Angular: ng-repeat displaying order in a table - angularjs

I have an specific requirement where the json data comes like this:
[{Id : "a", Name : "John", age : 50},
{Id : "b", Name : "Bob", age : 40}]
I want to show it in a table using ng-repeat, but in a way where headers come in the first column, as below:
Is there a way to achieve this using angularjs?

Provided you have a controller:
angular.module('MyApp', [])
.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
$ = [
{Id : "a", Name : "John", age : 50},
{Id : "b", Name : "Bob", age : 40}
Your markup would then be as follows. If the data isn't going to change after it is displayed:
<td ng-repeat="item in ::data">{{::item.Id}}</td>
<td ng-repeat="item in ::data">{{::item.Name}}</td>
<td ng-repeat="item in ::data">{{::item.age}}</td>
If the data is going to change after it is displayed, and you want the view to update accordingly, then:
<td ng-repeat="item in data track by $index">{{item.Id}}</td>
<td ng-repeat="item in data track by $index">{{item.Name}}</td>
<td ng-repeat="item in data track by $index">{{item.age}}</td>

You can convert your array in an object, then you can use nested ng-repeats in view, as below:
(function() {
"use strict";
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope) {
var array = [
// If you're sure that the properties are always these:
$scope.mainObj = {
"Id": [],
"Name": [],
"age": []
// If you're unsure what are the properties:
$scope.mainObj = {};
Object.keys(array[0]).forEach(function(value) {
$scope.mainObj[value] = [];
// Iterates over its properties and fills the arrays
Object.keys($scope.mainObj).forEach(function(key) { {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<tr ng-repeat="(key, values) in mainObj track by $index">
<td ng-bind="key"></td>
<td ng-repeat="value in values track by $index" ng-bind="value"></td>
I hope it helps!


How to use Nested ng-repeat to repeat table columns dynamically?

I want to make dynamic columns of a table and create a new object to save it in mongoDb.
I have first Array of Student as:
students = [{id: "1", name: "abc"},{id: "2", name: "def"},{id: "3", name: "hij"}]
and have second Array of Subjects as:
subjects = [{sName: "maths"},{sName: "science"}]
Here is the HTML
<div ng-app='t' ng-controller='test'>
<th ng-repeat="subject in subjects">{{subject.sName}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="row in finalData track by $index">
<th><input type="text" ng-model="row.rollNo"/></th>
<th><input type="text" ng-model="row.fullName"></th>
<th ng-repeat="subject in subjects"><input type="text" ng-model="row.marks"></th>
<button ng-click="action($index)">
Here is the Controller
var app = angular.module('t', []);
$scope.students = [{id: "1", name: "abc"},{id: "2", name: "def"},{id: "3", name: "hij"}]
$scope.subjects = [{sName: "maths"},{sName: "science"}]
$scope.finalData = new Array();
icon : false
if(index == $scope.finalData.length-1){
$scope.finalData[index].icon = true;
icon : false
$scope.finalData.splice(index, 1);
The Output Looks like this.
The marks columns are repeating similar values. But i want one single finalObject to save my data.
Here is the jsFiddle of my problem
The row subjects refer to the same NgModel row.marks which makes them have the same value.
You can solve it by making the ng-model refer to each of the subjects ng-model="row.marks[subject.sName]". This will result in that row.marks will become an object where each subject will be a key and the model will be in its value
var app = angular.module('t', []);
$scope.students = [{id: "1", name: "abc"},{id: "2", name: "def"},{id: "3", name: "hij"}]
$scope.subjects = [{sName: "maths"},{sName: "science"}]
$scope.finalData = new Array();
icon : false
if(index == $scope.finalData.length-1){
$scope.finalData[index].icon = true;
icon : false
$scope.finalData.splice(index, 1);
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app='t' ng-controller='test'>
<th ng-repeat="subject in subjects">{{subject.sName}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="row in finalData track by $index">
<th><input type="text" ng-model="row.rollNo"/></th>
<th><input type="text" ng-model="row.fullName"></th>
<th ng-repeat="subject in subjects"><input type="text" ng-model="row.marks[subject.sName]"></th>
<button ng-click="action($index)">

How to update the number of columns in an angular table

I want to change the number of columns on modifying a boolean variable.
Check my example (in plnkr):
angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo', ['ngAnimate', 'ngSanitize', 'ui.bootstrap']);
angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo').controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $log) {
$scope.debug = {};
$scope.fields = [{
header: "first",
hideField: !$scope.debug.flag
header: "second"
header: "third"
header: "fourth"
$scope.entries = [{
first: "hello1",
second: "hello2",
third: "hello3",
fourth: "hello4"
}, ]
$scope.myBool = true;
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="ui.bootstrap.demo">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
<button id="testButton" class='btn btn-danger' ng-click='debug.flag = !debug.flag'><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right"></i> refreshFields! debug.flag = {{!!debug.flag}}</button>
<h2 class="label label-info">table 1 with property.hideField = true</h2>
<table class="table table-hover">
<!-- Headers of list-->
<th ng-repeat="property in fields" ng-if="!property.hideField">{{property.header}}
<tr ng-repeat="entry in entries">
<td ng-repeat="property in fields" ng-if="!property.hideField">
{{entry[property.header]}} {{!!debug.flag}}
<h4 class="label label-info">table 2 with ng-if => property.hideField = false</h4>
<table class="table table-hover">
<!-- Headers of list-->
<th ng-repeat="property in fields" ng-if="property.hideField">{{property.header}}
<tr ng-repeat="entry in entries">
<td ng-repeat="property in fields" ng-if="property.hideField">
{{entry[property.header]}} {{!!debug.flag}}
<h2 class="label label-info">table 3 without ng-if</h2>
<table class="table table-hover">
<!-- Headers of list-->
<th ng-repeat="property in fields">{{property.header}}
<tr ng-repeat="entry in entries">
<td ng-repeat="property in fields">
{{entry[property.header]}} {{!!debug.flag}}
How to reproduce it:
Click on the red button and the flag will toggle from false to true.
Expected behavior:
Table 1 starts with 3 columns. It should show four after clicking.
Table 2 starts with 1 column. It should show 0 columns after clicking.
Table 3 is just a control table with all the data.
Your heading would become visible if you modified the value of its hideField property. But you're not doing that. You're modifying the value of $scope.debug.flag.
The fact that hideField was initialized with the value of $scope.debug.flag won't magically change hideField every time you change $scope.debug.flag.
Just like if you do
var a = 1;
var b = a;
a = 42;
The value of b will still be 1. Not 42.
Changing the value of $scope.debug.flag won't change the value of hideField. Because, it has already been initialized at the time of controller load. The workaround you can apply here is bind that hideField to a method and evaluate that in your ng-if. Sample below.
$scope.fields = [{
header: "first",
hideField: function() {
return !$scope.debug.flag;
}, {
header: "second"
}, {
header: "third"
}, {
header: "fourth"
}, ];
<h2 class="label label-info">table 1 with property.hideField = true</h2>
<table class="table table-hover">
<!-- Headers of list-->
<th ng-repeat="property in fields" ng-if="!property.hideField()">{{property.header}}
<tr ng-repeat="entry in entries">
<td ng-repeat="property in fields" ng-if="!property.hideField()">
{{entry[property.header]}} {{!!debug.flag}}
This is not a clean solution though. But, still will solve your problem.

Angular js ng-repeat dynamic headers , avoid a column

On click of a button I get the following Response from Node JS .
"_id": "590998cca8ac14d0c075282c",
"CompID": "0001388D",
"CompName": "ONE"
"_id": "590998cca8ac14d0c075282qc",
"CompID": "0001388D2",
"CompName": "TWO"
"_id": "590998cca8ac14d0c07528qq2c",
"CompID": "0001388D23",
"CompName": "Three"
I am printing this information using Angular JS table ng - repeat
This is my code
My question is , is it possible to skip _id field while printing ??
This is my code
<div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="FirstCtrl">
<table border="1">
<th ng-repeat="(key, val) in collectioninfo[0]">{{ key }}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="row in collectioninfo">
<td ng-repeat="column in row">
{{ column }}
you can try with ng-if to avoid showing some elments in ng-repeat.
var myapp = angular.module('myapp', []);
myapp.controller('FirstCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.collectioninfo = [{
"_id": "590998cca8ac14d0c075282c",
"CompID": "0001388D",
"CompName": "ONE"
"_id": "590998cca8ac14d0c075282qc",
"CompID": "0001388D2",
"CompName": "TWO"
"_id": "590998cca8ac14d0c07528qq2c",
"CompID": "0001388D23",
"CompName": "Three"
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="FirstCtrl">
<table border="1">
<th ng-repeat="(key, val) in collectioninfo[0]" ng-if="key !== '_id'">{{ key }}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="row in collectioninfo">
<td ng-repeat="(key2, val2) in row" ng-if="key2 !== '_id'">
{{ val2 }}
Check the jsfiddle here
<table border="1">
<th ng-repeat="(key, val) in collectioninfo[0]" ng-show="key != '_id'">{{ key }}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="row in collectioninfo">
<td ng-repeat="column in row" ng-hide="column === row._id">
{{ column }}
I have added a check for the key '_id'.
after you get the response in your angular controller do this :
$scope.datas = [];
//lines of code
.then(function success(response) {
for(var i=0;i<$scope.collectionInfo.length;i++){
//lines of code
And on the html page do this :
<div id="DisplayCollection">
<table ng-repeat="x in collectionInfo">
<tr ng-repeat="y in x track by $index">
Given that you have sent the data in form of an array: collectionInfo

AngularJS Table Custom Search Filter Per Column

I am looking for help in creating a custom filter that will work on any table that has a search property.
So far, I can get the table to filter based on what is input into each column search bar, but I can't figure out how to implement a 'startsWith' for each column as well so that it will only find 'Florida' if you type 'Flor' or 'Fl', etc. instead of finding it when typing 'lor' or 'ida'.
I have been able to get just one column working with a custom filter, but lost on how to implement this for multiple columns.
Here is the plunkr example:
var app = angular.module("stateManagement", []);
app.controller("myCtrl", ["$scope", myCtrl]);
function myCtrl($scope) {
$scope.names = [{
Name: "Florida",
Country: "USA"
}, {
Name: "Texas",
Country: "USA"
$scope.state = '';
$scope.elements = [{
state: "Florida"
}, {
state: "Texas"
app.filter('myfilter', function() {
function strStartsWith(str, prefix) {
return (str.toLowerCase() + "").indexOf(prefix.toLowerCase()) === 0;
return function(items, state) {
var filtered = [];
angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
if (strStartsWith(item.state, state)) {
return filtered;
<body ng-app='stateManagement' ng-controller='myCtrl'>
<div class="col-md-12">
<table class="table table-responsive">
<th><input class="form-control"
<th><input class="form-control"
<tr ng-repeat="x in names | filter:search">
<td>{{ x.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ x.Country }}</td>
<div class="col-md-12">
<input ng-model="state">
<table id="hotels">
<tr data-ng-repeat="element in elements | myfilter:state">
Thank you in advance for helping!

Add data into rows on click

I want that when I insert some data into a textbox and click a button, the data should be inserted in a particular table column, and when i keep on adding the data the rows should keep on increasing with the entered data. Code:
var parking = angular.module("parking", []);
parking.controller("parkingCtrl", function($scope){
$scope.bindcarName = function(){
var ee=$;
the html:
<body ng-controller="parkingCtrl">
<h3 ng-model="appTitle"></h3>
<td>Car name</td>
<td>Car model</td>
<td ><input type="text" ng-model="carname"/><input type="button" ng-click="bindcarName()"/></td>
2 problems are coming:
1) All pushed data into array is inserted in the same column
2) Data is inserted in the form of array, like ["sd","sdasd"]
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.carnamebind= [
"Alfreds Futterkiste",
"Berglunds snabbköp",
"Centro comercial Moctezuma",
"Ernst Handel",
$scope.bindcarName = function(ee){
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body ng-app="myApp">
<table ng-controller="myCtrl" border="1">
<td>Car name</td>
<td>Car model</td>
<tr ng-repeat="x in carnamebind">
<td ><input type="text" ng-model="carname"/></td>
<td><input type="submit" ng-click="bindcarName(carname)"/></td>
