controller and factory calling sequence differs while using $http? - angularjs

I want to create a simple login, so I just created a html page with username and password. I created a controller and called a function called login and inside that I called a factory which returns a factory data, and I would create login based on that data.
myApp.controller('login', ['$scope','$rootScope', '$location', '$window', 'authenticate', '$http', '$cookieStore',function($scope, $rootScope, $location, $window, authenticate, $http, $cookieStore) {
$scope.alert = '';
$scope.login = function(){
authenticate.login($scope.login.username, $scope.login.password).then(function(response){
alert("Inside controller"+JSON.stringify(response));
My factory
myApp.factory('authenticate',['$http', '$filter', '$cookieStore', '$rootScope', '$window', '$q',
function($http, $filter, $cookieStore, $rootScope, $window, $q) {
var data = "";
var deferred = $q.defer();
return {
login: function(userName,password){
$'user/serverside/authentication.php',{username: userName, password: password})
return deferred.promise;
I call the login function inside the controller on login,
The issue is when I logged in for
The first time with one data as expected first alert inside factory
executed and then the alert inside the controller is executed.
But on the second time alert inside controller executed first and the
factory alert displaying,
Why the execution sequence change in the second time?
Is this a right way to use for login, if any better ways please

I think the mistake its beacuse u should generate promise in every function and no in the main factory like:
myApp.factory('authenticate',['$http', '$filter', '$cookieStore', '$rootScope', '$window', '$q',
function($http, $filter, $cookieStore, $rootScope, $window, $q) {
var data = "";
return {
login: function(userName,password){
var deferred = $q.defer();
$'user/serverside/authentication.php',{username: userName, password: password})
return deferred.promise;
Ur code not works because promise its generated first time executed and when code checked if promise its resolve automatically execute then block.
2.- You can use ssl to securize your login, but the function login its similar. The important its implementation its on server side.


services throwing error in the controller as function not defined

amcApp.service('utilService', function ($http, $q,$rootScope) {
var getSupportTypes = function () {
var deferred = $q.defer();
.then(function daoSuccess(response) {
console.log("Getting Sub Customer Service call success ", response);
}, function daoError(reason) {
console.log("Getting SubC data service call error", reason);
return deferred.promise;
getSupportTypes : getSupportTypes,
Above is the service I defined.
Below is the controller I defined.
amcApp.controller('contractForm', ['$scope', '$http','$rootScope','$filter', '$uibModal', '$state', 'testService','utilService','contractService',
function ($scope, $http,$rootScope, $filter,$uibModal, testService,utilService,contractService) {
//Service of getting the Support Types.
$scope.supportTypes =;
This is the error I'm getting:
Can I get any suggestions?
Check the dependencies what you inject into the controller, you have an extra $state in the array which has not been passed to the function. I would suggest to remove as the following:
amcApp.controller('contractForm', ['$scope', '$http', '$rootScope', '$filter', '$uibModal', 'testService','utilService','contractService',
function ($scope, $http, $rootScope, $filter, $uibModal, testService, utilService, contractService) {
//Service of getting the Support Types.
utilService.getSupportTypes().then(function (response){
$scope.supportTypes =;
On the other hand I would simply remove all the not used services, I assume this is working also fine:
amcApp.controller('contractForm', ['$scope', 'utilService', function ($scope, utilService) {
//Service of getting the Support Types.
utilService.getSupportTypes().then(function (response) {
$scope.supportTypes =;
Just a suggestion - if you keep your code clean it is much easier to figure out the root cause of any issues.

how to passing data from one controller to another controller using angular js 1

hi all i using angular js i need to transfer the value from one page controller to another page controller and get that value into an a scope anybody help how to do this
code Page1.html
var app = angular.module("app", ["xeditable", "angularUtils.directives.dirPagination", "ngNotify", "ngCookies","ngRoute"]);
app.controller('Controller1', ['$scope', '$http', '$window', '$filter','$notify','$cookieStore',
function ($scope, $http, $window, $filter, $notify, $cookieStore)
$scope.Message="Hi welcome"
now i want to show scope message into page2 controller
var app = angular.module("app", ["xeditable", "angularUtils.directives.dirPagination", "ngNotify", "ngCookies","ngRoute"]);
app.controller('Controller2', ['$scope', '$http', '$window', '$filter','$notify','$cookieStore',
function ($scope, $http, $window, $filter, $notify, $cookieStore)
///here i want get that scope value
You can use $rootScope instead of $scope:
// do not forget to inject $rootScope as dependency
$rootScope.Message="Hi welcome";
But the best practice is using a service and share data and use it in any controller you want.
You should define a service and write getter/setter functions on this.
angular.module('app').service('msgService', function () {
var message;
this.setMsg = function (msg) {
message = msg;
this.getMsg = function () {
return message;
Now you should use the setMeg function in Controller1 and getMsg function in Controller2 after injecting the dependency like this.
app.controller('Controller1', ['$scope', '$http', '$window', '$filter','$notify','$cookieStore', 'msgService',
function ($scope, $http, $window, $filter, $notify, $cookieStore, msgService)
$scope.Message="Hi welcome"
app.controller('Controller2', ['$scope', '$http', '$window', '$filter','$notify','$cookieStore', 'msgService',
function ($scope, $http, $window, $filter, $notify, $cookieStore, msgService)
///here i want get that scope value
console.log('message from contoller 1 is : ', msgService.getMsg());
You should use services for it .
app.factory('myService', function() {
var message= [];
return {
set: set,
get: get
function set(mes) {
function get() {
return message;
And in ctrl
$scope.message1= 'Hi';
var message = myService.get()
Sharing data from one controller to another using service
We can create a service to set and get the data between the controllers and then inject that service in the controller function where we want to use it.
Service :
app.service('setGetData', function() {
var data = '';
getData: function() { return data; },
setData: function(requestData) { data = requestData; }
Controllers :
app.controller('Controller1', ['setGetData',function(setGetData) {
// To set the data from the one controller
$scope.Message="Hi welcome";
app.controller('Controller2', ['setGetData',function(setGetData) {
// To get the data from the another controller
var res = setGetData.getData();
console.log(res); // Hi welcome
Here, we can see that Controller1 is used for setting the data and Controller2 is used for getting the data. So, we can share the data from one controller to another controller like this.

cookie value not set in first time in angular js

I want to get cookie value from one UI to another page.
That cookie value is user name.
When i logged to the home page the cookie value is empty the cookie value is set set after refreshing a page.
I want to set the cookie value when the load is load.
this is my home page Controller code
function ($scope, $http, $window, $filter, $cookieStore) {
var logincheck = function () {
$http.get('loggedin').success(function (user) {
$cookieStore.put('LoggedinUser', user);
$scope.LoggedinUsers = $cookieStore.get('LoggedinUser');
i am using the cookie in this code.
app.controller('RoleViewCtrlq', ['$scope', '$http', '$window', '$filter', '$cookieStore', '$notify', '$timeout',
function ($scope, $http, $window, $filter, $cookieStore, $notify, $timeout)
var username = $cookieStore.get('LoggedinUser');
can anyone give the solution..
$cookiesStore is deprecated since v1.4.0 use $cookies instead
$cookies.put('LoggedinUser', user);
var username = $cookie.get('LoggedinUser');
And you should use then instead success . success and error deprecated too

How to inject factory to controller?

Hi I am new to angularjs and I am trying to inject some factory to controller but I am facing difficulties. My factory works fine. I am able to set data in factory.
Below is my code where I inject factory.
function () {
angular.module('RoslpApp').controller('RegistrationOTPVerification', ['$scope', '$http', '$translatePartialLoader', '$translate', '$state', '$stateParams', 'SomeFactory',
function ($scope, $http, $translatePartialLoader, $translate, $state, $stateParams, CONSTANTS, SomeFactory) {
var OTP = $stateParams.pageList.OTP;
$scope.EnterOTP = "Please enter this OTP to verify the user " + OTP;
//RegistrationOTPVerification.$inject = ['SomeFactory'];
//Facing issues in above line
function RegistrationOTPVerification(SomeFactory) {
var vm = this;
vm.someVariable = SomeFactory.getData();
console.log(vm.someVariable); // logs your data
This is my factory code.
(function () {
'use strict';
.factory('SomeFactory', SomeFactory);
SomeFactory.$inject = [];
function SomeFactory() {
var someData;
var factory = {
setData: setData,
getData: getData
function setData(data) {
someData = data;
function getData() {
return someData;
return factory;
I set data in some other controller with SomeFactory.setData("123")
I want to inject someFactory as below:
RegistrationOTPVerification.$inject = ['SomeFactory'];
But whenever I write this, I get error RegistrationOTPVerification is undefined. If I comment that line everything works fine but I want to get some data from factory.
My factory name is SomeFactory and I want to inject in above controller. Any help would be appreciated.
Firstly, you missed CONSTANTS in your injections.
Next, I think you are mixing two kinds of syntax for controller here. Either use anonymous function or named. Don't mix both together.
Here's how your code should look like.
function () {
angular.module('RoslpApp').controller('RegistrationOTPVerification', ['$scope', '$http', '$translatePartialLoader', '$translate', '$state', '$stateParams', 'SomeFactory',
function ($scope, $http, $translatePartialLoader, $translate, $state, $stateParams, SomeFactory) {
var vm = this;
var OTP = $stateParams.pageList.OTP;
vm.EnterOTP = "Please enter this OTP to verify the user " + OTP;
vm.someVariable = SomeFactory.getData();
console.log(vm.someVariable); // logs your data
You missed CONSTANTS in controller dependency list:
'$translate', '$state', '$stateParams', 'SomeFactory',
... $translate, $state, $stateParams, CONSTANTS, SomeFactory) {
So whatever you inject SomeFactory is available in controller under the name CONSTANTS and symbol SomeFactory is undefined.

Restangular put method with extra route don't send data

I'm wondering what's wrong with this snippet:
(my goal if send a put request to user/14/account with data to update of course)
.controller('UserAccountCtrl', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$state', 'user','User','Restangular',
function($rootScope, $scope, $state, user, User, Restangular) {
$scope.user ='user',14).get().$object;
$scope.errors = null;
$ = function(){
I've got a call to user/14/account but without data :(
this seems to work
var user ='user',14).one('account');
