Querying database in Grails - database

The values in database are saved as such
Now I need to acces the individual values like 2,4,5 etc.
I made a variable "rating" of the Domain Class type and tried accesing as object using (.) operator but it wont work and gives error:
:exception::groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: rating1 for class: java.lang.String
, I tried casting to array and list (as Array, as ArrayList, as List) etc but that wont work either.
Casting to List gives exception:exception::org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '{"rating1":"2","rating2":"4","rating3":"5","rating4":"0","rating5":"0"}' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.util.List' .
Accessing like "rating[3]" gives answer "a". Should I use "rating[11]" to get value 2 or is there any way around.
What could be the possible solution. Please help.

You're storing a string, so you only have string operations available. You need to parse that string to get at the attributes individually (JsonSlurper perhaps?).
rating[character-position] is a bad idea IMO.
Maybe transients (check the GORM docs) would be useful.
class YourDomain {
String yourField
String getRating1() { new JsonSlurper().parseText(yourField).rating1 }
Maybe. Totally untested, just an idea.


The api returns both an object and an array

I'm new to json, there was a problem and I couldn't find a solution
I was given an api and when executing a get request, I get some object, but if there is no data in the object, an array is returned.
At the moment I was able to get Any?, instead of JSONArray or JSONObject, but there was a problem with converting Any? to the class
How to convert data to kotlin data class correctly?
returned object
returned array
The class I'm converting the json request to:
data class ProductInfo (var product:Product?,var specifications: JsonObject?,var supplements: Any?,var files:List<File>?,var feedback: Feedback?)
This seems something that the backend has to solve for you. They can give you a nullable array or just an empty array, whatever is more convenient, but implementing polymorphism is not something trivial.
Jackson makes polymorphism easier than Gson, however, it is always required some kind of anchor to know how to route the parsing, in this case, you don't have any.
Jackson uses an annotation and there you have indicate in which thing is going to pivot:
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Nothing.class, name = "????")
With Gson you have to implement your own JsonDeserializer but again, how do you know what type is it? If it can be cast to array then is nothing? Just writing that seems like an antipattern.

How to get CheckBoxList values in Umbraco using ContentService

Anyone knows how to get list of selected CheckBoxList values from Umbraco using ContentService?
I use contentService.GetValue("currencies")
and I get string with numbers and commas something like "154,155,156,157"
How can I get actual values?
Does anyone know how to do it using DataTypeService?
As it was mentioned above, you can use Umbraco helpers method to retrieve string value for the PreValue id.
You can find more about it here: https://our.umbraco.org/documentation/reference/querying/umbracohelper/#getprevalueasstring-int-prevalueid
It's calling database directly through the DataTypeService behind the scene. It's worth to reconsider it and close it on another type of property / data type to avoid calling database on the frontend layer and just retrieve data from IPublishedContent cached model.
Read also about common pitfalls and anti-patterns in Umbraco: https://our.umbraco.org/documentation/Reference/Common-Pitfalls/
Those are prevalues.
From that given string, you have to split those and get the real value by calling one of umbraco library umbraco.library.GetPreValueAsString(123);
For example.
foreach(var item in contentService.GetValue("currencies").Split(',')) {
var realValue = umbraco.library.GetPreValueAsString(int.Parse(item);
You have 2 nulls because prevalues sometimes has blank values on it, like "121,56,,15,145".
You need then to modify your split code like this
foreach (var item in value.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries will ignore empty spaces.

is it possible to write a method to sort an array of objects with respect to a specific field?

i mean is it possible to have a method that gets as its parameters an array of objects and another parameter which indicates which field of the objects we are using to sort the array ?
for example if the objects are contacts if we call sort(contacts , name) it would sort them with respect to name. if we call sort(contacts , number) it sorts them according to their numbers.
maybe by sending an String of the field we want !! something like :
class sorting {
public static bubble_sort(Object[] array , String field){
for(int i =0; i<array.length ; i++){
if(array[i].field > array[i+1].field)
swap(array ,i ,i+1);
(preferably in java) (and please include examples of the solutions you give !)
Assuming this is Java: yes, it is possible. You can use reflection to get the field type and value and then compare them. It would not be a good idea. Much better to use Comparator with the existing sort method.
A method that would work in pretty much any language is to pass in some kind of function object.
class sorting {
public static bubble_sort(Object[] array, FunctionObject ordering) {
for(int i =0; i<array.length ; i++){
if(ordering(array[i+1], array[i]))
swap(array ,i ,i+1);
different languages are going to have different syntaxes for such a function object -- what its type is, etc -- but pretty much every language is going to have some way to do it.
Generally the best signature for it is one that takes two different objects, and returns true if the left one is less than the right one.
Similarly, different languages are going to have different ways of invoking a function object. Some may require ordering.Invoke( array[i+1], array[i] ).
In that function object, compare the field in question. If the language/objects have reflection, you can sometimes do this via field name directly.
As this pattern is very useful, languages tend to make it easier as they mature. So the most recent version of your language may have a syntax to create such objects with far less syntax, and invoke them with less syntax as well.

Parse.com database logic for pointers

Just for my info because I tried to figure out last time even asked their support but unfortunately still no answer.
It's a simple problem I think but I can't wrap my head around.
Let's say I have a object A,object B, object c.
I query to object A that has a pointer to object B. I get all the data back with include key and it works nice. But object B has also a pointer to object C. That data is empty. How can I get that pointer data too in the same query ?
Assuming these columns:
pointerToB : Pointer<ObjectB>
pointerToC : Pointer<ObjectC>
You use dot-syntax, in JavaScript:
You have to use the column names, the above will cause both to be populated.

Flex 4 converting array.length into a string

so I am trying to assign a number to a variable that is dynically generated from a binded array...when i try and assign it and trace it out nothing happens, which means I am obviously doing something wrong but I am not sure? just for fun i decided to bind the data to a label like so...
<s:Label text="{this.dd.selectedViews.length}"/>
and that work and updated properly, but when running in debug mode i got this warning...
warning: unable to bind to property 'length' on class 'Array' (class is not an IEventDispatcher)
so what would be the best method of assigning the array to a variable to use throughout my application
thanks in advance for any help
I'm not really sure what you are asking here, but maybe this will help you out. As your error message says, the Array class is not an IEventDispatcher. What that means is that if you try to use a plain old Array as the source of a data-binding expression, it generally is not going to work.
If you need to bind to an array, you can try using a different class such as ArrayCollection, which supports data binding.
