Angular UI-grid options - angularjs

Currently I have a grid that has a option to click and show the grid options on the far right side. The issue I'm having and I am wondering if there is a setting I can add for the grid options dropdown to automatically close when a user clicks off anywhere else or opens one of the column drop down options. Any ideas?

There does not appear to be a setting for this in the API. I assume you are using CellNav, which is the cause of this. The reason clicking on the grid cells or header cells doesn't close the grid menu is that cellnav is eating the click event.
If you are using CellNav, you may notice that the column menus do not close when clicking within cells, either.
You need to add a different event listener (let's go with mouseup) and programmatically close the menus.
Here is an example of how to achieve this using the gridApi and onRegisterApi grid option.


ExtJS - RadioGroup shows two selected items except one

I have implemented a pop-up window to be shown by clicking a trigger-button of a textbox, and it has a radioGroup in it. in some cases I have to check the radio based on user input.
The problem is that if I try to invoke radioGroup.setValue() before opening the popup once, I face with two selected items in radioGroup. The issue doesn't occur if open-close the popup before trying to set the checked radio.
Is it a rendering issue or something like that?!

Kendo grid does not refresh when I try to close one grid and open another one in same page on different button click

I have a kendo grid which has buttons in every row, On click the buttons open a pop-up with different grid on each button click, so problem is--
When I click on any button for first time grid opens with it's related data. When I close that grid and open another grid, I get the same data as previous one
When I reload the page and open any grid for 1st time it works fine, If I open a second one again it repeats
What I understood from Network Recording is it is not requesting data from api on 2nd button click and directly using data present in it previously.
Here is an example of the given problem using local data, can you please help
Dojo Example.

Grids - Action Column to behave like a Flyout Menu

I'm using ExtJS for my project and can see that there is a way to embed "actioncolumns" inside of Grid columns. However, my "action" isn't just a single click, it actually needs to show a flyout menu (similar to the Menu control). Is there a direct way to do this in Ext? Or do I have to implement all this functionality myself?
There is no direct way. You need to create a menu and show it manually in the event handler for action button. You can also show menu as a context menu for the grid (right click).

ExtJs: Programly select rows of a GridPanel in an inactive tab not working?

Basicly, I have a window contains two tabs, the second tab is a GridPanel and is initially inactive.
I want to programly select two rows of this GridPanel(via CheckboxSelectionModel) by clicking a "show window" button , but found it not working. There will be a javascript error thrown and no rows selected. After I manually clicked the second tab to make the grid visible, everything works well.
what's the most possible mistake I made?
I'll paste the code soon if it's not a common mistake for extjs beginner.
This is because your tabpanel will not render any components that are not visible (i.e., any components in your second tab in this case).
If you add the following config option to your Ext.TabPanel it should fix your problem:
deferredRender: false

combo with search and button-reusable in extjs

i am using a factory function (which has grids within windows called using button handler)within one form.
so when i click the button and open a grid and than close it,it works correctly,
but say for example in a situation:
if i open both grids and close , and than try to open other grid the previous grids contents are loaded,but as i have set the store to load in button handler that particular store is loading correctly(i have checked with fire bug) but contents of grid are not changing
win.hide();//use to hide the window after using it
closeAction: 'hide',//in window config
I am assuming that you are using gridpanels for each of these grids. You could force the stores to reload(). Or on the Window's close or hide event, you could try and clear the data on the store or reset the gridpanel.
You may want to read up on the closeAction property on the Window object. That lets you define the behavior of the close button on the window.
