How to use ng-messages within repeated md-input-container - angularjs

With Angular 1.5.5 and Angular-Material 1.0.9 I have created a HTML form like this with a repeated input element. I want to use ngMessages for the error messages. The problem I have is that when I enter for example -1, the correct error message is shown in a tooltip, but not below the input element. The issue seems to be that the ng-messages attribute does not support interpolation like the input's name attribute. I could put a variable into the $scope which contains the correct name, but I am not happy with that option because then the input's name is defined in the HTML template and the JavaScript controller. Is there a way to do this more cleanly?
<form name="form">
<md-input-container ng-repeat="product in purchase.products">
<input type="number" min="0" max="9999" ng-model="product.quantity"
<div ng-messages="form.product[$index].quantity.$error" md-auto-hide="false">
<div ng-message="min">Please enter 0 or more</div>
<div ng-message="max">Please enter 9999 or less</div>
To be extra clear: In the rendered DOM, there is <input name="product[0].quantity" while ng-messages does not change and $index is not evaluated. I guess I would need an expression that evaluates to "product[0].quantity".

Change your name property to:
<input type="number" min="0" max="9999" required ng-model="product.quantity" name="product_{{$index}}">
And your ngMessages to:
<div ng-messages="form['product_' + $index].$error">
Now it should work.


AngularJS - object property binds fine to one element and doesnt want to bind to another

not sure why but the property binds just fine to textarea and doesnt want to bind to a text box...
Here is HTML:
<form method="post" ng-submit="vm.executeAction('CompleteWorkOrder')">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="resolutionNote">#("Resolution Note".T())</label>
<textarea name="resolution" class="form-control" rows="4" placeholder="Provide resolution..." ng-bind="vm.woComplete.Resolution" required></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="completionDate">#("Completion Date".T())</label>
<input type="text" name="completionDate" class="form-control" ng-bind="vm.woComplete.Resolution" required>
<label>#("MRT".T()) {{}}</label>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right">Submit</button>
and the result
Does anyone know why this is happening? Thanks.
The ngBind attribute tells Angular to replace the text content of the specified HTML element with the value of a given expression, and to update the text content when the value of that expression changes.
In your screenshot you can see that the text you entered in the text area DOES appear between the <input> and </input> tags. But, while that's fine for a textarea, that's not how an input works. An input stores it's data in the value attribute. You would want to use ng-model to get what you want.

Validate textarea with Angular ng-messages when using Tinymce (ui-tinymce)

How to validate using ng-messages like ng-maxlength when the <textarea> has a ui-tinymce attribute?
Or is there a better way?
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<p class="small">Please provide as much detailed information as possible.</p>
<textarea name="description" class="form-control required" ui-tinymce="tinymceOptions" ng-model="aC.testData.description"
ng-maxlength="100" required></textarea>
<div class="help-block" ng-messages="mainForm.description.$error" ng-show="mainForm.description.$touched">
<p ng-message="required">A description is required.</p>
<p ng-message="maxlength">Description must not exceed 100 characters.</p>
The issue you are seeing is that the standard directives just count characters so a simple (empty) HTML sample:
Would indeed show as 7 characters when in reality there is no "visible" content. I built a custom directive for another editor and what I ended up doing is using jQuery's .text() function against the HTML. This removes all of the HTML tags and provides an approximation for the number of actual text characters in the editor. This is a portion of the code in the diective:
var jStrippedString = jQuery(modelValue).text().trim();
return (maxlength < 0) || ngModelCtrl.$isEmpty(jStrippedString) || (jStrippedString.length <= maxlength);
I believe that you would want to create a custom Attribute directive that allows you to grab the model data for the editor and perform this validation yourself.
Adding forced_root_block: "" to the tinymce options should also work. By default it will not add <p></p> from the start.

ng-minlength and ng-pattern preventing binding

I have defined an input feild as
<form name="signUpForm">
<input type="text" name="username" ng-minlength="8" ng-maxlength="64" ng-model="user.username" ng-pattern="/((?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[##$%^]))/">
And defined user in controller as
Now when I bind user.username value in HTML, its preventing it.
<p ng-if="user.username.length > 0">Display True</p>
Even if I simply bind its value in HTML as
Its not being displayed.
Now if I remove ng-pattern from input field as :-
<input type="text" ng-minlength="8" ng-maxlength="64" ng-model="user.username">
then only its binding and that too after satisfying ng-minlength="8" condition. Means '12345678' is displayed and '1234567' not.
One more issue is there i.e. if I use ng-pattern then ng-minlength validation is not working.
<p ng-if="signUpForm.username.$error.minlength">Please enter minimum length</p>
You can try setting the form.$setViewValue.length instead of the model's length
for example:
<p ng-if="signUpForm.username.$setViewValue.length > 0">Display True</p>
here's a solution i found:
How do I prevent AngularJS from unbinding a form input's value from its model when it's invalid?

How to make field required with k-ng-model?

I have validation issue if i use k-ng-model on field that field is not required with Angularjs validation , User can submit the form so below code field is required even i dont select the value user can still submit the form.. Any idea how to solve it ?
<div class="row">
<div class="form-group col-md-12">
<label for="themesList" class="required col-md-4">Themes:</label>
<div class="col-md-8">
<select class="multiselect" kendo-multi-select="themes"
k-options="challengThemesOptions" data-text-field="'text'"
data-value-field="'id'" name="themesList"
k-ng-model="challengesDTO.themesKyList" required
<p class="text-danger" ng-show="addChallengeForm.themesList.$touched && ddChallengeForm.themesList.$error.required">Theme(s) is required</p>
You can use ng-model with k-ng-model, Try assigning ng-model to a seperate variable and use ng-required.
<select class="multiselect" kendo-multi-select="themes"
k-options="challengThemesOptions" data-text-field="'text'"
data-value-field="'id'" name="themesList"
k-ng-model="challengesDTO.themesKyList" ng-model="challengesDTO.themesKyListValue" ng-required
This solution worked for me: kendo ui, angular require validation for numeric text box
Just create a hidden input for the each kendo widget and bind the model from your k-ng-model also to the ng-model of the hidden field. The k-ng-model seems to be no NgModelController, which is why the validators cannot hook into the models $validators and do their work.
<input kendo-date-time-picker k-ng-model="$ctrl.event.endDate"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="endDate" ng-model="$ctrl.event.endDate" required></input>

angular 1.3.6 ng-messages are present regardless of value

I'm trying to incorporate some of the new features of 1.3 into our app. I have a form and couldn't seem to get ng-messages to work. So I put it in a plunker and I still seem to be doing something wrong. My view looks like this:
<form name="profileForm"
<input type="text" name="favoriteNumber"
required ng-minlength="5" />
<div class="errors" ng-messages="profileForm.favoriteNumber.$error">
<div ng-message="required">this is required</div>
<div ng-message="minlength">this is too short</div>
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
I expected to see only one ng-message tag at a time, but both are present when the page loads.
At least I expect the message to go away as their validation criteria are met, but no matter what I type in the input, both messages are always present. It is as if I didn't include the ng-messages script at all.
What am I doing wrong here?
var app = angular.module("demo", ['ngMessages']);
include ngMessages module in you application module as a dependency.
