Visual Studio 2010 Saving Projects - c

To All,
I haven't used a Visual Studio in quite a few years, and don't remember what version I had used. I created 15-20 libraries and 30-40 utilities - all in C.
I recently decided that I wanted to enhance some of the libraries and utilities and acquired Visual Studio 2010. I open an existing project (.dsw) and I get a popup that says "The project ' must be converted to the current ... Convert and open this project?' I click on Yes. I then get a popup that says "A file with the same name ... already exists on disk. Do you want to overwrite the project and its imported sheets?' Again I say Yes.
I go along my way and make a bunch of changes to the project. I click on "Save All." I then close the project and when I reopen, it is like I didn't change anything! I get the same popups again!
I've check the permissions on the directory and files and they should be writable. I have SCOURED the net trying to find out what I am doing wrong to no avail.
Any helpful pointers would be greatly appreciated!

.dsw extension was used by Visual Studio 6, Visual Studio 2010 project files have extension .vcxproj. The conversion process mentioned in your question creates those new project files. Open them instead of old .dsw


VS Specify WinForm open order

I have an already created project with plenty of WinForms and specified StartUp project.
I'm creating a new form in a different project and wanted to know if there is a proper way to set a specific form load order post debug start.
Is there a some kind of a configuration for that or some checkbox for that, or maybe I'm just asking a really trivial question with an obvious answer (which I didn't find on my own)?
I'm running this projects on Visual Studio Express 2015 Desktop.
Thank you for any suggestions.

Visual Studio 2013 crashing when saving Windows Forms solution

I have been working on a particular solution for a few months now without any problems. The last thing of significance that I remember doing was refactoring the name of a custom control inheriting from RichTextBox. I don't know if that is related to the problem but it seemed to be when the problems started occurring. For some reason now when I show the main form in design view and save any changes I get the message "Visual Studio has stopped working blah blah" and it restarts.
I seem to be able to load and make changes to other solutions ok.
So far I've tried:
Deleting .sln and v12.sln files
Have tried uninstalling NuGet. (I don't have any extensions other than NuGet and Visual Studio Extensions for Windows Library for JavaScript)
I don't have resharper
I have tried to start in /SafeMode but I keep getting the error "'Visual Studio Component Model Host Package' package did not load correctly". I can't seem to load any solutions in SafeMode.
Repaired VS2013 installation twice
Restarted my computer many times
Tried writing a log file using /log switch but can't really understand how to interpret it.
Any pointers would be very welcome.

"The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context" - for new WPF projects

I have a similar problem as previously reported (and unanswered successfully/unsolved) as below:
"If I create a new project in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and select "WPF Application" it generates the application, but I get the error "The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context" even before i build it.
I get the same error when I try to build established projects. Yesterday, I had no problems with it.
Im pretty sure that this issue is nothing to do with the project, source files or generated settings, but may have to do with a corrupt visual studio installation, registry, .net or windows itself because the same project (exactly the same) builds fine on my coleagues computer and vice-versa does not. Also, i have reinstalled Visual Studio, uninstalled & reinstalled, deleted & reinstalled, install-fixed from the microsoft disks and even tried manually deleting Visual studio/.net/C# and still get the problem. This issue is with both new WPF projects created with the wizard and with existing projects created weeks earlier.
The only option that seems to present itself now seems to be wiping my hard drive and reinstalling windows and Visual Studio again etc.
Any ideas regarding the fault or how best to wipe my system down to a level that will truly eradicate Visual Studio and its registry setting would be gratefully received ?
I had the same problem and eventually discovered (after reinstalling VS and that had no effect) that by removing and re-installing the .Net frameworks the problem went away.
There are two primary causes of this very common and annoying problem!
The most common is the x:Class doesn't match up with the MainPage.xaml namespace. Make sure that x:Class in MainPage.xaml has the correct namespace.
The second most common cause of this problem is that the "Build Action" is not set to "Page" for MainPage.xaml!
This happens with Silverlight or WPF and though it is a PITA when you don't know what caused it once you know what the problem is; it is a simple fix. One of those things we all have to learn the hard way, but thanks for Stack Overflow.
I wrote a blog article that has pictures and explains Initialize Component does not exist in current context problem.

Can't revert winforms project to .net 3.5

I have been unable to revert a winforms project from .net 4 back to .net 3.5 due to bugs in visual studio 2010. The program manager says in a forum it was not a design goal to permit round trip development to previous versions (!). The error is in the resx files:
error RG0000: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
"This is the intended way in which the product was designed. And, we do not support round-tripping with previous versions of the product. As such, I am resolving the issue, "By Design"."
I tried manually editing a resx file back to 3.5 and couldn't do it. Any suggestions for this appreciated.
Assuming you haven't got a previous version for what ever reason, the simplest solution would be to delete the .resx files and recreate them in the 3.5 version of the project. Take a copy of the project so you can open the offending .resx files and copy the resources to the clipboard. Pasting them back into the 3.5 version should just paste the content.
Get the last working version just before you did the upgrade from source control. You do use source control right?

VS 2008 WinForms with SourceSafe

We are using Visual Studio 2008 to develop a winforms application stored in Visual Source Safe 2005.
If one of our team members changes a *.Designer.cs file without changing the form's source file the change doesn't appear during a "Get" operation. However, if in Visual Studio you run a compare on the *.Designer.cs file the differences are displayed in the difference viewer.
FYI: We are using the default Microsoft Visual SourceSafe plug in for Visual Studio.
Any ideas why the "Get" operation will not detect changes in the *.Designer.cs files and suggest we pull down the latest version?
Thanks for your help!
Designer files are not intended for manual manipulation. One of the chief incentives for adding partial classes to the popular .Net languages was to segregate the designer-generated code from manual user code, in fact. Manual manipulation of repeatedly-generated code (in pretty much any environment, not just visual studio) is asking for headaches.
What changes are you making to the designer file, and why is it not possible to make those changes to the non-designer source file?
Is the project in the IDE properly bound and connected to the source control database (via File->Source Control->Change Source Control)? It should automatically be checking out the designer files when changes are made in the designer view.
I would try doing a Get manually through VSS Explorer (i.e. not through Visual Studio) and see if it works. If not, check to see if the file is pinned to a previous version.
Woe unto you for having to use SourceSafe. At my last job, we used SourceSafe and had a myriad of problems with it. We switched over to Surround SCM and were really happy with it. I'd never heard of it before that job.
To answer your question, any time I ran into a problem like this with SS, I'd do a "forced get": in the options dialog when you get latest, tell SourceSafe to get the latest version from the server regardless of whether it thinks the file is up to date.
Edit: I think the issue is the VS200X plugin for VSS. If you have the VSS standalone application you should be able to do a forced get from there. I now remember having to do this so often that I stopped using the VS200X plugin.
