How to maintain login user details in angular app - angularjs

How can I maintain the login user details in angular app, the data is lost when to reloading the app, how to resolve this problem, my server side is nodejs

After login I am saving the details in $cookies, like the token, user-name etc. Here is the code:-
$cookies.put('token', response.token);
$cookies.put('user', response.user);
I am putting these things in the success block of service call.
And you can delete them on logout like this:-
Every website is using $cookies these days even facebook.

You can store the logged user details ,like username email, and any other details in local storage. and remove this storage on logout.
2nd and most important is that you server API interaction may ask some sessionID, or equivalent key for trusted actions. you might want that.


Concurrent login with identity server4

Want to logout from all other session(s) when user logs in other browser.
I am able to delete the PersistedGrants but cookies are still present.
When user refreshes the page a new access_token is generated due to refresh_token.
So basically we want only one concurrent session of user.
Any help would be appreciated.
By default IdSrv persists user session in a cookie. You can change that by implementing IUserSession and registering in DI. Doing so you get access to logged in clients within one session. Having that knowledge, you can register your custom middleware with the check: when authenticated, i.e. has auth cookie, and no other session for the same user id then ok, else handle the collision: the one who logged in earlier logs out. Just an idea, but should work. See my customization of the DefaultUserSession - backing it to Redis, used for another purpose, but should be enough to demonstrate the approach.

Hiding Routes in React Header based on Express.js User login status

I have an application that uses express.js as the server side language and React on the front-end. I use passport.js to authenticate routes in the server, using local login and facebook strategies (no JWT). I use express-session to manage the session, which seems straight forward ( or insufficient, which I do not know yet, for my case, as its work in progress ).
My requirement is to hide/show few links in the Header component.
Log In
Sign Up
should show up in index page, when user has not logged in, but hidden when he is logged in. Likewise, few links should be hidden when the user is not yet logged in.
What is the best wat to check this from the client? Making an AJAX call is not ideal, as I may have more use cases of checking if the user session is valid from the client.
I can see the default connect.sid cookie, which the express creates, but how do I make use of it, or is there a best way for the client to know that the user is already logged in.
You have a couple options. Here are some:
You can check for the presence of a different cookie in the browser, and use that as your metric for whether or not you are "logged in". Your browser won't know if the session has expired server side, so you still have to account for the fact that you may be logged out and not know it. Additionally, you have to be sure to clear this cookie when logging out and set it when logging in.
When starting, your browser can make a AJAX request to get the currently logged in user. This might be useful for all sorts of things, such as displaying the user's name when logged in. You really only need to do this once (on page load and on login), then keep track of the user's login state stored in memory. You mentioned you don't want to do this, but it is fairly common.
When loading the page, you can inject the user into the page. For example, when the page loads there will be a <script> tag containing window.currentUser = null or an object representing the user. You can use this to "bootstrap" the login state without needing an AJAX request.
To clarify, you can't use the connect.sid cookie by itself because this cookie is just the ID of the session, not the session data itself. Only the server knows the session data that's being stored for that user, not the client. You need some way aside from this cookie for the server to tell the client that it's logged in, and the client to keep track of that state.
If you want the client to know from the ID component itself, you'll want to look at token options like JWTs.

what is the Best Approach to restrict source URL for API hitting?

I am using laravel and AngularJS for development.
I have different portals and login page but login function is same to login all users at back end.
I want to check source URL before hitting to login function if URL is hitting from right portal to right user then it should proceed to application further other wise not.
If you wanna check the url then you can use $location provided by angular to see the url before sending the request.

angularjs client and spring backend user login and session management

I have a mobile website written in angularjs, with my backend in Spring Boot. Right now, I have my own login page and can login a user without any trouble. However, if the user ever clicks "back", "refresh", etc., the client loses the user's id and login info (obtained from server on login). I need to make sure that this info is maintained and clicking "back" or "refresh" doesn't break everything.
Secondly, a user that knows the url's after login can type those url's in the browser and access them without logging in. I can stop them accessing anything on the server, but not sure what I can do on the client to redirect them to a login page in this case.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You should keep in mind that everything running in browser is stateless, there's no way to keep trace of the previous state.
Right now, if the user performs a refresh (or another similar action), Angular loses everything (AuthData included).
You have many way to work around that limit:
Perform an http request after the application bootstrap (have a look at the angular.module().run method
Save a cookie and use the server to print initial data layer directly on the dom via json
Save on local/session storage
Personally, I prefer cookies because that lets the server to work decoupled from the client.
In reference to your comment..."if the user ever clicks "back", "refresh", etc., the client loses the user's id and login info (obtained from server on login)."
Is there any reason you need to maintain the user id or login info after a successful authentication?
If Spring Security is setup for basic authentication, after a successful login, a Session Cookie will be sent back on the response to the client. On all subsequent requests to the server, the same Session Cookie will be sent on the request and the previously authenticated session will be re-established. You just need to ensure that your Angular client is passing cookies when issuing requests.
Take a look at this sample on how this is done.

Integrating Laravel, Facebook and Angular with token-based-authentication

My use case:
User is already logged in automatically server side using Facebook with laravel and Socialite.
I check if the user exists in the db and if not create it and log them into laravel.
Then I need to start an Angular app and make sure they are logged in with Laravel / Facebook.
After reading this article, it looks like this token based approach is what I should take.
In the tutorial you serve a login form with Angular, and then pass the email and password to an authenticate controller (Laravel), which returns a token (create by JWT-Auth).
Once the token is in Angular all is well, my problem is that I want to get the token directly into Angular without a login form since the user is already logged in as mention above.
I'm wondering if I could just output the token in markup somewhere and then pick it up from Angular or would that somehow be a security risk? I guess people will only be able to view source and see their own token?
If this is the wrong way to do this, then how should I do it? Do I need to authenticate with Facebook with Javascript, and then create a new laravel user with ajax?
Thanks so much!
One approach you could take is to add something to your .config block that checks for the presence of a JWT in local storage and if there isn't one there, makes a request to the API to see if the user is logged in on the Laravel side. If the user is logged in, a JWT is returned which can be picked up and saved in local storage. Since the .config block is run when the Angular app loads, this will only happen once, which is probably what you're looking for.
Here's what that might look like. First the Laravel side:
// AuthenticateController.php
// Simulates a user being logged in on the Laravel side through something
// other than credentials sent from the front-end. Obviously you would use
// Socialite
public function authenticate()
$user = User::find(1);
$token = JWTAuth::fromUser(1);
return response()->json(compact('token'));
Then the Angular:
// app.js
.run(function($rootScope, $state, $auth) {
if(!$auth.isAuthenticated()) {
// No credentials provided because the user is already logged in on the server
$auth.login().then(function() {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState) {
This would just run when the Angular app loads, which will be after your user has logged in with Socialite. It's essentially just checking whether there is a user logged in on the back end and if so, the token is retrieved. It's a bit hacky and the interface isn't obvious, so it might not be the best solution.
You would need to arrange your authenticate controller on the Laravel side such that it returns the token if the user has logged in via socialite or require credentials if he/she hasn't (which is the traditional login).
You could also look at this approach to see if it works for you:
Let me know if that works out!
