Change PATH for LIBS - c

I have recently been trying to compile dropbear for 64bit arch android devices. I got the program to compile and run, but when I log in to the server it kicks me off with an error.
I configured & compiled like so:
cp ../config.guess ../config.sub .
./configure --build=x86_64-windows --host=arm-linux-androideabi \
--disable-zlib --disable-largefile --disable-loginfunc \
--disable-shadow --disable-utmp --disable-utmpx --disable-wtmp \
--disable-wtmpx --disable-pututline --disable-pututxline --disable-lastlog \
CFLAGS='-Os -W -Wall -fPIE' LDFLAGS='-fPIE -pie'
make dropbear
The error:
CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: "/system/lib/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit
page record for 0x7f800b8010 was not found (block_size=32)
I believe the error is caused by dropbear linking sh and other executables to the library in wrong location.
The device has two locations for libc++
#1 /system/lib/
#2 /system/lib64/
How can I tell/force the compiled binary to use the lib(s) in
If giving an example please show me exactly what needs to be added, so I can apply the information correctly. I'm almost sure the fix is simple but I'm not a programmer. I do this stuff when I'm desperate.

Turns out there was a hard link in srv-chansession.c that needed to be modified
addnewvar("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/system/lib");
addnewvar("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/system/lib64");
It may actually be better to comment out that line and let androids linkers take care of it.
Now I have working a working dropbear ssh server on my 64 bit android device.


GDB cannot step into function, OZone can

I have a setup like this:
GDB from "GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain" 10.3-2021.10
GDB server from "Segger JLink" 7.54d
JLink Ultra+ connected to my PC and my embedded device
Arm Compiler 6.15
I'm having problems stepping into a certain function from a C module (let's call it "F1"). When trying, I get the error message
Single stepping until exit from function "F1", which has no line number information.
If I use Segger Ozone, with the same .elf file, stepping into "F1" works fine.
I've tried to narrow down the problem and have the following observations:
A single line of code from the C module holding "F1" makes the difference. If I remove this line, it works. This line is a simple incrementation (++) of a static uint32_t variable and it is in a separate function (i.e. not "F1").
If I don't link with "--inline" option, it stops working - even with the "fix" in (1)
All source files (a mix of C and C++ files) are compiled with -g option.
I may try to reproduce it in a much smaller context which I could share here but until then, I'm hoping for some hints.
Anything is appreciated.
[Update 2021-11-10] Tried with older/newer versions of "GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain" as well as "Segger JLink". Same problem.
[Update 2021-11-10] Compiler/linker command used:
armclang -g --target=arm-arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-m33 -mfloat-abi=soft -MMD -Werror -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I<my_include_paths>
armlink --inline --info=sizes --info=veneers --info=unused --info=totals --map --symbols --scatter=<my_scatter_file> --list=list.txt

How to implement Erlang Driver As Default efficient Implementation

Erlang Run-Time System (ERTS) have a few drivers written in C language that used to interact with the OS or to access low-level resources, In my knowledge the ERTS compile these drivers at boot time to get ready for loading from Erlang code, the driver inet_drv.c is one of these drivers and it's used to handle networking tasks like creating sockets and listening or accepting new incoming connections.
I wanted to test this driver manually to get a general view of the default behaviour of the ERTS and to know how to implement drivers efficiently in the future, I tracked the Erlang Manual Reference to implement drivers that said: first write and compile the driver by an OS C Language Compiler, second load the driver from erlang code using erl_ddll module, finally link to the driver by a spawned Erlang process, so this is very simple and easy.
So I tried these steps with the driver inet_drv.c, I searched for it and tried to compile it with Clang Compiler which is the Default C Compiler of FreeBSD System :
cc inet_drv.c
after that there was an error saying that the file erl_driver.h is not defined, this header file is used in the driver's code as an included file (#include<erl_driver.h>) so I searched for it and add it's directory path to the cc command using the -I option to get the compiler search for the included file in this directory and I recompile it :
cc inet_drv.c -I/usr/ports....
after that, there was be another undefined file so I did the same thing for 5 or 6 times and finally, I add all needed paths for included files and the result is this command :
cc inet_drv.c
I was surprised by the result:13 errors and 7 warnings, the shell output and errors and warnings description are in the links below.
My question is : why these errors occurs ? What is the wrong in what I did ?
Since this driver works perfectly in response to the ERTS networking tasks, then it's compiled by the ERTS without errors and the ERTS should use an OS C Language Compiler which is Clang by default and should add included headers files as I did, so why this did not work when I tried to do ?
First things first:
In my knowledge the ERTS compile these drivers at boot time
No, ERTS doesn't compile the drivers. inet_drv.c is compiled as part of Erlang/OTP and linked into the beam.smp binary.
inet_drv is not a typical driver. Quoting the How to Implement a Driver section of the documentation:
A driver can be dynamically loaded, as a shared library (known as a DLL on Windows), or statically loaded, linked with the emulator when it is compiled and linked. Only dynamically loaded drivers are described here, statically linked drivers are beyond the scope of this section.
inet_drv is a statically loaded driver, and as such doesn't need to be loaded with erl_ddll.
On to the compilation errors. All the compiler parameters are automatically added for you when you run make, so if you need to call the compiler manually, better just check the command line that make generated and start from that. Let's look at the build log for the Debian Erlang package. Searching for inet_drv we get this command line (line breaks added):
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -Werror=undef -Werror=implicit -Werror=return-type -fno-common \
-g -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -I/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/erts/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -D_GNU_SOURCE \
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wmissing-prototypes \
-Ix86_64-pc-linux-gnu/opt/jit -Ibeam -Isys/unix -Isys/common -Ix86_64-pc-linux-gnu \
-Ipcre -I../include -I../include/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -I../include/internal \
-I../include/internal/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -Ibeam/jit -Ibeam/jit/x86 -Idrivers/common \
-Idrivers/unix -c \
drivers/common/inet_drv.c -o obj/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/opt/jit/inet_drv.o
Some of it will be different since you're building on FreeBSD, but the principle stands - most of the time you'll want to just run make instead of invoking the compiler directly, but if you need to invoke the compiler, it will be much easier to start with the command line that make generated for you.

Compile old code with gcc on Kali 2.0 64bit

I want to compile this old exploit to complete my exercise:
After gcc repoted that <asm/page.h> was missing.
I searched around the net and found out that a number of headers in asm have been moved to:
To make sure that the source file had everything it needed to compile, I made a link for each and every file in the above directory to:
I ran gcc, this time, it didn't report missing <asm/page.h> but <linux/compiler.h>
After digging around, I found this:
|---#include <asm-generic/getorder.h>
|--#include <linux/compiler.h> ==> missing
A simple locate linux/compiler.h showed me that compiler.h was in here
Surely, I could make another link from that <linux/compiler.h> to /usr/include/linux.
But I don't really know how many of them are left and how many more links I have to make.
Is there any way to tell the compiler that it must fetch the header from the new include directory?
Or Am I missing something here?
I'm still new to linux, so any help is appreciated.
Note: I'm using Kali 2.0 64 bit and have installed/reinstalled build-essential
I tried -I option:
gcc source.c -m32 -I /usr/src/linux-headers-4.0.0-kali1-common/include/
This time, gcc said that I need something from

Problems with linking a library with a c program in linux

I want to run serial commands from a Bealgebone to a 4Dsystems display. Therefore I copied the c library found here into a directory and created a test program main.c:
#include "Picaso_const4D.h"
#include "Picaso_Serial_4DLibrary.h"
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
OpenComm("/dev/ttyUSB0", B115200); // Matches with the display "Comms" rate
while (1) {}
Now when I do gcc -o main main.c its says
main.c:2:37: fatal error: Picaso_Serial_4DLibrary.h: No such file or
So I try linking it:
which gives me the same error. Then I tried to create a static library:
which gives me this:
PICASO_SERIAL_4DLIBRARY.C:1:21: fatal error: windows.h: No such file
or directory compilation terminated.
What am I doing wrong? the git page clearly says this library is created for people who do not run windows.
Thanks in advance!
You're not getting a linker error; you're getting a preprocessor error. Specifically, your preprocessor can't find Picaso_Serial_4DLibrary.h. Make sure that it's in your include path; you can add directories to your include path using the -I argument to gcc.
You've had two problems. First was the picaso_whatever.h file that couldn't be found. You fixed that with the -I you added. But, now, the picaso.h wants windows.h
What are you building on? WinX or BSD/Linux?
If you're compiling on WinX, you need to install the "platform sdk" for visual studio.
If you're using mingw or cygwin, you need to do something else.
If on WinX, cd to the C: directory. Do find . -type f -name windows.h and add a -I for the containing directory.
If under Linux, repeat the find at the source tree top level. Otherwise, there is probably some compatibility cross-build library that you need to install.
Or, you'll have to find WinX that has it as Picaso clearly includes it. You could try commenting out one or more of the #include's for it and see if things are better or worse.
If you can't find a real one, create an empty windows.h and add -I to it and see how bad [or good] things are.
You may need the mingw cross-compiler. See
Okay ... Wow ... You are on the right track and close, but this is, IMO, ugly WinX stuff.
The primary need of Picaso is getting a serial comm port connection, so the need from within windows.h is [thankfully] minimal. It needs basic boilerplate definitions for WORD, DWORD, etc.
mingw or cygwin will provide their own copies of windows.h. These are "clean room" reimplementations, so no copyright issues.
mingw is a collection of compile/build tools that let you use gcc/ld/make build utilities.
cygwin is more like: I'd like a complete shell-like environment similar to BSD/Linux. You get bash, ls, gcc, tar, and just about any GNU utility you want.
Caveat: I use cygwin, but have never used mingw. The mingw version of windows.h [and a suite of .h files that it includes underneath], being open source, can be reused by other projects (e.g. cygwin, wine).
Under Linux, wine (windows emulator) is a program/suite that attempts to allow you to run WinX binaries under Linux (e.g. wine mywinpgm).
I git cloned the Picaso library and after some fiddling, I was able to get it to compile after pointing it to wine's version of windows.h
Picaso's OpenComm is doing CreateFile [a win32 API call]. So, you'll probably need cygwin. You're opening /dev/ttyUSB0. /dev/* implies cygwin. But, /dev/ttyUSB0 is a Linux-like name. You may need some WinX-style name like "COM:" or whatever. Under the cygwin terminal [which gives you a bash prompt], do ls /dev and see what's available.
You can get cygwin from: If you have a 64 bit system, be sure to use the 64 bit version of the installer: setup-x86_64.exe It's semi-graphical and will want two directories, one for the "root" FS and one to store packages. On my system, I use C:\cygwin64 and C:\cygwin64_packages--YMMV.
Note that the installer won't install gcc by default. You can [graphically] select which packages to install. You may also need some "devel" packages. They have libraries and .h files that a non-developer wouldn't need. As, docs mention, you can rerun the installer as often as you need. You can add packages that you forgot to specify or even remove ones that you installed that you don't need anymore.
Remember that you'll need to adjust makefile -I and/or -L option appropriately. Also, when building the picaso library, gcc generated a ton of warnings about overflow of a "large integer". The code was doing:
#define control_code -279
unsigned char buf[2];
buf[0] = control_code >> 8;
buf[1] = control_code;
The code is okay, and the warning is correct [because the code is sloppy]. If the code had done:
#define control_code -279
unsigned char buf[2];
buf[0] = (unsigned) control_code >> 8;
buf[1] = (unsigned) control_code;
it probably would have been silent. Use -Wno-overflow in your Makefile to get rid of the warnings rather that edit 50 or so lines

Why am I getting the message "Single-stepping until exit . . . which has no line number information" in GDB?

I've compiled my C program using gcc 4.4.1 using the flag -g, but when I try to step through one of my functions in gdb version 7.0, I get the message:
"Single stepping until exit from function _DictionaryTree_getNodeList,
which has no line number information."
Can someone tell me why this is happening?
Just guessing, but is _DictionaryTree_getNodeList in another file that wasn't compiled with -g?
I had the same problem but in my case adding -g to the compiler wasn't enough so I used -ggdb as suggested by Manav.
In my case, the problem was version skew between gcc and gdb.
After landing here from search and none of these answers fit my situation, I figured out that (because of aliases / symlinks / Makefile / environment variables) I was accidentally using a newer GCC (4.8.x) and an older GDB (7.2). Stepping up to a newer version of GDB (7.8) fixed the problem. For some reason, using a newer GCC and older GDB didn't work.
I had this error message too but the source of my problem was different. If anyone is still having any problems, make sure you have #include <stdio.h> in your file, with the the appropriate brackets around stdio.h (the text message would not show up if I had it around stdio.h).
I had the same issue, when I compiled a file using -g option and without -g option.
For one of the file, the gdb showed line number without any issues(even when it was compiled without -g option)..
And for the other file, I had to explicitly mention -g flag...
Any ideas as to whether the source file could be loaded at run time in
GDB with cross referencing would be good solution... by mapping the
lines to the addresses :D.
I had this issue because I was debugging a shared library without pointing LD_LIBRARY_PATH to correct location with debug endstates.
you can use
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<location of the debug build of the .so file>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Hopefully this is helpful to someone
I had the same trouble despite I was already compiling with -g2. Changing it to -g3 did the trick.
Im using GBD 12 , im not able to use any of these flags and options , also im debugging .exe file , so yes I used makefile
