Should I upgrade Apache Cassandra? - database

My company is currently using Cassandra version 2.1.8.
As of right now, there exist a version 3.7
Is there some way to know if I should update without going through all lines in the changelog? Is 2.1.8 a fine, stable version, or is it horribly outdated, and should be upgraded?

As this isn't really "about programming" it's probably off-topic, but I'll answer because I know you won't get an answer on a different Stack Exchange site.
I wouldn't consider 2.1.8 horribly out-dated. There are places out there still running on much, much older versions than that.
Prior to 3.0, features are usually added in major point releases (2.0, 2.1, 2.2, etc...). Minor releases like 2.1.14 are used for fixing bugs, so upgrading to the latest minor release is A) low risk and B) probably in your best interest.
Even though DataStax has now released a DSE version containing Cassandra 3.0 at its core, I would still caution you against upgrading to 3.x. 3.x involved a major rewrite of the underlying storage engine. It does have a lot of new features, but I'd recommend being patient while some of the 3.x JIRA tickets settle down a little bit.

the #cassandra irc channel greeting says:
Topic: | Tick-Tock: 3.7
| Current: 2.2.6 | Next: 3.0.7
| oldstable: 2.1.14
So 2.1.8 isn't that old. Don't pay attention to the Tick-Tock versions - they're pretty much the bleeding edge version. (Datastax Enterprise 5.0)[] was released yesterday and it contains cassandra 3.0.something


1.14 Istio Version deprecation

We are running an istio of version 1.14 in our AKS cluster. From Supported Releases document we can see that END OF LIFE of this version is January 2023.
The support means that the community will produce patch releases for critical issues and offer technical assistance.
We are wondering is there any strong date when we won`t be able to run 1.14 version? Because from the above document we can see that only support and bug fixes wont be available after end of life.
Maybe there are some manuals that describe this?
Thank you
Tried to go through Istio Documentation (Supported Releases)
You can stay at 1.14 as long as the images can be pulled from the official registry. You could also mirror them into your own registry to be completely independent.
Have said that you shouldn't do that. You won't get any security fixes and if you need to update because of any issue, you might need to update over multiple versions (e.g. 1.14 -> 1.19), having to update multiple minor versions one by one (1.14 -> 1.15 -> 1.16 -> 1.17 -> 1.18 -> 1.19). Jumping multiple versions isn't supported so you would risk damaging your mesh (though you can jump 2 minor versions if you're using revision based deployment).
The release schedule of istio can be quite tough, but trying to stay up to date as close as possible can save you a lot of trouble.

Minimum CakePHP version for PHP 7.3/7.4?

I’m currently on CakePHP 3.5
My ISP is forcing us off PHP 7.2 onto either 7.3 or 7.4
There are some errors from the Cake core code in 7.3, mostly related to compact() (a known breaking change), but I think there are others as well. I’ve seen references to these errors, but I can’t find a definitive version of Cake to target.
What is the minimum CakePHP version needed for PHP 7.3 or PHP 7.4?
That shouldn't really matter too much, if you'd upgrade to 3.6 you could as well just upgrade to 3.9 while your at it, besides fixes it's mostly deprecations and new features, and a handful of behavior changes.
That being said, 7.3 has been added to the test runs in 3.6.13, and 7.4 was added in 3.8.7, so the latest 3.6/3.8 would be your minimum.

which is the most stable and tested version of apache solr on hdfs or maprfs

I am trying to setup solr in my project, want to know which is the most stable and tested version of solr available. I want to use mapr filesystem.
Basically, there are two rules for all Solr releases:
They all have a large number of tests to pass before release.
Still, there's some issue with every .0 release, so it's wise to choose the bugfixed .1 even later releases.
Bonus: This applies to every type of file system you want Solr to run on.
Then there is a trade-off between having the latest features and having it around in field use for longer time. Of course, version 3.6 was thoroughly tested in the field, because it's been around for many years. But it's so outdated you should not choose it. The same applies for the 4.x branch.
On the other end, there's the 6.x branch which has many cool new features but is relatively young. So personally, I recommend you to go with the latest release of the 5.x branch. While the 5.0 release had many new features introduced, the work up to the latest released version 5.5.4 had many fixes applied and still gets backports for things that are fixed in the 6.x branch.

JBoss most latest and stable version

I am trying to build a highly available, scalable and performance optimistic Jboss cluster system. I will be using Infinispan subsystem for caching service.
I started off with Jboss 7.1.1 Final version but later on found that it has some really serious bugs. Also, the infinispan subsystem was not behaving as per my requirements in the same.
As of now, I need to evaluate different versions of Jboss which suffices above mentioned requirements.
Please let me know which the most stable and latest version of Jboss currently available.
Just for information, I am performing the whole stuff in Cloud (AWS).
JBoss Application server was renamed to Wildfly, checkout its downloads page. Right now it is stable 9.0.1 (I think this is using Infinispan 7.x) and unstable 10.0.0.Beta2 (I think it still uses 7.x too since Infinispan 8 was not released yet, but it's possible that version 8 will get into the final release).

DotNetNuke upgrade

I need to upgrade my current version of DNN this week. I am currently using 2.1.1. I don't want to do everything twice, so, I have several questions.
Is there an upgrade tool or some scripts somewhere that will help me to do an upgrade.
Am I better off installing 4.9 or 5.0. It is production.
If I go with 4.9, will I be able to upgrade to 5.0 when it releases?
I personally strongly disagree with ALassek, you can upgrade DotNetNuke, you just have to follow the steps listed and as long as you do that it isn't a big deal at all, but there are a few key things to keep in mind as you set down the road to do your migration.
DO NOT USE 5.0 in production at this time. 5.0 is only in RC2 stage at this time and using it in production is NOT recommended and an upgrade path from RC2 -> Final might not be possible!
If you plan on trying to upgrade from 2.1.1 go from it to the most current version of 2, then go to 3, then go to 3.3.7, then go to 4.4.1, then to 4.6.2, then to 4.9.0. Typically you are able to make it, but some sites are not.
Some modules though will need to be updated to work with DNN 4.x, depending on the numbers and vendors this can be an easy process or can involve needing to find other providers for the specific functionality at hand.
As for the potential to upgrade to 5.0 from 4.9, yes, that will be 100% supported once 5.0 is in a production ready state.
It's been my experience that DotNetNuke has a tendancy to release breaking changes without documenting them (or documenting much of anything, for that matter). Without knowing exactly what you have installed in it, it's impossible to say exactly how screwed you are. But I can guarantee you the transition will likely not be easy, especially if you have a lot of modules installed.
Between 2.1.1 => 4.9, so much has changed that I can't imagine there is any automated way to upgrade. You're better off starting from scratch and seeing what still works. Most likely you will need to find newer versions of any modules you're using, or replacements for those that aren't being kept current.
To be honest, I don't know. But I see that the DNN download page very strongly states that the 5.0 release-candidates are "NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE".
There was a huge amount of breaking changes between 2x and 3x which will cause pretty much any custom modules you have to have to be upgraded or replaced. Other than that Mitchel is the DNN man and I would defer to him.
