - see below
Your code produces the expected output for me on the example you presented. As discussed in comments, however, from C's perspective it does exhibit undefined behavior -- not just in the computation of tmin, but also, for the same reason, in the loop wherein you compute the exponent. To whatever extent this code produces results that vary from environment to environment, that will follow either from the undefined behavior or from your assumption about the size of [unsigned] int being incorrect for the C implementation in use.
Nevertheless, if we assume (unsafely)
that shifts of ints operate as if the left operand were reinterpreted as an unsigned int with the same bit pattern, operated upon, and the resulting bit pattern reinterpreted as an int, and
that int and unsigned int are at least 32 bits wide,
then your code seems correct, modulo rounding.
In the event that the absolute value of the input int has more than 24 significant binary digits (i.e. it is at least 224), however, some precision will be lost in the conversion. In that case the correct result will depend on the FP rounding mode you intend to implement. An incorrectly rounded result will be off by 1 unit in the last place; how many results that affects depends on the rounding mode.
Simply truncating / shifting off the extra bits as you do yields round toward zero mode. That's one of the standard rounding modes, but not the default. The default rounding mode is to round to the nearest representable number, with ties being resolved in favor of the result having least-significant bit 0 (round to even); there are also three other standard modes. To implement any mode other than round-toward-zero, you'll need to capture the 8 least-significant bits of the significand after scaling and before shifting them off. These, together with other details depending on the chosen rounding mode, will determine how to apply the correct rounding.
About half of the 32-bit two's complement numbers will be rounded differently when converted in round-to-zero mode than when converted in any one of the other modes; which numbers exhibit a discrepancy depends on which rounding mode you consider.
I didn't originally mention that I am trying to imitate a U2F union statement:
float u2f(unsigned u) {
union {
unsigned u;
float f;
} a;
a.u = u;
return a.f;
Thanks to guidance provided in the postieee-754-bit-manipulation-rounding-error I was able to manage the rounding issues by putting the following after my while statement. This clarified the rounding that was occurring.
lsb = (x >> 8) & 1;
roundBit = (x >> 7) & 1;
stickyBitFlag = !!(x & 0x7F);
exponent <<= 23;
int mantissaMask = ~(tmin >> 8);
mantissa = (x >> 8);
mantissa &= mantissaMask;
roundBit = (roundBit & stickyBitFlag) | (roundBit & lsb);
return (signBit | exponent | mantissa) + roundBit;

Multiplying single precision float with 2

This is a homework question. I already found a lot of code online, including some code in StackOverflow. But I just want the concept not the code. I want to implement it myself. So the function I want to implement is:
float_twice - Return bit-level equivalent of expression 2*f for floating point argument f.
Both the argument and result are passed as unsigned int's, but they are to be interpreted as the bit-level representation of single-precision floating point values.
I want to know how to do this. I know floating point representation. And read wiki page on how to multiply two floats, but didn't understand it. I just want to know the concept/algorithm for it.
Thanks everyone. Based on your suggestions I wrote the following code:
unsigned float_twice(unsigned uf) {
int s = (uf >> 31) << 31;
int e = ((uf >> 23) & 0xFF) << 23;
int f = uf & 0x7FFF;
// if exponent is all 1's then its a special value NaN/infinity
if (e == 0xFF000000){
return uf;
} else if (e > 0){ //if exponent is bigger than zero(not all zeros', not al 1's,
// then its in normal form, add a number to the exponent
return uf + (1 << 23);
} else { // if not exponent not all 1's and not bigger than zero, then its all
// 0's, meaning denormalized form, and we have to add one to fraction
return uf +1;
} //end of if
} //end of function
You could do something like this (although some would claim that it breaks strict-aliasing rules):
unsigned int func(unsigned int n)
float x = *(float*)&n;
x *= 2;
return *(unsigned int*)&x;
void test(float x)
unsigned int n = *(unsigned int*)&x;
In any case, you'll have to assert that the size of float is equal to the size of int on your platform.
If you just want to take an unsigned int operand and perform on it the equivalent operation of multiplying a float by 2, then you can simply add 1 to the exponent part of it (located in bits 20-30):
unsigned int func(unsigned int n)
return n+(1<<20);

Rounding point issues when converting to float bitwise

I am working on a homework assignment, where we are supposed to convert an int to float via bitwise operations. The following code works, except it encounters rounding. My function seems to always round down, but in some cases it should round up.
For example 0x80000001 should be represented as 0xcf000000 (exponent 31, mantissa 0), but my function returns 0xceffffff. (exponent 30, mantissa 0xffffff).
I am not sure how to continue to fix these rounding issues. What steps should i take to make this work?
unsigned float_i2f(int x) {
if(x==0) return 0;
int sign = 0;
if(x<0) {
sign = 1<<31;
x = -x;
unsigned y = x;
unsigned exp = 31;
while ((y & 0x80000000) == 0)
y <<= 1;
unsigned mantissa = y >> 8;
return sign | ((exp+127) << 23) | (mantissa & 0x7fffff);
Possible duplicate of this, but the question is not properly answered.
You are obviously ignoring the lowest 8 bits of y when you calculate mantissa.
The usual rule is called "round to nearest even": If the lowest 8 bit of y are > 0x80 then increase mantissa by 1. If the lowest 8 bit of y are = 0x80 and bit 8 is 1 then increase mantissa by 1. In either case, if mantissa becomes >= 0x1000000 then shift mantissa to the right and increase exponent.

function to convert float to int (huge integers)

This is a university question. Just to make sure :-) We need to implement (float)x
I have the following code which must convert integer x to its floating point binary representation stored in an unsigned integer.
unsigned float_i2f(int x) {
if (!x) return x;
/* get sign of x */
int sign = (x>>31) & 0x1;
/* absolute value of x */
int a = sign ? ~x + 1 : x;
/* calculate exponent */
int e = 0;
int t = a;
while(t != 1) {
/* divide by two until t is 0*/
t >>= 1;
/* calculate mantissa */
int m = a << (32 - e);
/* logical right shift */
m = (m >> 9) & ~(((0x1 << 31) >> 9 << 1));
/* add bias for 32bit float */
e += 127;
int res = sign << 31;
res |= (e << 23);
res |= m;
/* lots of printf */
return res;
One problem I encounter now is that when my integers are too big then my code fails. I have this control procedure implemented:
float f = (float)x;
unsigned int r;
memcpy(&r, &f, sizeof(unsigned int));
This of course always produces the correct output.
Now when I do some test runs, this are my outputs (GOAL is what It needs to be, result is what I got)
:!make && ./btest -f float_i2f -1 0x80004999
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Score Rating Errors Function
x: [-2147464807] 10000000000000000100100110011001
sign: 1
expone: 01001110100000000000000000000000
mantis: 00000000011111111111111101101100
result: 11001110111111111111111101101100
GOAL: 11001110111111111111111101101101
So in this case, a 1 is added as the LSB.
Next case:
:!make && ./btest -f float_i2f -1 0x80000001
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Score Rating Errors Function
x: [-2147483647] 10000000000000000000000000000001
sign: 1
expone: 01001110100000000000000000000000
mantis: 00000000011111111111111111111111
result: 11001110111111111111111111111111
GOAL: 11001111000000000000000000000000
Here 1 is added to the exponent while the mantissa is the complement of it.
I tried hours to look ip up on the internet plus in my books etc but I can't find any references to this problem. I guess It has something to do with the fact that the mantissa is only 23 bits. But how do I have to handle it then?
int x = 2147483647;
float f = (float)x;
int l = f;
printf("l: %d\n", l);
then l becomes -2147483648.
How can this happen? So C is doing the casting wrong?
Hope someone can help me here!
My updated code is now this:
unsigned float_i2f(int x) {
if (x == 0) return 0;
/* get sign of x */
int sign = (x>>31) & 0x1;
/* absolute value of x */
int a = sign ? ~x + 1 : x;
/* calculate exponent */
int e = 158;
int t = a;
while (!(t >> 31) & 0x1) {
t <<= 1;
/* calculate mantissa */
int m = (t >> 8) & ~(((0x1 << 31) >> 8 << 1));
m &= 0x7fffff;
int res = sign << 31;
res |= (e << 23);
res |= m;
return res;
I also figured out that the code works for all integers in the range -2^24, 2^24. Everything above/below sometimes works but mostly doesn't.
Something is missing, but I really have no idea what. Can anyone help me?
The answer printed is absolutely correct as it's totally dependent on the underlying representation of numbers being cast. However, If we understand the binary representation of the number, you won't get surprised with this result.
To understand an implicit conversion is associated with the assignment operator (ref C99 Standard 6.5.16). The C99 Standard goes on to say: Real floating and integer
When a finite value of real floating type is converted to an integer type other than _Bool, the fractional part is discarded (i.e., the value is truncated toward zero). If the value of the integral part cannot be represented by the integer type, the behavior is undefined.
Your earlier example illustrates undefined behavior due to assigning a value outside the range of the destination type. Trying to assign a negative value to an unsigned type, not from converting floating point to integer.
The asserts in the following snippet ought to prevent any undefined behavior from occurring.
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
unsigned int convertFloatingPoint(double v) {
double d;
d = trunc(v);
assert((d>=0.0) && (d<=(double)UINT_MAX));
return (unsigned int)d;
Another way for doing the same thing, Create a union containing a 32-bit integer and a float. The int and float are now just different ways of looking at the same bit of memory;
union {
int myInt;
float myFloat;
} my_union;
my_union.myInt = 0x BFFFF2E5;
printf("float is %f\n", my_union.myFloat);
float is -1.999600
You are telling the compiler to take the number you have (large integer) and make it into a float, not to interpret the number AS float. To do that, you need to tell the compiler to read the number from that address in a different form, so this:
myFloat = *(float *)&myInt ;
That means, if we take it apart, starting from the right:
&myInt - the location in memory that holds your integer.
(float *) - really, I want the compiler use this as a pointer to float, not whatever the compiler thinks it may be.
* - read from the address of whatever is to the right.
myFloat = - set this variable to whatever is to the right.
So, you are telling the compiler: In the location of (myInt), there is a floating point number, now put that float into myFloat.
