DroneKit: dronekit.APIException: Timeout (Pixhawk) - dronekit-python

I am not understanding why this is not working. The purpose of this project is to pull telemetry data from the Pixhawk to be sent to a server from the RPi 3
I have been following this two guides
Connection from the Rpi and Pixhawk works as I am able to run MAVProxy on the Pi and connect with Mission Planner (Windows)
but when I run the following:
from dronekit import connect
vehicle = connect('/dev/ttyAMA0', baud=57600)
print "Heading: %s" % vehicle.heading
I receive the following
"dronekit.APIException: Timeout in initializing connection."
I am not understanding why this is the case or if there is a possible interference with the connections.

This is a known issue. Uninstall pymavlink 2.0, and install version 1.1.69 instead.
pip uninstall pymavlink
pip install pymavlink==1.1.69


sudo npm run start Admin permissions error?

I am trying to run react application as sudo on port 443 but it is throwing permissions error as follows. I tried running the react script with root privileges too but get the same error.
Command used is
sudo npm run start
? Admin permissions are required to run a server on a port below 1024. Probably:
/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/91.0.4472.114/Helpers/Google Chrome Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Helper --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --field-trial-handle=1718379636,2199499938256335430,15968884667410910440,131072 --enable-features=BlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequests,CookieSameSiteConsidersRedirectChain,CriticalClientHint,CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyCredentialless,CrossOriginIsolated,CrossOriginOpenerPolicyAccessReporting,CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReporting,DocumentPolicyNegotiation,EnableNewCanvas2DAPI,ExperimentalContentSecurityPolicyFeatures,FeaturePolicyForClientHints,LangClientHintHeader,OriginIsolationHeader,OriginPolicy,SchemefulSameSite,UserAgentClientHint --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=network --enable-experimental-web-platform-features --metrics-client-id=22a9279b-1648-45cf-a03c-0ce68df69ad5 --shared-files --seatbelt-client=27 (pid 887)
in /
Would you like to run the app on another port instead? (Y/n)
I checked port 443 and it is available to listen. I also wrote a script to listen on port 443 on localhost and it is able to bind on this port as a sudo user. No luck with the react app though.
I was able to run react app earlier in the same laptop but something changed and I don't know what. The error is anyway about permissions but I ruled out this possibility.
I feel it has something to do with Google Chrome Helper which react-scripts is trying to run without Admin Privilege.
Also, it could be some other package I installed which may have caused the issue.
I am at a loss here and am not sure how to debug it further. Googling the problem didn't help either. Any help to debug or fix the issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Mac OS Big Sur - version 11.4
npm version 7.18.1
I was able to get around this issue, by using this package.json command:
"scripts": {
"start-https": "sudo PORT=443 HTTPS=true react-scripts start"
I met the same issue, and solved by downgrading the node version from 16 to 14, don't know why but works.
The only way I found it to work (especially when you install node and npm using nvm) is to call react-scripts directly:
sudo node ./node_modules/.bin/react-scripts start
This assumes you are in the project / repository directory containing .node_modules. Nevertheless, it is different question whether its correct to npm start with sudo. I was just experimenting to run the dev server on port 80 and it was giving error
Admin permissions are required to run a server on a port below 1024.
And I was unable to fix it with various solutions specified on these links: 1, 2, 3, 4. From these links I mostly tried configuration related solutions as I did not wanted to reinstall node (without nvm).

React.js not connecting to (localhost) Ganache on EC2: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Using the following installation on Ubuntu Server 20.04 :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt install python2
sudo apt install npm
npm install ganache-cli
npm install node-gyp#3.6.2
npm install truffle#5.1.39
sudo npm install create-react-app#3.3.1 -global
npm install
I am having the error
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I am running ganache with the command line interface:
I can test the connection via node command prompt
To which I am able to verify a connection to ganache private blockchain
Then I try App.js in React
obtaining the following error:
I have tried the following:
1.) Setting up a proxy under package.json :
2.) Trying
3.) Setting up a middleware proxy account as presented in the following solution:
"proxy": ""
4.) addressing cache related issues through rm -r package-lock.json node_modules and npm install updating react.js to latest version
5.) trying different port: 7545
6.) updating react to latest version on ubuntu
I figured it out - thanks to all who reviewed my problem. - hopefully this will help someone in the same situation. To connect to an ec2 instance with React.js / blockchain dapp you need to follow five steps:
1.) set appropriate security rules (you will need to allow access for an instance to reach your server) I set the following rules in a very liberal fashion since this was only a test:
you need to start ganache with explicit chainId specified and a direct reference to your public domain IPv4 DNS domain e.g (
the command should look as follows:
3.) the same domain mnemonic needs to be specified in metamask (along with an imported account from your ganache server ) It should look as follows:
4.) React.js also needs to access the domain from EC2 directly (do not use localhost ,even you are running on the server the loopback will not work! - also do not use a shortcut with or (||) condition as that also produced errors for me ). It should look similar to below:
5.) your smart contracts also need this domain specified explicitly - so you will also need to edit your truffle-config.js as follows:
Finally i can read my blockchain via React.js on a test network (ganache) via EC2.
Below is blockchain data presented to screen.
I hope this helps someone out there - this was not found easily.
John D.

Expo, java.net.SocketTimeoutException:failed to connect

am new to React native Expo I need to add some new modules on my project. "expo": "33.0.0", "react": "16.8.3", whenever I try to run my project am getting Error am not able to run the project. I tried all way to run the project like set REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_HOSTNAME='', firewall off, allowed inbound 19000 port etc. but am getting error.
when I enter expo start -c
Your project may not work correctly until you install the correct versions of the packages.
To install the correct versions of these packages, please run: expo install [package-name ...]
Starting Metro Bundler on port 19001.
Your JavaScript transform cache is empty, rebuilding (this may take a minute).
Your native app is running at exp9c305c55e38f4d0e856f59397620314e://
Logs for your project will appear below. Press Ctrl+C to exit.
then my laptop and mobile is connected with same network and same IP but am getting error and i don't know the port 19000 is different from my wifi
Uncaught Error:java.net.SocketTimeoutException:failed to connect to/ 19000)from/ 49615) after 10000ms
Please give some solution for it.
It's failing because port 19000 is not open in your firewall. If you use linux OS open this port by running:
sudo ufw allow 19000/tcp
enter image description hereFirst Check are you in tunnel connection?
If you are in tunnel connection then
First : ipconfig
then:npm start
It worked for me. Hopefully it will help.
I resolved this by changing the network profile on the connected wifi from private to public.
Expo Error Fix

Connecting Presto and Apache SuperSet

I have presto and apache superset hosted at GCP Cloud.
Presto server hosted at
But when i try to connect Presto to Superset it's giving me this error
Could not load database driver: presto
Already installed the presto driver using pip install pyhive.
Not sure what's wrong here ? My SQLAlchemyURL presto://
This error usually appears when the driver isn't available (so the connection string format isn't recognized).
I would confirm that the pip install happened correctly. If you're running everything within docker, make sure you rebuilt properly. You can enter the docker cli, fire up a Python shell, and try to import the presto driver (you can also try pip freeze in the docker cli).


When trying to use OpenEIS in VOLTTRON, I first need to install OpenEIS.
I managed to install Python 3.4, so I can run "python3 bootstrap.py" under ~/openeis-2.x
I managed to change the get-pip link in bootstrap to https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
However, when I ran the command, I got a series of error messages, the first two I am trying to overcome is "import pip ImportError: No module named 'pip' " and import ensurepip ImportError: No module named 'ensurepip'"
Isn't the purpose of downlaoding get-pip from the link, so I don't need to have pip and ensurepip when I run the code?
OpenEIS and VOLTTRON use two different versions of python. The get-pip script is specific to VOLTTRON as it is necessary for the 2.7 version of python in order to install pip. With OpenEIS pip is already installed so it shouldn't need to get-pip.
In order to get OpenEIS and VOLTTRON working you first need to get them installed separately. Once you have them running then you can use the OpenEISHistorian from VOLTTRON to send data to the OpenEIS instance.
I hope that helps and clears up some of the confusion that you are having.
