Angular JS - Update Scope value on click - angularjs

Right now I am passing my parameter through the state like:
.state('app.listing', {
url: '/ad/listing/:adId/{type}',
params: {
adId: {
value: "adId",
squash: false
}, type: {
value: null,
squash: true
This works as I can get "type" from $stateParams and update my get request.
Is there not a way to do this from a click event and not use $stateParams for passing the "type" param?
I basically have a button that filters results and passes the type param from the button. It would be a lot easier if I can just attach a click event to it which then updates my get request.
Just messing around I tried doing something like
$scope.filter = function(type) {
if(type) {
return type;
return '' ;
$scope.type = $scope.filter();
Service is like
$http.get(API_ENDPOINT.url + '/listing/' + adId, {
params: {
page: page,
type: type // essentially $scope.type
and then on my button I have
<button ng-click="filter('2')"></button>
^ This will pass 2 for type, but won't reinit the http get call on click. Do I need to broadcast the change is there a simple way to do this?
Does this even make sense? The code above is just mock to give an idea, but open to suggestions if any.

Angular never requires you to make broadcasts to reflect changes made to scopevariables via the controller
var typeWatcher = '1';
$scope.filter = function(type){
if (type !== typeWatch)
$http.get(API_ENDPOINT.url + '/listing/' + adId, {
params: {
page: page,
type: type // essentially $scope.type
typeWatcher = type;

You can wrap your get call in a function & call it after the filter function in ng-click
$scope.functionName = function () {
return $http.get(API_ENDPOINT.url + '/listing/' + adId, {
params: {
page: page,
type: type // essentially $scope.type
then in HTML
<button ng-click="filter('2'); functionName()"></button>

Well, To call $http.get method on click,
$scope.filter = function(type) {
if(type) {
//call the method using service.methodName
return type;
return '' ;
and wrap that $http.get method to one function.
Hope it helps you.


AngularJS component bindings not passing object

Receiving error cannot read property 'type' of undefined at PollListCtrl.runQuery.
I'm not sure why this is coming up undefined. I've console logged profile-polls.controller.js where listConfig is created to make sure there is an object here. The response is
{type: "all", filters: {pollsCreated: Array(3)}}
But it is coming up undefined when I try to pass it to poll-list component in the profile-polls.html. Below is the gist for the relevant files. Can anyone tell me why this is not passing correctly?
I think you need to define watcher for your component. On start listConfig is undefined and only after some delay (next digest cycle) it gets value. So we create watcher and cancel it after if statement.
app.component('pollList', {
bindings: {
listConfig: '='
templateUrl: 'poll-list.html',
controllerAs: 'vm',
controller: PollListCtrl
function PollListCtrl($scope) {
var vm = this;
function run(){
var cancelWatch = $scope.$watch(function () {
return vm.listConfig;
function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== undefined){
Demo plunkr
You should never use $scope in your angularjs application.
You can use ngOnInit() life cycle hook to access "bindings" value instead constructor.
$ctrl.listConfig = { type: 'all' };
$ctrl.limit = 5;

UI Router: How to validate parameter before state resolves

I've got a known list of supported values for parameter A. I need to validate the state parameter's value before any of the state's resolves are triggered, and if the value is invalid, to supply a supported value. My initial thought was to use an injectable function for the parameter's value property:
params: {
A: {
value: [
function validateParamA($stateParams, validator) {
// return some value
However, $stateParams is unpopulated at this point (I was hoping for a preview version like what you get in a resolve), and also this would probably set a default value, not the value of the $stateParam itself. So I'm looking for something like urlRouterProvider.when's $match.
My next idea was to just use a urlRouterProvider.when. No-dice: To my dismay, this fires after the state has resolved.
My next idea was to hijack urlMatcherFactory's encode. Same deal (fires after).
Ugh! The problem is that a controller is being executed outside of UI Router via ngController. Moving it inside should fix the sequence issue (and then when should work). Will update later today.
A MarcherFactory did the trick. After I corrected that ngController nonsense and brought those controllers inside UI Router, it worked just as I expected.
// url: '/{locale:locale}'
function validateLocale(validator, CONSTANTS, value) {
var match = validator(value);
if (match === true) {
return value;
if (match) { // partial match
newLocale = match;
} else {
newLocale = CONSTANTS.defaultLocale;
return newLocale;
pattern: ROUTING.localeRegex
// …
function localeFactory(validator, CONSTANTS) {
return {
encode: validateLocale.bind({}, validator, CONSTANTS)
I recently had the same problem and solved it with a $q.defer() call in the resolve callback. I had some default parameters for a calender view and wanted to validate the parameters before hand. Didn't find anything else on this topic but it seems like a quite solid solution. This is my sample state:
url : '/:type?month&year&dueDate', // optional params for filtering
params : {
type : {
value : 'all' // all|open|assigned|my
month : {
value : 1, // current month, needs a callback, no static value
type : 'int'
year : {
value : 2016, // current year, needs a callback, no static value
type : 'int'
dueDate : {
value : undefined, // 'no default value' - parses 2016-04-23 to da js date object
type : 'date'
resolve : {
validParams : ['$q', '$stateParams',
function($q, $stateParams) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var allowedTypes = ['all', 'open', 'assigned', 'my'];
if (allowedTypes.indexOf($stateParams.type.trim().toLowerCase()) < 0) {
// deferred.reject(reason) also takes a simple string or nothing, you can use this information on UI.Router's $stateChangeError Event
error : 'Invalid Value',
param : 'type',
value : $stateParams.type
if ($stateParams.month < 1 || $stateParams.month > 12) {
error : 'Invalid Value',
param : 'month',
value : $stateParams.month
if ($stateParams.year < 2014 || $stateParams.year > 2099) {
error : 'Invalid Value',
param : 'year',
value : $stateParams.month
// if a _deferred object was already rejected, it can't be resolved anymore, so this doesn't hurt at all
deferred.resolve('Valid Values');
return _deferred.promise;
taskListModel : ['TaskHttpService', '$stateParams',
function(TaskHttpService, $stateParams) {
// no matter if 'validParams' is resolved or not, this is called - so you might want to validate again or do some other check if you make an ajax call
return TaskHttpService.loadTasks({
month : $stateParams.month,
year : $stateParams.year,
dueDate : $stateParams.dueDate
views : {
menu : {
templateUrl : '/menu.html',
controller : 'MenuController'
body : {
templateUrl : '/body.html',
controller : 'BodyController'
As mentioned in an inline comment, you can pass simple strings or entire objects to deferred.reject(reason)$q - you might want to listen on the $stateChangeError on $rootScope to do anything with the information:
// test for failed routing access, redirect to index page
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeError', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error) {
if(__.isObject(error)) {
switch(error.error) {
case 'Access Denied':
case 'Invalid Value':
console.warn('Invalid URL Params to State %o %o',, error);
After completing the answer I recognized that you asked for a validation before the resolved parameters are called. In the title you say "before state resolves" - so with a rejected promise the state isn't resolved. Maybe this can help you anyways
If A is resolved in the state resolves and other resolves depend on it, you'll be able to check the $stateParams and provide an alternative value if needed. Other resolves will be resolved after A.
.state('state', {
resolve: {
A: ['$stateParams', 'validator', function($stateParams, validator) {
return validator.validate($stateParams.A) ? $stateParams.A : 'default';
otherResolve: ['A', function(A) {
Other resolves should not use the $stateParams directly, I don't know if it is a problem for you.
What about splitting the state into two: one that does the validation, one that is the actual target state.
.state('validationState', {
// The controller below will not get instantiated without defining template
template: '',
controller: function ($stateParams, $state) {
if (/* your validation */) {
$state.go('targetState', /* simply forward the valid parameter */);
} else {
$state.go('targetState', /* provide your valid parameter value */);
.state('targetState', {
// whatever you want to resolve, yadda yadda
Not sure the controller can be replaced with onEnter in the validation state definition, but maybe.

Assign value to the Factory variable through http

I have two controllers and one Factory. I am using angular-devise module for authentication.
myApp.factory('Userfactory', function(Auth,$location){
var Userfactory = {}
Userfactory.user = [] = false
Userfactory.isLogged = function(){
return Auth.currentUser().then(function(user) {
Userfactory.user.push(user) = angular.copy(true)
}, function(error) {
return Userfactory;
$ =;
myApp.controller("navController", function navController(Userfactory){
this.user = Userfactory.user; =;
}) in nav controller is not updating when isLogged updates the value , since the value is getting resetted (which breaks binding) , where as in user controller the value is assigned through promise , so its getting the latest value. My doubt is how to manage to get it working in both places, meaning how to assign value without breaking the binding.
One workaround is declaring as an array and pushing the value to it as true or false, but looking for better way of doing it, any help will be useful.
I would recommend you to use a model Object to wrap all the variables/properties you need to be bindable.
myApp.factory('Userfactory', function(Auth,$location){
var Userfactory = {}
Userfactory.model = {
user: undefined,
active: false
Userfactory.isLogged = function(){
return Auth.currentUser().then(function(user) {
Userfactory.model.user = user; = true;
}, function(error) {
return Userfactory;
And then on your controllers:
$scope.userModel = Userfactory.model;
// and on the UI use:
myApp.controller("navController", function navController(Userfactory){
this.userModel = Userfactory.model;
// then access it like:

WebSQL data into AngularJs DropDown

I have very simple question about getting data from WebSql
I have DropDown i.e
<select id="selectCatagoryFood" data-role="listview" data-native-menu="true"
ng-init="foodCatagory = foodCatagories.cast[0]"
ng-options="foodCatagory as foodCatagory.text for foodCatagory in foodCatagories.cast"
now i want to add data init from webSQL. I already get Data from webSql but i am confuse that how to add that data into DropDown
An example or hints maybe very helpful for me.
Update 1 :: Add Controller Code
$scope.foodCatagories = foodCatagories;
$scope.changeFoodCatagory = function(){
Update 2 webSQL and JayData
success: showData,
error: function (error){
function showData(){
var option = '';
option += '<option value="'+FG.FoodGroupID+'">'+FG.Description+'</option>';
Update 3
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
var foodCatagories = {};
foodCatagories.cast = [
value: "000",
text: "Select Any"
return foodCatagories;
Update 4
One thing that i didn't mention is that I am using JayData for getting data from webSQL to my App
I will try to explain how it works:
EDIT: Live demo
Here is your stripped down select.
<select ng-options="item as item.text for item in foodCategories"
The directive ng-options will fill automatically the option elements in your select. It will take the foodCategories variable from the $scope of your controller and foreach item in the collection, it will use the text property as the label shown (<option>{{item.text}}</option>') and it will select the whole objectitemas the value of the selectedoption. You could also refer to a property as the value like ({{item.text}}). Then yourng-modelwould be set to theid` value of the selected option.
The directive ng-model corresponds to the variable in the $scope of your controller that will hold the value of the selected option.
The directive ng-required allows you to check if a value has been selected. If you are using a form, you can check if the field is valid formName.ngModelName.$valid. See the docs for more details on form validation.
The directive ng-change allows you to execute a function whenever the selected option changes. You may want to pass the ng-model variable to this function as a parameter or call the variable through the $scope inside the controller.
If no default value is set, angular will add an empty option which will be removed when an option is selected.
You did use the ng-init directive to select the first option, but know that you could set the ng-model variable in your controller to the default value you would like or none.
Here I tried to simulate your database service by returning a promise in the case that you are doing an async request. I used the $q service to create a promise and $timeout to fake a call to the database.
myApp.factory('DbFoodCategories', function($q, $timeout) {
var foodCategories = [
{ id: 1, text: "Veggies", value: 100 },
{ id: 2, text: "Fruits", value: 50 },
{ id: 3, text: "Pasta", value: 200 },
{ id: 4, text: "Cereals", value: 250 },
{ id: 5, text: "Milk", value: 150 }
return {
get: function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Your call to the database in place of the $timeout
$timeout(function() {
var chance = Math.random() > 0.25;
if (chance) {
// if the call is successfull, return data to controller
else {
// if the call failed, return an error message
}, 500);
/* // your code
success: function() {
error: function (error){
// return a promise that we will send a result soon back to the controller, but not now
return deferred.promise;
insert: function(item) {
/* ... */
update: function(item) {
/* ... */
remove: function(item) {
/* ... */
In your controller you set the variables that will be used in your view. So you can call your DbFoodCategories service to load the data into $scope.foodCategories, and set a default value in $scope.foodCategory that will be used to set the selected option.
myApp.controller('FoodSelection',function($scope, DbFoodCategories){
// the callback if the request was successfull
function (response) {
$scope.foodCategories = response; //response is the data we sent from the service
// the callback if an error occured
function (response) {
// response is the error message we set in the service
// do something like display the message
// $scope.foodCategory = defaultValue;
$scope.changeFoodCategory = function() {
I hope that this helped you understand more in detail what is happening!
See this example and how use $apply to update the data in scope.
in the new version we released a new module to support AngularJS. We've started to document how to use it, you can find the first blogpost here
With this you should be able to create your dropdown easily, no need to create the options manually. Something like this should do the trick:
myApp.controller('foodSelection',function($scope, $data) {
$scope.foodCatagories = [];
.then(function() {
$scope.foodCatagories = _context.FoodGroup.toLiveArray();
provided that FoodGroup has the right fields, of course

Angular resource (ngResource) won't make the AJAX call when called inside a function

I'm trying to make an AJAX call with ngResource, In the code below 'a' and 'b' both print, but the AJAX call from Table.import() does not get made. If I move the AJAX call outside of onFileRead, then it works. What could be the problem?
var TableImportController = ['$scope','Table', 'project', 'table',
function($scope, Table, project, table) {
$scope.table = table;
$scope.project = project;
$scope.onFileRead = function(file) {
Table.import({ data :}, function() {
}, function() {
Where Table is an ngResource
.factory('Table', function($resource) {
var Table = $resource('/api/tables/:id:listAction/:itemAction',
id: '#id',
listAction: '#listAction',
itemAction: '#itemAction'
update: { method: 'PUT' },
import : { method: 'POST', params: { listAction: 'import' }},
return Table;
You are declaring $scope.onFileRead as a function.
What is calling onFileRead?
When you move the call outside of the function, it is being run as part of initialization.
What provides the input file?
Probably bind to the onFileRead function from something in your DOM.
I figured it out. It looks like I ran into this bug:
I solved the issue by wrapping the AJAX call (and eventually moved it to where the onFileRead callback is triggered) in a scope.$apply(function() { });
