I have written the below code in order to have concurrent queries.
QString databaseName = "DB-"+QThread::currentThread()->objectName();
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL",databaseName);
QSqlQuery query(db);
query.prepare("select * from Person where chatID=:chatID");
return true;
The code creates a connection with unique name, opens it, make query, closes it and at last removes the connection.
The problem is, it has memory leakage. When I comment the code, it does not leak. What else should I do in order to prevent it?
Is it a safe code I have written?
If I copy db.close() and removeDatabase before return, it will print:
QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'DB-ReplyThread-1' is
still in use, all queries will cease to work.
As you create new connection in each thread its perfectly fine from Qt point of view, queries objects related to connection should be removed, so simplest way to avoid this message is something like this:
do {
QSqlQuery query(db);
query.prepare("select * from Person where chatID=:chatID");
} while (0);
so just limit the scope of QSqlQuery then it gets destroyed before you close connection.
To quote the documentation:
Also, the connection must remain open while the query exists; otherwise, the behavior of QSqlQuery is undefined.
So your code has to handle the query before closing the database connection. That might be the noticed leakage of yours.
Also note that your database driver may not support concurrency. I read something about that somewhere but cannot recall at the moment.
I have some long running commands in stored procedures that are at risk of timing out, and I run them using Context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand
It would appear that when a command times out, it leaves a lock in the database because the transaction is not rolled back.
I found an explanation for that here: CommandTimeout – How to handle it properly?
Based on the linked example I changed my code to:
Database database = Context.Database;
return database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, parameters);
catch (SqlException e)
//Transactions can stay open after a CommandTimeout,
//so need to rollback any open transactions
if (e.Number == -2) //CommandTimeout occurred
//Single rollback exits all levels of nested transactions,
//no need to loop.
database.ExecuteSqlCommand("IF ##TRANCOUNT>0 ROLLBACK TRAN;");
However, that threw an exception inside the catch, because the connection is now null:
ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: connection
Following the comments from Annie and usr I changed my code to this:
Database database = Context.Database;
using (var tran = database.BeginTransaction())
int result = database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, parameters);
return result;
catch (SqlException)
var debug = database.SqlQuery<Int16>("SELECT ##SPID");
I really thought that would do it, but the locks in the database continue to accumulate when I set my CommandTimeout to a really small value to test it out.
I put a breakpoint at the throw, so I know the transaction has been rolled back. The debug variable tells me the session id and when I check my locks using this query: SELECT * FROM sys.dm_tran_locks, I find a match for the session id in the request_session_id, but it's a lock that was already there, not one of the new ones, so I'm a bit confused.
So, how should I properly handle CommandTimeout when using ExecuteSqlCommand to ensure locks are released immediately?
I downloaded sp_whoisactive and ran it, the spid appears to be linked to a query on tables used by Hangfire - I am using Hangfire to run the long running queries in a background process. So, I think that perhaps I am barking up the wrong tree. I did have a problem with locking but I've rewritten my own queries to avoid locking too many rows and I've disabled lock escalation on the tables where I had a problem. These last locks may be coming from Hangfire, and may not be significant, nonetheless I've decided to go with XACT_ABORT ON for now.
Inspired by this, I wrote a simple mutex on Cassandra 2.1.4.
Here is a how the lock/unlock (pseudo) code looks:
public boolean lock(String uuid){
try {
Statement stmt = new SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO LOCK (id) VALUES (?) IF NOT EXISTS", uuid);
ResultSet rs = session.execute(stmt);
if (rs.wasApplied()) {
return true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
Statement stmt = new SimpleStatement("DELETE FROM LOCK WHERE id = ?", uuid);
session.execute(stmt); // DATA DELETED HERE REAPPEARS!
return false;
public void unlock(String uuid) {
try {
Statement stmt = new SimpleStatement("DELETE FROM LOCK WHERE id = ?", uuid);
} catch (Throwable t) {
Now, I am able to recreate at will a situation where a WriteTimeoutException is thrown in lock() in a high load test. This means the data may or may not be written. After this my code deletes the lock - and again a WriteTimeoutException is thrown. However, the lock remains (or reappears).
Why is this?
Now I know I can easily put a TTL on this table (for this usecase), but how do I reliably delete that row?
My guess on seeing this code is a common error that happens in Distributed Systems programming. There is an assumption that in case in failure your attempt to correct the failure will succeed.
In the above code you check to make sure that initial write is successful, but don't make sure that the "rollback" is also successful. This can lead to a variety of unwanted states.
Let's imagine a few scenarios with Replicas A, B and C.
Client creates Lock but an error is thrown. The lock is present on all replicas but the client gets a timeout because that connection is lost or broken.
State of System
A[Lock], B[Lock], C[Lock]
We have an exception on the client and attempt to undo the lock by issuing a delete but this fails with an exception back at the client. This means the system can be in a variety of states.
0 Successful Writes of the Delete
A[Lock], B[Lock], C[Lock]
All quorum requests will see the Lock. There exists no combination of replicas which would show us the Lock has been removed.
1 Successful Writes of the Delete
A[Lock], B[Lock], C[]
In this case we are still vulnerable. Any request which excludes C as part of the quorum call will miss the deletion. If only A and B are polled than we'll still see the lock existing.
2/3 Successful Writes of the Delete (Quorum CL Is Met)
A[Lock/], B[], C[]
In this case we have once more lost the connection to the driver but somehow succeeded internally in replicating the delete request. These scenarios are the only ones in which we are actually safe and that future reads will not see the Lock.
One of the tricky things with situations like this is that if you fail do make your lock correctly because of network instability it is also unlikely that your correction will succeed since it has to work in the exact same environment.
This may be an instance where CAS operations can be beneficial. But in most cases it is better to not attempt to use distributing locking if at all possible.
static void clean() throws Exception {
final UserTransaction tx = InitialContext.doLookup("UserTransaction");
try {
final DataSource ds = InitialContext.doLookup(Databases.ADMIN);
Connection connection1 = ds.getConnection();
Connection connection2 = ds.getConnection();
PreparedStatement st1 = connection1.prepareStatement("XXX delete records XXX"); // delete data
PreparedStatement st2 = connection2.prepareStatement("XXX insert records XXX"); // insert new data that is same primary as deleted data above
} finally {
if (tx.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) {
I have a web app, the DAO taking DataSource as the object to create individual connection to perform database operations.
So I have a UserTransaction, inside there are two DAO object doing separated action, first one is doing deletion and second one is doing insertion. The deletion is to delete some records to allow insertion to take place because insertion will insert same primary key's data.
I take out the DAO layer and translate the logic into the code above. There is one thing I couldn't understand, based on the code above, the insertion operation should fail, because the code (inside the UserTransaction) take two different connections, they don't know each other, and the first deletion haven't committed obviously, so second statement (insertion) should fail (due to unique constraint), because two database operation not in same connection, second connection is not able to detect uncommitted changes. But amazingly, it doesn't fail, and both statement can work perfectly.
Can anyone help explain this? Any configuration can be done to achieve this result? Or whether my understanding is wrong?
Since your application is running in weblogic server, the java-EE-container is managing the transaction and the connection for you. If you call DataSource#getConnection multiple times in a java-ee transaction, you will get multiple Connection instances joining the same transaction. Usually those connections connect to database with the identical session. Using oracle you can check that with the following snippet in a #Stateless ejb:
private DataSource ds;
#Schedule(hour="*", minute="*", second="42")
public void testDatasource() throws SQLException {
try ( Connection con1 = ds.getConnection();
Connection con2 = ds.getConnection();
) {
String sessId1 = null, sessId2 = null;
try (ResultSet rs1 = con1.createStatement().executeQuery("select userenv('SESSIONID') from dual") ){
if ( rs1.next() ) sessId1 = rs1.getString(1);
try (ResultSet rs2 = con2.createStatement().executeQuery("select userenv('SESSIONID') from dual") ){
if ( rs2.next() ) sessId2 = rs2.getString(1);
LOG.log( Level.INFO," con1={0}, con2={1}, sessId1={2}, sessId2={3}"
, new Object[]{ con1, con2, sessId1, sessId2}
This results in the following log-Message:
Note that you get different Connection instances with same session-ID.
For more details see eg this question
The only way to do this properly is to use a transaction manager and two phase commit XA drivers for all databases involved in this transaction.
My guess is that you have autocommit enabled on the connections. This is the default when creating a new connection, as is documented here
will most likely print true.
You could try
and see if that changes the behavior.
In addition to that, it's not really defined what happens if you call close() on a connection and haven't issued a commit or rollback statement beforehand. Therefore it is strongly recommended to either issue one of the two before closing the connection, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#close()
If autocommit is false, the it's probably due to the undefined behavior of close. What happens if you switch the statements? :
You could also try the "correct" way of doing it:
If that doesn't fail, then something is wrong with your setup for UserTransactions.
Depending on your database this is quite a normal case.
An object implementing UserTransaction interface represents a "logical transaction". It doesn't always map to a real, "physical" transaction that a database engine respects.
For example, there are situations that cause implicit commits (as well as implicit starts) of transactions. In case of Oracle (can't vouch for other DBs), closing a connection is one of them.
From Oracle's docs:
"If the auto-commit mode is disabled and you close the connection
without explicitly committing or rolling back your last changes, then
an implicit COMMIT operation is run".
But there can be other possible reasons for implicit commits: select for update, various locking statements, DDLs, and so on. They are database-specific.
So, back to our code.
The first transaction is committed by closing a connection.
Then another transaction is implicitly started by the DML on the second connection. It inserts non-conflicting changes and the second connection.close() commits them without PK violation. tx.commit() won't even get a chance to commit anything (and how could it? the connection is already closed).
The bottom line: "logical" transaction managers don't always give you the full picture.
Sometimes transactions are started and committed without an explicit reason. And sometimes they are even ignored by a DB.
PS: I assumed you used Oracle, but the said holds true for other databases as well. For example, MySQL's list of implicit commit reasons.
If auto-commit mode is disabled and you close the connection
without explicitly committing or rolling back your last changes,
then an implicit COMMIT operation is executed.
Please check below link for details:
In my program, I’ve got several threads in pool that each try to write to the DB. The number of threads created is dynamic. When the number of threads created is only one, all works fine. However, when there are multi-thread executing, I get the error:
org.apache.ddlutils.DatabaseOperationException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Cannot commit when autoCommit is enabled.
I’m guessing, perhaps since each thread executes in parallel, two threads are trying to write at the same time and giving this error.
Do you think this is the case, if not, what could be causing this error?
Otherwise, if what I said is the problem, what I can do to fix it?
In your jdbc code, you should turn off autocommit as soon as you fetch the connection. Something like this:
DataSource datasource = getDatasource(); // fetch your datasource somehow
Connection c = null;
c = datasource.getConnection();
We have a couple of mirrored SQL Server databases.
My first problem - the key problem - is to get a notification when the db fails over. I don't need to know because, erm, its mirrored and so it (almost) all carries on working automagically but it would useful to be advised and I'm currently getting failovers when I don't think I should be so it want to know when they occur (without too much digging) to see if I can determine why.
I have services running that I could fairly easily use to monitor this - so the alternative question would be "How do I programmatically determine which is the principal and which is the mirror" - preferably in a more intelligent fashion than just attempting to connect each in turn (which would mostly work but...).
Thanks, Murph
One of the answers queries why I don't need to know when it fails over - the answer is that we're developing using ADO.NET and that has automatic failover support, all you have to do is add Failover Partner=MIRRORSERVER (where MIRRORSERVER is the name of your mirror server instance) to your connection string and your code will fail over transparently - you may get some errors depending on what connections are active but in our case very few.
The two answers and a little thought got me to something approaching an answer.
First a little more clarification:
The app is written in C# (2.0+) and uses ADO.NET to talk to SQL Server 2005.
The mirror setup is two W2k3 servers hosting the Principal and the Mirror plus a third server hosting an express instance as a monitor. The nice thing about this is a failover is all but transparent to the app using the database, it will throw an error for some connections but fundamentally everything will carry on nicely. Yes we're getting the odd false positive but the whole point is to have the system carry on working with the least amount of fuss and mirror does deliver this very nicely.
Further, the issue is not with serious server failure - that's usually a bit more obvious but with a failover for other reasons (c.f. the false positives above) as we do have a couple of things that can't, for various reasons, fail over and in any case so we can see if we can identify the circumstance where we get false positives.
So, given the above, simply checking the status of the boxes is not quite enough and chasing through the event log is probably overly complex - the answer is, as it turns out, fairly simple: sp_helpserver
The first column returned by sp_helpserver is the server name. If you run the request at regular intervals saving the previous server name and doing a comparison each time you'll be able to identify when a change has taken place and then take the appropriate action.
The following is a console app that demonstrates the principal - although it needs some work (e.g. the connection ought to be non-pooled and new each time) but its enough for now (so I'd then accept this as "the" answer"). Parameters are Principal, Mirror, Database
using System;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace FailoverMonitorConcept
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string server = args[0];
string failover = args[1];
string database = args[2];
string connStr = string.Format("Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source={0};Failover Partner={1};Packet Size=4096;Initial Catalog={2}", server, failover, database);
string sql = "EXEC sp_helpserver";
SqlConnection dc = new SqlConnection(connStr);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, dc);
Console.WriteLine("Connection string: " + connStr);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to test, press q to quit");
string priorServerName = "";
char key = ' ';
while(key.ToString().ToLower() != "q")
string serverName = cmd.ExecuteScalar() as string;
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " - Server name: " + serverName);
if (priorServerName == "")
priorServerName = serverName;
else if (priorServerName != serverName)
Console.WriteLine("***** SERVER CHANGED *****");
Console.WriteLine("New server: " + serverName);
priorServerName = serverName;
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.ToString());
key = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;
I wouldn't have arrived here without a) asking the question and then b) getting the responses which made me actually think
If the failover logic is in your application you could write a status screen that shows which box you're connected by writing to a var when the first connection attempt fails.
I think your best bet would be a ping daemon/cron job that checks the status of each box periodically and sends an email if one doesn't respond.
Use something like Host Monitor http://www.ks-soft.net/hostmon.eng/ to monitor the Event Log for messages related to the failover event, which can send you an alert via email/SMS.
I'm curious though how you wouldn't need to know that the failover happened, because don't you have to then update the datasources in your applications to point to the new server that you failed over to? Mirroring takes place on different hosts (the primary and the mirror), unlike clustering which has multiple nodes that appear to be a single device from the outside.
Also, are you using a witness server in order to automatically fail over from the primary to the mirror? This is the only way I know of to make it happen automatically, and in my experience, you get a lot of false-positives where network hiccups can fool the mirror and witness into thinking the primary is down when in fact it is not.