Decoding data with libFLAC using C - c

My purpose is to decode flac data for testing purposes. I'm going to create a small stub that has a function that takes data and size as input arguments. There is no need to make anykind of output file because I'm only going to make test for decoding. I have read some examples and api documentation from libflac page (
Now this is giving me :ERROR: initializing decoder: (null) because FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream is commented. Reason it is commented is that I don't know how to properly use it and get decoding work. Any advice and comments that could help me to get decoding work?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "share/compat.h"
#include "FLAC/stream_decoder.h"
static void error_callback(const FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder, FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status, void *data);
static FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus write_callback(const FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder, const FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[], void *data);
static FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus read_callback(const FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder, FLAC__byte buffer[], size_t *bytes, void *data);
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
FLAC__bool ok = true;
FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder = 0;
FLAC__StreamDecoderInitStatus init_status;
// init decoder
if((decoder = FLAC__stream_decoder_new()) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: allocating decoder\n");
return 1;
(void)FLAC__stream_decoder_set_md5_checking(decoder, true);
init_status = FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream ( decoder, read_callback, /*seek_callback*/ NULL, /*tell_callback*/ NULL, /*length_callback*/ NULL, /*eof_callback*/ NULL, write_callback, /*metadata_callback*/ NULL, error_callback, data);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: initializing decoder: %s\n", FLAC__StreamDecoderInitStatusString[init_status]);
ok = false;
if(ok) {
ok = FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_stream(decoder);
fprintf(stderr, "decoding: %s\n", ok? "succeeded" : "FAILED");
fprintf(stderr, " state: %s\n", FLAC__StreamDecoderStateString[FLAC__stream_decoder_get_state(decoder)]);
return 0;
void error_callback(const FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder, FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status, void *data)
(void)decoder, (void)data;
fprintf(stderr, "Got error callback: %s\n", FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatusString[status]);
After adding callback functions I get this error:
flac_fuzzer.c:23:16: error: no matching function for call to 'FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream'
init_status = FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream ( decoder,
include/FLAC/stream_decoder.h:1073:40: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'const uint8_t *'
(aka 'const unsigned char *') to 'void *' for 10th argument; take the address of the argument with &
FLAC_API FLAC__StreamDecoderInitStatus FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream(

You typically need to implement a event processing framework, similar to what is done with ffmpeg where the flac library hooks into the event processing using the callbacks. What you have implemented so far looks like the (minimal) initialization part of the flow graph, but you are missing all the processing elements.
Shamefully just looking at what somebody else have done here and here you will need to implement the callback functions with signatures like
write callback example:
static FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus flac_write_music_cb(
const FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder,
const FLAC__Frame *frame,
const FLAC__int32 *const buffer[],
void *client_data)
error callback example:
static void flac_error_music_cb(
const FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder,
FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status,
void *client_data)
You should also look at how the flac data is read, and implement the supporting function as as well.

Since you used extern "C", then you must be actually compiling it as C++ code. Now, in C++ you need to use const_cast<> in order to pass const uint8_t* argument where a non-constant one (i.e. void*) is expected.


Declare a pointer to structure in const expression

I am new to C and can't yet freely navigate trough my program memory. Anyways, I am creating a static memory data type (gc_menu) that should hold a pointer to created at execution time structure (mcl_items).
For simplicity mcl_items structure have one virtual method (push) that is going to be run inside of gc_menu_add_item and also assigned to the gc_menu static space. push saves an menu item name (letter) and method to mcl_item virtual object.
mcl_items.h code:
typedef struct Items_t {
int8_t size;
char names[64];
void (*methods[64])();
// Interface
void (*push)(struct Items_t *self, char c, void (*method)());
mcl_items *new_mcl_items();
void mcl_items_push(mcl_items *self, char c, void (*method)());
mcl_items.c code:
#include "mcl_items.h"
mcl_items *new_mcl_items() {
fprintf(stderr, "MCL_Items: Generating a new set of mcl_items..");
// Build a virtual object
mcl_items *items = calloc(1, sizeof(struct Items_t));
items->push = mcl_items_push;
// Set data
items->size = 0;
return items;
void mcl_items_push(mcl_items *self, char c, void (*method)()) {
fprintf(stderr, "MCL_Items: pushing a new item..");
self->names[self->size] = c;
self->methods[self->size] = method;
self->size ++;
gc_menu.h code:
#include "items.h"
typedef struct {
// Interface
void (*add_item)(char c, void (*method)());
// Data
mcl_items *items;
extern __gc_menu const gc_menu;
gc_menu.c code:
static void gc_menu_add_item(char c, void (*method)) {
fprintf(stderr, "GC_Menu: Passing an new item..");
fprintf(stderr, "length = %i\n", gc_menu.items->size);
gc_menu.items->push(gc_menu.items, c, method);
__gc_menu const gc_menu = {gc_menu_add_item, // Virtual methods
new_mcl_items}; // Data
After callng gc_menu.add_item the segmentation fault occurs and gc_menu.items->size is equal to 72, not 0 as is defined in the definition of new_mcl_items.
main.c code:
gc_menu.add_item('q', xw->end(xw));
GC_Menu: Passing an new item..length = 72
[1] 66021 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./3D_scean
So what am I doing wrong? Why is there such a weird data written to instances of my gc_menu.items?
You've initialized gc_menu.items to new_mcl_items, i.e. a pointer to the function new_mcl_items (which should give you a warning since it is of type mcl_items *(*)(void) and not mcl_items *).
It looks like what you want is to actually call the function new_mcl_items() and set gc_menu.items to the value that new_mcl_items() returns. You can't do this with an initializer; initializers of global or static objects must be known at compile or link time. Standard C doesn't have "constructors".
So you'll have to remove the const from the declaration and definition of gc_menu, and add code to main (or some function called by main, etc) to initialize gc_menu.items at run time.
extern __gc_menu gc_menu;
__gc_menu gc_menu = {
NULL // or whatever else you like
main.c or whatever you have called it:
int main(void) {
// ...
gc_menu.items = new_mcl_items();
// ...

Accessing a git_odb_writepack field in libgit2 gives error "dereferencing pointer to incomplete type"

I'm using libgit2 and I want to write a pack file to an odb created with git_repository_odb. So I call git_odb_write_pack and initialize a *git_odb_writepack. Then when I attempt to access a field of the writepack struct, I get a compiler error "dereferencing pointer to incomplete type". Here's the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <git2.h>
void check_error(int code, char *action) {
if (code) {
printf("Error %d, %s\n", code, action);
static int my_git_transfer_progress_callback(const git_transfer_progress *stats, void *payload) {
printf("Got transfer callback\n");
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int error;
const char *repo_path = "/path/to/repo";
git_repository *repo = NULL;
error = git_repository_open(&repo, repo_path);
check_error(error, "opening repo");
git_odb *odb = NULL;
error = git_repository_odb(&odb, repo);
check_error(error, "initializing odb");
git_odb_writepack *writepack = NULL;
char *payload = "here's my payload";
error = git_odb_write_pack(&writepack, odb, my_git_transfer_progress_callback, payload);
check_error(error, "opening pack writing stream");
printf("Address: %u\n", writepack->backend); // <-- Line generating the error.
return 0;
Then I compile and get the error:
$ gcc -lgit2 writepack_error.c && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./a.out
writepack_error.c: In function 'main':
writepack_error.c:33: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
I'm using libgit2 version 0.21.0. I'm new to C and libgit2 so I may be doing something silly. My understanding is this "dereferencing" error means I failed to define or include a struct or typedef. However I thought libgit2 only requires one include, #include <git2.h>.
Normal usage is covered by git2.h. Some functionality is kept under the sys/ directory to indicate that it's considered more advanced usage.
This in particular looks like it might be a bug since git2.h does not include git2/odb_backend.h. For now you can simply include it manually.

Counting system calls

I have this .c file that counts the system calls that linux calls. These are just the main functions. There were a couple of other things that I had to do, like create an array
unsigned long syscall_counts[345];
and then in another file with some assembly I incremented the array with the command:
incl syscall_counts(,%eax,4)
// This function is called each time the application calls read(). It starts the process of
// accumulating data to fill the application buffer. Return a pointer representing the current
// item. Return NULL if there are no more items.
static void *counter_seq_start(struct seq_file *s, loff_t *record_number)
if (*record_number > 347)
return NULL;
return (void*)s;
// This function is called to compute the next record in the sequence given a pointer to the
// current record (in bookmark). It returns a pointer to the new record (essentially, an updated
// bookmark) and updates *record_number appropriately. Return NULL if there are no more items.
static void *counter_seq_next(struct seq_file *s, void *bookmark, loff_t *record_number)
unsigned long *temp_b =(unsigned long*) bookmark;
if (*temp_b > 345)
return NULL;
return (void*)temp_b;
// This function is called whenever an application buffer is filled (or when start or next
// returns NULL. It can be used to undo any special preparations done in start (such as
// deallocating auxillary memory that was allocated in start. In simple cases, you often do not
// need to do anything in this function.
static void counter_seq_stop(struct seq_file *s, void *bookmark)
// This function is called after next to actually compute the output. It can use various seq_...
// printing functions (such as seq_printf) to format the output. It returns 0 if successful or a
// negative value if it fails.
static int counter_seq_show(struct seq_file *s, void *bookmark)
loff_t *bpos = (loff_t *) bookmark;
seq_printf(s, "value: %Ld\n", *bpos);
return 0;
// Define the only file handling function we need.
static int counter_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
return seq_open(file, &counter_seq_ops);
my output is very strange:
Anyone have any idea where the issue is?
Don't you think :
static int counter_seq_show(struct seq_file *s, void *bookmark) {
unsigned long *bpos = (unsigned long *) bookmark;
seq_printf(s, "value: %Ld\n", *bpos);
return 0;
Or even
static int counter_seq_show(struct seq_file *s, void *bookmark) {
seq_printf(s, "value: %lu\n", *((unsigned long *)bpos));
return 0;
I haven't fully understood your program but I saw two different ways you cast 'bookmark'. In one function you cast it to be 'unsigned long *' and other you do 'loff_t *' (long int). Ideally they should be the same, but are you doing it this way for some reason ?

Ignore "initialization from incompatible pointer type" warnings?

Is there a compiler directive in order to ignore the "initialization from incompatible pointer type" warnings in Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Methods and Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Methods? Turning off warnings globally is not an option though.
#include <stdio.h>
/* Mouse driver interface */
typedef struct _Hardware_MouseDriver {
int (*open)(void*, char *);
int (*close)(void*);
int (*poll)(void*);
} Hardware_MouseDriver;
/* GPM */
typedef struct _Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM {
char *path;
} Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM;
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open(Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM *this, char *path);
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Close(Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM *this);
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Poll(Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM *this);
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open(Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM *this, char *path) {
printf("GPM: Opening %s...\n", path);
this->path = path;
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Close(Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM *this) {
printf("GPM: Closing %s...\n", this->path);
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Poll(Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM *this) {
printf("GPM: Polling %s...\n", this->path);
Hardware_MouseDriver Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Methods = {
.open = Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open,
.close = Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Close,
.poll = Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Poll
/* DevInput */
typedef struct _Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput {
char *path;
} Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput;
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Open(Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput *this, char *path);
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Close(Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput *this);
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Poll(Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput *this);
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Open(Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput *this, char *path) {
printf("DevInput: Opening %s...\n", path);
this->path = path;
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Close(Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput *this) {
printf("DevInput: Closing %s...\n", this->path);
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Poll(Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput *this) {
printf("DevInput: Polling %s...\n", this->path);
Hardware_MouseDriver Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Methods = {
.open = Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Open,
.close = Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Close,
.poll = Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Poll
/* Test drivers */
void TestDriver(Hardware_MouseDriver driver, void *data) {
/* Access the driver using a generic interface
* (Hardware_MouseDriver) */
void main() {
Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM gpm;
Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput devinput;
Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open(&gpm, "/dev/gpmctl");
Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Open(&devinput, "/dev/input/mice");
TestDriver(Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Methods, &gpm);
TestDriver(Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Methods, &devinput);
Cast the assignments to the proper types (function pointers with void * rather than your instance pointer):
.open= (int (*)(void*, char *))Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open;
Or make a type and use it in the definition and initialization of the struct:
typedef int (*openfcnt_t)(void*, char *);
typedef struct _Hardware_MouseDriver {
openfnct_t open;
} Hardware_MouseDriver;
and then
.open= (openfnct_t)Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open;
Upon further thought the easiest and least fiddly way for a C program will be:
.open= (void *)Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open;
I guess the obvious answer to this is the question "why not fix the code to use the right pointer type"?
OK, I can understand that you don't want to complicate the code unnecessarily, but I don't think it's that much of a complication, or even an unneccessary one.
Let's look at the field open in the struct Hardware_MouseDriver, which is supposed to be a pointer to a function that takes a pointer to void as its first argument.
To initialize this field, you use a pointer to the function Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open, and at another place a pointer to the function Hardware_MouseDrivers_DevInput_Open. None of these take a pointer to void as their first argument, and this is of course what the compiler warns about.
Now, if a void pointer is the same size as these pointers, and there are no other surprising differences between how they are stored and handled, calls to these functions through the open pointer will work as expected. It is likely that it will, and I guess that with this type of low-level code it is unlikely that someone will port it to TOPS-20 or something. But there is no guarantee that it
will work, and it looks (to me) strange. (And to the compiler, obviously!)
So my suggestion would be to change code like this:
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open(Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM *this, char *path) {
printf("GPM: Opening %s...\n", path);
this->path = path;
to the just slightly more complicated:
static int Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM_Open(void *arg1, char *path) {
Hardware_MouseDrivers_GPM *this = arg1;
printf("GPM: Opening %s...\n", path);
this->path = path;
I think this change would be easier and less complicated than (1) turning off the warnings, (2) documenting it so readers can understand why that warning isn't supposed to be important here, (3) documenting it some more so your readers actually believe that you know what you are doing, and (4) handling the problems that will occur if someone actually does port your code to TOPS-20.
I had this problem and after careful examination, I decided that I should not have gotten this message. Similar lines in the structure did not generate this error.
Using (void *) function_name fixed it.
This saved me from having to examine the gcc tree.

printing on screen and a text file

I need to dump the certain things into a text file and same has needs to be displayed on screen. (I'm telling about a C program utiltiy)
The menu option looks like following,
1. display AA parameters
2. display BB parameters
3. display CC parameters
4. dump all
5. Exit
Select option >
If they select 1/2/3, it just needs to displayed on screen only or if they select option #4,it need to display all the parameters one by one and same needs to dumped in a .txt file.
I know, we can use the printf and fprintf functions to display on screen and write it to text file respectively. The thing is that I've display more that 20 parameters and each have at least 20 sub-parameters.
I'm currently implemented as below,
printf ( "Starting serial number [%ld]\n",
fprintf(file_p, "Starting serial number [%ld]\n",
printf ( "Current Serial number [%d]\n",
fprintf(file_p, "Current Serial number [%d]\n",
Is there an easiest way to implement this to cut down the number of lines of code?
Edit: the C++ tag seems misleading, can someone remove it please? thanks :)
I use variadic macros to customize printf and friends.
I would write something like this:
#define tee(fp,fmt, ...) \
{ \
printf (fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
fprintf (fp, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
(the name comes from the tee(1) utility)
Something like this allows you to add any number of output streams, and allows changing them at runtime simply by modifying the PrintTarget linked list.
/** gcc -Wall -o print_target print_target.c && ./print_target */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct PrintTarget* PrintTargetp;
void* xmalloc (size_t size);
PrintTargetp pntCreate (PrintTargetp head, FILE* target);
void pntDestroy (PrintTargetp list);
typedef struct PrintTarget
FILE* target;
PrintTargetp next;
} PrintTarget;
void myPrintf (PrintTargetp streams, char* format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
while (streams)
vfprintf(streams->target, format, args);
streams = streams->next;
int main(void)
PrintTargetp streams = pntCreate(NULL, stdout);
streams = pntCreate(streams, fopen("somefile.txt", "a+")); //XXX IO errors?
myPrintf(streams, "blah blah blah...\n");
return 0;
Here's a definition of auxiliary functions:
PrintTargetp pntCreate (PrintTargetp head, FILE* target)
PrintTargetp node = xmalloc(sizeof(PrintTarget));
node->target = target;
node->next = head;
return node;
void pntDestroy (PrintTargetp list)
while (list)
PrintTargetp next = list->next;
list = next;
//XXX cycles?
//XXX close files?
void* xmalloc (size_t size)
void* p = malloc(size);
if (p == NULL)
fputs("malloc error\n", stderr);
return p;
You could also just pipe the output of your prorgam to the tee(1) command.
If you're writing a console application, you should be able to output to the screen (standard output) using something like:
fprintf(stdout, "Hello World\n");
This should enable you to move the code that prints your data to its own function, and to pass in a FILE* for it to print to. Then the function can print to the screen if you pass "stdout", or to a file if you pass in a different FILE*, e.g.:
void print_my_stuff(FILE* file) {
fprintf( file,"Starting serial number [%ld]\n", serial_info_p->start_int_idx);
fprintf(file, "Current Serial number [%d]\n", serial_info_p->current_int_idx);
Edit: I didn't notice you needed a C solution. I'll leave this answer for reference, but it obviously requires C++.
You could create a new stream class that sends the output to two streams. I found an implementation of this at I haven't tried it, but it should work.
Here's the code from the link:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
template<typename Elem, typename Traits = std::char_traits<Elem> >
struct basic_TeeStream : std::basic_ostream<Elem,Traits>
typedef std::basic_ostream<Elem,Traits> SuperType;
basic_TeeStream(std::ostream& o1, std::ostream& o2)
: SuperType(o1.rdbuf()), o1_(o1), o2_(o2) { }
basic_TeeStream& operator<<(SuperType& (__cdecl *manip)(SuperType& ))
o1_ << manip;
o2_ << manip;
return *this;
template<typename T>
basic_TeeStream& operator<<(const T& t)
o1_ << t;
o2_ << t;
return *this;
std::ostream& o1_;
std::ostream& o2_;
typedef basic_TeeStream<char> TeeStream;
You would use it like this:
ofstream f("stackoverflow.txt");
TeeStream ts(std::cout, f);
ts << "Jon Skeet" << std::endl; // "Jon Skeet" is sent to TWO streams
I'd go more radical than what people have suggested so far, but maybe it is too much for you. (The 'inline' keyword is C99; you can omit it without much consequence if you code to C89.)
** These could be omitted - unless you get still more radical and create
** the format strings at run-time, so you can adapt the %-24s to the
** longest tag you actually have. Plus, with the strings all here, when
** you change the length from 24 to 30, you are less likely to overlook one!
static const char fmt_int[] = "%-24s [%d]\n";
static const char fmt_long[] = "%-24s [%ld]\n";
static const char fmt_str[] = "%-24s [%s]\n"; /* Plausible extra ... */
static inline void print_long(FILE *fp, const char *tag, long value)
fprintf(fp, fmt_long, tag, value);
static inline void print_int(FILE *fp, const char *tag, int value)
fprintf(fp, fmt_int, tag, value);
static inline void print_str(FILE *fp, const char *tag, const char *value)
fprintf(fp, fmt_str, tag, value);
static void dump_data(FILE *fp, const serial_info_t *info)
dump_long("Starting serial number", info->start_int_idx);
dump_int( "Current Serial number", info->current_int_idx);
/* ... and similar ... */
Then the calling code would call dump_data() once (with argument stdout) for options 1, 2, 3 and twice (once with stdout, once with file pointer for output file) for option 4.
If the number of parameters got truly huge (into the multiple hundreds), I'd even go as far as to consider a data structure which encoded type and offset information (offsetof from <stddef.h>) and pointers to functions and such like, so that there would be just a loop in dump_data() iterating over a structure which encodes all the necessary information.
You could also simplify life by using the same basic integer type (long in your example) for all the integer members of the data structure.
Fred Brooks in "Mythical Man Month" - a book well worth reading if you've not already done so, but make sure you read the Twentieth Anniversary edition - says in Chapter 9:
Show me your flowcharts [code] and conceal your tables [data structures], and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won't usually need your flowcharts; they'll be obvious.
A table-driven version of this code could end up saving space, as well as frustration when having to change a hundred related functions in the same way whereas a simple change in the tabular data could have fixed the whole lot.
#define ARRAY_LEN(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
FILE *f = fopen("somefile.txt", "a+");
FILE *fp[] = { stdout, f };
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(fp); i++) {
fprintf(fp[i], "Starting serial number [%ld]\n", serial_info_p->start_int_idx);
fprintf(fp[i], "Current serial number [%ld]\n", serial_info_p->start_int_idx);
