Elementwise product between a vector and a matrix using GNU Blas subroutines - c

I am working on C, using GNU library for scientific computing. Essentially, I need to do the equivalent of the following MATLAB code:
where x is a gsl_vector, and A is a gsl_matrix.
I managed to do (A*x) with the following command:
gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, A, x, 1.0, res);
where res is an another gsl_vector, which stores the result. If the matrix A has size m * m, and vector x has size m * 1, then vector res will have size m * 1.
Now, what remains to be done is the elementwise product of vectors x and res (the results should be a vector). Unfortunately, I am stuck on this and cannot find the function which does that.
If anyone can help me on that, I would be very grateful. In addition, does anyone know if there is some better documentation of GNU rather than https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/GSL-BLAS-Interface.html#GSL-BLAS-Interface which so far is confusing me.
Finally, would I lose in time performance if I do this step by simply using a for loop (the size of the vector is around 11000 and this step will be repeated 500-5000 times)?
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
gsl_vector_set(res, i, gsl_vector_get(x, i) * gsl_vector_get(res, i));

The function you want is:
gsl_vector_mul(res, x)
I have used Intel's MKL, and I like the documentation on their website for these BLAS routines.

The for-loop is ok if GSL is well designed. For example gsl_vector_set() and gsl_vector_get() can be inlined. You could compare the running time with gsl_blas_daxpy. The for-loop is well optimized if the timing result is similar.
On the other hand, you may want to try a much better matrix library Eigen, with which you can implement your operation with the code similar to this
x = x.array() * (A * x).array();


Run-time efficient transposition of a rectangular matrix of arbitrary size

I am pressed for time to optimize a large piece of C code for speed and I am looking for an algorithm---at the best a C "snippet"---that transposes a rectangular source matrix u[r][c] of arbitrary size (r number of rows, c number of columns) into a target matrix v[s][d] (s = c number of rows, d = r number of columns) in a "cache-friendly" i. e. data-locality respecting way. The typical size of u is around 5000 ... 15000 rows by 50 to 500 columns, and it is clear that a row-wise access of elements is very cache-inefficient.
There are many discussions on this topic in the web (nearby this thread), but as far as I see all of them discuss the spacial cases like square matrices, u[r][r], or the definition an on-dimensional array, e. g. u[r * c], not the above mentioned "array of arrays" (of equal length) used in my context of Numerical Recipes (background see here).
I would by very thankful for any hint that helps to spare me the "reinvention of the wheel".
I do not think that array of arrays is much harder to transpose than linear array in general. But if you are going to have 50 columns in each array, that sounds bad: it may be not enough to hide the overhead of pointer dereferencing.
I think that the overall strategy of cache-friendly implementation is the same: process your matrix in tiles, choose size of tiles which performs best according to experiments.
template<int BLOCK>
void TransposeBlocked(Matrix &dst, const Matrix &src) {
int r = dst.r, c = dst.c;
assert(r == src.c && c == src.r);
for (int i = 0; i < r; i += BLOCK)
for (int j = 0; j < c; j += BLOCK) {
if (i + BLOCK <= r && j + BLOCK <= c)
ProcessFullBlock<BLOCK>(dst.data, src.data, i, j);
ProcessPartialBlock(dst.data, src.data, r, c, i, j, BLOCK);
I have tried to optimize the best case when r = 10000, c = 500 (with float type). On my local machine 128 x 128 tiles give speedup in 2.5 times. Also, I have tried to use SSE to accelerate transposition, but it does not change timings significantly. I think that's because the problem is memory bound.
Here are full timings (for 100 launches each) of various implementations on Core2 E4700 2.6GHz:
Trivial: 6.111 sec
Blocked(4): 8.370 sec
Blocked(16): 3.934 sec
Blocked(64): 2.604 sec
Blocked(128): 2.441 sec
Blocked(256): 2.266 sec
BlockedSSE(16): 4.158 sec
BlockedSSE(64): 2.604 sec
BlockedSSE(128): 2.245 sec
BlockedSSE(256): 2.036 sec
Here is the full code used.
So, I'm guessing you have an array of array of floats/doubles. This setup is already very bad for cache performance. The reason is that with a 1-dimensional array the compiler can output code that results in a prefetch operation and ( in the case of a very new compiler) produce SIMD/vectorized code. With an array of pointers there's a deference operation on each step making a prefetch more difficult. Not to mention there aren't any guarantees on memory alignment.
If this is for an assignment and you have no choice but to write the code from scratch, I'd recommend looking at how CBLAS does it (note that you'll still need your array to be "flattened"). Otherwise, you're much better off using a highly optimized BLAS implementation like
OpenBLAS. It's been optimized for nearly a decade and will produce the fastest code for your target processor (tuning for things like cache sizes and vector instruction set).
The tl;dr is that using an array of arrays will result in terrible performance no matter what. Flatten your arrays and make your code nice to read by using a #define to access elements of the array.

Smart and Fast Indexing of multi-dimensional array with R

This is another step of my battle with multi-dimensional arrays in R, previous question is here :)
I have a big R array with the following dimensions:
> data = array(..., dim = c(x, y, N, value))
I'd like to perform a sort of bootstrap comparing the mean (see here for a discussion about it) obtained with:
> vmean = apply(data, c(1,2,3), mean)
With the mean obtained sampling the N values randomly with replacement, to explain better if data[1,1,,1] is equals to [v1 v2 v3 ... vN] I'd like to replace it with something like [v_k1 v_k2 v_k3 ... v_kN] with k values sampled with sample(N, N, replace = T).
Of course I want to AVOID a for loop. I've read this but I don't know how to perform an efficient indexing of this array avoiding a loop through x and y.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: the important thing here is that I want a different sample for each sample in the fourth (value) dimension, otherwise it would be simple to do something like:
> dataSample = data[,,sample(N, N, replace = T), ]
Also there's the compiler package which speeds up for loops by using a Just In Time compiler.
Adding thes lines at the top of your code enables the compiler for all code.

C Code Wavelet Transform and Explanation

I am trying to implement a wavelet transform in C and I have never done it before. I have read some about Wavelets, and understand the 'growing subspaces' idea, and how Mallat's one sided filter bank is essentially the same idea.
However, I am stuck on how to actually implement Mallat's fast wavelet transform. This is what I understand so far:
The high pass filter, h(t), gives you the detail coefficients. For a given scale j, it is a reflected, dilated, and normed version of the mother wavelet W(t).
g(t) is then the low pass filter that makes up the difference. It is supposed to be the quadrature mirror of h(t)
To get the detail coefficients, or the approximation coefficients for the jth level, you need to convolve your signal block with h(t) or g(t) respectively, and downsample the signal by 2^{j} (ie take every 2^{j} value)
However these are my questions:
How can I find g(t) when I know h(t)?
How can I compute the inverse of this transform?
Do you have any C code that I can reference? (Yes I found the one on wiki but it doesn't help)
What I would like some code to say is:
A. Here is the filter
B. Here is the transform (very explicitly)
C.) Here is the inverse transform (again for dummies)
Thanks for your patience, but there doesn't seem to be a Step1 - Step2 - Step3 -- etc guide out there with explicit examples (that aren't HAAR because all the coefficients are 1s and that makes things confusing).
the Mallat recipe for the fwt is really simple. If you look at the matlab code, eg the script by Jeffrey Kantor, all the steps are obvious.
In C it is a bit more work but that is mainly because you need to take care of your own declarations and allocations.
Firstly, about your summary:
usually the filter h is a lowpass filter, representing the scaling function (father)
likewise, g is usually the highpass filter representing the wavelet (mother)
you cannot perform a J-level decomposition in 1 filtering+downsampling step. At each level, you create an approximation signal c by filtering with h and downsampling, and a detail signal d by filtering with g and downsampling, and repeat this at the next level (using the current c)
About your questions:
for a filter h of an an orthogonal wavelet basis, [h_1 h_2 .. h_m h_n], the QMF is [h_n -h_m .. h_2 -h_1], where n is an even number and m==n-1
the inverse transform does the opposite of the fwt: at each level it upsamples detail d and approximation c, convolves d with g and c with h, and adds the signals together -- see the corresponding matlab script.
Using this information, and given a signal x of len points of type double, scaling h and wavelet g filters of f coefficients (also of type double), and a decomposition level lev, this piece of code implements the Mallat fwt:
double *t=calloc(len+f-1, sizeof(double));
memcpy(t, x, len*sizeof(double));
for (int i=0; i<lev; i++) {
memset(y, 0, len*sizeof(double));
int len2=len/2;
for (int j=0; j<len2; j++)
for (int k=0; k<f; k++) {
y[j] +=t[2*j+k]*h[k];
memcpy(t, y, len*sizeof(double));
It uses one extra array: a 'workspace' t to copy the approximation c (the input signal x to start with) for the next iteration.
See this example C program, which you can compile with gcc -std=c99 -fpermissive main.cpp and run with ./a.out.
The inverse should also be something along these lines. Good luck!
The only thing that is missing is some padding for the filter operation.
The lines
y[j] +=t[2*j+k]*h[k];
exceed the boundaries of the t-array during first iteration and exceed the approximation part of the array during the following iterations. One must add (f-1) elements at the beginning of the t-array.
double *t=calloc(len+f-1, sizeof(double));
memcpy(&t[f], x, len*sizeof(double));
for (int i=0; i<lev; i++) {
memset(t, 0, (f-1)*sizeof(double));
memset(y, 0, len*sizeof(double));
int len2=len/2;
for (int j=0; j<len2; j++)
for (int k=0; k<f; k++) {
y[j] +=t[2*j+k]*h[k];
memcpy(&t[f], y, len*sizeof(double));

Wrong answer in Normal Distribution in C

I have applied the normal distribution function using the equation given in this link:
I made this code for normal distribution
float m=2.0;
float s=0.5;
float x[3]={1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
float xs[3];
const float pi = 3.141;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
The answer for this code is 4.42, 5.01, 4.42
and I have the same code in Matlab
x_s_new=[1 2 3];
but the answers in matlab is 0.8 , 1.9 , 3.7
Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?
I want to apply normal distribution using C
Thanks :)
Your Matlab code is not the analogue of your C code. The C code computes the value of the probability density function of the normal distribution at certain points. The Matlab code generates random numbers from the normal distribution.
The Matlab code corresponding to the C code is
m = 2;
s = 0.5;
x = [1 2 3];
for i = 1 : 3
xs(i) = (1/s*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-( (x(i)-m)^2/2*s^2));
and gives the same result
However, there's a mistake because / in Matlab and C only applies to the immediate next operand. Correctly it would be
xs(i) = 1/(s*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-( (x(i)-m)^2/(2*s^2)));
and correspondingly in C.
To translate the code using randn to C – to my knowledge there is no standard function in C to generate normally distributed random numbers, you need to find a library that includes such a function, or build it yourself starting from random().

Solve a banded matrix system of equations

I need to solve a 2D Poisson equation, that is, a system of equations in the for AX=B where A is an n-by-n matrix and B is a n-by-1 vector. Being A a discretization matrix for the 2D Poisson problem, I know that only 5 diagonals will be not null. Lapack doesn't provide functions to solve this particular problem, but it has functions for solving banded matrix system of equations, namely DGBTRF (for LU factorization) and DGBTRS. Now, the 5 diagonals are: the main diagonal, the first diagonals above and below the main and two diagonals above and below by m diagonals wrt the main diagonal. After reading the lapack documentation about band storage, I learned that I have to create a (3*m+1)-by-n matrix to store A in band storage format, let's call this matrix AB. Now the questions:
1) what is the difference between dgbtrs and dgbtrs_? Intel MKL provides both but I can't understand why
2) dgbtrf requires the band storage matrix to be an array. Should I linearize AB by rows or by columns?
3) is this the correct way to call the two functions?
int n, m;
double *AB;
/*... fill n, m, AB, with appropriate numbers */
int *pivots;
int nrows = 3 * m + 1, info, rhs = 1;
dgbtrf_(&n, &n, &m, &m, AB, &nrows, pivots, &info);
char trans = 'N';
dgbtrs_(&trans, &n, &m, &m, &rhs, AB, &nrows, pivots, B, &n, &info);
It also provides DGBTRS and DGBTRS_. Those are fortran administrativa that you should not care about. Just call dgbtrs (reason is that on some architectures, fortran routine names have underscore appended, on other not, and names may be either upper or lower case -- Intel MKL #defines the right one to dgbtrs).
LAPACK routines expects column major matrices (ie. Fortran style): store columns one after the others. The banded storage you must use is not hard : http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node124.html.
It seems good to me, but please try it on small problems beforehand (always a good idea by the way). Also make sure you handle non-zero info (this is the way errors are reported).
Better style is to use MKL_INT instead of plain int, this is a typedef to the right type (may be different on some architectures).
Also make sure to allocate memory for pivots before calling dgbtrf.
This might be off topic. But for Poisson equation, FFT based solution is much faster. Just do 2D FFT of your potential field, divided by -(k^2+lambda^2) then do IFFT. lambda is a small number to avoid divergence for k=0. The 5-diagonal equation is a band-limited approximation of the Poisson equation, which approximate the differential operator by finite difference.
