How to use angular -translate when the page reloads - angularjs

I am using angular-translate in my angular application.
I have set default language to German using
I am also using $translate.use(langKey) which sets the languages at runtime.
But when i sets the language to english at runtime and then after that when i reload the page it sets the language again to German. what i want is that
After a refresh the page should be loaded in the language that it was set to before.
Is there something in angular which i can use or I have to write my own logic to implement the above.

There are already some implementations for storing the chosen language built into angular-translate (via add-on modules). Have a look at which provides built-in solutions for cookies and localstorage. Dealing with this manually is not that trivial as it looks at first sight.
With the module it is as easy as dropping in one javascript file and adding the following call when configuring the translate provider:

you can use localstorage to keep the value in the cache, just inject the service $window in your controller and use this sintax:
$window.localStorage.setItem('lan', 'en');
the cache keep the value even after the browser is closed.
When you update the page just check if the key is present.
if($window.localStorage.getItem('lan') === 'en'){
//do something
Local storage is bound to a specific domain,
You can see use the tab resources of the chrome web tools to check the existing key-value pairs
more info in the doc


SSR and localization

I ran into a problem that I have never faced before developing a PWA with translations.
I state that I have always and only developed multilingual applications in Vue, React, Angular, and at the moment I am using Svelte.
I have always used simple practices, translation with a json dictionary and sending the Lang variable to the server for data acquisition in the requested language (set in the Headers).
All of this was fine until I encountered the need to receive the translated meta tags for the requested content immediately, during SSR, upon landing on the page. But as you know, at this stage there is no access to localStorage or similar, which is why it is impossible for me to acquire the meta tags in the requested language, since I do not have access to the variable set in the browser. How do you act in this case? I'm not interested in finding a specific solution for a certain framework, but a possible technique.
For Svelte I found this half solution, which allows me to obtain the slug / lang / from the address and use it in the server during the rendering phase, in order to obtain the data already translated on the server side.
Can I consider this a good solution?
I don't know what are you returning from the API, but if you have localized user defined content on backend, then this solution is good. If you are translating the app itself, you maybe you can give Tolgee a try, which supports SSR.

Best way to load customer parameters in a multi-tenant angularJS application

We have a multi-tenant Angular JS single page application. The routing for the application uses a customer identifier as part of the URL - #/home/<KEY> or #/search/<KEY>/<search term> for instance. In theory the first page served could be of any type. Each page calls an API using the customer key and other values picked up from the URL to get data for the page. So far so good.
We have some parameters - a logo, copyright statement, default language (for internationalization) - that can be loaded using a separate API call that also uses the customer KEY. These parameters need to be available as strings in partials, to drive the internationalization and perhaps in controllers.
The question is where to call the API to get these parameters and how to set them / make them available for the rest of the app. I have looked at a bunch of questions in this general area but can't find a concrete suggestion. Should we use a config in app.js? Call another script from index.html?
Appreciate people's advice.
The right place would be to make an API call immediately after authentication to get the various Customer specific configuration data like the Customer settings for logo, language and then put them in the session storage of the browser.
I have done an implementation using Microsoft ADAL js as per the documentation given here.
You can do this Api call in the login success event handler or similar ones in angular.
$scope.$on("adal:loginSuccess", function () {
$scope.testMessage = "loginSuccess";

How does Angularjs routing work for applications outside the browser?

I am creating a single page app (mobile/desktop) using AngularJS. Based on the limited knowledge I have of AngularJS, I think the routing for the apps/websites is based on urls and $location/$location.path directive is used. However, in mobile or desktop apps, there is no browser. So how does AngularJS routing work in this case if views need to be switched?
If you are talking about an Angular application by itself, it will always need something to be interpreted by something. Angular is written in JavaScript which means it will have to be interpreted by something which understands JavaScript. I am using the word interpreted instead of compiled, because JavaScript is not a compiled language.
But then how does something that interprets JavaScript display it on my screen you ask? For this you'll need a bit of background information.
This is where we got to the Document Object Model DOM. From W3c:
The Document Object Model is a platform- and language-neutral
interface that will allow programs and scripts to dynamically access
and update the content, structure and style of documents. The document
can be further processed and the results of that processing can be
incorporated back into the presented page. This is an overview of
DOM-related materials here at W3C and around the web.
To dumb the quote above down:
you have a document (web page) which is being displayed and the DOM allows you to change this document which is being displayed.
JavaScript Engine
The link between JavaScript and the DOM is provided by an Engine. Every browser uses a JavaScript Engine. For example Chrome uses the V8 JavaScript engine. From an introduction of V8:
JavaScript is most commonly used for client-side scripting in a
browser, being used to manipulate Document Object Model (DOM) objects
for example. The DOM is not, however, typically provided by the
JavaScript engine but instead by a browser. The same is true of
V8—Google Chrome provides the DOM. V8 does however provide all the
data types, operators, objects and functions specified in the ECMA
How does this translate to your question?
Everything that wants to display a JavaScript application, needs to have a JavaScript Engine and a DOM. This could be a browser like Chrome, but could also be any other application.
A simple explanation of what a router does, is change the DOM to display different "documents". So plainly said: any application, be it a mobile or desktop application, which has a DOM understands how to use Angular's routing system.
Outside the browser means only application you are speaking about?. angular is tied to HTML pages in general. So its a framework for managing(not exactly appropriate word) the html pages to make them into Single Page Applications so that browser does not need to reload the entire the web application on request of a single page, it helps to invoke the html pages into the main html pages, this makes the application not to reload the entire, but to make available requested pages. this is where the routing comes.
Angular will work just fine there. In fact there is an Ionic project that is based on top of angular. E.g. if you are using Cordova, then the app is rendered inside a browser (or at least with the browser engine). So as far as I know it will behave exactly the same way with the exception of user not being able to type in URL or click back/forward.
Moreover I build an application for browser where I do not user URL as much as possible. E.g. I transition only between states and don't have direct url's in my application at all. Of course I need to support to the extent that a user can type in the url, but the ui-router does that on it's own if you map routes properly. But it seems much more beneficial not to rely on the urls at all for SPA (for internal stuff as you still have the edit url as I said before).

After removing the # from url, I lost direct access to my urls

in order to make nice urls, I decide to remove the # from my ulrs using the tip from the following question Removing the fragment identifier from AngularJS urls (# symbol) Now, I realized that my urls are not working if I try a direct access to them. from the given example in the related question if put the url below directly in the browser http://localhost/phones
I'll get a 404.
Any idea how to solve this?
You need to write server side code that will generate the page that you were previously depending on the client-side JavaScript to generate.
This will then be the initial view for that URL.
If the client supports JavaScript (and the JavaScript doesn't fail for any reason) it will then take over for future interactions.
Otherwise, the regular links and forms you (should) have in the page will function as normal without JS.

Loading constants from a web-service without using resolve or manually bootstrapping the app

I am working on a small piece of an angular project and need to define some constants that are derived from values in a database. I have a REST endpoint that delivers the data I need, but I can't figure out how to load the values before the app gets automatically bootstrapped.
I cannot modify the application to a manual-bootstrapping process. Typically a resolve would be used upon navigation, but I have other components (like modals) that use the constants that aren't necessarily part of any route.
What would be ideal would be some sort of "resolve", but at the application layer. I do have the ability to load npm and bower packages, but anything that changes to a 'manual' bootstrapping method isn't allowed.
In that case I can recommend you to use a $rootScope. I don't understand very well your needs, but everything that is stored in $rootScope will be available in all views. Just fill it with your REST service inside the first or main view of your app. Although, it is important to understand that if you refresh you page, the $rootScope will be as well refreshed, this is, all of your REST calls will be launched again. (Navigating inside angular views is NOT refreshing the page unless you ask for it using window.reload() or similar; it is just the same page with a new controller)
To avoid this last behavior (page refresh) you could also use local Storage, which is basically a small amount of memory inside your browser where you can save any data that you want to keep regardless of your page refreshes. I used in one of my projects this library:
It was useful for saving permanent stuff until user logs out.
Hope it helps! And sorry if I am answering something not useful for you
It seems that the only way to effectively load some values from a service prior to the app starting is to make the service-call to and then manually bootstrap the app. The idea of an app-wide "resolve" doesn't seem to exist.
