Don't understand how Codility CountDiv solution is correct - c

Codility CountDiv Exercise:
Given a range A..B and value K, return the number of values in the range that are divisible by K.
The example given is A = 6, B = 11 and K = 2. In the range 6 to 11, the numbers divisible by 2 are 6, 8 and 10, so the answer is 3. The solution required must be O(1) - so a simple calculation is needed.
You can assume that A and B are in the range 0..2,000,000,000, K is 1..2,000,000,000 and that 0 <= A <= B.
The accepted solution, that scores 100% is as follows:
int solution(int A, int B, int K)
int inclusive = ((A%K)==0) ? 1 : 0;
return (B/K) - (A/K) + inclusive;
Where I get confused is that when I test this solution with inputs A=0, B=0 and K=1, the result is 1? I would have thought that in the range 0 to 0, the number of values divisible by 1 is... 0!
I thought this was an error and that the +1 for inclusive values of A should only be set if A is non-zero.
So I submitted the following solution (test that A is non-zero):
int solution(int A, int B, int K)
int inclusive = (A && (A%K)==0) ? 1 : 0;
return (B/K) - (A/K) + inclusive;
But this only scored 62% (50% correctness and 75% performance). Some of the test cases it failed were:
A = 0, B = 1, K = 11 - Got 0, expected 1
A = 0, B = MAXINT, K in {1,MAXINT}, got 2000000000, expected 2000000001
Can someone explain?

The value 0 is divisible by K for all K that are allowed (non zero). There is nothing special about zero. The definition of divisible means there is no remainder after dividing.

The range is inclusive: there is 1 value in the range 0 to 0: the value 0 itself. All values are divisible by 1, so the result is indeed 1 value.
Note that the proposed code is redundant:
int inclusive = ((A%K)==0) ? 1 : 0; is equivalent to int inclusive = (A%K)==0;. It can be further simplified as int inclusive = !(A%K); and the complete solution becomes a one-liner:
int solution(int A, int B, int K) { return B/K - A/K + !(A%K); }
And here is a variant with only 2 divisions:
int solution(int A, int B, int K) { return B/K - (A ? (A-1)/K : -1); }

Here is a C++ solution with 100/100 score
int solution(int A, int B, int K) {
return B / K - A / K + (A % K == 0 ? 1 : 0);
it returns the number of multiples in the interval [0, B] minus the number of multiples in the interval [0, A] - getting the number of multiples in the interval (A, B] - and adds the multiple in A if A is a multiple.

In my case, I just made the following math:
(B - A)/K + (A/K)
in same cases as explained before, this + (A/K) is very tricky because of some stupid inputs like A=0,B=0 etc. Then, for those cases, I made a treatment, and I'm calling it of adjustment.
There's the code:
class Solution {
public int solution(int startingFrom, int endingAt, int divisibleBy) {
double adjustment = startingFrom % divisibleBy == 0 || endingAt % divisibleBy == 0 ? 1 : ((double) startingFrom < divisibleBy) ? (double) startingFrom / divisibleBy : 0;
return (int) ( ((double) endingAt - startingFrom) / (divisibleBy) + adjustment);
Java code 100/100.


Efficient algorithm to calculate the sum of number of base2 digits (number of bits) over an interval of positive integers

Let's say I've been given two integers a, b where a is a positive integer and is smaller than b. I have to find an efficient algorithm that's going to give me the sum of number of base2 digits (number of bits) over the interval [a, b]. For example, in the interval [0, 4] the sum of digits is equal to 9 because 0 = 1 digit, 1 = 1 digit, 2 = 2 digits, 3 = 2 digits and 4 = 3 digits.
My program is capable of calculating this number by using a loop but I'm looking for something more efficient for large numbers. Here are the snippets of my code just to give you an idea:
int numberOfBits(int i) {
if(i == 0) {
return 1;
else {
return (int) log2(i) + 1;
The function above is for calculating the number of digits of one number in the interval.
The code below shows you how I use it in my main function.
for(i = a; i <= b; i++) {
l = l + numberOfBits(i);
printf("Digits: %d\n", l);
Ideally I should be able to get the number of digits by using the two values of my interval and using some special algorithm to do that.
Try this code, i think it gives you what you are needing to calculate the binaries:
int bit(int x)
if(!x) return 1;
int i;
for(i = 0; x; i++, x >>= 1);
return i;
The main thing to understand here is that the number of digits used to represent a number in binary increases by one with each power of two:
| number range | binary digits |
| 0 - 1 | 1 |
| 2 - 3 | 2 |
| 4 - 7 | 3 |
| 8 - 15 | 4 |
| 16 - 31 | 5 |
| 32 - 63 | 6 |
| ... | ... |
A trivial improvement over your brute force algorithm would then be to figure out how many times this number of digits has increased between the two numbers passed in (given by the base two logarithm) and add up the digits by multiplying the count of numbers that can be represented by the given number of digits (given by the power of two) with the number of digits.
A naive implementation of this algorithm is:
int digits_sum_seq(int a, int b)
int sum = 0;
int i = 0;
int log2b = b <= 0 ? 1 : floor(log2(b));
int log2a = a <= 0 ? 1 : floor(log2(a)) + 1;
sum += (pow(2, log2a) - a) * (log2a);
for (i = log2b; i > log2a; i--)
sum += pow(2, i - 1) * i;
sum += (b - pow(2, log2b) + 1) * (log2b + 1);
return sum;
It can then be improved by the more efficient versions of the log and pow functions seen in the other answers.
First, we can improve the speed of log2, but that only gives us a fixed factor speed-up and doesn't change the scaling.
Faster log2 adapted from:
The lookup table method takes only about 7 operations to find the log
of a 32-bit value. If extended for 64-bit quantities, it would take
roughly 9 operations. Another operation can be trimmed off by using
four tables, with the possible additions incorporated into each. Using
int table elements may be faster, depending on your architecture.
Second, we must re-think the algorithm. If you know that numbers between N and M have the same number of digits, would you add them up one by one or would you rather do (M-N+1)*numDigits?
But if we have a range where multiple numbers appear what do we do? Let's just find the intervals of same digits, and add sums of those intervals. Implemented below. I think that my findEndLimit could be further optimized with a lookup table.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
unsigned int fastLog2(unsigned int v)
static const char LogTable256[256] =
#define LT(n) n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n
-1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
LT(4), LT(5), LT(5), LT(6), LT(6), LT(6), LT(6),
LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7), LT(7)
register unsigned int t, tt; // temporaries
if (tt = v >> 16)
return (t = tt >> 8) ? 24 + LogTable256[t] : 16 + LogTable256[tt];
return (t = v >> 8) ? 8 + LogTable256[t] : LogTable256[v];
unsigned int numberOfBits(unsigned int i)
if (i == 0) {
return 1;
else {
return fastLog2(i) + 1;
unsigned int findEndLimit(unsigned int sx, unsigned int ex)
unsigned int sy = numberOfBits(sx);
unsigned int ey = numberOfBits(ex);
unsigned int mx;
unsigned int my;
if (sy == ey) // this also means sx == ex
return ex;
// assumes sy < ey
mx = (ex - sx) / 2 + sx; // will eq. sx for sx + 1 == ex
my = numberOfBits(mx);
while (ex - sx != 1) {
mx = (ex - sx) / 2 + sx; // will eq. sx for sx + 1 == ex
my = numberOfBits(mx);
if (my == ey) {
ex = mx;
ey = numberOfBits(ex);
else {
sx = mx;
sy = numberOfBits(sx);
return sx+1;
int main(void)
unsigned int a, b, m;
unsigned long l;
clock_t start, end;
l = 0;
a = 0;
start = clock();
unsigned int i;
for (i = a; i < b; ++i) {
l += numberOfBits(i);
if (i == b) {
l += numberOfBits(i);
end = clock();
printf("Digits: %ld; Time: %fs\n",l, ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
start = clock();
do {
m = findEndLimit(a, b);
l += (b-m + 1) * (unsigned long)numberOfBits(b);
b = m-1;
} while (b > a);
l += (b-a+1) * (unsigned long)numberOfBits(b);
end = clock();
printf("Binary search\n");
printf("Digits: %ld; Time: %fs\n",l, ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
From 0 to UINT_MAX
$ ./main
Digits: 133143986178; Time: 25.722492s
Binary search
Digits: 133143986178; Time: 0.000025s
My findEndLimit can take long time in some edge cases:
From UINT_MAX/16+1 to UINT_MAX/8
$ ./main
Digits: 7784628224; Time: 1.651067s
Binary search
Digits: 7784628224; Time: 4.921520s
Conceptually, you would need to split the task to two subproblems -
1) find the sum of digits from 0..M, and from 0..N, then subtract.
2) find the floor(log2(x)), because eg for the number 77 the numbers 64,65,...77 all have 6 digits, the next 32 have 5 digits, the next 16 have 4 digits and so on, which makes a geometric progression.
int digits(int a) {
if (a == 0) return 1; // should digits(0) be 0 or 1 ?
int b=(int)floor(log2(a)); // use any all-integer calculation hack
int sum = 1 + (b+1) * (a- (1<<b) +1); // added 1, due to digits(0)==1
while (--b)
sum += (b + 1) << b; // shortcut for (b + 1) * (1 << b);
return sum;
int digits_range(int a, int b) {
if (a <= 0 || b <= 0) return -1; // formulas work for strictly positive numbers
return digits(b)-digits(a-1);
As efficiency depends on the tools available, one approach would be doing it "analog":
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
unsigned long long pow2sum_min(unsigned long long n, long long unsigned m)
if (m >= n)
return 1;
return (2ULL << n) + pow2sum_min(n, m);
#define LN(x) (log2(x)/log2(M_E))
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (2 >= argc)
fprintf(stderr, "%s a b\n", argv[0]);
long a = atol(argv[1]), b = atol(argv[2]);
if (0L >= a || 0L >= b || b < a)
puts("Na ...!");
/* Expand intevall to cover full dimensions: */
unsigned long long a_c = pow(2, floor(log2(a)));
unsigned long long b_c = pow(2, floor(log2(b+1)) + 1);
double log2_a_c = log2(a_c);
double log2_b_c = log2(b_c);
unsigned long p2s = pow2sum_min(log2_b_c, log2_a_c) - 1;
/* Integral log2(x) between a_c and b_c: */
double A = ((b_c * (LN(b_c) - 1))
- (a_c * (LN(a_c) - 1)))/LN(2)
+ (b+1 - a);
/* "Integer"-integral - integral of log2(x)'s inverse function (2**x) between log(a_c) and log(b_c): */
double D = p2s - (b_c - a_c)/LN(2);
/* Corrective from a_c/b_c to a/b : */
double C = (log2_b_c - 1)*(b_c - (b+1)) + log2_a_c*(a - a_c);
printf("Total used digits: %lld\n", (long long) ((A - D - C) +.5));
The main thing here is the number and kind of iterations done.
Number is
log(floor(b_c)) - log(floor(a_c))
doing one
n - 1 /* Integer decrement */
2**n + s /* One bit-shift and one integer addition */
for each iteration.
Here's an entirely look-up based approach. You don't even need the log2 :)
First we precompute interval limits where the number of bits would change and create a lookup table. In other words we create an array limits[2^n], where limits[i] gives us the biggest integer that can be represented with (i+1) bits. Our array is then {1, 3, 7, ..., 2^n-1}.
Then, when we want to determine the sum of bits for our range, we must first match our range limits a and b with the smallest index for which a <= limits[i] and b <= limits[j] holds, which will then tell us that we need (i+1) bits to represent a, and (j+1) bits to represent b.
If the indexes are the same, then the result is simply (b-a+1)*(i+1), otherwise we must separately get the number of bits from our value to the edge of same number of bits interval, and add up total number of bits for each interval between as well. In any case, simple arithmetic.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
unsigned long bitsnumsum(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
// generate lookup table
// limits[i] is the max. number we can represent with (i+1) bits
static const unsigned int limits[32] =
#define LTN(n) n*2u-1, n*4u-1, n*8u-1, n*16u-1, n*32u-1, n*64u-1, n*128u-1, n*256u-1
// make it work for any order of arguments
if (b < a) {
unsigned int c = a;
a = b;
b = c;
// find interval of a
unsigned int i = 0;
while (a > limits[i]) {
// find interval of b
unsigned int j = i;
while (b > limits[j]) {
// add it all up
unsigned long sum = 0;
if (i == j) {
// a and b in the same range
// conveniently, this also deals with j == 0
// so no danger to do [j-1] below
return (i+1) * (unsigned long)(b - a + 1);
else {
// add sum of digits in range [a, limits[i]]
sum += (i+1) * (unsigned long)(limits[i] - a + 1);
// add sum of digits in range [limits[j], b]
sum += (j+1) * (unsigned long)(b - limits[j-1]);
// add sum of digits in range [limits[i], limits[j]]
for (++i; i<j; ++i) {
sum += (i+1) * (unsigned long)(limits[i] - limits[i-1]);
return sum;
int main(void)
clock_t start, end;
unsigned int a=0, b=UINT_MAX;
start = clock();
printf("Sum of binary digits for numbers in range "
"[%u, %u]: %lu\n", a, b, bitsnumsum(a, b));
end = clock();
printf("Time: %fs\n", ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
$ ./lookup
Sum of binary digits for numbers in range [0, 4294967295]: 133143986178
Time: 0.000282s
The main idea is to find the n2 = log2(x) rounded down. That is the number of digits in x. Let pow2 = 1 << n2. n2 * (pow2 - x + 1) is the number of digits in the values [x...pow2]. Now find the sun of digits in the powers of 2 from 1 to n2-1
I am certain various simplifications can be made.
Untested code. Will review later.
// Let us use unsigned for everything.
unsigned ulog2(unsigned value) {
unsigned result = 0;
if (0xFFFF0000u & value) {
value >>= 16; result += 16;
if (0xFF00u & value) {
value >>= 8; result += 8;
if (0xF0u & value) {
value >>= 4; result += 4;
if (0xCu & value) {
value >>= 2; result += 2;
if (0x2 & value) {
value >>= 1; result += 1;
return result;
unsigned bit_count_helper(unsigned x) {
if (x == 0) {
return 1;
unsigned n2 = ulog2(x);
unsigned pow2 = 1u << n;
unsigned sum = n2 * (pow2 - x + 1u); // value from pow2 to x
while (n2 > 0) {
// ... + 5*16 + 4*8 + 3*4 + 2*2 + 1*1
pow2 /= 2;
sum += n2 * pow2;
return sum;
unsigned bit_count(unsigned a, unsigned b) {
assert(a < b);
return bit_count_helper(b - 1) - bit_count_helper(a);
For this problem your solution is the simplest, the one called "naive" where you look for every element in the sequence or in your case interval for check something or execute operations.
Naive Algorithm
Assuming that a and b are positive integers with b greater than a let's call the dimension/size of the interval [a,b], n = (b-a).
Having our number of elements n and using some notations of algorithms (like big-O notation link), the worst case cost is O(n*(numberOfBits_cost)).
From this we can see that we can speed up our algorithm by using a faster algorithm for computing numberOfBits() or we need to find a way to not look at every element of the interval that costs us n operations.
Now looking at a possible interval [6,14] you can see that for 6 and 7 we need 3 digits, with 4 need for 8,9,10,11,12,13,14. This results in calling numberOfBits() for every number that use the same number of digits to be represented, while the following multiplication operation would be faster:
((14-8)+1)*4 = 28
((7-6)+1)*3 = 6
So we reduced the looping on 9 elements with 9 operations to only 2.
So writing a function that use this intuition will give us a more efficient in time, not necessarily in memory, algorithm. Using your numberOfBits() function I have created this solution:
int intuitionSol(int a, int b){
int digitsForA = numberOfBits(a);
int digitsForB = numberOfBits(b);
if(digitsForA != digitsForB){
//because a or b can be that isn't the first or last element of the
// interval that a specific number of digit can rappresent there is a need
// to execute some correction operation before on a and b
int tmp = pow(2,digitsForA) - a;
int result = tmp*digitsForA; //will containt the final result that will be returned
int i;
for(i = digitsForA + 1; i < digitsForB; i++){
int interval_elements = pow(2,i) - pow(2,i-1);
result = result + ((interval_elements) * i);
//printf("NumOfElem: %i for %i digits; sum:= %i\n", interval_elements, i, result);
int tmp1 = ((b + 1) - pow(2,digitsForB-1));
result = result + tmp1*digitsForB;
return result;
else {
int elements = (b - a) + 1;
return elements * digitsForA; // or digitsForB
Let's look at the cost, this algorithm costs is the cost of doing correction operation on a and b plus the most expensive one that of the for-loop. In my solution however I'm not looping over all elements but only on numberOfBits(b)-numberOfBits(a) that in the worst case, when [0,n], become log(n)-1 thats equivalent to O(log n).
To resume we passed from a linear operations cost O(n) to a logartmic one O(log n) in the worst case. Look on this diagram the diferinces between the two.
When I talk about interval or sub-interval I refer to the interval of elements that use the same number of digits to represent the number in binary.
Following there are some output of my tests with the last one that shows the difference:
Considered interval is [0,4]
YourSol: 9 in time: 0.000015s
IntuitionSol: 9 in time: 0.000007s
Considered interval is [0,0]
YourSol: 1 in time: 0.000005s
IntuitionSol: 1 in time: 0.000005s
Considered interval is [4,7]
YourSol: 12 in time: 0.000016s
IntuitionSol: 12 in time: 0.000005s
Considered interval is [2,123456]
YourSol: 1967697 in time: 0.005010s
IntuitionSol: 1967697 in time: 0.000015s

Partition an array into two subarrays, each having maximum sum and equal to other array sum [duplicate]

I have removed all the storylines for this question.
Q. You are given N numbers. You have to find 2 equal sum sub-sequences, with maximum sum. You don't necessarily need to use all numbers.
Eg 1:-
1 2 3 4 1
Sub-sequence 1 : 2 3 // sum = 5
Sub-sequence 2 : 4 1 // sum = 5
Possible Sub-sequences with equal sum are
{1,2} {3} // sum = 3
{1,3} {4} // sum = 4
{2,3} {4,1} // sum = 5
Out of which 5 is the maximum sum.
Eg 2:-
1 2 4 5 9 1
Sub-sequence 1 : 2 4 5 // sum = 11
Sub-sequence 2 : 1 9 1 // sum = 11
The maximum sum you can get is 11
5 <= N <= 50
1<= number <=1000
sum of all numbers is <= 1000
Important: Only <iostream> can be used. No STLs.
N numbers are unsorted.
If array is not possible to split, print 0.
Number of function stacks is limited. ie your recursive/memoization solution won't work.
Approach 1:
I tried a recursive approach something like the below:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool visited[51][1001][1001];
int arr[51];
int max_height=0;
int max_height_idx=0;
int N;
void recurse( int idx, int sum_left, int sum_right){
if(sum_left == sum_right){
if(sum_left > max_height){
max_height = sum_left;
max_height_idx = idx;
if(idx>N-1)return ;
if(visited[idx][sum_left][sum_right]) return ;
recurse( idx+1, sum_left+arr[idx], sum_right);
recurse( idx+1, sum_left , sum_right+arr[idx]);
recurse( idx+1, sum_left , sum_right);
We could reduce the function calls, by check the visited condition before calling the function.
This could reduce stack allocations for function calls. For simplicity I have not checking those conditions before function calls.
Anyways, this recursive solution would get time out. No matter how you optimize it.
Btw, there are T testcases. For simplicity, removed that constraint.
int main(){
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
cout<< max_height <<"\n";
NOTE: Passes test-cases. But time out.
Approach 2:
I also tried, taking advantage of constraints.
Every number has 3 possible choice:
1. Be in sub-sequence 1
2. Be in sub-sequence 2
3. Be in neither of these sub-sequences
1. Be in sub-sequence 1 -> sum + 1*number
2. Be in sub-sequence 2 -> sum + -1*number
3. None -> sum
Maximum sum is in range -1000 to 1000.
So dp[51][2002] could be used to save the maximum positive sum achieved so far (ie till idx).
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int arr[51];
int N;
int dp[51][2002];
int max3(int a, int b, int c){
return max(a,max(b,c));
int max4(int a, int b, int c, int d){
return max(max(a,b),max(c,d));
int recurse( int idx, int sum){
// should i perform anything here?
return 0;
if( dp[idx][sum+1000] ){
return dp[idx][sum+1000];
return dp[idx][sum+1000] = max3 (
arr[idx] + recurse( idx+1, sum + arr[idx]),
0 + recurse( idx+1, sum - arr[idx]),
0 + recurse( idx+1, sum )
) ;
This gives me a wrong output.
1 3 5 4
int main(){
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
cout<< recurse(0,0) <<"\n";
The above code gives me wrong answer. Kindly help me with solving/correcting this memoization.
Also open to iterative approach for the same.
Idea of your second approach is correct, it's basically a reduction to the knapsack problem. However, it looks like your code lacks clear contract: what the recurse function is supposed to do.
Here is my suggestion: int recurse(int idx, int sum) distributes elements on positions idx..n-1 into three multisets A, B, C such that sum+sum(A)-sum(B)=0 and returns maximal possible sum(A), -inf otherwise (here -inf is some hardcoded constant which serves as a "marker" of no answer; there are some restrictions on it, I suggest -inf == -1000).
Now you're to write a recursive backtracking using that contract and then add memoization. Voila—you've got a dynamic programming solution.
In recursive backtracking we have two distinct situations:
There are no more elements to distribute, no choices to make: idx == n. In that case, we should check that our condition holds (sum + sum(A) - sum(B) == 0, i.e. sum == 0) and return the answer. If sum == 0, then the answer is 0. However, if sum != 0, then there is no answer and we should return something which will never be chosen as the answer, unless there are no answer for the whole problem. As we modify returning value of recurse and do not want extra ifs, it cannot be simply zero or even -1; it should be a number which, when modified, still remains "the worst answer ever". The biggest modification we can make is to add all numbers to the resulting value, hence we should choose something less or equal to negative maximal sum of numbers (i.e. -1000), as existing answers are always strictly positive, and that fictive answer will always be non-positive.
There is at least one remaining element which should be distributed to either A, B or C. Make the choice and choose the best answer among three options. Answers are calculated recursively.
Here is my implementation:
const int MAXN = 50;
const int MAXSUM = 1000;
bool visited[MAXN + 1][2 * MAXSUM + 1]; // should be filled with false
int dp[MAXN + 1][2 * MAXSUM + 1]; // initial values do not matter
int recurse(int idx, int sum){
// Memoization.
if (visited[idx][sum + MAXSUM]) {
return dp[idx][sum + MAXSUM];
// Mark the current state as visited in the beginning,
// it's ok to do before actually computing it as we're
// not expect to visit it while computing.
visited[idx][sum + MAXSUM] = true;
int &answer = dp[idx][sum + MAXSUM];
// Backtracking search follows.
answer = -MAXSUM; // "Answer does not exist" marker.
if (idx == N) {
// No more choices to make.
if (sum == 0) {
answer = 0; // Answer exists.
} else {
// Do nothing, there is no answer.
} else {
// Option 1. Current elemnt goes to A.
answer = max(answer, arr[idx] + recurse(idx + 1, sum + arr[idx]));
// Option 2. Current element goes to B.
answer = max(answer, recurse(idx + 1, sum - arr[idx]));
// Option 3. Current element goes to C.
answer = max(answer, recurse(idx + 1, sum));
return answer;
Here is a simple dynamic programming based solution for anyone interested, based on the idea suggested by Codeforces user lemelisk here. Complete post here. I haven't tested this code completely though.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define MAXN 20 // maximum length of array
#define MAXSUM 500 // maximum sum of all elements in array
#define DIFFSIZE (2*MAXSUM + 9) // possible size of differences array (-maxsum, maxsum) + some extra
int dp[MAXN][DIFFSIZE] = { 0 };
int visited[DIFFSIZE] = { 0 }; // visited[diff] == 1 if the difference 'diff' can be reached
int offset = MAXSUM + 1; // offset so that indices in dp table don't become negative
// 'diff' replaced by 'offset + diff' below everywhere
int max(int a, int b) {
return (a > b) ? a : b;
int max_3(int a, int b, int c) {
return max(a, max(b, c));
int main() {
int a[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 5};
int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
int *arr = new int[n + 1];
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
arr[i] = a[i - 1]; // 'arr' same as 'a' but with 1-indexing for simplicity
sum += arr[i];
} // 'sum' holds sum of all elements of array
for (int i = 0; i < MAXN; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < DIFFSIZE; j++)
dp[i][j] = INT_MIN;
dp[i][j] signifies the maximum value X that can be reached till index 'i' in array such that diff between the two sets is 'j'
In other words, the highest sum subsets reached till index 'i' have the sums {X , X + diff}
See for details
// 1 ... i : (X, X + diff) can be reached by 1 ... i-1 : (X - a[i], X + diff)
dp[0][offset] = 0; // subset sum is 0 for null set, difference = 0 between subsets
visited[offset] = 1; // initially zero diff reached
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (int diff = (-1)*sum; diff <= sum; diff++) {
if (visited[offset + diff + arr[i]] || visited[offset + diff - arr[i]] || visited[offset + diff]) {
// if difference 'diff' is reachable, then only update, else no need
dp[i][offset + diff] = max_3
dp[i - 1][offset + diff],
dp[i - 1][offset + diff + arr[i]] + arr[i],
dp[i - 1][offset + diff - arr[i]]
visited[offset + diff] = 1;
dp[i][diff] = max {
dp[i - 1][diff] : not taking a[i] in either subset
dp[i - 1][diff + arr[i]] + arr[i] : putting arr[i] in first set, thus reducing difference to 'diff', increasing X to X + arr[i]
dp[i - 1][diff - arr[i]] : putting arr[i] in second set
initialization: dp[0][0] = 0
// O(N*SUM) algorithm
cout << dp[n][offset] << "\n";
return 0;
State is not updated in Approach 1. Change the last line of recurse
visited[idx][sum_left][sum_right] = 1;
Also memset the visited array to false before calling recurse from main.

Calculating multiples in Haskell (conversion from C)? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to write a Haskell program that calculates multiples. Basically, when given two integers a and b, I want to find how many integers 1 ≤ bi ≤ b are multiple of any integer 2 ≤ ai ≤ a. For example, if a = 3 and b = 30, I want to know how many integers in the range of 1-30 are a multiple of 2 or 3; there are 20 such integers: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30.
I have a C program that does this. I'm trying to get this translated into Haskell, but part of the difficulty is getting around the loops that I've used since Haskell doesn't use loops. I appreciate any and all help in translating this!
My C program for reference (sorry if formatting is off):
#define PRIME_RANGE 130
#define PRIME_CNT 32
#define UPPER_LIMIT (1000000000000000ull) //10^15
typedef struct
char primeFactorFlag;
long long multiple;
unsigned char primeFlag[PRIME_RANGE + 1];
int primes[PRIME_CNT];
int primeCnt = 0;
int maxPrimeStart[PRIME_CNT];
multipleInfo baseMultiples[MAX_BASE_MULTIPLES_COUNT];
multipleInfo mergedMultiples[MAX_BASE_MULTIPLES_COUNT];
int baseMultiplesCount, mergedMultiplesCount;
void findOddMultiples(int a, long long b, long long *count);
void generateBaseMultiples(void);
void mergeLists(multipleInfo listSource[], int countS, multipleInfo
listDest[], int *countD);
void sieve(void);
int main(void)
int i, j, a, n, startInd, endInd;
long long b, multiples;
//Generate primes
primes[primeCnt] = PRIME_RANGE + 1;
baseMultiples[baseMultiplesCount].multiple = UPPER_LIMIT + 1;
//Input and Output
scanf("%d", &n);
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
scanf("%d%lld", &a, &b);
//If b <= a, all are multiple except 1
if(b <= a)
//Add all even multiples
multiples = b / 2;
//Add all odd multiples
findOddMultiples(a, b, &multiples);-
printf("%lld\n", multiples);
return 0;
void findOddMultiples(int a, long long b, long long *count)
int i, k;
long long currentNum;
for(k = 1; k < primeCnt && primes[k] <= a; k++)
for(i = maxPrimeStart[k]; i < maxPrimeStart[k + 1] &&
baseMultiples[i].multiple <= b; i++)
currentNum = b/baseMultiples[i].multiple;
currentNum = (currentNum + 1) >> 1; // remove even multiples
if(baseMultiples[i].primeFactorFlag) //odd number of factors
(*count) += currentNum;
(*count) -= currentNum;
void addTheMultiple(long long value, int primeFactorFlag)
baseMultiples[baseMultiplesCount].multiple = value;
baseMultiples[baseMultiplesCount].primeFactorFlag = primeFactorFlag;
void generateBaseMultiples(void)
int i, j, t, prevCount;
long long curValue;
addTheMultiple(3, 1);
mergedMultiples[0] = baseMultiples[0];
mergedMultiplesCount = 1;
maxPrimeStart[1] = 0;
prevCount = mergedMultiplesCount;
for(i = 2; i < primeCnt; i++)
maxPrimeStart[i] = baseMultiplesCount;
addTheMultiple(primes[i], 1);
for(j = 0; j < prevCount; j++)
curValue = mergedMultiples[j].multiple * primes[i];
if(curValue > UPPER_LIMIT)
addTheMultiple(curValue, 1 - mergedMultiples[j].primeFactorFlag);
if(i < primeCnt - 1)
mergeLists(&baseMultiples[prevCount], baseMultiplesCount - prevCount, mergedMultiples, &mergedMultiplesCount);
prevCount = mergedMultiplesCount;
maxPrimeStart[primeCnt] = baseMultiplesCount;
void mergeLists(multipleInfo listSource[], int countS, multipleInfo listDest[], int *countD)
int limit = countS + *countD;
int i1, i2, j, k;
//Copy one list in unused safe memory
for(j = limit - 1, k = *countD - 1; k >= 0; j--, k--)
listDest[j] = listDest[k];
//Merge the lists
for(i1 = 0, i2 = countS, k = 0; i1 < countS && i2 < limit; k++)
if(listSource[i1].multiple <= listDest[i2].multiple)
listDest[k] = listSource[i1++];
listDest[k] = listDest[i2++];
while(i1 < countS)
listDest[k++] = listSource[i1++];
while(i2 < limit)
listDest[k++] = listDest[i2++];
*countD = k;
void sieve(void)
int i, j, root = sqrt(PRIME_RANGE);
primes[primeCnt++] = 2;
for(i = 3; i <= PRIME_RANGE; i+= 2)
primes[primeCnt++] = i;
if(root >= i)
for(j = i * i; j <= PRIME_RANGE; j += i << 1)
primeFlag[j] = 1;
First, unless I'm grossly misunderstanding, the number of multiples you have there is wrong. The number of multiples of 2 between 1 and 30 is 15, and the number of multiples of 3 between 1 and 30 is 10, so there should be 25 numbers there.
EDIT: I did misunderstand; you want unique multiples.
To get unique multiples, you can use Data.Set, which has the invariant that the elements of the Set are unique and ordered ascendingly.
If you know you aren't going to exceed x = maxBound :: Int, you can get even better speedups using Data.IntSet. I've also included some test cases and annotated with comments what they run at on my machine.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
module Main (main) where
import System.CPUTime (getCPUTime)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
main :: IO ()
main = do
test 3 30 -- 0.12 ms
test 131 132 -- 0.14 ms
test 500 300000 -- 117.63 ms
test :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
test !a !b = do
start <- getCPUTime
print (numMultiples a b)
end <- getCPUTime
print $ "Needed " ++ show ((fromIntegral (end - start)) / 10^9) ++ " ms.\n"
numMultiples :: Int -> Int -> Int
numMultiples !a !b = IntSet.size (foldMap go [2..a])
go :: Int -> IntSet
go !x = IntSet.fromAscList [x, x+x .. b]
I'm not really into understanding your C, so I implemented a solution afresh using the algorithm discussed here. The N in the linked algorithm is the product of the primes up to a in your problem description.
So first we'll need a list of primes. There's a standardish trick for getting a list of primes that is at once very idiomatic and relatively efficient:
primes :: [Integer]
primes = 2:filter isPrime [3..]
-- Doesn't work right for n<2, but we never call it there, so who cares?
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime n = go primes n where
go (p:ps) n | p*p>n = True
| otherwise = n `rem` p /= 0 && go ps n
Next up: we want a way to iterate over the positive square-free divisors of N. This can be achieved by iterating over the subsets of the primes less than a. There's a standard idiomatic way to get a powerset, namely:
-- import Control.Monad
-- powerSet :: [a] -> [[a]]
-- powerSet = filterM (const [False, True])
That would be a fine component to use, but since at the end of the day we only care about the product of each powerset element and the value of the Mobius function of that product, we would end up duplicating a lot of multiplications and counting problems. It's cheaper to compute those two things directly while producing the powerset. So:
-- Given the prime factorization of a square-free number, produce a list of
-- its divisors d together with mu(d).
divisorsWithMu :: Num a => [a] -> [(a, a)]
divisorsWithMu [] = [(1, 1)]
divisorsWithMu (p:ps) = rec ++ [(p*d, -mu) | (d, mu) <- rec] where
rec = divisorsWithMu ps
With that in hand, we can just iterate and do a little arithmetic.
f :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
f a b = b - sum
[ mu * (b `div` d)
| (d, mu) <- divisorsWithMu (takeWhile (<=a) primes)
And that's all the code. Crunched 137 lines of C down to 15 lines of Haskell -- not bad! Try it out in ghci:
> f 3 30
As an additional optimization, one could consider modifying divisorsWithMu to short-circuit when its divisor is bigger than b, as we know such terms will not contribute to the final sum. This makes a noticeable difference for large a, as without it there are exponentially many elements in the powerset. Here's how that modification looks:
-- Given an upper bound and the prime factorization of a square-free number,
-- produce a list of its divisors d that are no larger than the upper bound
-- together with mu(d).
divisorsWithMuUnder :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> [a] -> [(a, a)]
divisorsWithMuUnder n [] = [(1, 1)]
divisorsWithMuUnder n (p:ps) = rec ++ [(p*d, -mu) | (d, mu) <- rec, p*d<=n]
where rec = divisorsWithMuUnder n ps
f' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
f' a b = b - sum
[ mu * (b `div` d)
| (d, mu) <- divisorsWithMuUnder b (takeWhile (<=a) primes)
Not much more complicated; the only really interesting difference is that there's now a condition in the list comprehension. Here's an example of f' finishing quickly for inputs that would take infeasibly long with f:
> f' 100 100000
With data-ordlist package mentioned by Daniel Wagner in the comments, it is just
f a b = length $ unionAll [ [p,p+p..b] | p <- takeWhile (<= a) primes]
That is all. Some timings, for non-compiled code run inside GHCi:
~> f 100 (10^5)
(0.05 secs, 48855072 bytes)
~> f 131 (3*10^6)
(0.55 secs, 1493586480 bytes)
~> f 131 132
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
~> f 500 300000
(0.11 secs, 192704760 bytes)
Compiling will surely make the memory consumption a non-issue, by converting the length to a counting loop.
You'll have to use recursion in place of loops.
In (most) procedural or object-orientated languages, you should hardly ever (never?) be using recursion. It is horribly inefficient, as a new stack frame must be created each time the recursive function is called.
However, in a functional language, like Haskell, the compiler is often able to optimize the recursion away into a loop, which makes it much faster then its procedural counterparts.
I've converted your sieve function into a set of recursive functions in C. I'll leave it to you to convert it into Haskell:
int main(void) {
int root = sqrt(PRIME_RANGE);
primes[primeCnt++] = 2;
sieve(3, PRIME_RANGE, root);
void sieve(int i, int end, int root) {
if(i > end) {
if(!primeFlag[i]) {
primes[primeCnt++] = i;
if(root >= i) {
markMultiples(i * i, PRIME_RANGE, i);
i += 2;
sieve(i, end, root);
void markMultiples(int j, int end, int prime) {
if(j > end) {
primeFlag[j] = 1;
j += i << 1;
markMultiples(j, end, prime);
The point of recursion is that the same function is called repeatedly, until a condition is met. The results of one recursive call are passed onto the next call, until the condition is met.
Also, why are you bit-fiddling instead of just multiplying or dividing by 2? Any half-decent compiler these days can convert most multiplications and divisions by 2 into a bit-shift.

subset sum with negative values in c or c++

I have this code for finding the subset sum of positive values and everywhere I searched I only see positive integers or a program written in java in advanced level. I want to know how to implement that my C program would work with negative numbers. Actually, I want it to find sum that is 0. I had an idea
Take the minimum value in the set, call it k.
Add each element in the set by the absolute value of k.
Add sum by the absolute value of k.
Perform the algorithm.
But I found that this wont work. Take the set (-5, 10) and see if any subset adds up to 5. We would convert (-5, 10) -> (0, 15) and 5->10. -5+10=5, but 0+15 != 10
A lot of ideas I searched on the internet but can't find the answer.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef int bool;
#define true 1
#define false 0
bool isSubsetSum(int set[], int n, int sum) {
// Base Cases
if (sum == 0)
return true;
if (n == 0 && sum != 0)
return false;
if (set[n - 1] > sum)
return isSubsetSum(set, n - 1, sum);
return isSubsetSum(set, n - 1, sum) ||
isSubsetSum(set, n - 1, sum - set[n - 1]);
int main() {
int set[] = { -3, 34, -2, 12, 5, 8 };
int sum = 0;
int i;
int n = sizeof(set) / sizeof(set[0]);
if (isSubsetSum(set, n, sum) == true)
printf("Found a subset");
printf("No subset");
return 0;
I dont really understand your strategy. You should not use the absolute value. The sum of a+b has little to do with the sum of |a|+|b| (well there are some relations, but if you use them somewhere then I missed it ;).
If you have an algorithm that can find you a subset among positive integers that adds up to x, then you can use it also for negative numbers. It wont be as efficient, but with a small trick it can work....
First you add an offset to all numbers to make them all positive. Now you look for subsets that add up to x+y*offset, where y is the size of the subset. Eg. you have
A = -1, -3, -2, 6 12, 48
and you are looking for a subset that adds up to 0, then you first add 3 to all numbers,
b = 2, 0, 1, 9, 15, 51
and then try to find a subset of size 1 that adds up to 3, a subset of size 2 that adds up to 6, ...., a subset of size 4 that adds up to 12, that would be
12 = 2+0+1+9 ie 0 = -1 + -3 + -2 + 6
Doing it that way isnt very efficient, because you have to apply the algorithm N-times (N= size of input). However, if your algorithm for positives lets you fix the size of the subset, this may compensate this loss in efficiency.
I guess you can try a brute force attempt by removing the test for overflow:
#include <stdio.h>
int isSubsetSum(int set[], int n, int sum, int empty_ok) {
// Base Cases
if (sum == 0 && empty_ok)
return 1;
if (n == 0)
return 0;
return isSubsetSum(set, n - 1, sum, empty_ok) ||
isSubsetSum(set, n - 1, sum - set[n - 1], 1);
int main(void) {
int set[] = { 3, 34, 2, 12, 5, 8 };
int n = sizeof(set) / sizeof(set[0]);
int sum = 6;
if (isSubsetSum(set, n, sum, 0) == true)
printf("Found a subset");
printf("No subset");
return 0;
Unfortunately, the time complexity of this solution is O(2n).
Here is a non recursive solution for sets up to 64 elements:
int isSubsetSum(int set[], int n, int sum) {
unsigned long long last;
if (n == 0)
return sum == 0;
last = ((1ULL << (n - 1)) << 1) - 1;
// only find non empty subsets for a 0 sum
for (unsigned long long bits = 1;; bits++) {
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
s += set[i] * ((bits >> i) & 1);
if (s == sum)
return 1;
if (bits == last)
return 0;
Explanation: type unsigned long long is guaranteed to have at least 64 value bits. bits varies from 1 to last inclusive and takes all possible bit patterns of n bits except all off. For each value of bits, I sum the elements for which the corresponding bit is set, hence all possible non empty subsets are tested.
Code has TBD bug
Yet OP requested it to remain. I fix it later or take down tomorrow.
OP's code has trouble because it is searching for the wrong sum.
By finding the minimum value and offsetting each element of set[], the problem becomes one of only positive numbers - which apparently OP has solved prior.
The trick is that the target sum needs to be offset by n*offset
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
//typedef int bool;
//#define true 1
//#define false 0
bool isSubsetSum(int set[], int n, int sum, int offset) {
// Base Cases
if ((sum + n*offset) == 0)
return true;
if (n == 0 && (sum + n*offset) != 0)
return false;
if (set[n - 1] > sum + n*offset)
return isSubsetSum(set, n - 1, sum, offset);
return isSubsetSum(set, n - 1, sum, offset) ||
isSubsetSum(set, n - 1, sum - set[n - 1], offset);
int main() {
int set[] = { -3, 34, -2, 12, 5, 8 };
int sum = 0;
int i;
int n = sizeof(set) / sizeof(set[0]);
int min = -3; // TBD code to find minimum
for (i = 0; i<6; i++) set[i] -= min;
if (isSubsetSum(set, n, sum, -min) == true)
printf("Found a subset");
printf("No subset");
return 0;
Found a subset

Maximizing count of distinct numbers that produce a given sum 'k'

I need help with this dynamic programming problem.
Given a positive integer k, find the maximum number of distinct positive integers that sum to k. For example, 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 so the answer would be 3, as opposed to 5 + 1 or 4 + 2 which would be 2.
The first thing I think of is that I have to find a subproblem. So to find the max sum for k, we need to find the max sum for the values less than k. So we have to iterate through the values 1 -> k and find the max sum for those values.
What confuses me is how to make a formula. We can define M(j) as the maximum number of distinct values that sum to j, but how do I actually write the formula for it?
Is my logic for what I have so far correct, and can someone explain how to work through this step by step?
No dynamic programming is need. Let's start with an example:
50 = 50
50 = 1 + 49
50 = 1 + 2 + 47 (three numbers)
50 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 44 (four numbers)
50 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 14 (nine numbers)
Nine numbers is as far as we can go. If we use ten numbers, the sum would be at least 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 10 = 55, which is greater than 50 - thus it is impossible.
Indeed, if we use exactly n distinct positive integers, then the lowest number with such a sum is 1+2+...+n = n(n+1)/2. By solving the quadratic, we have that M(k) is approximately sqrt(2k).
Thus the algorithm is to take the number k, subtract 1, 2, 3, etc. until we can't anymore, then decrement by 1. Algorithm in C:
int M(int k) {
int i;
for (i = 1; ; i++) {
if (k < i) return i - 1;
else k -= i;
The other answers correctly deduce that the problem essentially is this summation:
However this can actually be simplified to
In code this looks like : floor(sqrt(2.0 * k + 1.0/4) - 1.0/2)
The disadvantage of this answer is that it requires you to deal with floating point numbers.
Brian M. Scott (, Given a positive integer, find the maximum distinct positive integers that can form its sum, URL (version: 2012-03-22):
The smallest number that can be represented as the sum of i distinct positive integers is 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + i = i(i+1)/2, otherwise known as the i'th triangular number, T[i].
Let i be such that T[i] is the largest triangular number less than or equal to your k.
Then we can represent k as the sum of i different positive integers:
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + (i-1) + (i + k - T[i])
Note that the last term is greater than or equal to i (and therefore different from the other integers), since k >= T[i].
Also, it's not possible to represent k as the sum of i+1 different positive integers, since the smallest number that's the sum of i+1 different positive integers is T[i+1] > k because of how we chose i.
So your question is equivalent to finding the largest i such that T[i] <= k.
That's solved by this:
i = floor((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8k)) / 2)
[derivation here: ]
You could also write a simple program to iterate through triangular numbers until you find the first larger than k:
def uniq_sum_count(k):
i = 1
while i * (i+1) <= k * 2:
i += 1
return i - 1
for k in xrange(20):
print k, uniq_sum_count(k)
I think you just check if 1 + ... + n > k. If so, print n-1.
Because if you find the smallest n as 1 + ... + n > k, then 1 + ... + (n-1) <= k. so add the extra value, say E, to (n-1), then 1 + ... + (n-1+E) = k.
Hence n-1 is the maximum.
Note that : 1 + ... + n = n(n+1) / 2
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int k, n;
printf(">> ");
scanf("%d", &k);
for (n = 1; ; n++)
if (n * (n + 1) / 2 > k)
printf("the maximum: %d\n", n-1);
Or you can make M(j).
int M(int j)
int n;
for (n = 1; ; n++)
if (n * (n + 1) / 2 > j)
return n-1; // return the maximum.
Well the problem might be solved without dynamic programming however i tried to look at it in dynamic programming way.
Tip: when you wanna solve a dynamic programming problem you should see when situation is "repetitive". Here, since from the viewpoint of the number k it does not matter if, for example, I subtract 1 first and then 3 or first 3 and then 1; I say that "let's subtract from it in ascending order".
Now, what is repeated? Ok, the idea is that I want to start with number k and subtract it from distinct elements until I get to zero. So, if I reach to a situation where the remaining number and the last distinct number that I have used are the same the situation is "repeated":
#include <stdio.h>
bool marked[][];
int memo[][];
int rec(int rem, int last_distinct){
if(marked[rem][last_distinct] == true) return memo[rem][last_distinct]; //don't compute it again
if(rem == 0) return 0; //success
if(rem > 0 && last > rem - 1) return -100000000000; //failure (minus infinity)
int ans = 0;
for(i = last_distinct + 1; i <= rem; i++){
int res = 1 + rec(rem - i, i); // I've just used one more distinct number
if(res > ans) ans = res;
marked[rem][last_distinct] = true;
memo[rem][last_distinct] = res;
return res;
int main(){
cout << rec(k, 0) << endl;
return 0;
The time complexity is O(k^3)
Though it isn't entirely clear what constraints there may be on how you arrive at your largest discrete series of numbers, but if you are able, passing a simple array to hold the discrete numbers, and keeping a running sum in your functions can simplify the process. For example, passing the array a long with your current j to the function and returning the number of elements that make up the sum within the array can be done with something like this:
int largest_discrete_sum (int *a, int j)
int n, sum = 0;
for (n = 1;; n++) {
a[n-1] = n, sum += n;
if (n * (n + 1) / 2 > j)
a[sum - j - 1] = 0; /* zero the index holding excess */
return n;
Putting it together in a short test program would look like:
#include <stdio.h>
int largest_discrete_sum(int *a, int j);
int main (void) {
int i, idx = 0, v = 50;
int a[v];
idx = largest_discrete_sum (a, v);
printf ("\n largest_discrete_sum '%d'\n\n", v);
for (i = 0; i < idx; i++)
if (a[i])
printf (!i ? " %2d" : " +%2d", a[i]);
printf (" = %d\n\n", v);
return 0;
int largest_discrete_sum (int *a, int j)
int n, sum = 0;
for (n = 1;; n++) {
a[n-1] = n, sum += n;
if (n * (n + 1) / 2 > j)
a[sum - j - 1] = 0; /* zero the index holding excess */
return n;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/largest_discrete_sum
largest_discrete_sum '50'
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 +10 = 50
I apologize if I missed a constraint on the discrete values selection somewhere, but approaching in this manner you are guaranteed to obtain the largest number of discrete values that will equal your sum. Let me know if you have any questions.
