Is there any possibility of divide-by-zero in this conditional statement? - c

This is tricking my mind a little bit, because i can't seem to find any problem with this code.
Anyways, here's the riddle:
Suppose someone injects a random value into a, b:
int foo(int a, int b)
return b ? (a / b): 0;
b != 0 always!
Is it possible for an integer zero division exception to occur?
I'm starting to think this is a prank, yet....
This question was published in a conference, there is a possibility that the author was specific to a compiler/architecture where this is problematic.

No, divide by zero is not possible here.
Quoting C11, chapter ยง6.5.15, Conditional operator , (emphasis mine)
The first operand is evaluated; there is a sequence point between its evaluation and the
evaluation of the second or third operand (whichever is evaluated). The second operand
is evaluated only if the first compares unequal to 0; the third operand is evaluated only if
the first compares equal to 0; [...]
So, in case, b is 0, the expression (a/b) will not be evaluated.
That said, just as note:
The division is integer division.
If you have a wrapper, that ensures b != 0, then you could cut down the whole function call and simply write someVar = a/b;
Also, I don't know of any architecture which (possibly) changes the aforesaid behavior.

There is no possibility for a division by 0 in your example, yet there is another special case you should check for: dividing INT_MIN by -1 may cause a division overflow, and usually causes an fatal exception on Intel hardware, a surprising behavior, yet consistent with the C Standard that specifies that integer overflow can cause an implementation specific behavior.
If you need to protect against such unwanted behavior, you must special case these operands and handle them specifically:
#include <limits.h>
int foo(int a, int b) {
if (b == 0) return 0;
if (a == INT_MIN && b == -1) return INT_MAX;
return a / b;
Since the values of a and b can be crafted by an external source, you definitely need to worry about division overflow. It is a fun game to play to try a crash unsafe calculators by feeding them these values.


how logical NOT operator works in c?

How the logical NOT operator ! actually works in c?
How it turns all non-zero int into 0 and vice-versa?
For example:
#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
printf("I won't print anything");
printf("I will also not print anything");
doesn't print anything, which could mean -76 and 2 was turned into zero...
So, I tried this:
#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
int x = !4;
printf("%d", x);
which indeed printed 0
and now I don't get how, is it flipping all the bits to 0 or what?
Most CPU architectures include an instruction to compare to zero; or even check the result against zero for most operations run on the processor. How this construct is implemented will differ from compiler to compiler.
For example, in x86, there are two instructions: JZ and JNZ: jump zero and jump not zero, which can be used if your test is an if statement. If the last value looked at was zero, jump (or don't jump) to a new instruction.
Given this, it's trivial to implement int x = !4; at assembly level as a jump if 4 is zero or not, though this particular example would be likely calculated at compile time, since all values are constant.
Additionally, most versions of the x86 instruction set support the SETZ instruction directly, which will set a register directly to 1 or 0, based on whether the processors zero flag is currently set. This can be used to implement the logical NOT operation directly. Unary arithmetic operators
1 The operand of the unary + or - operator shall have arithmetic type; of the ~ operator, integer type; of the ! operator, scalar type.
5 The result of the logical negation operator ! is 0 if the value of its operand compares unequal to 0, 1 if the value of its operand compares equal to 0. The result has type int. The expression !E is equivalent to (0==E).
C 202x Working Draft
So, that's what language definition says should happen; if the expression x evaluates to non-zero, then the expression !x should evaluate to zero; if x evaluates to zero, then !x should evaluate to 1. The bits of the operand are not affected.
How that's accomplished in the machine code is up to the specific implementation; it depends on the available instruction set, the compiler, and various other factors such that no one answer works everywhere. It could translate to a branch statement, it could take advantage of specialized instructions, etc.

Does the statement `int val = (++i > ++j) ? ++i : ++j;` invoke undefined behavior?

Given the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i = 1, j = 2;
int val = (++i > ++j) ? ++i : ++j;
printf("%d\n", val); // prints 4
return 0;
The initialization of val seems like it could be hiding some undefined behavior, but I don't see any point at which an object is either modified more than once or modified and used without a sequence point in between. Could someone
either correct or corroborate me on this?
The behavior of this code is well defined.
The first expression in a conditional is guaranteed to be evaluated before either the second expression or the third expression, and only one of the second or third will be evaluated. This is described in section 6.5.15p4 of the C standard:
The first operand is evaluated; there is a sequence point
between its evaluation and the evaluation of the second or third
operand (whichever is evaluated). The second operand is evaluated
only if the first compares unequal to 0; the third operand is
evaluated only if the first compares equal to 0; the result is
the value of the second or third operand (whichever is
evaluated), converted to the type described below.
In the case of your expression:
int val = (++i > ++j) ? ++i : ++j;
++i > ++j is evaluated first. The incremented values of i and j are used in the comparison, so it becomes 2 > 3. The result is false, so then ++j is evaluated and ++i is not. So the (again) incremented value of j (i.e. 4) is then assigned to val.
too late, but maybe useful.
(++i > ++j) ? ++i : ++j;
In the document ISO/IEC 9899:201xAnnex C(informative)Sequence points we find that there is a sequence point
Between the evaluations of the first operand of the conditional ?: operator and whichever of the second and third operands is evaluated
In order to be well defined behavior one must not modify 2 times (via side-effects) the same object between 2 sequence points.
In your expression the only conflict that could appear would be between the first and second ++i or ++j.
At every sequence point the value last stored in the object shall agree with that prescribed by the abstract machine (this is what you would compute on paper, like on a turing machine).
Quote from Program execution
The presence of a sequence point between the evaluation of expressions A and B implies that every value computation and side effect associated with A is sequenced before every value computation and side effect associated with B.
When you have side-effects in your code, they are sequenced by different expressions. The rule says that between 2 sequence points you can permute these expressions as you wish.
For example. i = i++. Because none of the operators involved in this expression represent sequence points, you can permute the expressions that are side-effects as you want. The C language allows you to use any of these sequences
i = i; i = i+1; or i = i+1; i=i; or tmp=i; i = i+1 ; i = tmp; or tmp=i; i = tmp; i = i+1; or anything that provides the same result as the abstract semantics of computation asks for interpretation of this computation. The Standard ISO9899 defines the C language as abstract semantics.
There may be no UB in your program, but in the question:
Does the statement int val = (++i > ++j) ? ++i : ++j; invoke undefined behavior?
The answer is yes. Either or both of the increment operations may overflow, since i and j are signed, in which case all bets are off.
Of course this doesn't happen in your full example because you've specified the values as small integers.
I was going to comment on #Doug Currie that signed integer overflow was a tidbit too far fetched, although technically correct as answer. On the contrary!
On a second thought, I think Doug's answer is not only correct, but assuming a not entirely trivial three-liner as in the example (but a program with maybe a loop or such) should be extended to a clear, definite "yes". Here's why:
The compiler sees int i = 1, j = 2;, so it knows that ++i will be equal to j and thus cannot possibly be larger than j or even ++j. Modern optimizers see such trivial things.
Unless of course, one of them overflows. But the optimizer knows that this would be UB, and therefore assumes that, and optimizes according to, it will never happen.
So the ternary operator's condition is always-false (in this easy example certainly, but even if invoked repeatedly in a loop this would be the case!), and i will only ever be incremented once, whereas j will always be incremented twice. Thus not only is j always larger than i, it even gains at every iteration (until overflow happens, but this never happens per our assumption).
Thus, the optimizer is allowed to turn this into ++i; j += 2; unconditionally, which surely isn't what one would expect.
The same applies for e.g. a loop with unknown values of i and j, such as user-supplied input. The optimizer might very well recognize that the sequence of operations only depends on the initial values of i and j. Thus, the sequence of increments followed by a conditional move can be optimized by duplicating the loop, once for each case, and switching between the two with a single if(i>j). And then, while we're at it, it might fold the loop of repeated increment-by-twos into something like (j-i)<<1 which it just adds. Or something.
Under the assumption that overflow never happens -- which is the assumption that the optimizer is allowed to make, and does make -- such a modification which may completely changes the entire sense and mode of operation of the program is perfectly fine.
Try and debug that.

Is it safe to use foo() && 0 in C?

Imagine i have the following piece of C-code where foo() produces a side effect and returns an integer:
if(bar) {
return 0;
Now, say I really like making my code compact, possibly at the reader's expense, and I change it into this:
if (bar)
return foo() && 0;
Can I be sure these two pieces of code will produce the same behavior, or would I risk the call to foo() not being executed due to possible compiler optimizations or something like that, thus not producing the desired side-effect?
NOTE: This is not a question about which piece of code is better, but whether the two pieces actually produce the same behavior in all cases. I think the majority (and I) can agree that the former piece of code should be used.
Yes, those two are the same. foo() will always be called (assuming bar is true).
The two forms you give are equivalent. The C11 standard (draft n1570) states,
6.5.13 Logical AND operator
3 The && operator shall yield 1 if both of its operands compare unequal to 0;
otherwise, it yields 0. The result has type int.
4 Unlike the bitwise binary & operator, the && operator guarantees left-to-right
evaluation; if the second operand is evaluated, there is a sequence point between
the evaluations of the first and second operands. If the first operand compares
equal to 0, the second operand is not evaluated.
Similar language appeared in all C standards so far.
You should probably prefer using the comma operator here (return foo(), 0;) because:
It's shorter (one character versus two for the operator, and you can get away with removing the left space character when using a comma, for a total of two fewer characters).
It gives you more flexibility, as you can return non-scalar types (such as structs), and a wider range of integers than just 0 or 1.
It conveys the intent better: "Discard return value of foo() and return something else (0) instead".
Now if you do chance upon a compiler that deletes the call to foo(), then either the compiler managed to prove that foo() is a function with no visible side-effects, or more likely it has a serious bug and you should report it.
Why obfuscate your code in the latter?
Use the former.
Easier to read i.e. this is easier to understand
if(bar) {
return 0;
Or unless got a problem with job security

How to check if overflow occured? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Best way to detect integer overflow in C/C++
This is probably a rookie question, but how can I check some overflow affected the value of my numbers in C. For example, when multiplying integers, and waiting for an integer result, if actual result was bigger than max-integer value, actual result is altered(right?). So how can I tell if something like this occured?
Signed integer overflow is like division by zero - it leads to undefined behaviour, so you have to check if it would occur before executing the potentially-overflowing operation. Once you've overflowed, all bets are off - your code could do anything.
The *_MAX and _MIN macros defined in <limits.h> come in handy for this, but you need to be careful not to invoke undefined behaviour in the tests themselves. For example, to check if a * b will overflow given int a, b;, you can use:
if ((b > 0 && a <= INT_MAX / b && a >= INT_MIN / b) ||
(b == 0) ||
(b == -1 && a >= -INT_MAX) ||
(b < -1 && a >= INT_MAX / b && a <= INT_MIN / b))
result = a * b;
/* calculation would overflow */
(Note that one subtle pitfall this avoids is that you can't calculate INT_MIN / -1 - such a number isn't guaranteed to be representable and indeed causes a fatal trap on common platforms).
The C99 standard has this section explaining what undefined behavior is:
undefined behavior
behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of erroneous data,
for which this International Standard imposes no requirements
NOTE Possible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable
results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the
environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or
execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).
An example of undefined behavior is the behavior on integer overflow.
So you're pretty much out of luck, there is no portable way of detecting that in the general case, after the fact.
Your compiler/implementation might have extensions/support for it though, and there are techniques to avoid these situations.
See this question for excellent advice: Best way to detect integer overflow in C/C++.
If you mean while you're programming, you can debug the code.
If you mean in runtime, you can add some conditionals that if it exceeds the limit, do something.
C doesn't know what to do when a calculation's yield would be out of range. You must evade this by testing operands.
Check this It shows you how to check if actual result was bigger than max-integer value.
If the resulting number is smaller than one of the inputs.
a + b = c, if c < a => overflow.
edit: to fast, this is only for addition on unsigned integers.
You cannot know, in the general case, if overflow occurred just by staring at the result. What you can do, however, is to check whether the operation would overflow separately. E.g. if you want to check whether a*b overflows, where a and b are int's, you need to solve the inequality
a * b <= INT_MAX
That is, if a <= INT_MAX / b, then the multiplication would overflow.
As long as you do your arithmetic in unsigned integers, or else can rely on implementation-specific guarantees about how signed integer overflow behaves, there are various tricks you can use.
In the case of unsigned multiplication, the simplest is:
unsigned int lhs = something, rhs = something_else;
unsigned int product = lhs * rhs;
if (lhs != 0 && product/lhs != rhs) { overflow occurred }
It's unlikely to be fast, but it's portable. The unsigned overflow check for addition is also quite simple -- pick either one of the operands, then overflow occurred if and only if the sum is less than that.

Weird mod behavior in Obj. C

I have the following code:
NSInteger index1 = (stop.timeIndex - 1); //This will be -1
index1 = index1 % [stop.schedule count]; // [stop.schedule count] = 33
So I have the expression -1 % 33. This should give me 32, but is instead giving me 3... I've double checked the values in the debugger. Does anyone have any ideas?
In C, the modulus operator doesn't work with negative numbers. (It gives a remainder, rather than doing modular arithmetic as its common name suggests.)
C99 says in Section 6.5.5 Multiplicative operators (bold mine):
The result of the / operator is the quotient from the division of the first operand by the
second; the result of the % operator is the remainder. In both operations, if the value of
the second operand is zero, the behavior is undefined.
When integers are divided, the result of the / operator is the algebraic quotient with any
fractional part discarded. If the quotient a/b is representable, the expression
(a/b)*b + a%b shall equal a.
It says that % is the remainder, and does not use the word "modulus" to describe it. In fact, the word "modulus" only occurs in three places in my copy of C99, and those all relate to the library and not to any operator.
It does not say anything that requires that the remainder be positive. If a positive remainder is required, then rewriting a%b as (a%b + b) % b will work for either sign of a and b and give a positive answer at the expense of an extra addition and division. It may be cheaper to compute it as m=a%b; if (m<0) m+=b; depending on whether missed branches or extra divisions are cheaper in your target architecture.
Edit: I know nothing about Objective-C. Your original question was tagged C and all answers to date reflect the C language, although your example appears to be Objective-C code. I'm assuming that knowing what is true about C is helpful.
The results of using the mod operator on negative numbers are often unexpected. For example, this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n = -1 % 33;
printf( "%d\n", n );
produces -1 with GCC, but I can't see why you expect the expression to evaluate to 32 - so it goes. It's normally better not to perform such operations, particularly if you want your code to be portable.
