Atomic Updates in Solr - multiple shards - solr

We are currently working on atomic update feature in solr using solrJ. Will solr update the record correctly if it is distributed across shards?
If the record is in shard2, will it be updated or it will create new record in shard1?

If you're handling the sharding yourself, you'll have to update the exact shard in question (as you're the one responsible for distributing documents).
If you're using Solr in SolrCloud mode, Solr will route the document to the correct shard for you, based on the document routing strategy.


how to handle if multiple instances are trying to update a document in Elasticsearch?

I am new to Elasticsearch and trying to explore some use case for my business requirement.
What happens if multiple instances try to update a document?
Is there any error handling in place or the document gets locked?
Please advise
Elasticsearch is using optimistic concurrency control to ensure that an older version of a document never overwrites a newer version.
When documents are created, updated, or deleted, the new version of the document has to be replicated to other nodes in the cluster. Elasticsearch is also asynchronous and concurrent, meaning that these replication requests are sent in parallel, and may arrive at their destination out of sequence.
For more information you can check Elasticsearch documentation about optimistic concurrency control.

Adding Data to a particular core in multicore solr instance

I have done the following steps to create a multicore setup of Solr.
I have a Solr instance running on Jetty (I have used the default configurations).
I have copied 1 core to another,
1) Now in this scenario. if I run the post.jar command to add a document to an index, then will it be added to both cores?
2) So if I query the Solr index then which core will fetch the result?
3) Which command should I use to post a new document for indexing in a particular core?
Did you shard it or was it replicated? Read this if you don't know. 1) Either sharding or replicated are synchronized internally by solr, so it should be divided or added in both cores. 2) It doesn't matter which one, solr does that for you, you just need to have zooKeeper ready to accept and balance requests between each core. 3) You can't if your're adding data to a core that is replicated, but if you're sharding cores I think it's possible, it was answered here: How to index data in a specific shard using solrj

Solr 3.6 Distribution dynamically adding shards

I am looking at using distribution and sharding with Solr 3.6 vs Solr 4+ (SolrCloud)
I can see that 3.6 can have multiple shards set up, ideally each shard would rest on a different box. On a large scale once the boxes start to run low on memory I would like to add new shards to the index. From what I have seen this cannot be done/ isn't documented.
Does this require a full re index of the data?
Can a 3 shard indexed be re-indexed into a 4 shard instance?
Can queries still be invoked on the index during a re-index?
What are the space overheads required to re index?
The schema.xml (field names and types) would not be changed, just a new shard location added.
Self Answer- From what I have seen it would be best to stop filling the 3 shards and fill only the new 4th shard with data. Then update the shards parameter to include the new shard to search.

Solr 4 Adding Shard to existing Cluster

Background: I just finished reading the Apache Solr 4 Cookbook. In it the author mentions that setting up shards needs to be done wisely b/c new ones cannot be added to an existing cluster. However, this was written using Solr 4.0 and at the present I am using 4.1. Is this still the case? I wish I hadn't found this issue and I'm hoping someone can tell me otherwise.
Question: Am I expected to know how much data I'll store in the future when setting up shards in a SolrCloud cluster?
I have played with Solandra and read up on elastic search, but quite honestly I am a fan of Solr as it is (and its large community!). I also like Zookeeper. Am I stuck for now or is there a workaround/patch?
Edit: If Question above is NO, could I build a SolrCloud with a bunch (maybe 100 or more) shards and let them grow (internally) and while I grow my data start peeling them off one by one and put them into larger, faster servers with more resources?
Yes, of course you can. You have to setup a new Solr server pointing to the same zookeeper instance. During the bootstrap the server connects to zk ensemble and registers itself as a cluster member.
Once the registration process is complete, the server is ready to create new cores. You can create replicas of the existing shards using CoreAdmin. Also you can create new shards, but they won't be balanced due to Lucene index format (not all fields are stored), because it may not have all document information to rebalance the cluster, so only new indexed/updated documents will get to this server (doing this is not recommendable).
When you setup your SolrCloud you have to create the cluster taking into account your document number growth factor, so if you have 1M documents at first and it grows as 10k docs/day, setup the cluster with 5 shards, so at start you have to host this shards in your two machines initial setup, but in the future, as needed, you can add new servers to the cluster and move those shards to this new servers. Be careful to not overgrow you cluster because, in Lucene, a single 20Gb index split across 5 shards won't be a 4Gb index in every shard. Every shard will take about (single_index_size/num_shards)*1.1 (due to dictionary compression). This may change depending on your term frequency.
The last chance you have is to add the new servers to the cluster and instead of adding new shards/replicas to the existing server, setup a new different collection using your new shards and reindex in parallel to this new collection. Then, once your reindex process finished, swap this collection and the old one.
One solution to the problem is to use the "implicit router" when creating your Collection.
Lets say - you have to index all "Audit Trail" data of your application into Solr. New Data gets added every day. You might most probably want to shard by year.
You could do something like the below during the initial setup of your collection:
The above command:
a) Creates 5 shards - one each for the current and the last 4 years 2010,2011,2012,2013,2014
b) Routes data to the correct shard based on the value of the "year" field (specified as router.field)
In December 2014, you might add a new shard in preparation for 2015 using the CREATESHARD API (part of the Collections API) - Do something like:
The above command creates a new shard on the same collection.
When its 2015, all data will get automatically indexed into the "2015" shard assuming your data has the "year" field populated correctly to 2015.
In 2015, if you think you don't need the 2010 shard (based on your data retention requirements) - you could always use the DELETESHARD API to do so:
P.S. This solution only works if you used the "implicit router" when creating your collection. Does NOT work when you use the default "compositeId router" - i.e. collections created with the numshards parameter.
This feature is truly a game changer - allows shards to be added dynamically based on growing demands of your business.

Few questions about Solr. Transactions and Realtime search

I have a heldesk application in PHP/MySQL. I want to implement realtime Full text search and I have shortlisted Solr. MySQL database will store all the data and data required for search will be imported for building Solr index. All Search requests will be handled by Solr.
What I want is
Real time search. The moment someone updates a ticket, it should be available for search.
If multiple people update the ticket simultaneously, Solr should be able to handle the commits
As per my understanding of Solr, this is how I think the system will work. A user updates a ticket -> corrresponding database records modified -> a request is sent to Solr server to modify corresponding document in index.
I have read a book on Solr and below questions are troubling me.
The book mentions that
"commits are slow in Solr. Depending on the index size, Solr's
auto-warming configuration, and Solr's cache state prior to
committing, a commit can take a non-trivial amount of time. Typically,
it takes a few seconds, but it can take some number of minutes in
extreme cases"
If this is true then how will I know when the data will be availbale for search and how can I implemnt realtime search? Even if its taking a few seconds, it can't be real time. Also I don't want the ticket update operation to be slowed down (by adding extra step of updating Solr index)
It is also mentioned that
"there is no transaction isolation. This means that if more than one
Solr client were to submit modifications and commit them at
overlapping times, it is possible for part of one client's set of
changes to be committed before that client told Solr to commit. This
applies to rollback as well. If this is a problem for your
architecture then consider using one client process responsible for
updating Solr."
Doe it mean that that due to lack of transactional commits, Solr can mess up if multiple people update the ticket simultaneously?
Now the question before me is: Can I achieve the two using Solr? If yes, How?
Yeah! I came acorss a couple of similar questions but none has a staisfactory answer. So posting again. Sorry If you find it duplicate.
The functionality that you are requesting is known as Near Realtime Search also referred to as NRT. The work on NRT is still in progress, but there have been excellent incremental improvements to this support in Solr over the last couple of years. Please refer to the following links for more details on the current (versions 1.4 - 3.5) and future (ver 4.0) support for NRT.
NRT options
Solr Near Realtime Search for versions 3.5/3.4/3.3/3.2/1.4.1
Near Real Time Search ver 3.x
Near Realtime Search Tuning (ver 1.4 - 3.x)
Solr Near Realtime Search (ver 4.0)
Benchmarking the new Solr 'Near Realtime' improvements (ver 4.0)
Solr with Ranking Algorithm (ver 1.4 - 4.0)
