Interrupt-On-Change during execution runtime - c

I am using Interrupt-On-Change on RC7 of PIC16LF1618. Here is the initialization bit that I use for I-O-C:
void I_O_C_Initialize (void) {
IOCCFbits.IOCCF7 = 0;
IOCCP = 0x80;
I am able to wake the PIC from a Power-Down Mode (SLEEP) using a positive trigger on RC7. However, I would like to have this trigger available during execution time as well, as if any positive trigger on RC7 should reset the PIC and go to the first line of the main() function.
Could you please let me know on how to achieve this?
P.S: Since the reset needs to happen as quick as possible and is crucial to the execution time, I am unable to add multiple if statements inside the main function to check for the positive trigger on RC7. Hence I am looking for an interrupt option to reset the PIC, even if it is executing a delay or function loops.

In most 8-bit PIC devices, and assuming you're using XC8, there is a definition that invokes the required assembly command:
#define RESET() asm("reset")
So, in your interrupt handler, just insert this line of code:

The issue has now been resolved. After enabling GIE bit whenever I needed the Interrupt On Change (IOC) during runtime and using the below function, the IOC worked during runtime as well as Power-Down Mode (SLEEP).
void interrupt ISR (void);
void interrupt ISR (void) {
if (RC7==1) {
asm("pagesel foobar");
asm("goto foobar");
while (1) {
IOCCFbits.IOCCF7 = 0;
INTCONbits.GIE = 1;
. //Do the calculations here
. //Here if any Interrupt On Change happens for RC7,
. //the ISR routine would stop all calculations and
. //would return to the start of the loop without
. //resetting any of the registers.
INTCONbits.GIE = 0;
IOCCFbits.IOCCF7 = 0;


While Loop wait Interrupt Handler

I'm writing a C program to program a microcontroller. In practice, when an interrupt handler occurs I go to execute the following code:
uint8_t call_irq_handler = 0; // variable that is modified by the irq handler
uint8_t call_irq_handler_previous = 0;
static __attribute__((interrupt)) void __irq_handler()
call_irq_handler_previous = call_irq_handler;
call_irq_handler = call_irq_handler + 1;
In main, instead, to wait for the interrupt handler to be executed, I put the following while loop:
while (call_irq_handler == call_irq_handler_previous)
printf("...i didn't get interrupt handler for cmd_write...\n");
If I set DEBUG 1, I have no problem, the code is executed and after a while I exit the while loop. However, if DEBUG 0 then I remain in the while, and therefore the interrupt handler is not taken.
Anyone know why this happens?
I solved the problem by going to insert volatile
volatile uint8_t call_irq_handler = 0; // variable that is modified by the irq handler
volatile uint8_t call_irq_handler_previous = 0;

Problem reading rotary encoder with atmega8

I am trying to read a rotary encoder as part of a larger project. I am using a Atmega8L and MPLab X with the XC8 compiler.
The issue I am having, is that the encoder does not work reliable and only seems to be able to count up and not down.
Due to some other aspects of the circuit the encoder pins could not be connected to interrupt-capable pins of the atmega8.
Here is my code, that reads the encoder.
#include <xc.h>
#include "pinmapping.h"
#include "main.h"
static inputEvent lastEvent;
static int aLastState;
static int aState;
//get the last Events data for use elsewhere
inputEvent getLastInputEvent(){
return lastEvent;
void initEncoder(){
//get our current button state and set rotation change to 0
if((PINB & ENCODER_SW) == 0){
//also save that to our Event
lastEvent.buttonPressed = 1;
lastEvent.buttonPressed = 0;
lastEvent.rotationChange = 0;
//also save the current state of the A pin for the first read
aLastState = (PINB & ENCODER_A);
if(aLastState >= 1){
aLastState = 1;
//this should run regularly eg. on a timer interrupt
void readEncoder(){
//first get the state of both pins
aState = (PINB & ENCODER_A);
int bState = (PINB & ENCODER_B);
if(aState >= 1){
aState = 1;
if(bState >= 1){
bState = 1;
//check if the button is pressed
if((PINB & ENCODER_SW) == 0){
//save that to our Event
lastEvent.buttonPressed = 1;
lastEvent.buttonPressed = 0;
//check if the state has changed since last time
if(aState != aLastState){
//check if A and B have the same state -> positive rotation
if(bState != aState){
//save the rotation change to our Event
lastEvent.rotationChange = 1;
lastEvent.rotationChange = -1;
//save the current state of the A pin for next time
aLastState = aState;
//if no rotation change happend, save that to our Event
lastEvent.rotationChange = 0;
The button press is working properly, but the rotation change is never -1 and always 1 or 0.
The ENCODER_SW, ENCODER_A and ENCODER_B are bitmasks, that are all 0s and a single 1 at the bit corresponding to the correct IO-pin.
In the main, first the initEncoder is called (after IO-setup) and then in the infinite loop a function is called, which in turn calls readEncoder() and then getLastInputEvent() and then does some more stuff before returning to the main.
I have also tried running the readEncoder() function on a timer interrupt roughly every ms. This however results in it not working at all.
What is the problem? Why isn't it working?
Edit: Updated the code after I made some changes.
I am using a ALPS EC12E with pushbutton.
The rotationChange is used to increment/decrement a number that is printed to an LCD.
Edit 2: I now think, it is a timing problem, since I tried running basically the same code, just without anything else on an Arduino and printed the values to the serial console and it worked basically perfectly.
I checked what else is done and realized that in my current code the readEncoder() function only runs about once every 98 or so ms.
When I run the function on a timer interrupt every 1 or 2 ms, it just doesn't work at all. I don't even get a reaction to the button push anymore, which is something I do not understand at all.
In fact the timer does not seem to run at all, or at least the interrupt service routine is never executed. (I tried turning on an LED in the setup and turning it off in the isr, but it stays on indefinitely.)
So I guess theres a new problem now...
Here is the timer initialization:
ASSR = 0x00; //make sure we are not in asynchronous mode
OCR2 = 3; //Output compare register
TCNT2 = 0; //Reset counter to 0
TCCR2 = 0b00001111; //Timer 2 CTC mode, clkio/1024
This is done inside of initDecoder(). The OCIE2 bit is already set earlier in the main setup, enabling the timer 2 interrupt.
The isr than just looks like this:
void __interrupt (TIMER2_COMP_vect_num) timer2_isr(){
//Just read the encoder
The interrupt flag gets cleared by hardware when the isr is executed.
The TIMER2_COMP_vect_num is definitely correct as well, as MPLab recognizes it and I can even look at its definition.

This simple ARM Cortex-M SysTick based task scheduler wont work. Should I manage preemption myself?

So, I am doing a very simple time triggered pattern based on ARM Cortex M3.
The idea is:when SysTick is serviced, the task array index is incremented at systick, and so is a function pointer to the task. PendSV handler is called, and calls the task. I am using a Atmel ICE JTAG to debug it.
What happens is that it stucks at first task, and does not even increment the counter. It does not go anywhere.
Code pattern:
#include <asf.h> // atmel software framework. cmsis and board support package.
#define NTASKS 3
typedef void (*TaskFunction)(void);
void task1(void);
void task2(void);
void task3(void);
TaskFunction run = NULL;
uint32_t count1 = 0; //counter for task1
uint32_t count2 = 0; // 2
uint32_t count3 = 0; // 3
TaskFunction tasks[NTASKS] = {task1, task2, task3};
volatile uint8_t tasknum = 0;
void task1(void)
void task2(void)
void task3(void)
void SysTick_Handler(void)
tasknum = (tasknum == NTASKS-1) ? 0 : tasknum+1;
run = tasks[tasknum];
void PendSV_Handler(void)
int main(void)
This design pattern is fundamentally flawed, I'm afraid.
At the first SysTick event, task1() will be called from within the PendSV handler, which will consequently not return. Further SysTick events will interrupt the PendSV handler and set the PendSV bit again, but unless the running task ends and the PendSV handler is allowed to return it can't possibly be invoked again.
The good news is that a proper context switch on the M3 is only a small amount of assembly language - perhaps 10 lines. You need to do some setup too, to get user mode code to use the process stack pointer and so on, and you need to set up a stack per task, but it's not really all that involved.
If you really want to cancel the running task when a SysTick arrives and launch another, they could all share the same stack; but it would be much easier if this was the process stack so that its stack pointer can be reset from within PendSV without affecting the return from handler mode. You'd also need to do some stack poking to convince PendSV to 'return' to the start of the next task you wanted to run.

C code interrupt setup from manufacturer

The code snippets below come from the manufacturer. I am completely confused as to what they are trying to do. In particular, anything to do with InterruptHandler.
Please comment on the code in the globals section. Does this look right?
Also the various APIs included all have sticking points for me. Are they trying to use a void pointer? ... Plenty to ask, please comment mainly on how they are suggesting the timer2 would work.
Section: Global Variables Definitions
void (*TMR2_InterruptHandler)(void);
Section: TMR2 APIs
void TMR2_Initialize(void)
// Set TMR2 to the options selected in the User Interface
// T2CKPS 1:2; T2OUTPS 1:2; TMR2ON off;
T2CON = 0x11;
T2CLKCON = 0x04;
// T2PSYNC Not Synchronized; T2MODE Software control One shot; T2CKPOL Rising Edge; T2CKSYNC Not Synchronized;
T2HLT = 0x08;
// T2RSEL TMR4_postscaled;
T2RST = 0x02;
// PR2 8;
T2PR = 0x08;
// TMR2 0;
T2TMR = 0x00;
// Clearing IF flag before enabling the interrupt.
PIR4bits.TMR2IF = 0;
// Enabling TMR2 interrupt.
PIE4bits.TMR2IE = 1;
// Set Default Interrupt Handler
// Start TMR2
void TMR2_ISR(void)
// clear the TMR2 interrupt flag
PIR4bits.TMR2IF = 0;
void TMR2_SetInterruptHandler(void* InterruptHandler)
TMR2_InterruptHandler = InterruptHandler;
void TMR2_DefaultInterruptHandler(void)
// add your TMR2 interrupt custom code
// or set custom function using TMR2_SetInterruptHandler()
End of File
The manufacturer code includes a routine (I can't seem to add it here) for managing high-level interrupts that calls TMR2_ISR if (PIE4bits.TMR2IE == 1 && PIR4bits.TMR2IF == 1) This would seem to negate any TMR2_DefaultInterruptHandler would it not?
Thanks again for your help.
The comments of Garr Godfrey and Martin James provided helpful hints. Thus, I will try to fill the possible gaps:
void (*TMR2_InterruptHandler)(void); is a global variable with a function pointer providing the current interrupt handler.
I would read TMR2_ISR() as "interrupt service routine". From the presented code, it's not clear from where it is called. Suspecting from it's name, it's reasonable to assume that it's called when the interrupt is triggered. It checks whether the global interrupt handler function pointer TMR2_InterruptHandler is not NULL and calls the pointed function in case of success.
If TMR2_Initialize() has been called before then TMR2_InterruptHandler points to function TMR2_DefaultInterruptHandler(). Thus, in this case, the latter is called from TMR2_ISR().
void TMR2_SetInterruptHandler(void* InterruptHandler) is used in TMR2_Initialize(). It sets the current interrupt handler. (Surprise.)
I'm a little bit puzzled because I would make it:
void TMR2_SetInterruptHandler(void (*InterruptHandler)())
This is because my daily work with C++ drilled me for "clean typing" but I remember that C is much more lax about this. (void* is compatible to any pointer.)
As Garr Godfrey already said: "put your code in TMR2_DefaultInterruptHandler"
where it is recommended by the comment
// add your TMR2 interrupt custom code

cycling through leds

Please help me with this code, it is making me crazy. This is a very simple program with 8-bit timer, cycling through all 8 leds (one-by-one). Am using ATSTK600 board.
My timers are working well, I think there is some problem with the loops (when I debug this program using avr studio-gcc, I can see all the leds working as I want but when I transfer it on board...leds don't blink). Am going crazy with this type of behavior.
Here is my code:
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
volatile unsigned int intrs, i, j = 0;
void enable_ports(void);
void delay(void);
extern void __vector_23 (void) __attribute__ ((interrupt));
void enable_ports()
DDRB = 0xff;
TCCR0B = 0x03;
TIMSK0 = 0x01;
//TIFR0 = 0x01;
TCNT0 = 0x00;
//OCR0A = 61;
intrs = 0;
void __vector_23 (void)
for(i = 0; i<=8; i++)
if(intrs >= 61)
PORTB = (0xff<<i);
intrs = 0;
PORTB = 0xff;
int main(void)
Your interrupt routine is flawed. intrs counts only the number of times the loop has executed, not the number of timer interrupts as its name suggests. 61 iterations of that loop will take very little time. You will see nothing perceivable without an oscilloscope.
The following may be closer to what you need:
void __vector_23 (void)
if(intrs > 60)
intrs = 0;
PORTB = (0xff<<i);
i++ ;
if(i == 8 )
i = 0 ;
PORTB = 0xff;
Although setting the compare register OCR0A to 61 as in your commented out code would avoid the need for the interrupt counter and reduce unnecessary software overhead.
Are you sure that the code downloaded to the board is not optimized?
Have you attached volatile attribute to the PORTB identifier?
Is there a way for you to slow down the code (outside the debugger)? Any chance it's running but fast that you don't see it?
Can you verify that your intended code is in fact running (outside the debugger)?
When interrupt occurs, handler very quickly counts 62*9 times and finally sets PORTB to 0x00, so leds do only very short flash which is not visible. You see it in sumulator just because it runs slower and do not emulate visual dimming effect of fast port switching. Program has a design flaw: it tries to do full blinking cycle in single interrupt. That's wrong--only a single step should be performed in interrupt call. So handler should look like this:
void __vector_23 (void)
if(intrs >= 61)
PORTB = (0xff<<i);
intrs = 0;
if(i>8) i = 0;
Try this.
There is guidelin on interrupts handlers: Interrupt handler should be as fast and short as possible. Do not perform complex tasks in interrupts (cycle loop is one of them, if you get cycle in interrupt, try to remove it). Do not wait or delay in interrupts.
If you're seeing the behaviour you want when debugging with avr studio-gcc, then that gives you some confidence that your program is "good" (for some sense of the word "good"). So it sounds as though you need to focus on a different area: what is the difference between your debug environment and your stand-alone download?
When doing a stand-alone download, do you know if your program is running at all?
Are the LEDs blinking, or turning on at all? You don't explicitly say in your question, but that question could be very relevant to the debugging process. Does it look like the right behaviour, running at a different speed? If so, then your program is probably not doing some sort of initialisation that the debugger was doing.
When doing a stand-alone download, is the program being compiled with different settings compared to the debug version? Perhaps compiler optimisation settings are changing your program's timing characteristics.
(Your question would be better if you gave more detail about what the stand-alone download is doing. In general, it is hard for someone to debug a remote system when they're given few or no details about what is happening. Do all/some of the LEDs turn on at all?)
