How to store images in SQL Server - sql-server

I do know that there is a answer here
But I want to know these:
I know how to save them programmatically, but I don't know what data type to save them? Could I still use image datatype when I have converted my images as image to 256KB? Or should I save them into filestream data type?
What kind of fragmentation is the document about? In my scenario, I have 2k+ employees and counting, so that means my application would get bigger over time, If I saved the images as image, and did not followed the rules as stated by the research paper, would my images lose their intact picture? (e.g a picture with blue background somehow changes its color maybe?)
Should I save it in the exact table of my employee details table? Or should I save it in a different table?
Sorry but I did not really understand the NTFS thing, is it the RAM of my computer? Or the RAM of my server? And I am using a file server as my database, should I still convert my images or should I go with using image data type without the conversion?

If you want to save files of any type in SQL Server then you should use the varbinary data type. You would use varbinary(max) unless you know that the files will be small. You can then convert your images to a Byte array and save that to the database.
You can enable the FILESTREAM option on your SQL Server instance these days and it will then store the data outside the main MDF file although that will be transparent to your code, so you keep using the same queries as you would otherwise.


Picture on phpmyadmin

I would like to put photos in my phpmyadmin database but I can't find the solution that allows me to do so. I made an image array with a varchar but I can't find the path that allows to put an image. I thank you in advance for helping a young beginner ❤️
The best solution is to store the image as a file on disk and put the path to the file in the database (as a varchar or some other text type), then your application references the file instead of loading the BLOB data directly from the database. There are performance reasons that are well documented elsewhere that explain the intricate details better than I can, but basically the database slows and the amount of disk space it takes up expands as you store the images in the database.
If you decide to defy that advice and store the image directly in the database, you shouldn't be using phpMyAdmin as your main interface. Don't get me wrong, it's fully capable of uploading the image, but presumably you'll have some custom application interface that you should be using instead that also does application-level logic. But that's not what you asked, so to do this in phpMyAdmin, there should be a "Browse" button near the field on the phpMyAdmin Insert page. This requires your column be some appropriate sort of binary such as BLOB.

Which datatype can be used for storing HTML files in database?

I want to store a webpage in Sql Server. The page may contain images and other stuff. What data type should I use? As mentioned here, ntext, text, and image data types will be removed in the future versions of SQL Server. What data type can be used to store HTML files which have different stuff like images and things like JavaScript codes?
Since you want to store both the HTML of the web page as well as the images, you might want to consider storing the images in the file system instead. Here is a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of both options:
Storing Images in DB - Yea or Nay?
If you decide to store them in the DB, the appropriate data types are:
nvarchar(MAX) for the HTML text and
varbinary(MAX) for the images.
I could store them in the DB, by
using nvarchar(MAX). it has stored the data as well as retrieved data with the image.
My objective was to copy and paste emails received. These emails can have HTML tags and can also have images. I tried it with nvarchar(max) and it worked.
I am using VB6 as a development tool. The only problem I found was I could not store it with stored procedures passing the values through addParameter.
I have stored it with traditional saving mechanism from VB6
With Recordset<br>
End With<br>
If anyone gets idea of storing using the stored procedure, let me know

sql data base with pictures

I'm working on a SQL server database and I need to have pictures
its for a catalog and most pictures are 1-4 mbs I don't thing embedding the pictures in SQL will be a good idea
what the best solution
till now I used to use access
I would really like to make a wpf form
but when I make a data source I don't understand exactly how linked images work
my main point is that I need it to run really quick and print out a catalog with inventory info each day for thousands of items
I'm looking for a form to manage it
I have tried an access form but access doesn't handle good the linked pictures
Just store the path to the image in the database.
Or, if using SQL 2008 or higher, there is also a new table called FileTable that stores data in the file system directly.
"I need it to run really quick" If speed is a must, Access might not be a good choice for this.. You should use a more professional RDBMS, IMHO.
If this is a hobby project I'd suggest using sqlserver express (I assume you have microsoft knowledge) and either storing a link to an image on the file system/web server or storing the object in the db. For small data volumes either way is likely to perform fairly well.
It is all very easy in MS Access 2010, just bind an image control to a table of paths. For example, my table is called Pictures, with the following entries.
I now just need an image control on a report bound to the table Pictures with a control source set to PicturePath, the images will be displayed.

Insert a image in imageview with url into sqlite DB without BLOB

I need to insert an image into a imageview with url into sqlite DB without using the BLOB, is possible??
Thanks in advance
Short answer: I am not aware of any way to save images in SQLite without using BLOBs, and BLOBs of images can be too large for the server to handle smoothly. But I won't claim to have thorough experience with SQLite, so there's a good chance I'm missing something.
Depending on what other resources are at your disposal, one solution would be to just store the url for the image in a TEXT type, but save the image in some other file system. Then when you want to display the image, query the database to get the address (plus whatever other relevant info), isolate it from the results, and query the file system for the image. Implementing this pattern will really depend on the environment your system will be working in; if it's an Android device, you can probably just refer to the filepath it started at, or save it to a dedicated folder; if it's a web interface, the images would most easily be saved as a sub-folder next to the web page(s) that use the images.

How to efficiently store and manage images in SQL Server 2005 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Storing images in SQL Server?
(8 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I want to insert my product's image into a database and then want to get those image on request. please suggest.
I disagree with Aaron. Storing images in the file system always leaves you with the potential problem of orphaned files and/or database entries. It is difficult to maintain "referential integrity". There may be certain scenarios where you don't want to go the blob route, because the images are particularly large, etc, but in most standard application scenarios I would store the image in the database.
The best way to store your images in a SQL Server 2005 database is to store the path of where the image actually exists.
See this for more information.
This is a very common SQL Server discussion. The general rule of thumb is if the files to be stored are larger than say 1MB then store them in the file system.
For a complete discussion of the issues involved consult the following Microsoft Research document.
On a side note SQL Server 2008 uses Filestream technology to cater for this scenario.
SQL Server Filestream
inserting is easily done into a field of BLOB type.
getting the image back will depend on what language you will be using. Do you use PHP?
SQL Server 2005 does have an Image datatype. Use it.
Regarding if it is good or bad, it depends on you requirements.
Best way is upgrade on SQL Server 2008 and use FileStream (content stored in the file system)
Skipping the whole "are images in the db bad" debate, you need to solve a few problems here.
1) Data Storage: you need to have someplace to put the images. In SQL 2005, you would be best off using a VARBINARY(MAX) column.
2) Upload: you will need to upload the image into your database. Check out the FileUpload command. In terms of actually INSERTING stuff, the .NET data type would be byte[]. Your ORM should handle this for you in any case. Also remember you should store the file size, file name and the mimetype provided, you'll need those soon enough.
3) Display: here's the one that trips most folks up. You need to make a way to request the image file for display. The best way is to implement a custom IHttpHandler. Then SELECT the image data, file name, mimetype and file length. Push the mimetype and filename in the header, set the content length to the file length and stream the binary data to the output stream.
Another option that works very easy
Convert your image to Base64 string
store it on a varchar field
To display it, just convert it from base64 to binary....
This works with any DB engine, in .net conversion from binary to base64 takes microseconds...
