In Weblogic and OSB :
How can I put some variables in a proxy or a biz that appears in the "customization file"? Is it even possible?
Realistically, the best option is to use a pre-processor on the customisation file (search and replace script etc, or customise the configjar using Configurator) or do something strange, like put the variables in service accounts and pull them out and use them in your proxies.
Common case is to put tokens into customization file and replace it with appropriate value (e.g. for different environment types). You can use maven plugin for it: maven-replacer-plugin
Im in a project where we will create different sites using the same codebase.
I would like to have a brand style and config for each site which I specify somehow in my build process.
Anyone have an idea of the best way to achieve this ?
I would treat the different sites in much the same way I'd treat different environment (dev, test, prod). If there aren't a lot of changes, just use environment variables on each server where the site will run that define which site it is. Your code can then conditionally do things (e.g. add a class site-x to the body for styling).
You can use something like dotenv to make setting environment vars easier (remember Windows does it differently to *NIX) if you're setting environments in a script. That way you're changing a file rather then actual environment variables when you want to test what a particular site looks like.
If there are many different config items that are different between sites then you can have multiple config files (config-site-one.js, config-site-two.js) and a central config.js file that returns the correct config based on some environment variable like MY_SITE_NAME.
However if you actually want to package up the site to 'send' somewhere (?) then you could run your build command with a flag like webpack blahblahblah --site=site-one.
You can use yargs to get that 'site' variable and use it in your build process however you like.
I have an angular constant which defines webservice end point
angular.module('myModule').constant('mywebservice_url', '')
The problem is that for dev I have a different end point while staging and production its different. Every time I try to check in to git I have to manually reset this file.
Is there any way git permenantly ignore this file but checks out the file while clone or checkout?
Is there any way I can make angular pickup file dynamically from something like environment variable.
NOTE: I don't want to depend on server to do this, ie I don't want to use apach SSI or any of those technologies as it will work only one set of servers.
Delaying the injection via backend processing. I usually just create a global object on html page called pageSettings which values like this is getting injected from the backend, i.e. environment variables, etc. and just pass that global pageSettings object into that angular constant or value.
Build system injection. If you don't have a backend, i.e. pure SPA... maybe you can put this inside your build system, i.e. create multiple task for building the different environments in gulp or grunt and replace that value during the build process.
In e.a. your app init code:
var x = location.hostname;
Then define 2 different constants.
One based off the domain name of your develop environment and one for your production.
I'd like to manage a bunch of report files directly on a file system directly for easier use, especially when updating or excanging them with newer versions. And to avoid this intransparent document library.
Now i want to read one of these Files directly in liferay to pass them to JasperReports in general (e.g. as a ByteStream). I coudln't find any way to do this or something that discribes any way to handly files.
How is this possible to achieve?
Or do i completely mess around with my idea?
You basically can leverage the powers of the Spring framework, since Liferay makes use of Spring more or less directly.
You need to use some sort of "resource adapter" to open files, which you can do in many ways. It pretty much depends where you put files and how they get there (if provided from outside or generated by a Liferay portlet itself, or provided as deployed resource).
I can recommend searching for the following Spring class to be used:
Nevertheless you should think about storing these files in the database, as this is much safer after all (transaction safety, security, ...).
I am trying to use the Configure class in CakePHP, but I'm not sure if I am using it correctly. I have read through the cook book and the API, but I can't seem to do what I want.
I have created a configuration file: app/config/config.php. I can directly edit this file and set variables in there and access them using Configure::read().
Is it possible to update the values of the configuration file from the application itself, i.e., from a controller? I have tried using Configure::write(), but this does not seem to change the value.
app/config/config.php isn't a file that's automatically loaded by Cake. Either move these variables into app/config/bootstrap.php or tell your bootstrap.php file to load your custom file. You could also put your variables in app/config/core.php, but I'd recommend against that. I tend to like leaving that file alone and adding/overwriting values in bootstrap.php.
According to the API, Configure is supposed to be used "for managing runtime configuration information".
You can use its methods to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) configuration variables at runtime. The Configure class is available everywhere in your CakePHP application and therefore CRUD operations performed on its data in any place, including a controller.
If you are looking for persistent storage, you could consider a database (SQL or NoSQL). I would not recommend using a text file, as it raises a lot of security concerns. Even if security is not an issue, a database is propably a more fitting solution.
More on the Configure class in the Cookbook.
I have read a lot of statements like "you shouldn't clog your app.config file with custom settings". However, I was under the impression that this was exactly the purpose of the file?
Is it just indeed a preference thing? Or are there any real benefits (other than separation of settings) by using a custom XML file, as apposed to the app.config file? If you need to explicitly separate settings would it better to use a custom ConfigurationSection rather than opting for a custom XML file?
I would like to here other peoples thoughts on this.
Some people tend to go a bit overboard on custom config section handlers, in my humble opinion.
I tend to use them only when I need something that is very structed; and that is used/written by 3rd parties (i.e. I want to do some extravagent validation on it).
I think you can quite happily use app.config/web.config for all relevant settings, and use separate XML files when it is very clear that is a separate component of the app.
Have a look at the Application Settings Architecture, the app.config is for Configration regarding the Application, thats quite a general term though.. So I would suggest you look into the Application Settings Files.
I would not store settings like "load database on startup or not" in the app.config. I would rather use an Alternative Storage like Application Settings for this, don't confuse Application Configuration with Settings, even though you might want to do that, Don't. app.config is supposed to have configration regarding lower level things like Database connection, Membership Provider or any other Application Critic information.
Most settings tend to fall into one of three camps:
Technical settings that affect the internal behaviour of the code, e.g. database connection string, data file path, logging switches, error handling switches, etc.
Business settings that affect the business logic of the product, e.g. "are users allowed to access the CRM Module?"
User-specific profile values, e.g. "is this user allowed to access the CRM Module?".
The natural place for type 1 is in app.config or web.config, and the natural place for types 2 and 3 is in the database.
App.Config are good for configuration that are application specific : path to database is a good example. The rest should be out of it.
One thing you might want to do is to create user-specific files, you can then use custom xml that will be saved into an IsolatedStore.
In my opinion I consider app.config to be good for deployment-time settings such as the location of the database, or an IP address or location of critical data file, etc. User settings like font, color, behavior preferences should go in a different file which you can easily create and save with Xml serialization.