What is needed for referencing custom module? - angularjs

I cannot find example which shows the last step of building/using custom module -- referencing it in code. Let's say I have such line in my custom module:
angular.module('shared', []).factory('Factory', [Module]);
Then in my main app, I declared the dependency:
let app = angular.module('admin',[
So far, so good. The question is how do I access this shared? In my case it is undefined. What do I miss?

You can now inject elements in admin module that are registered in shared, like factories, controllers, providers, directives etc.
So you can inject Factory to some factory in your admin module.


AngularJS: injecting a dependency to the main module or to a controller?

I'm confused about something. Some dependencies have to be injected to the main module. For example:
angular.module("app", ["ui.router", "ui.bootstrap", "toaster"]);
Whereas some other dependencies can just be injected into the controllers, but don't need to be injected into the main module. For example:
angular.module("app").controller("newCtrl", ["$q", newCtrl);
I'm having difficulties understanding why. Any help will be much appreciated.
$q a service within the core ng module, per the documentation.
All services within the ng module are bootstrapped and registered when the angular.js file is loaded and parsed. This allows you to inject them anywhere in your app.
However, the three examples you have listed above are all external, modular dependencies. They need to be explicitly registered into your application so that the components within are available when the $injector service attempts to resolve them.
You inject modules into other modules.
You inject providers, services, and factories that are included in those modules into the specific controllers.
In Angular, you define a module like so:
angular.module('MyModule1', []);
Notice how module function takes two arguments. Second argument being the array of other modules this module is dependent on. This construct is for setting a module.
Once the module is defined, you can attach controller, services etc. to the module.
Notice, how this time only one argument was give to the module function. That means you are getting an already registered module.
Lets say you create another module MyModule2, but MyModule2 needs to use the services defined by the MyModule1.
You just set the module MyModule2 with MyModule1 as its dependency.
angular.module('MyModule2', ['MyModule1']);
Now, you want to create a controller (or a directive, or a service, whatever) in MyModule2 that actually makes use of the service MyService1 defined in MyModule1.
That's where the Dependency Injection (DI) of Angular comes in. You define your controller with the service name as function parameter and when Angular instantiates your controller, it makes sure the service instance is found and provided to your controller.
.controller('MyController2', function (myService1) {
// Hey I can use myService1
// Dependency Injection FTW!

How can I create an angular service for use in different modules?

I see in the angular documentation for creating services that a service is created by definining a factory on a module.
However I need to define a common service for use across multiple modules.
I am not seeing any thing in the documentation for that. Can it be done? Or is there some way to access a service from a module other than the module it was created on?
Please check working demo: JSFiddle.
Define a service in some common module like:
angular.module('mySharedModule', [])
Then in other modules, use
angular.module('myModule', ['mySharedModule'])
.controller('mySharedService', function (mySharedService) {
Then you can use mySharedService inside the module myModule. Your service is now injectable to it.
A service has to belong to a module. However, to use it in other modules, just include the owning module in the modules where you would like to use it. Example:
angular.module('common', [])
.factory('yourService', ...);
angular.module('yourModule', ['common'])
.controller('yourController', ['yourService', function(yourService) {
// common service available here.

Can I write directive that is decoupled from the main app?

I am starting to write a little library that uses angular. I want to write a directive that is not coupled to the first app that is initialized. I want to write a directive that somebody would add to their app and it would just work.
Instead of:
angular.module('realEstateApp', []);
Just use:
If I can't do this, do you have some workaround to give me?
Angular directives need always to live within a module. What you have to do is define a module and then use it as a dependency in other modules. People will have to add Your module as a dependency to theyr module:
angular.module('myDirectiveModule', []);
Then share your module, and people will have to do (after including your script):
angular.module('myModule', ["myDirectiveModule"]);

Why a service of main module available in other modules?

I have a main module main which contains a service mainService. I have then injected another module moduleA in my main module. I randomly called mainService in moduleA without injecting main module and was amazed to see it is working fine.
angular.module('main', ['moduleA']);
angular.module('main').service('mainService', function(){
//insert code here
angular.module('moduleA', []);
angular.module('moduleA').controller('abc', function(mainService){
//mainService available here, without injecting main module
I want to know the reason behind this. I once read in a comment that a service defined in a module is available everywhere in the application, but couldn't find the source. Is it ok to continue using it like this?
I'm using AngularJS ver 1.3.15 if it helps.
Yes you can use the service of main because of parent child relationship. "main" is a parent module and "moduleA" its child/dependency module.
Any serivce, controller, directive defined in "main" module will be available with "moduleA"
Lets understand this concept with a more complex scenario
angular.module('main', ['moduleA', 'moduleB']);
angular.module('moduleA', []);
angular.module('moduleA').service('moduleAService', function(){
//insert code here
angular.module('moduleB', []);
angular.module('moduleB').controller('abc', function(moduleAService){
//moduleAService available here, without injecting moduleA module
Now in this case moduleA and moduleB are totally independent but still moduleB can access moduleA services
It is because main module is dependent on moduleA and moduleB. So moduleA services is injected in main module and moduleB being a child of "main" module can access it.
Injecting something like a service in the parent, makes it available to all its children.
Worth reading http://michalostruszka.pl/blog/2015/05/21/angular-dependencies-naming-clash/ to know few more things about modules.
Summary from the post:
It turns out AngularJS doesn’t really care where it takes things to inject from as long as the name matches
In AngularJS there is no such thing as module you depend on. Even when you ask for a thing, you cannot be sure you’ll get the one you expect just because you declare dependency on module that has exactly this thing. This is all one giant toolbox.

Are dependencies shared?

Let's say I have 3 modules:
angular.module('A', [])
angular.module('B', ['A'])
angular.module('C', ['B', 'A'])
In terms of dependency injection, will B and C share the same instance of module A, or will separate instances be injected into each of them?
To summarize your question, answer would be only one instance.
In fact it is this way. Angular app resolves dependencies via injector. Only one injector is created per app. Technically you can have only one ng-app, but you can have multiple apps by using manual bootstrapping, in that case there will be an injector created for each app and those 2 apps will not share any dependencies.
In general case where there is only rootElement bootstrapped as an angular app. It resolves the modules starting the module that has been bootstrapped (starting from the bottom of the dependency chain). Any services/controllers/filters etc registered under that module or any dependent modules under that dependency chain will be bundled together in the injector cache(instantiated lazily when injected) just once. For example say you have a service myService registered under module A. No matter how many places you list A as dependency ultimately only one instance of its constructor will be available, and service being a singleton everyone gets the same singleton instance.
Official Doc:
Modules can list other modules as their dependencies. Depending on a module implies that the required module needs to be loaded before the requiring module is loaded. In other words the configuration blocks of the required modules execute before the configuration blocks of the requiring module. The same is true for the run blocks. Each module can only be loaded once, even if multiple other modules require it.
