Guidelines for user impression of a fast loading framework UI - angularjs

The actual loading time of a web page and the user impression of that loading time can be quite different. For example, here are three different experiences a user can have while a page loads:
Waiting for a blank page to completely render at once
Parts of the page immediately render (e.g. top navigation) but components load
The entire page is made of components that load individually
These different UI experiences become more common as JavaScript frameworks become more common, such as React or Angular.
The user's UI experience can also change if individual components use loading markers to indicate something is happening, such as Loading... or a spinning wheel.
What are some guidelines for improving the user impression of a fast loading page? If there are not any, how do you approach this problem?

There is always going to be an initial hit whilst the javascript gets parsed and executed. However, if you are after very fast initial loads you could try a few techniques such as:
Delivering a "critical" payload first which will quickly load the "essentials" of your webpage to make it feel much more responsive. Webpack has a code splitting feature that you could use for this effect.
Making use of Server Side Rendering (i.e. universal style applications) which will execute the javascript server side and embed the output in the HTML payload. This probably renders the best results for what you are after as you don't getting the "flashing" parts as much you would otherwise. It's a pretty cool technique but is probably presents more technical challenges so you will have to decide on your own tradeoffs.
If you are after an example of SSR you could look at a boilerplate I recently put together for React:
In that boilerplate I actually also make use of Webpack's code splitting feature based on the Routes defined within the application. Checkout webpack's docs on this:
If webpack is completely new to you I highly recommend the survive js series:


What is the point of single page large applications if you have to split your code to improve performance?

I've been reading about lazily loading code in react.
With lazy loading, only the needed code will be loaded and doing so,
your initial loading will be faster (because you will load much less
code) and your overall speed will be much faster being on demand.
This is what I've understood.
In a single page application, the entire page is loaded onto the browser initially. We use module bundlers like webpack to bundle the application into a single page. Everything's great.
Now, if the application size is large, the load time would increase. To improve performance, we can divide the bundle into separate chunks that will be loaded only when needed.
My question is, if we have to divide our page into chunks, is it still a single page application because the browser will have to request the server for these chunks whenever they are needed? I feel like there's a gap in my knowledge and I don't know what's missing.
The traditional web applications used to work with postbacks to the server to fetch HTML to render a new page. Then AJAX came into the picture and applications were able to render data asynchronously thereby making sure that the user doesn't need to wait the time when the browser would refresh on postback to render the new page.
Modern Javascript libraries like angular, react etc. bring single-page application (SPA) model which runs inside a single page without requiring the browser to reload as the user navigates the site (ie. with only a single container page for entire application,like index.html). Even with code splitting and lazy loading of chunks, the application developer can ensure that user gets a pleasant experience like displaying a progress bar or loading spinner instead ( using React Suspense ). This is much better than the frustrating experience of waiting for a page reloading everytime. Webpack ensures the chunkhash changes only for chunks which have changes in source code from previous build. This helps to take advantage of browser caching so that the request for chunks don't need to go to server everytime. Hope this was helpful !

What is the point of server side rendering in React/Redux?

What is the point of server side rendering in React/Redux?
It would seem to me that another level of complexity is being added to the software, but I don't really see the benefit of it.
What are some common use cases for server side rendering?
React's SSR (Server Side Rendering) offers some benefits over CSR (Client Side Rendering):
1. Improved (Perceived) performance at the client side
Obviously, rendered components are shown to the user right away without the need to wait for browser to render. The website won't be interactive until all React code are loaded and executed, but the perceived performance is improved by showing content to users ASAP.
2. Better SEO
Since content are rendered at the server side, search engine crawlers can see the rendered content instead of just a blank page with JS tags.
Note: Google crawler supports JavaScript rendering, not sure about other Search Engines though.
Interms of complexity - yes, SSR introduced extra complexity but there's always a tradeoff for each technical decision.
The whole point of so called Universal apps or "Isomorphic JavaScript" is its "write once, run everywhere" kind of motto. Meaning that you wouldn't need to maintain a specific backend project and a specific frontend project differing in techniques and instead consolidate a whole JavaScript project into one.
It's not quite as dandy as you'd think because you still need to maintain a backend specific part that handles the initial GET request.
Furthermore you also leverage the Single Page nature of an application whilst getting the server side first page load making your website 100% crawlable by the Googs, even though Google now crawls SPAs quite competently currently.
As for complexity - it could be as complex or as simple as you would want to, I guess. Not everything is solved by doing a "Universal app" nor is everything solved by doing a standard web app either.

reactjs with .jsp html templates

This is more of question of if it makes sense to use Reactjs in my instance. I have an application that generates html serverside. I can not use any js based templating solutions serverside, it is a java/jsp solution blackbox.
Since the markup is already defined I am weary of using JSX to duplicate all the template logic currently only on the serverside. What is typically the best approach to integrating reactjs in to an application like this.
What will be the real advantage to using reactjs for me in this situation. Most of may app will continue to be rendered serverside go forward.
Obviously React is not designed to be used like this; but you could still do it.
Long story short: If you want to build something more complex in front-end you should do it; if you only want to get advantage of JSX templating instead of jsp, it's just a big overhead.
You will be able to step away from standard jQuery approach of handling javascript in .jsp.
You will get all the benefit of a client-side framework, so you are able to handle more complex scenarios in front-end as you would do with standard javascript.
You could hide some business logic in the java side (servlets) and making it available to React world.
Probably it's a pain to prepare the development environment mode (webpack, hot-reload, etc.); e.g. you'll need to recompile the jsp on the fly on every js change.
You can't use client-side routing (so you'll have like one SPA per page).
Probably it's really hard to make server side rendering work (for the React part)

Trying to understand how an isomorphic react app is supposed to do client-side routing

Pardon my English, it is a second language. The whole point of an isomorphic app, as opposed to a regular client-side SPA is so the client doesn't have to download the whole JS file initially which results in really slow initial load time.
I've been trying to teach myself server-side rendered React, and after watching countless videos around the concept and following countless tutorials on the actual implementation, I still can't get my head around this (at least this is how I understand it):
Despite the server conditionally rendering pages and sending props to the client on url change, the client side still uses a router that includes all the entry points for the app (by requiring all of them, and then loading the file based on the url location). Doesn't that means all the files are included in the main client JS file anyways since it's already been required by the client-side router? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of server-rendered React? Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?
In short, how does an isomorphic React app really works with a client-side router that includes (by requiring them) all of the app's entry points?
I'm not sure that "The whole point of an isomorphic app [...] is so the client doesn't have to download the whole JS file initially which results in really slow initial load time" is necessarily true. I think the primary reason people do this is for SEO reasons and to improve perceived load time. You still get the benefit of showing the users the page before they have to load all the JavaScript (e.g. yes, they have to load all the JS, but it's OK because they already have most/all of the content). The app upgrades to an SPA transparently, providing a seamless experience for the user.
That said, you can implement a system where you don't have to load all the JS at once with something like webpack's code splitting. There's even a simple React Router example that does this.

Performance testing single page application components

We have an Angular single page application that loads fairly fast. However, there are data components in the application that load (and render) asynchronously. I've looked all over the web and it seems like a fairly common problem, but without a good solution. Are there any tools out there that can perf benchmark just a component of a page, rather than the entire page? And we need to know the time between the request made for data and when rendering that data is completed.
Try the open source Chrome plugin Angular-performance, you can benchmark specific controllers, digest time and events in Angular applications:
Any chance of getting a reference to that particular view?
Similar to React + Flux, I believe Angular would be classified as a "current-state" front-end framework. Because it's functional programming and not object oriented. This is the reason company's have in the past switched over to angular, because of the speed and asynchronous nature of javascript.
If there are certain elements you don't want the DOM to render until conditions are met, I would recommend looking into ng-show and ng-hide.
I hope that helps? I am not sure what situation in particular you don't want rendering asynchronously? Let me know how I can help.
