Xdebug Netbean in Windows 10 doesn't connect to remote host - xdebug

After upgrade to windows 10, Xdebug unable to connect to remote host. The log says:
I: Checking remote connect back address.
I: Remote address found, connecting to ::1:9001.
E: Could not connect to client. :-(
The following is xdebug configuration:
xdebug.remote_enable = true
xdebug.remote_connect_back = 1
xdebug.profiler_enable = 0[/code]
I didn't forget to set Debugger port to 9001 in the Netbean options.
What did I miss?


Unable to launch IEDriverServer - Failed to start server with: port=xxxxx

We are trying to launch an IE browser using the RemoteWebDriver interface.
On the client side, we run the following command to start the selenium-standalone-server.jar
java -Dwebdriver.ie.driver=IEDriverServer.exe -jar selenium-standalone-server.jar
The selenium server starts fine, but there is an error when I try to create a session.
18:52:58. 128 INFO - Launching a standalone Selenium Server
18:52:58.236 INFO - Java: Oracle Corporation 25.251-608
18:52:58.236 INFO - OS: Windows Server 2016 10.amd64 18:52:58.266 INFO - V2.53.1, with core v2.53.1. Built from revision a36b8b1
18:52:58.391 INFO - Driver class not found: com.opera.core.systems. OperaDriver
18:52:58.391 INFO - Driver provider com.opera.core.systems. OperaDriver is not registered
18:52:58.426 INFO - Driver provider org.openda. selenium.safari.SafariDriver registration is skipped: registration capabilities Capabilities [{browserName=safari, version, platform-MAC}] does not match the current platforn XP
18:52:58.429 INFO - Driver class not found: org.openga.selenium.htmlunit.Htm UnitDriver
18:52:58.429 INFO - Driver provider org.openga.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver is not registered
18:52:58.551 INFO - RemoteWebDriver instances should connect to:
18:52:58.552 INFO - Selenium Server is up and running 18:53:03.425
INFO - Executing: [new session: Capabilities [{browserName-internet explorer}]]>
18:53:03.448 INFO . Creating a new session for Capabilities [{browserName-internet explorer}]
Failed to start the server with: port - '32956', host = '', log level = '', log file = '', whitelisted ips = ''.
The point to note here is the last line
Failed to start the server with: port - '32956', host = '', log level = '', log file = '', whitelisted ips = ''.
After this, the browser does not launch and throws a TimeoutException.
I tried to manually launch the IEDriverServer using the following command:
.\IEDriverServer.exe /host= /log-level=DEBUG
And I got the below output
2022-10-11 18:52:29:611 server.cC(86) Starting WebDriver server on port: *5555' on host:
2022-10-11 18:52:29:611 IEServer.cpp(32) Driver version: (32-bit) D
2022-10-11 18:52:29:612 server.cc(148) Civetweb ACL is -e.e.e.e/e,+ W
2022-10-11 18:52:29:614 server.cc(158) Failed to start Civetweb
Failed to start the server with: port - '32956', host = '', log level = '', log file = '', whitelisted ips = ''.
Since the error said Failed to start Civetweb, I tried googling what that was, but couldn't find out what the issue was.
Please help us out.
Below is our environment:
OS: Windows Server 2016
Selenium Version: 2.53.1
IEDriverServer Version: 2.53.1
IE Version (installed on the machine): Version 1067 (OS Build: 14393.5356)

Unable to make Remote Connection with Postgresql

I have PostgreSQL running on Ubuntu Server and I want to make remote connection with PostgreSQL running on port 5432.
I've checked if I can ping the public IP of ubuntu server from my machine and that works fine.
Next I've changed two files on ubuntu server first I've changed postgresql.conf which looks as below
# - Connection Settings -
listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on;
# comma-separated list of addresses;
# defaults to 'localhost'; use '*' for all
# (change requires restart)
port = 5432 # (change requires restart)
Next I've added two lines in pg_hba.conf as below
host all all trust
host all all ::/0 trust
Finally I checked if firewall is running by running sudo ufw verbose which outputted inactive.
As per my understanding I've allowed PostgreSQL to accept remote connection and firewall is also not present hence nothing is blocking. Still I get the following error.
psycopg2.OperationalError: connection to server at "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", port 5432 failed: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060)
Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
How can I fix this error?
Although I can ping and ssh to the Ubuntu server using public IP but can not telnet.
I checked if port 5432 is open using this link but it turned out to be closed.

xDebug [Errno 24] Too many open files when connecting to DBGp Proxy

I'm having issues running an xDebug session when I've connected to the DBGp proxy successfully. I'm using both local and remote SSH tunnels for port 9000 (xdebug), and 9001 for a (xdebug DBGp client).
] The code is being debugged remotely, the xDebug server is running on an Amazon EC2 instance
] I am using Zend Studio for my local debugging client on my Macbook
] I am running a remote SSH tunnel for port 9000 "ssh ec2-user#X.X.X.X -R 9000/"
As of here, I'm able to successfully use xDebug, but then I run into issues running the proxy
But then I start running into issues running the proy:
] I then run the dbgp proxy on the remote server
INFO: dbgp.proxy: starting proxy listeners. appid: 20906
INFO: dbgp.proxy: dbgp listener on
INFO: dbgp.proxy: IDE listener on
] I then setup a local SSH tunnel for port 9001 - "ssh ec2-user#X.X.X.X -L 9001/"
] From Zend Studio I'm able to connect successfully to the DBGp server, where "SessionName" is the name of my session
INFO: dbgp.proxy: Server:onConnect ('', 51828) [proxyinit -p 9000 -k SessionName -m 0]
] When I trigger a remote xdebug debugging sessions using my session name, it fails like so.
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x122e0e0>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x7f87980210e0>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x7f87980243b0>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x7f879814c878>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x7f87800a2368>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x123cb48>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x12387e8>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x122ec68>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x124fb48>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x7f8798047dd0>]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x1244d88>]
ERROR: dbgp.proxy: Unable to connect to the server listener [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x7f8790025878>]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./pydbgpproxy", line 222, in startServer
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/socket.py", line 184, in __init__
error: [Errno 24] Too many open files
WARNING: dbgp.proxy: Unable to connect to server with key [SessionName], stopping request [<__main__.sessionProxy instance at 0x7f8790025878>]
WARNING: dbgp.proxy: Exception in _cmdloop [[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer]
INFO: dbgp.proxy: session stopped
It actually shows those lines like "INFO: dbgp.proxy: connection from [<main.sessionProxy instance at 0x122ec68>]" almost 50x more than what I copied and pasted here for brevity.
It seems like I got it to work but it's erring out. I'm currently using the pydbgpproxy phyton script, version 7 from: http://code.activestate.com/komodo/remotedebugging/. I tried the version 8 script but it just errors. I also tried the pydbgpprox, version 6, but it still has the same exact issue.
IN SUMMARY: xDebug is running on the server, I can connect to it normally without proxy. With the proxy I can connect to it successfully to, but then running a script it encounters this werid error.
Does anyone know what this issue might be caused from?

Xdebug on server can not connect to my computer

I am using PhpStorm for development in Windows 7. I am trying to setup xdebug.
I installed xdebug to server by using pecl.
I added these codes to php.ini
phpinfo() shows Xdebug running.
when i use;
netstat -aon | more
on cmd I can see that its listining in port 9001
But Xdebug can not connect to PhpStorm
xdebug.log shows that it can not connect to my ip:port
Log opened at 2013-05-02 17:20:55
I: Connecting to configured address/port: 212.2XX.179.83:9001.
E: Could not connect to client. :-(
Log closed at 2013-05-02 17:20:58
Log opened at 2013-05-02 17:20:58
I: Connecting to configured address/port: 212.2XX.179.83:9001.
E: Could not connect to client. :-(
Log closed at 2013-05-02 17:21:16
Log opened at 2013-05-02 17:21:16
I: Connecting to configured address/port: 212.2XX.179.83:9001.
E: Could not connect to client. :-(
Log closed at 2013-05-02 17:21:19
I runned;
nc -v 212.2XX.179.83 9001
on the server and it answers
nc: connect to 212.2XX.179.83 port 9001 (tcp) failed: Connection timed out
I am working on this for 2 days and can not find a solution.
Any help about debugging why server can not connect to ip would be great. Thanks
EDIT: Problem fixed, It seems there was a problem with my server and we had to reinstall firewall csf

PSQLException when connecting to Postgres server via JDBC in same LAN (PGAdmin works)

I have some severe problems with connecting from DBVisualizer (8.0.9) to a PostgreSQL server which is running in the same LAN. DBVis is Java-based thus uses JDBC for connection. Connecting from PGAdmin works like a charm - only DBVis connection via JDBC isn't. And I need that to be solved!
My PC: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64Bit), IP:
Server OS: Suse LINUX Enterprise Server 11, IP:
Postgresql server version: 9.1
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Java Version: 1.6.0_33
Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
OS Name: Linux
OS Arch: amd64
OS Version: 3.2.0-25-generic
When starting a connection, I'm getting a "Connecting..." message and after ~5 minutes of waiting the following error message appears in the connection window:
"An error occurred while establishing the connection:
Long Message:
The connection attempt failed.
Type: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException
SQL State: 08001"
In the debug console I get:
12:04:57 [DEBUG pool-2-thread-8 D.ā] RootConnection: Driver.acceptsURL("jdbc:postgresql://")
12:04:57 [DEBUG pool-2-thread-8 D.ā] RootConnection: Driver.connect("jdbc:postgresql://", {user=******, password=******})
12:24:58 [DEBUG pool-2-thread-8 D.ā] RootConnection: EXCEPTION -> org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed.
The debugging information of the JDBC driver is also provided:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed.
at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl(ConnectionFactoryImpl.java:150)
at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(ConnectionFactory.java:66)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Connection.(AbstractJdbc2Connection.java:125)
at org.postgresql.jdbc3.AbstractJdbc3Connection.(AbstractJdbc3Connection.java:30)
at org.postgresql.jdbc3g.AbstractJdbc3gConnection.(AbstractJdbc3gConnection.java:22)
at org.postgresql.jdbc4.AbstractJdbc4Connection.(AbstractJdbc4Connection.java:30)
at org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection.(Jdbc4Connection.java:24)
at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(Driver.java:393)
at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(Driver.java:267)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616)
at com.onseven.dbvis.d.B.D.ā(Z:1548)
at com.onseven.dbvis.d.B.F$A.call(Z:278)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:334)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:166)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)
For convenience the relevant part of the server's pg_hba.conf:
#"local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all peer
#IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
#IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5
And the relevant parts of the postgresql.conf:
# - Connection Settings -
listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on;
# comma-separated list of addresses;
# defaults to 'localhost', '*' = all
# (change requires restart)
#port = 5432 # (change requires restart)
max_connections = 100 # (change requires restart)
# Note: Increasing max_connections costs ~400 bytes of shared memory per
# connection slot, plus lock space (see max_locks_per_transaction).
#superuser_reserved_connections = 3 # (change requires restart)
#unix_socket_directory = '' # (change requires restart)
#unix_socket_group = '' # (change requires restart)
#unix_socket_permissions = 0777 # begin with 0 to use octal notation
# (change requires restart)
#bonjour = off # advertise server via Bonjour
# (change requires restart)
#bonjour_name = '' # defaults to the computer name
# (change requires restart)
# - Security and Authentication -
#authentication_timeout = 1min # 1s-600s
#ssl = off # (change requires restart)
#ssl_ciphers = 'ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:#STRENGTH' # allowed SSL ciphers
# (change requires restart)
#ssl_renegotiation_limit = 512MB # amount of data between renegotiations
#password_encryption = on
#db_user_namespace = off
# Kerberos and GSSAPI
#krb_server_keyfile = ''
#krb_srvname = 'postgres' # (Kerberos only)
#krb_caseins_users = off
# - TCP Keepalives -
# see "man 7 tcp" for details
#tcp_keepalives_idle = 0 # TCP_KEEPIDLE, in seconds;
# 0 selects the system default
#tcp_keepalives_interval = 0 # TCP_KEEPINTVL, in seconds;
# 0 selects the system default
#tcp_keepalives_count = 0 # TCP_KEEPCNT;
# 0 selects the system default
The connection is running now but unfortunately I cannot exactly tell the steps that led to the solution. Anyway, I will try to sketch them:
I installed an old version of DBVisualizer (7.1.5) and was able to successfully establish a connection to the db server. Then I went straight back to the 8.0.9
version of DBVis and tested the connection again. Unexpectedly, the connection also worked here, even though I didn't change configurations - neither in my DBVis 8.0.9 installation nor on the DB server. That's it. Maybe someone has some some more clues on that issue.
The error code 08001 is a generic error code telling that the JDBC driver could not connect to the database. The reason for this could be many.
You should enter the IP address or DNS name of the server where the database runs as the Database Server and the Database Port it listens to for TCP/IP connections, by default 5432.
After you have entered this, please use the Ping Server button to see if you can reach that server and port. If you get an error message, you have either entered incorrect Database Server or Port values, there is a firewall that blocks the connection, or the PostgreSQL server is not configured to access connections from your PC. If Ping Server says everything is fine but you still cannot connect, the problem is most likely with the login credentials for the user account you specify.
