Display HTML in AngularJS - angularjs

I have a angular coding what need insert html tags, I found out I can use ngSanitize :https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngSanitize , but I don't whant load another library in that project.
I tried this: AngularJS : Render HTML in $scope variable in view
but I could not make work.
It's any way to do this without load another angular library?
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<ul class="procedures">
<li ng-repeat="procedure in procedures">
<div class="procedure-details" ng-show="show">
<p>text here: {{procedure.text}}</p>
<p>your number is: {{procedure.number}}</p>
<p>price you will pay: {{procedure.price}}</p>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
//myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {});
//myApp.factory('myService', function() {});
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.procedures = [{
icon: '<i class="fa fa-american-sign-language-interpreting" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
text: 'test text',
number: 1,
price: 10000

Starting from version 1.2.0, angular contains $sce service, that can be used to mark html as "safe"
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $sce) {
$scope.procedures = [
icon: $sce.trustAsHtml('<i class="fa fa-american-sign-language-interpreting" aria-hidden="true">i am icon</i>'),
text: 'test text',
number: 1,
price: 10000
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<ul class="procedures">
<li ng-repeat="procedure in procedures">
<div class="procedure-details" ng-show="show">
<p>text here: {{procedure.text}}</p>
<p>your number is: {{procedure.number}}</p>
<p>price you will pay: {{procedure.price}}</p>

Instead of using ngSanitize you can use $sce az filter like this:
Put this code in app.js :
app.filter('sce', ['$sce', function ($sce) {
return $sce.trustAsHtml;
Then use in Html like this:

I can tell u that u can do like below It should be as following
$scope.html = "<i class='fa fa-american-sign-language-interpreting' aria-hidden='true'></i>";
<div ng-bind-html-unsafe="html"></div>
You can do the same for for icon, text or whatever u like... I'm not sure how to do that right now cuz I'm typing this from mobile fone, i hope u will get the idea, if not plz leave comment and i'll write a full function once i get my hands on machine.

You can use angular-sanitize to insert HTML in a view.
Example is given in plnkr
app.filter("trust", ['$sce', function($sce) {return function(htmlCode){
return $sce.trustAsHtml(htmlCode); }}]);


Angular JS "<a href='tel:{num} '> call me</a> hyperlink does not work

While trying to render the hyper link using Angular JS it does not generate the hyper link. All other tags like <p> or <h2> work fine, but href fails.
var tempString = "<a href='tel:{mob_number}'>call me support</a>"
actual output - string is displayed but hyperlinked is not rendered. It's not clickable. Inspect page display tag generated as
<a> call me support </a>
Expected output - should display string with hyperlink.
I try to do this by 3 mood "Html, directive, bind-html"
Directive not work stackoverflow, try it on your local
var app = angular.module("app", []);
app.controller("ctrl", [
"$scope", "$sce",
function($scope, sce) {
$scope.mob_number = "123";
var tempString = "call me support";
$scope.asHtmlTemplate = sce.trustAsHtml(tempString);
app.directive("mobile", function() {
return {
templateUrl: "mobile.html",
scope: {
content: "#",
mobNumber: "="
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<h4>simple html</h4>
<a ng-href="tel:{{mob_number}}">call me support</a>
<h4>as directive [directive not display in stackoverflow]</h4>
<mobile mob_number="mob_number" content="call me support"></mobile>
<!-- directive not display in stackoverflow ? -->
<h4>as Html template from controller</h4>
<div ng-bind-html="asHtmlTemplate"></div>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="mobile.html">
<a ng-href='tel:{{mobNumber}}'>{{content}}</a>

My angular script only works when I open my html page as a static file and not when I run it with django

I've got an array inside my <script> tags and am trying to reference it in the html body:
<html ng-app="myApp">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://bootswatch.com/yeti/bootstrap.min.css" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.9/angular.min.js"></script>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('HomeController', function($scope){
this.posts = feedback;
app.controller('TabController', function($scope){
this.tab = 1;
this.setTab = function(newValue){
this.tab = newValue;
this.isSet = function(tabName){
return this.tab === tabName;
var feedback = [{
author: 'Joe Shmo',
body: 'I really love this product, no complaints',
votes: 0,
createdOn: 1397490980837,
tags: ['great', 'cool'],
people: ['Santa Clause']
author: 'Stinky Pete',
body: 'Sucky product all around',
votes: 0,
createdOn: 1397490980837,
tags: ['terrible', 'stinks'],
people: ['Tooth Fairy']
<section ng-controller="TabController as tab">
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
<li ng-class="{ active:tab.isSet(1) }">
<a href ng-click="tab.setTab(1)">Home</a>
<li ng-class="{ active:tab.isSet(2) }">
<a href ng-click="tab.setTab(2)">Groups</a>
<li ng-class="{ active:tab.isSet(3) }">
<a href ng-click="tab.setTab(3)">Notifications</a>
<div ng-show="tab.isSet(1)" ng-controller="HomeController as home">
<h3>Home Base</h3>
<div ng-repeat="post in home.posts">
<h4>{{ post.author }} <em class="pull-right">{{ post.votes }}</em></h4>
<h5>{{ post.createdOn | date }}</h5>
<p>{{ post.body }}</p>
<div ng-show="tab.isSet(2)">
<h3>Your Groups</h3>
<div ng-show="tab.isSet(3)">
<h3>Nothing to see here.</h3>
When I have this running in the browser, I don't get any errors, but when I click the "Home" tab, only Home Base appears and, upon inspecting the page, the <h4>, <h5> and <p> tags are all there, but they are empty. Any help would be appreciated!
FOLLOW UP: I'm using Angular1.4.9, Django1.9 with REST framework, could it be some kind of compatibility issue?
As many of the comments have said, the content is displayed when you open it as a static file, but when I have my django server going, the content does not appear.
I was able to get this to work by doing two things:
Using $scope for the "posts" var:
Replace this:
app.controller('HomeController', function($scope){
this.posts = feedback;
With This:
app.controller('HomeController', function($scope){
$scope.posts = feedback;
Next - Remove "home" from the ng-repeat here:
<div ng-controller="HomeController as home">
<h3>Home Base</h3>
<div ng-repeat="post in posts">
<h4>{{ post.author }}
<em class="pull-right">{{ post.votes }} </em></h4>
<h5>{{ post.createdOn | date }}</h5>
<p>{{ post.body }}</p>
looks like you may be using angular version 1.1.4 or below. Your code works if angular is v 1.1.5 or above. This is because Controller as syntax used in your code was introduced post 1.1.5
None working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/halirgb/Lvc0u55v/
This gives below error. Check your console.
Error: Argument 'TabController as tab' is not a function, got undefined
Working Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Lzgts/683/
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('HomeController', function($scope){
this.posts = feedback;
app.controller('TabController', function($scope){
this.tab = 1;
this.setTab = function(newValue){
this.tab = newValue;
this.isSet = function(tabName){
return this.tab === tabName;
var feedback = [{
author: 'Joe Shmo',
body: 'I really love this product, no complaints',
votes: 0,
createdOn: 1397490980837,
tags: ['great', 'cool'],
people: ['Santa Clause']
author: 'Stinky Pete',
body: 'Sucky product all around',
votes: 0,
createdOn: 1397490980837,
tags: ['terrible', 'stinks'],
people: ['Tooth Fairy']
Turns out it was an issue with Django and Angular. Both use the {{ }} notation so the interpreter was seeing {{ post.author }} as django and not angular. The way to fix this was to put {% verbatim %} and {% endverbatim %} at the beginning and end of my html file, and it works now!

How to add ng-click handler dynamically

I tried to add ng-click on a button generated before (dynamic), but didn't work well. Also I tried already all solutions found on this forum and no one work well.
My html code:
<body class="max_height" ng-app="myApp">
<div class="container max_height" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<div id="play" tabindex="0" ng-init="init()" ng-keydown="keyDown($event)">
{{ content }}
<script src="js/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/script.js"></script>
My AngularJS code:
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope, $compile) {
$scope.init = function() {
var el = '<button class="btn" id="start" data-ng-click="startAnimation()">Start</buttom>';
var element = angular.element(document.querySelector('#play'));
var generated = element.html(el);
$scope.startAnimation = function(){
My error is "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" and this is generated by $compile(generated)($scope); . Another problem, derived from the first, is that if I make one click on button then the function startAnimation will me executed hundreds of times.
Please give me a solution. Where is the mistake.
Issue is with this line of code:
Instead it should be:
You can assign the function to a scope variable and depending on your business logic assign appropriate functions to your ng-click. In the below example $scope.addGeoFence() is added to the ng-click of "Add GeoFence" list-item
$scope.layout = [
{name: 'Home', icon: 'home'},
{name: 'Add Geofence',
icon: 'add_location',
click: $scope.addGeoFence}
$scope.addGeoFence = function() {
console.log("calling addGeoFence()");
<md-list-item ng-repeat="snav in layout">
<md-button class="md-raised" ng-click="(snav.click)()" flex>
<md-icon md-font-library="material-icons">{{snav.icon}}

How to store variable in an AngularJS HTML template?

How can I store values to variable for example on click in angular? I have the following code which doesn't save the value into variable:
<div ng-app='app'>
<a ng-controller="MyController" href="#" ng-click="variable = 1">
var app = angular.module('app',[]);
app.controller('MyController', function($scope)
jsfiddle code
Your variable binding {{variable}} should be inside controller's scope. So move ng-controller to an element that will contain variable binding.
You need to initialize the variable. See http://plnkr.co/edit/dmSNVJ3BGIeaWaddKtZe
<body ng-app="">
<button ng-click="count = 1" ng-init="count='not set'">
count: {{count}}
Use a function to set the variable:
<div ng-app='app'>
<a ng-controller="MyController" href="#" ng-click="setVariable()">
var app = angular.module('app',[]);
app.controller('MyController', function($scope)
$scope.setVariable = function() {
$scope.variable = 1;
Your syntax is correct, what went wrong is you put your controller declaration in the wrong place.
You just need move it to the outer layer, no need for ng-init or function (but might be a better practice):
<div ng-app='app' ng-controller="MyController">
<a href="#" ng-click="variable=1">
click me!

In AngularJS, how do I generate a piece of content from template and insert it in the DOM when a link is clicked

I have a number of links on the page, dynamically generated like so:
<a href="#" class="more-info-item" ng-click="showStats(item, $event)">
More information
I also have a simple custom template that should show an item's name:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="iteminfo.html">
<div class="item-name">
What I would like to do is: when the link is clicked, to dynamically compile the template, and insert it in the DOM right after the link. I tried using $compile within showStats method to compile the template, but I got an error that $compile wasn't found. How would I go about doing this (and also provide item as part of the scope for the newly generated template)?
Here is a solution using a custom directive which injects the item dynamically using ng-if:
View Solution with Plunker
<script type="text/ng-template" id="iteminfo.html">
<div class="item-name" ng-if="item.visible">
<div ng-repeat="item in items" >
<a href="#" class="more-info-item" more-info="item" ng-click="item.visible =!item.visible">
More information
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
$scope.items = [{name:'apples', visible:false},{name:'pears', visible:false},{name:'oranges', visible:false}];
.directive('moreInfo', function($compile,$templateCache) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: '=',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
var itemInfo = angular.element($templateCache.get('iteminfo.html'));
var lfn = $compile(itemInfo);
You can use the built-in ngInclude directive in AngularJS
Try this out
Working Demo
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<a href="#" class="more-info-item" ng-click="showStats(item, $event)">
More information
<ng-include src="template"></ng-include>
<!-- iteminfo.html -->
<script type="text/ng-template" id="iteminfo.html">
<div class="item-name">
function Ctrl($scope) {
$scope.flag = false;
$scope.item = {
name: 'Manu'
$scope.showStats = function (item, event) {
$scope.item = item;
$scope.template = "iteminfo.html";
