Possible circular reference in mongoose - angularjs

I have a problem with circular dependency when I need to SAVE a 'document'.
My application is all Restfull with the interface via AngularJS.
On the screen to create a COMPANY, you can create OBJECTS and SERVICES. In the creation of the SERVICES screen, it must associate a created OBJECT.
The problem is that the OBJECT created has not yet persisted, so I don't have a _id. Thus it is not possible to reference it in SERVICE. Only when I have an OBJECT persisted, I can associate it in company.services[0].object.
Any suggestion?
This is what I need to be saved in MongoDB. Look at the reference to the OBJECT "5779f75a27f9d259248211c7" in SERVICE.
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5749bb92bf8145c97988e4a9"),
"name" : "company 1",
"services" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5764cb2c00d00cf10c9c41c6"),
"description" : "service 1",
"object" : ObjectId("5779f75a27f9d259248211c7"),
"objects" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5779f75a27f9d259248211c7"),
"description" : "object 1",
And this is my Schema:
var objectSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
description: {
type: String,
trim: true,
unique: true,
required: 'Description is required'
var serviceSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
description: {
type: String,
trim: true,
required: 'Description is required'
object: {
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Object'
var companySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
default: '',
trim: true,
unique: true,
required: 'Name is required'
guarda_documentos: {
services: [serviceSchema],
objects: [objectSchema],
mongoose.model('Company', companySchema);
mongoose.model('Object', objectSchema);

You would need to persist your object first and once this is done, use the returned _id to then persist your service. This is an async process.
// Simplified code concept
// Create a new object
var o = new Object()
o.description = 'foo'
// Create a new service
var s = new Service()
// Save object and return it (will now have an _id)
o.save(function(err, doc) {
// Add object reference to service and save
s.object = doc._id
s.save(function(err, res) {
// Call your controller or whatever callback here
On another note don't use "Object" as the name of your doc. It already defined in Javascript.


How to add value to array element withing collection using mongoose?

I have written the following mongoose function to create new document in mongodb
createdata: (body) => {
let sEntry = new SData(Object.assign({}, {
dataId: body.DataId
//notes.message: body.message
return sEntry.save();
Here sData schema includes notes array schema within it.
I am not able to add value to message within notes [] using notes.message: body.message
My schema definition is as follows:
var nSchema = new Schema({
_id: {type:ObjectId, auto: true },
message: String
var sSchema = new Schema({
_id: {type:ObjectId, auto: true },
dataId: { type:String, unique: true },
notes: [nSchema]
I also want to mention that for every dataId there can be multiple notes [] entries. However, SData can have only unique row entry for every dataId.
I want notes to be an array within SData collection. How it can be achieved without creating separate notes collection? How should i modify createdata to accommodate all the given requirements.
Use references for other collection mapping and use populate when fetching
Schema Design
var sSchema = new Schema({
_id: {type:ObjectId, auto: true },
dataId: { type:String, unique: true },
notes: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'nSchema',
Adding Data
createdata: (body) => {
let sEntry = new SData({
dataId: body.DataId,
notes: [nSchemaIds]
return sEntry.save();

NodeJS & Mongoose: Add element to existing empty array

I am building a NodeJS application for creating reports based on data from a MSQL database. All application relevant data is stored in a MongoDB using Mongoose. My mongoose model contains an empty array which is then filled by the user via a Rest-API.
I get an error when adding a new element to the array. I already tried it with model.array.push(object); model.save() and findByIdAndUpdate(...). Find my code including the two different attempts below:
Mongoose schema
var sqlSchema = mongoose.Schema({ // Schema to store information about SQL-procedures
'name': String,
'inputs': [
'name': String,
'type': String,
'value': String,
'adjustable': Boolean
My application accepts new elements for the 'inputs'-array via POST:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
SqlProcedure = mongoose.model('SqlProcedure');
// ...
router.post('/sql/:id/inputs', function(req, res) {
SqlProcedure.findById(req.params.id, function(err, sql) {
if(err) {
res.send(msg.error('error retrieving sql-procedure', err));
} else {
if(sql.inputs.length > 0) { // catch empty array
for(var key in sql.inputs) {
if(sql.inputs[key].name == req.body.name) {
return res.send(msg.error('input already in inputs', err));
var data = req.body;
var input = {
name: data.name,
type: data.type,
value: data.value,
adjustable: data.adjustable
// attempt one or two
attempt one:
sql.inputs.push(input); // EXCEPTION 1
sql.save(function(err) {
// fancy errorhandling
return res.send(msg.ok(sql));
attempt two:
{$push: {inputs: input}}, // EXCEPTION 2
{safe: true, upsert: true},
function(err, sql) {
// fancy errorhandling
res.send(msg.ok('input added to sql-procedure' + req.params.id));
Attempt one:
throw new CastError('string', value, this.path);
at MongooseError.CastError (\node_modules\mongoose\lib\error\cast.js:18:16)
at SchemaString.cast (\node_modules\mongoose\lib\schema\string.js:434:9)
at Array.MongooseArray.mixin._cast (\node_modules\mongoose\lib\types\array.js:124:32)
at Array.MongooseArray.mixin._mapCast (\node_modules\mongoose\lib\types\array.js:295:17)
at Object.map (native)
at Array.MongooseArray.mixin.push (\node_modules\mongoose\lib\types\array.js:308:25)
at Query.<anonymous> (\app\api\sql_procedure.js:69:28)
at \node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\kareem\index.js:177:19
at \node_modules\mongoose\node_modules\kareem\index.js:109:16
at doNTCallback0 (node.js:417:9)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:346:13)
Attempt two:
"stack": "Error
at MongooseError.CastError (\\node_modules\\mongoose\\lib\\error\\cast.js:18:16)
at SchemaArray.cast (\\node_modules\\mongoose\\lib\\schema\\array.js:156:15)
at SchemaArray.cast (\\node_modules\\mongoose\\lib\\schema\\array.js:167:17)
at Query._castUpdateVal (\\node_modules\\mongoose\\lib\\query.js:2384:22)
at Query._walkUpdatePath (\\node_modules\\mongoose\\lib\\query.js:2298:27)
at Query._castUpdate (\\node_modules\\mongoose\\lib\\query.js:2227:23)
at castDoc (\\node_modules\\mongoose\\lib\\query.js:2430:18)
at Query._findAndModify (\\node_modules\\mongoose\\lib\\query.js:1752:17)
at Query._findOneAndUpdate (\\node_modules\\mongoose\\lib\\query.js:1620:8)
at \\ITZReport\\node_modules\\mongoose\\node_modules\\kareem\\index.js:156:8
at \\node_modules\\mongoose\\node_modules\\kareem\\index.js:18:7
at doNTCallback0 (node.js:417:9)\n at process._tickCallback (node.js:346:13)",
"message": "Cast to undefined failed for value \"[object Object]\" at path \"inputs\"",
"name": "CastError",
"value": [
"adjustable": "true",
"value": "Harry Potter",
"type": "String",
"name": "salesman"
"path": "inputs"
data to be inserted
{ name: 'salesman',
type: 'String',
value: 'Harry Potter',
adjustable: 'true' }
I am new to NodeJS and mongoose and tried to solve this on my own for many hours. It would be great if anyone out there could help me!
Thanks in advance,
I think I should clarify the process of the user interacting with the REST-API:
The user creates a new record by passing over the value for the
name. At this point the name is set and the inputs-array
is empty.
In the next step, the user adds new records to the
inputs-array one by one. The name stays as it is and only
new inputs are added to the array.
The user should be able to edit or remove entries from the
Changing the data-type of adjustable to String did not made any changes. I also tried hard coding attributes and not passing them via HTTP-POST - still the same exception.
After hours of searching the web and testing the weirdest things in my code I found the solution:
You can't name a field 'type' in the mongoose-schema. That's it.
The correct code looks like this:
Mongoose schema
var sqlSchema = mongoose.Schema({
'name': String,
'inputs': {
'name': String,
'datatype': String, // you can't name this field 'type'
'value': String,
'adjustable': Boolean
router.post('/sql/:id/inputs', function(req, res) {
SqlProcedure.findById(req.params.id, function(err, sql) {
if(err) {
res.send(msg.error('error retrieving sql-procedure', err));
} else {
if(!sql) {
return res.send(msg.error('no sql-procedure found with id '
+ req.params.id, null));
// check for duplicates
var data = req.body;
var input = {
'name': data.name,
'datatype': data.type,
'value': data.value,
'adjustable': data.adjustable
{$push: {inputs: input}},
{safe: true, upsert: true},
function(err, sql) {
// fancy error handling
You should make your data to be inserted as
{ name: 'salesman',
inputs: [{name: 'salesman',
type: 'String',
value: 'Harry Potter',
adjustable: true}]}
i.e. true without quotes and inputs as an array
or else in schema make adjustable as String and remove input as array in model definition
var sqlSchema = mongoose.Schema({ // Schema to store information about SQL-procedures
'name': String,
'type': String,
'value': String,
'adjustable': String

How to get data from array in mongoose?

I am new to mongoose node.js and mongoDB, I have a db Schema like
So what I want is to get only the details of task with particular task name.
I am writing sql script so that you can know what I want :
Select taskname,timetakeninhrs from project where taskName ='DB create';
The $elemMatch projection operator would come in handy for this:
.where('task.taskName', 'DB create') // or where('task.taskName').equals('DB create').
.select({_id: 0, task: {$elemMatch: {'taskName': 'DB create'}})
.exec(function(err, docs){
var tasks = docs.map(function(doc){ return doc.task[0]; });
console.log(tasks[0].taskName); // 'DB create'
console.log(tasks[0].timetakeninhrs); // '3'
In the above, the where() method acts as a static helper method of the Mongoose model that builds up a query using chaining syntax, rather than specifying a JSON object. So
// instead of writing:
Project.find({ 'task.taskName': 'DB create' }, callback);
// you can instead write:
Project.where('task.taskName', 'DB create');
// or
Project.where('task.taskName').equals('DB create');
and then chain the select() method to project the 'task' array field using $elemMatch. In the exec() method (which executes the query asynchronously), you need to pass in a callback which follows the pattern callback(error, results). What results is depends on the operation: For findOne() it is a potentially-null single document, find() a list of documents, count() the number of documents, update() the number of documents affected, etc. In this case this returns an array of documents in the format:
/* 0 */
"task" : [
"taskName" : "DB create",
"timetakeninhrs" : "3"
/* 1 */
"task" : [
"taskName" : "DB create",
"timetakeninhrs" : "9"
/* etc */
In your callback you can do a bit of data manipulation to get an object that only has those properties you specified, hence the use of the native JavaScript map() function to create a new array of objects with those fields
i create this example that can help you:
var async=require('async');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var uri = 'mongodb://localhost/myDb';
// define a schema
var ProjectSchema = new Schema({
projectName: "String",
projectManager: "String",
task: [{
taskName: "String",
timetakeninhrs: "String"
// compile our model
var Project = mongoose.model('Project', ProjectSchema);
// create a documents
var Project01 = new Project({
projectName: "Project01",
projectManager: "Manager01",
task: [{
taskName: "tsk01_Project01",
timetakeninhrs: "1111-1111"
}, {
taskName: "tsk02_Project01",
timetakeninhrs: "1111-2222"
}, {
taskName: "tsk03_Project01",
timetakeninhrs: "1111-3333"
}, {
taskName: "tsk04_Project01",
timetakeninhrs: "1111-4444"
var Project02 = new Project({
projectName: "Project02",
projectManager: "Manager02",
task: [{
taskName: "tsk01_Project02",
timetakeninhrs: "2222-1111"
}, {
taskName: "tsk02_Project02",
timetakeninhrs: "2222-2222"
}, {
taskName: "tsk03_Project02",
timetakeninhrs: "2222-3333"
}, {
taskName: "tsk04_Project02",
timetakeninhrs: "2222-4444"
//delete existing documents and create them again
Project.remove({}, function() {
Project01.save(function() {
Project02.save(function() {
//for example we find taskName: "tsk03_Project02"
Project.find({'task': {$elemMatch: {taskName: "tsk03_Project02"}}},'task.taskname task.timetakeninhrs',function(err, docs) {
if (!err) {

Properties with default values in Mongoose schema are not persisting

I have the following schema I've written using Mongoose:
var querySchema = mongoose.Schema({
quoteId: { type: String, default: '' },
zipcode: { type: String, default: '' },
email: { type: String, default: '' },
type: {type: String, default: ''},
isEmailChecked: { type: Boolean, default: true },
I provide values for only 3 properties in the querySchema assuming that the result of the fields will take default values when a new instance of query object is persisted:
var query = {};
query.quoteId = "1414775421426";
query.email = "myself#somewhere.com";
query.type = "Foo";
But following document is what I see as the result in the collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("5453c27d0e4c3f2837071856"),
"email" : "myself#somewhere.com",
"type" : "Foo",
"quoteId" : "1414775421426",
"__v" : 0
Should isEmailChecked and zipcode not be assigned their default values when a new instance of query object is persisted to the MongoDB database?
Following is how I am persisting an instance of the query object using ExpressJS/NodeJS:
app.post('/api/queries', function (req, res) {
quoteId: req.body.query.quoteId,
type: req.body.query.type,
zipcode: req.body.query.zipcode,
email: req.body.query.email,
isEmailChecked: req.body.query.isEmailChecked,
}, function (err, query) {
if (err) {
Could somebody help me understand that why I got the isEmailChecked and zipcode properties in the resulting document in the MongoDB database?
I am using NodeJS, AngularJS and ExpressJS in my application along with MongoDB.
When you set mongoose model field it not use default value.
As workaround you can use underscore to extend mongoose model object with keys which exists in your query object like this:
_.extend(dbQueryObject, query);
Here is complete example:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var querySchema = mongoose.Schema({
quoteId: { type: String, default: '' },
zipcode: { type: String, default: '' },
email: { type: String, default: '' },
type: {type: String, default: ''},
isEmailChecked: { type: Boolean, default: true }
var db = mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://localhost:27017/stackoverflow',
{ server: { auto_reconnect: true } },
function(err) {
var QuerySchema = db.model('test', querySchema);
var query = {};
query.quoteId = "1414775421426";
query.email = "myself#somewhere.com";
query.type = "Foo";
quoteId: query.quoteId,
type: query.type,
zipcode: query.zipcode,
email: query.email,
isEmailChecked: query.isEmailChecked
}, function (err, query) {
Here is what in db:
"_id" : ObjectId("5453ce3c9f7e0d13c52abf61"),
"type" : "Foo",
"email" : "myself#somewhere.com",
"quoteId" : "1414775421426",
"__v" : 0

How to query mongoose by property that is and array item

I have a mongoose model that looks like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var PictureSchema = new Schema({
listId: { type: Array, required: true },
thumb: { type: String, required: true },
large: { type: String, required: true }
var Picture = module.exports = mongoose.model('Picture', PictureSchema);
I am trying to update instances of this model in my router by looking up a Picture via the "listId" property. Like this:
app.put('/pictures/append', function(req, res) {
var targetListId = req.body.targetListId
, currentListId = req.body.currentListId;
.find({ listId: currentListId }, function (err, picture) {
console.log('found pic', picture);
picture.save(function(err, pic) {
console.log('pic SAVED', pic);
"currentListId" is a string, and listId is an array of currentListId's. Maybe this isn't the correct way to query a a property that is an array?
I am getting an error:
TypeError: Cannot call method 'push' of undefined
On the line:
But when I look up the picture models in mongo, they DO have listId arrays and some DO contain the item "currentListId" that I am using for my query.
I tried using $elemMatch and $in but I don't know if I was using them correctly.
Any idea if I am just writing my query wrong?
Specifying an Array typed field in your schema is equivalent to Mixed which tells Mongoose that field could contain anything. Instead, change your schema to something like this:
var PictureSchema = new Schema({
listId: [String],
thumb: { type: String, required: true },
large: { type: String, required: true }
