on_message is not working in python - aws-iot

I am working on aws iot and able to get the shadow state updated by the terminal via shell script .But i am able to get root#raspberrypi:~# ./aws_subscribe.py Connected with result code 0 and also in aws iot home i am getting out of sync error
and i am following this blog

The 'Shadow status' field on the AWS console merely shows if the 'reported' and 'desired' states are the same, it has no functional impact.
This is an example that would show the status as out of sync:
"reported": {
"locked": true
"desired": {
"locked": false
Where as this example would show them as in sync.
"reported": {
"locked": true
"desired": {
"locked": true
That's really all there is to it. You can completely remove the 'desired' state by sending the following JSON, if you do this it will always show as in sync.
"desired": null


Change the address without refreshing the page

I have a category list, which changes the address of the page by selecting each category, similar to dynamic adress, for example, when you select a game, the address goes to:
/s/game changes
Or you choose real estate
To transfer from the code:
router.push(address), null, {
shallow: true,
scroll: false
I use.
But the problem is that the things related to receiving the link only work the first time and the second time only the address changes and getStaticPaths and getStaticProps do not work at all!
The codes inside related to the /s/[category].js file (address recipient file):
export async function getStaticPaths() {
return {
paths: [
{ params: { category: "Search Category" } },
fallback: false,
export async function getStaticProps(context) {
const { params } = context;
return {
props: {
category: params.category,
It means that after compiling the component, the related items will no longer work!
where is the problem from ? Do you know the best method for this? Thank you for telling me
I have said all the things I used in the question
You may try to troubleshoot this issue with hlep of developer tools integrated with your browser Firefox or Chrome then in network tab look at http requests. You are looking for new http get to new uri

React Native: Why Mobile App is not changed when cache is changed?

I use React native.
When I use web with react, if I change cache info then that change is automatically applied on my web screen.
But in case of react native app, if I change cache info(I check cache is correctly changed), my mobile app (expo) doesn't change at all. So I need to refresh my screen once again.
Is that correct? or did I do something wrong?
For example, on react when I run this function to edit cache.
It is written to when I click button, this function runs.
It delete my comment from server then delete this record from cache.
When I run it on web, this deleted comment disappears automatically on web.
But on my app, it has no change at all.
const updateDeleteComment = (cache, result) => {
const {
data: {
deleteComment: { ok, error },
} = result;
if (ok) {
cache.evict({ id: `Comment:${id}` });
id: `Photo:${photoId}`,
fields: {
commentNumber(prev) {
return prev - 1;

React Docusign Clickwrap Credentials

In my react application, when Im rendering the Docusign clickwrap, I need to supply the accountId and the clickwrapId. Is there a secure way to reference the accountId/clickwrapId without actually putting those values in. I dont want to expose those credentials in my react application
function App() {
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
environment: 'https://demo.docusign.net',
accountId: '...',
clickwrapId: '...',
onMustAgree(agreement) {
// Called when no users have previously agreed by the above client user ID for the most recent required Clickwrap version
onAgreed(agreement) {
// Called when either 1) the clientUserId has previously agreed 2) the clientUserId has clicked agree and completed successfully
onDeclined(agreement) {
// Called when the clientUserId has declined successfully
}, '#ds-clickwrap');
}, []);
return <div id="ds-clickwrap" />
Ah, you can use the server-side API to generate an agreement URL instead if that is desired.
POST /clickapi/v1/accounts/.../clickwraps/.../agreements:
Only the clientUserId is required to make this API call. You would do this from your server and then pass the URL from the response to the client.
"clientUserId": "..."
This would return an agreement URL to then be used in the snippet of JS:
"status": "created",
"agreementUrl": "https://...."
This agreementUrl could then be used in the snippet:
agreementUrl: '...agreementUrl from REST API response...',
}, '#ds-clickwrap');

How can we set context variables for IBM Watson from backend

I want to pass some values to frontend in form of context variables in IBM Watson through my Node app. How can I achieve it?
I tried to add the value I want to add to current context variable object and sent that back. Still no help. Is there any way I can do it?
Right now, I am adding the required value as a new key-value pair to the context object from Node app as follows.
let user_name = "MJ"
context.user_name = user_name
output: output,
context: JSON.stringfy(context)
And in Watson Console, in one of the dialogue nodes I have used like,
Hey $user_name, How are you?
But the output I am getting is,
Hey , How are you?
I can see user_name value in the context object, but I can't use it in the way I mentioned above. Is there any other way to do so?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I was having the same problem. My solution was changing the code when you call the IBM server and request .json:
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({
context: {username : variable},
The username I set in Watson Assistant as well as a context, the variable I used a function to get the name though Query (Because in my application, I am calling the chatbot though an IFrame.), but you can use any variable set on javascript.
You can add any value to the Context object, which can be accessed in your Node.JS app and if you send that value to the front-end, then it should be accessible in the UI as well.
Below I've mentioned a sample welcome response from Conversation service. You can access the Context object from the response of Conversation service and add a new key-value pair to that object. In the response, you'll see that I'm accessing a context variable username that has the value MJ, which has been added dynamically to the context.
"intents": [],
"entities": [],
"input": {
"text": ""
"output": {
"text": ["Hello MJ! How can I help you today?"],
"nodes_visited": ["Conversation Start"],
"log_messages": []
"context": {
"username": "MJ",
"conversation_id": "5835fa3b-6a1c-4ec5-92f9-22844684670e",
"system": {
"dialog_stack": [{
"dialog_node": "Conversation Start"
"dialog_turn_counter": 1,
"dialog_request_counter": 1,
"_node_output_map": {
"Conversation Start": [0]
Now to update the context, fetch the response and add a new key-value pair
var convResponse = <responseObj from Conversation call>;
var context = convResponse.context;
//add new value to context
context["new_key"] = "new value";
Now the next call that you make to Conversation, use this updated context instead of the context you received from the previous call. You can send back the response from Conversation to the front-end as well which can then be shown to the user.
var payload = {
assistantId: assistantId,
sessionId: req.body.session_id,
context: {
skills: {
"main skill": {
user_defined: {
username: 'John Doe'
input: {
message_type: 'text',
text: "blah",
works for me. Seen here: https://medium.com/#pranavbhatia_26901/watson-assistant-v2-context-sharing-3ca18626ed0d

Google Calendar API. Patching sharedExtendedProperty for events

I have created event in my Google calendar. Most interesting part is:
// some event data;
"extendedProperties": {
"shared": {
"cases_1": "1",
"cases_2": "2"
Right now I need to PATCH existing event. In extendedProperties I do not need "cases_1":"1" any more. So I use developers endpoint to patch it. The PATCH request body is:
"extendedProperties": {
"shared": {
"cases_2": "2"
In response I see my both shared fields. How must my request body look like to remove from extendedProperties shared cases_1 field?
Try adding the line below to your request:
"extendedProperties": {
"shared": {
"cases_1": null,
"cases_2": "2"
It was shown in this documentation:
Any properties not included in an update request will be deleted, but
a better approach is to make a patch request to set the value to null
Hope this helps.
