running lite-historian and mysql-historian together - volttron

Is it possible to run lite-historian and mysql-historian together, and save data to their database (SQLite and MySQL) respectively?
I had a failed with Timeout error: object at 0. I was only able to save data into one of the database.

Yes you certainly can run more than one historian at a time. The platform was designed so that this was possible.
You may only specify one Agent with the identity 'platform.historian' at a time. More than one and the second one started will not be able to communicate with the platform. (This is better handled in an upcoming feature for VOLTTRON 4.0). That might be what is happening to you in this case.


Nagios: check multiple services simultaneously?

I've just started using Nagios to monitor a group of broadcast transmitters. Each transmitter is defined as a host, and each aspect of the transmitter I wish to monitor (RF forward, RF reflected, power supply voltages, etc) is defined as a service. In doing so, I can get an alarm if any of these aspects are out of tolerance, and can use the performance data to graph each aspect (using pnp4nagios, in this case).
To check the transmitters' telemetry data, I wrote some scripts, one to address the unique facilities of each make/model of transmitter involved. In keeping with the way I've seen other Nagios checks work, an argument to the script allows you to select which aspect you want reported.
At first I was content with this. It worked like any more-traditional use of Nagios I'd encountered. But then I hit a snag.
Because each service check is scheduled individually, diagnosing an alarm condition can be tricky, since the various services aren't all being checked at the same time - and therefore the set of values I'm looking at is unlikely to be time-aligned. If all the service check values were from the same moment in time, it would be easier to detect correlations (since the set of values would essentially be a snapshot).
My first thought would be to deal with this by running a single instance of a single command, which would return values for multiple services. This would also seem far more efficient than opening as many connection instances as there are services to be checked. From a scripting perspective, this is easily done. But from a Nagios config perspective, I don't know how (or if?) you'd do that.
I know I could also divorce the data collection from the Nagios check, caching the telemetry values all at once periodically, and feeding Nagios values from the cache. But I don't want to introduce added delays if I can help it.
My first thought would be to deal with this by running a single instance of a single command, which would return values for multiple services. This would also seem far more efficient than opening as many connection instances as there are services to be checked. From a scripting perspective, this is easily done. But from a Nagios config perspective, I don't know how (or if?) you'd do that.
There's nothing strange about this from a Nagios perspective, because what you're essentially doing is writing your own plugin, and plugins can be as general or specific as you want them to be.
When writing your own plugin, it's good to remember:
Your script is responsible for all failures, so make sure you handle garbage responses, failed connections and whatever other errors you predict may happen in the plugin itself, and exit with appropriate error levels.
Since you may encounter errors you didn't expect, it probably makes sense to have the plugin write what it's doing to a log file, as well as what responses it got.
The plugin must use exit codes to alert Nagios correctly. If you want performance data, it needs to be given in the correct syntax. See the development guidelines.
I'm considering submitting the service data passively. It would solve all the problems I mentioned. But it would create a few minor new ones - now there's external processes to keep running, and it's a little outside the mainstream way of doing things (might put a future admin through a little pain to figure out how it works).
I don't think this is a better solution than writing your own plugin, unless the data is coming from nodes actively pushing it out.
For example, in an IoT context, the nodes you are monitoring may actually be sending passive check results directly to the Nagios instance. In that setting, passive checks make sense, because you just want to take whatever someone else gives you and action in case no results come in (freshness).
In your case, it sounds like writing your own script would take care of both the timing issue and whatever else additional logic you want in your script, and as far as Nagios is concerned it should only run it on a schedule and watch the exit codes, then act as configured if it fails.

Create SidekiqWorkers on a server by receiving information from another server

Sorry If my title didn't made any sense, but my problem is that, I have one application which is hosted on a server, the application uses a database which is hosted on the same server, also the same server is using sidekiq to process a lot of queues.
One problem, is that a lot of memory is used, and everything works very slow, and even if I have a 8 core processor, I can't take advantage of it when processing queues because the application was developed on MRI and is using Unicorn.
I was thinking at moving all the part which is used to process the queues on a different server, there install Puma, and jRuby and process the queues in there(this process should be a lot faster by taking advantage of multiple cores.
All the data processed by sidekiq, is coming from a Database and is stored in a Database(currently is the same database from where it takes the info and where is storing the data). Most of the sidekiq workers are receiving some information, and are using that information to get other informations so they need to connect to the same db as the app.
What will be a good solution, to serve the same database to 2 different applications?
And is it a good idea to have another server with Puma and jRuby installed for sidekiq only(maybe other things in the future)?
Thank you
Even with MRI and Unicorn you can take advantage of multiple cores: Just start unicorn multiple times or use the clustered mode provided by Puma. Same for Sidekiq. No need to switch to JRuby right away.
Accessing the database from multiple application is no problem. But do yourself a favor and use a dedicated database server. Makes added more application servers way easier.

simple Solr deployment with two servers for redundancy

I'm deploying the Apache Solr web app in two redundant Tomcat 6 servers,
to provide redundancy and improved availability. At this point, scalability is not a issue.
I have a load balancer that can dynamically route traffic to one server or the other or both.
I know that Solr supports master/slave configuration, but that requires manual recovery if the slave receives updates during the master outage (which it will in my use case).
I'm considering a simpler approach using the ability to reload a core:
- only one of the two servers is receiving traffic at any time (the "active" instance), but both are running,
- both instances share the same index data and
- before re-routing traffic due to an outage, the now active instance is told to reload the index core(s)
Limited testing of failovers with both index reads and writes has been successful. What implications/issues am I missing?
Your thoughts and opinions welcomed.
The simple approach to redundancy your considering seems reasonable but you will not be able to use it for disaster recovery unless you can share the data/index to/from a different physical location using your NAS/SAN.
Here are some suggestions:-
Make backups for disaster recovery and test those backups work as an index could conceivably have been corrupted as there are no checksums happening internally in SOLR/Lucene. An index could get wiped or some records could get deleted and merged away without you knowing it and backups can be useful for recovering those records/docs at a later time if you need to perform an investigation.
Before you re-route traffic to the second instance I would run some queries to load caches and also to test and confirm the current index works before it goes online.
Isolate the updates to one location and process and thread to ensure transactional integrity in the event of a cutover as it could be difficult to manage consistency as SOLR does not use a vector clock to synchronize updates like some databases. I personally would keep a copy of all updates in order separately from SOLR in some other store just in case a small time window needs to be repeated.
In general, my experience with SOLR has been excellent as long as you are not using cutting edge features and plugins. I have one instance that currently has 40 million docs and an uptime of well over a year with no issues. That doesn't mean you wont have issues but gives you an idea of how stable it could be.
I hardly know anything about Solr, so I don't know the answers to some of the questions that need to be considered with this sort of setup, but I can provide some things for consideration. You will have to consider what sorts of failures you want to protect against and why and make your decision based on that. There is, after all, no perfect system.
Both instances are using the same files. If the files become corrupt or unavailable for some reason (hardware fault, software bug), the second instance is going to fail the same as the first.
On a similar note, are the files stored and accessed in such a way that they are always valid when the inactive instance reads them? Will the inactive instance try to read the files when the active instance is writing them? What would happen if it does? If the active instance is interrupted while writing the index files (power failure, network outage, disk full), what will happen when the inactive instance tries to load them? The same questions apply in reverse if the 'inactive' instance is going to be writing to the files (which isn't particularly unlikely if it wasn't designed with this use in mind; it might for example update some sort of idle statistic).
Also, reloading the indices sounds like it could be a rather time-consuming operation, and service will not be available while it is happening.
If the active instance needs to complete an orderly shutdown before the inactive instance loads the indices (perhaps due to file validity problems mentioned above), this could also be time-consuming and cause unavailability. If the active instance can't complete an orderly shutdown, you're gonna have a bad time.

Are there any local DB that support multi-threading?

I tried sqlite,
by using multi-thread, only one thread can update db at the same time..
I need multi-thread updating the db at same time.
Is there are any DB can do the job?
ps: I use delphi6.
I found that sqlite can support multi-threading,
But in my test of asgsqlite, when one thread inserting, others will fail to insert.
I'm still in testing.
SQLite can be used in multi-threaded environments.
Check out this link.
Firebird can be used in an embedded version, but it's no problem to use the standard (server) installation locally as well. Very small, easy to deploy, concurrent access. Works good with Delphi, you should look into it as an option.
See also the StackOverflow question "Which embedded database to use in a Delphi application?"
Sqlite locks the entire database when updating (unless this has changed since I last used it). A second thread cannot update the database at the same time (even using entirely separate tables). However there is a timeout parameter that tells the second thread to retry for x milliseconds before failing. I think ASqlite surfaces this parameter in the database component (I think I actually wrote that bit of code, all 3 lines, but it was a couple of years ago).
Setting the timeout to a larger value than 0 will allow multiple threads to update the database. However there may be performance implications.
since version 3.3.1, SQLite's threading requirements have been greatly relaxed. in most cases, it means that it simply works. if you really need more concurrency than that, it might be better to use a DB server.
SQL Server 2008 Express supports concurrency, as well as most other features of SQL Server. And it's free.
Why do you need multiple threads to update it at the same time? I'm sure sqlite will ensure that the updates get done correctly, even if that means one thread waiting for the other one to finish; this is transparent to the application.
Indeed, having several threads updating concurrently would, in all likelihood, not be beneficial to performance. That's to say, it might LOOK like several threads were updating concurrently, but actually the result would be that the updates get done slower than if they weren't (due to the fact that they need to hold many page locks etc to avoid problems).
DBISAM from ElevateSoft works very nicely in multi-threaded mode, and has auto-session naming to make this easy. Be sure to follow the page in the help on how to make it all safe, and job done.
I'm actually at the moment doing performance testing with a multi-threaded Java process on Sybase ASE. The process parses a 1GB file and does inserts into a table.
I was afraid at first, because many of the senior programmers warned me about "table locking" and how dangerous it is to do concurrent access to DB. But I went ahead and did testing (because I wanted to find out for myself).
I created and compared a single threaded process to a process using 4 threads. I only received a 20% reduction in total execution time. I retried the the process using different thread counts and batch insert sizes. The maximum I could squeeze was 20%.
We are going to be switching to Oracle soon, so I'll share how Oracle handles concurrent inserts when that happens.

T-SQL Background Processing

I'm having the trouble finding the wording, but is it possible to provide a SQL query to a MS SQL server and retrieve the results asynchronously?
I'd like to submit the query from a web request, but I'd like the web process to terminate while the SQL server continues processing the query and dumps the results into a temp table that I can retrieve later.
Or is there some common modifier I can append to the query to cause it to background process the results (like "&" in bash).
More info
I manage a site that allows trusted users to run arbitrary select queries on very large data sets. I'm currently using a Java Daemon to examine a "jobs" table and run the results, I was just hopeful that there might be a more native solution.
Based on your clarification, I think you might consider a derived OLAP database that's designed for those types of queries. Since they seem to be strategic to the business.
This really depends on how you are communicating with the DB. With ADO.NET you can make a command execution run asynchronously. If you were looking to do this outside the scope of some library built to do it you could insert a record into a job table and then have SQL Agent poll the table and then run your work as a stored procedure or something.
In all likelihood though I would guess your web request is received by and you could use the ADO.NET classes.
See this question
Start stored procedures sequentially or in parallel
In effect, you would have the web page start a job. The job would execute asynchronously.
Since http is connectionless, the only way to associate the retrieval with the query would be with sessions. THen you'd have all these answers waiting around for someone to claim them, and no way to know if the connection (that doesn't exist) has been broken.
In a web page, it's pretty much use-it-or-lose-it.
Some of the other answers might work with a lot of effort, but I don't get the sense that you're looking for an edge-case, high-tech option.
It's a complicated topic to be able to execute a stored procedure and then asynchronously retrieve the result. It's not really for the faint of heart and my first recommendation would be to reexamine your design and be certain that you in fact need to asynchronously process your request in the data tier.
Depending on what precisely you are doing you should look at 2 technologies... SQL Service Broker which basically allows you to queue requests and receive responses asyncrhonously. It was introduced in SQL 2005 and sounds like it may be the best bet from the way you phrased your question.
Take a look at the tutorial for same database service broker conversations on MSDN:
For longer running or larger processing tasks I'd potentially look at something like Biztalk or Windows Workflow. These frameworks (they're largely the same, they came from the same team at MS) allow you to start an asynchronous workflow that may not return for hours, days, weeks, or even months.
