Cannot configure Email-ext - jenkins-plugins

I can no longer add an email-ext post build step to my jenkins jobs.
This worked before, but the I upgraded to jenkins 2.7.1 and the email-ext plugin 2.44.
Now, when I add an post build step to a job and try to save the modified job, I will be taken to a login page and this page will lead to an error and the new step will not be saved.

One solution is to downgrade your jenkins to earlier working version.
Try uninstall/reinstall of email plugin.
If you are OK with the New version and not willing to downgrade and wanted email as a post build step, follow the below steps.
Login to the server where you have installed jenkins and traverse to the that jobs config.xml path.
add the email section to the job's config.xml [You can refer to other existing job's config.xml which contains email section as a post build and use the same in this job, paste those lines in your job's config.xml]
Save you changes.
Now come back to your jenkins GUI and goto manage jenkins section.
Click on "Reload Configuration from Disk", This will reload your changes from server.
You will now be able to find the changes saved.
Another way is to update the job config.xml from jenkins command line.
search for jenkins-cli.jar and you will find a route.


why gitlab ci-cd does not change the file?

I created a Gitlab Ci-CD to remove react and react-dom from devDependencies in package.json when i push my code to master.
but as you can see it says that pipline is passed and job is succeeded but when i look at my master branch react and react-dom are not removed from devDependencies and they are still there.
what should i do with that?
A GitLab CI job doesn't change any of your repository files. It pulls a copy of the repository so that it can run a script, test, etc. against it. If the specified job runs successfully without throwing any errors (exit code), then the job succeeds/passes. You can find a more detailed explanation in the GitLab CI/CD documentation.
If you want to make changes to the repository, you need to have the script run to make the changes, then commit the changes, and push those changes to the repository using the standard git commands.
Just remember that you'll have to authenticate using HTTPS or using SSH.
You'll also likely find this StackOverflow answer on pushing to a GitLab repository through a CI job helpful as well.

Successful deployment still leads to default page

I followed the contents of three different tutorials in deploying a slightly-modified boilerplate React app to Azure App Services. The primary issue I'm having is that while all deployment pipelines and releases have been successful on Azure DevOps, navigating to the page results in the default landing page for non-deployed app services;
Hey, Node developers!
Your app service is up and running.
Time to take the next step and deploy your code.
I'll briefly describe the steps I took to get to this point:
I used create-react-app to generate a basic template, ran all the prerequisite commands, fiddled with the app.js file and its CSS companion, and left index.* untouched.
I pushed all of it with an untouched gitignore to a Github repository.
I created an App Service, running Linux and Node 12 LTS, on the Free plan.
I created a DevOps project, and within it created a Pipeline and a Release Pipeline.
In the Pipeline: I retrieved my repository source via linked accounts in the Get Sources step. In Agent job 1, I added a npm install element, a npm run build element, and a Publish Artifact element. I set the path to build, and artifact name to artifact, publishing to Azure Pipelines.
In the Release Pipeline: I added an artifact that grabs its source from the previous pipeline, and gives a source alias of _artifact. CD trigger is enabled. I added a stage that has a Deploy Azure App Service element, using $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_artifact/artifact as the package/folder.
When I push a commit or manually trigger the first pipeline, everything succeeds with no obvious errors. The Release pipeline is triggered and also completes without error. Checking the logs, the artifact is stored and accessed accurately. I can see the correct build files being accessed.
In the Azure portal, I can see that deployment has succeeded with the correct timestamp, commit name, and pipelines. However, when I access the actual site, I am shown the generic page.
Am I missing a crucial step somewhere? I've tried navigating to /index.html, /src/index.html, and a bunch of other combinations of known files, but to no avail; Cannot GET /index.html.
Any insight would be appreciated.
For reference, I used these three walkthroughs:
This question is very simple, you can refer to the following post.
1. Deploy create-react-app with azure pipelines
2. Unable to deploy React JS application on Azure App service
3. Process for React App deployment to Azure Web?
It is recommended to choose linux when creating a webapp.
Configuration->StartupCommand: pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon --spa

I am not able to add plugin

In jenkins I am not able to add plugins,when I search for plugins I am getting a message as in the picture.
It looks like you have installed a plugin, but have yet to restart your Jenkins instance. If Jenkins is running as a service, simply stop and start the service command line, or check the checkbox in your screenshot above to restart Jenkins when no jobs are running and refresh the browser.
Should do the trick.

Jenkins projects lost SonarQube build step after reinstall the plugin

While trying to upgrade SonarQube plugin from 2.2.1 to 2.4, it failed and the plugin is gone. I had to uninstall 2.4 and reinstall 2.3. Now all the SonarQube Analysis Step disappeared from all projects. I can see it's still in the config.xml, but can't see from the web UI. I tried:
Reload configuration from disk
Manually change from plugin="sonar#2.2.1" to plugin="sonar#2.3" in the config.xml
Uninstall and reinstall 2.2.1, reload from disk
Manually add the step, compare the result conf.xml to the original, there is no different at all for this step.
Still can't see the step in the job. please help.
This is fixed by restarting Jenkins.

Google App Engine Source Not Updating PHP

I cannot get my server code to update. I'm running a PHP instance on GAE and no matter what I do, the files won't update. In the source code view, I can see the files have updated, but when I attempt to access the updated file, I'm still viewing the old version. I've also attempted disconnecting my Bitbucket repo and using the update project-name command, but the files aren't refreshing when I attempt to access them. I'm not sure what to do to force the changes to take place.
My app.yaml contains the following code
- url: /(.+\.php)$
script: \1
secure: always
So the files should be getting read, right?
I was able to figure out what went wrong. I downloaded my code using download_app -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> <output-dir> and noticed that I was downloading the old versions of the files (and wasn't downloading the new files). Turns out using source control within GAE will upload new code, but won't deploy it. I attempted to use update project-name one more time, but it didn't work. Turns out I didn't disconnect my Bitbucket account (could have sworn that I did...). Once disconnected, I was able to update the project using update project-name. While I was figuring this out, I reached out to Google support and received this message:
To use the feature of push to deploy you need to spin-up the Jenkins
Instance on GCE (Google Compute Engine) and then it will take the
updated code and execute it in the environment. Go through [1] for how
to enable the Jenkins instance and its configuration according to
different run time.
In your issue, you just mirrored the code from Bit Bucket to Cloud
Repository, as it is just doing the version control for the
application not executing the application. So basically you have have
the option of using Jenkins instance as I described above to test the
different version of the code or using the update command
from your local repository.
I haven't attempted to install and use Jenkins since I fixed it after disconnecting my Bitbucket account), but it may help others who have run into this problem.
