Check if file exists in 2 directories, delete files that aren't in both directories - batch-file

So, I'm programming a game, but the compiler I use is written as a Windows batch file. I'm using Windows 10 as my operating system.
In my game files, I have one folder with images, and another folder with upscaled versions of those images that have the same file name and extension.
What I want to do is have the batch file go through all the images in the directory with the upscaled images, and check if a file with the same name and extension exists in the directory with the original images. If it doesn't exist in the original directory, it will delete it from the upscaled directory.

I got it working using an answer over here:
Batch Extract path and filename from a variable
All I had to do was extract the file name and extension, and then run all the files in one folder through the loop, checking if the file exists in the other folder.
Here is my code:
for %%i in (%folder1%\*.png) DO (
if not exist "%folder2%\%%~nxi" ECHO %%~nxi
If you actually want to delete the files, change ECHO to del /q, be warned you will lose files, so make sure you have backups.


How to rename PDFtk-server files with timestamp?

I am using PDFtk-server to merge 2 PDF files. This creates a new PDF with name Test_.
Now, what I am looking for is a batch files that renames the Test_ files to Test_datestamp and then move them into another folder and delete the files.
It is working if only one file is present.
pdftk C:\test\*.pdf C:\test\file-to-add\file.pdf cat output C:\test\output\Test_.pdf
ren "C:\test\output\*pdf" "Test_ - %date:/=.% %time::=-%.pdf"
del C:\test\*.pdf
Then comes to copy part to other folders.
If having multiple files, the first one gets renamed but other not, because it is trying to set the same timestamp, so I need some kind of delay between renaming.

Bulk extension changer

I would like to make .bat file which will be changing all files on all discs with extension .xxx to extension .yyy. It's just an example because I will want to add more file extensions like: change all .aaa, .bbb, .ccc, etc. files to extension .ggg.
You can download this script from Microsoft's Script Center. It can change file extensions in bulk:
This batch script can be used to change file extensions in bulk. File extensions are renamed for all matching files in the current folder and in all subdirectories.It supports the following.1. Change extension for all the files in the current folder and all sub folders.
You can also use cmd or file renaming utilities.
You can do it using rename command, the general form is:
RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
For example;
REN *.xxx *.yyy
And also there are some file renaming utilities that you can use for the same:
Bulk Rename Utility,
Bulk Extension Changer
For more detail please refer to this link.

How to create a batch file that will zip few different files in one .zip file

I want to create a batch/shell script for windows and mac that will take few different files with different types and will compress it to a .zip file.
I already saw a few questions and answers about it, but all of them either compress all the files in the folder or compress them individually.
Example (look at attached image):
I have a folder that contains 1.txt, 2.xml, a sub directory.
And I want to turn all of them into a .zip file.
If possible to get a solution both for windows and Mac.
On Windows there is the file 7zip.chm in directory %ProgramFiles%\7-Zip which is the help file of 7-Zip. Double click on this file to open the help.
On Contents tab there is the list item Command Line Version with the help pages:
Syntax ... Command Line Syntax
Commands ... Command Line Commands
Switches ... Command Line Switches
The target is to compress everything in folder test into a ZIP file with name of the folder as file name.
This could be done for example with the command line:
"%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -bd -mx=9 -r -y -- "C:\Path to Directory\test\*"
This command line adds (a) everything in directory C:\Path to Directory\test recursive (-r) to a ZIP file with name in current working directory without progress indicator (-bd) using best ZIP compression (-mx=9) with assuming Yes on all queries (-y).
In other words the file in current directory contains after execution the subdirectory main with everything inside and the files 1.txt and 2.xml.

Batch - Extract many zip, rename files extracted in a same directory

Hi, I have many zip files located at g:\toto. These zips contain some files. I would like to extract all zip in a same directory (g:\toto\extracted) then rename various files of the zip.
Example 1 : : 3 files : alpha.doc, beta.xls, teta.doc
I would like after extraction, files are renamed with the name of the zip
www_12567.vp.alpha.doc, www_12567.vp.beta.xls, www_12567.vp.teta.doc
Example 2 : : 3 files : al.doc, bea.xls, tta.doc, www_12.vp.bea.xls, www_12.vp.tta.doc
I found this question, but it talks about .txt and the zip contain one file, so, it doesn't work.
Without knowing the contents of the archive you can't know which files to rename, because you are putting them into a directory that may already contain other files.
This, however, would be much easier if there was a dedicated directory to put the files temporarily. Here's how you could use it:
SET "srcdir=G:\toto"
SET "tgtdir=G:\toto\extracted"
SET "tmpdir=G:\toto\extracted-tmp"
FOR %%Z IN ("%srcdir%\*.zip") DO (
unpack "%%Z" with your favourite tool into "%tmpdir%"
FOR %%I IN ("%tmpdir%\*") DO MOVE "%%I" "%tgtdir%\%%~nZ.%%~nxI"
Of course, the temporary directory would need to be empty before running the batch file. You could add DEL "%tmpdir%\*" somewhere before the loop to make sure it is.
One other note is, the above assumes that the archives do not contain subdirectories or, at least, that the files are extracted without subdirectories.
If you are using the 7-Zip archiver to work with .zip files, then this is how your extract command might look:
7z e "%%Z" -o"%tmpdir%"
Disclaimer: I'm not an active user of 7-Zip. This is what I used as a reference to come up with the above command:
7-Zip Command-Line Examples

Command Prompt and batch files

I'm trying to copy a number of files from a directory. I want to include the file path from the base of this particular directory tree, however, I only have a list of the file names to go by. Is there a way to copy either:
a list of files with their directories appended to the beginning in a .txt file
a copy of the folders in the directory with copies of the files placed in their original places in the original directory.
Each file in the directory has a unique name.
I've looked all over google, but the closest I've found is xcopy, which I don't believe is capable of this.
For the second option you can use xcopy /s or robocopy /s. Both are great tools for this kind of job.
