How to get a XML structure from SQL Server stored procedure - sql-server

I am working on a application, the management wants me to change the applications data source from SQL Server to XML.
I have a class called WebData.vb in the old application I need to somehow find a way to replace the stored procedures in it and make it read xml. So I was thinking of getting the xml structure from the returning result set of the stored procedure. I looked online and they said that for normal select statement you can do something like this:
FOR xml path ('Get_Order'),ROOT ('Get_Orders')
I am looking for something like
FOR xml path ('Get_Order'),ROOT ('Get_Orders')
so now that I have the structure I can pass that data to a datatable and then return that datatable to the method.
Also if there is an alternative way in creating a XML stored procedure please let me know thanks coders.

Assuming you can't modify the stored proc (due to other dependencies or some other reason) to have the SELECT within the proc have the FOR XML syntax, you can use INSERT/EXEC to insert the results of the stored proc into a temp table or table variable, then apply your FOR XML onto a query of those results.
Something like this should work:
DECLARE #Data TABLE (...) -- Define table to match results of stored proc
SELECT * FROM #Data FOR xml path ('Get_Order'),ROOT ('Get_Orders')

There are a few methods, one adding namespaces using WITH XMLNAMESPACES(<STRING> AS <NAMESPACE string>). XMLNAMESPACES can embed appropriate XML markers to your tables for use with other applications (which hopefully is a factor here), making documentation a little easier.
Depending on your application use, you can use FOR XML {RAW, PATH, AUTO, or EXPLICIT} in your query, as well as XQUERY methods...but for your needs, stick to the simpler method like XML PATH or XML AUTO.
XML PATH is very flexible, however you lose the straightforward identification of the column datatypes.
, Name AS [Name]
, Began AS [Team/#Began]
, Ended AS [Team/#Ended]
, Team AS [Team]
, [Role]
FROM dbo.SSIS_Owners
Because you might want to return to the database, I suggest using XML AUTO with XMLSCHEMA, where the sql datatypes are kept in the XML.
, Name AS [Name]
, Began AS [Team/#Began]
, Ended AS [Team/#Ended]
, Team AS [Team]
, [Role]
FROM dbo.SSIS_Owners
Downside is XMLNAMESPACES is not an option, but you can get around this through solutions like XML SCHEMA COLLECTIONS or in the query itself as I showed.
You can also just use XML PATH directly without the namespace, but again, that depends on your application use as you are transforming everything to XML files.
Also note how I defined the embedded attributes. A learning point here, but think about the query in the same order that the XML would appear. That is why I defined the variable attributes first before I then stated what the text for that node was.
Lastly, I think you'll find Paparazzi has a question on this topic that covers quite. TSQL FOR XML PATH Attribute On , Type


FOR XML ... TYPE much slower than FOR XML?

Running SQL Server 2014. I have a stored procedure that returns a quite large XML. It goes something like this:
Now, that query runs in 1 second. If I remove TYPE it runs in around half the time:
Obviously, the latter returns an nvarchar(max) instead of an xml. I want xml data, but if I ask for xml it gets slower! If I want to fetch xml data on the client, is it really necessary to convert it to xml using the TYPE directive above?
Q: Anyway, why is FOR XML ... TYPE significantly slower than FOR XML ...? Is there any way to improve the conversion?
Did you try to set variables with the results as XML and as VARCHAR(MAX) without displaying them? Maybe the time difference you measure is bound to preparing the viewer? Pasting the first letters into a grid column is faster than creating a well formed, indented, displayable XML...
Sepcifying "TYPE" is not needed in most cases. You really need this with nested XML only. Just play around with aliases, PATH- and ROOT-literals and - of course - with or without TYPE:
And - very important! - try to call this with the surrounding SELECT and without:
SELECT tbls.TABLE_NAME AS [#TableName]
) /*AS alias*/
) /*AS alias*/
I don't know, how you continue with your generated XML. If you transfer it to your application it will be a plain string anyway.
Conclusio: Take the faster approach :-)
By the way...
I do not know your Stored Procedure and what else is done there besides the SELECT...
In most cases it is a bad habit to use SPs just to read data.
If your SP is not more than a wrapper around your SELECT you should think about a (single-statement!) table valued function to retrieve your data.
This function is easily queried and transformed to XML with
FROM dbo.MyFunction(/*Parameters*/)
FOR XML PATH('TheRowsName'),ROOT('TheRootName') [,TYPE]
Or - if you need this as XML everytime, you might define a scalar function delivering XML or VARCHAR(MAX). The re-usability of functions is way better than with SPs...

How can I insert a 100+k rows of XML into SQL Server 2012 in a fast way

I have the following scenario/requirements for which I am not sure what is the best way to address to perform in the fastest way possible, looking for some guidance of features to use and examples of them, if available
I will receive anywhere between 10k to 100k of entities (in XML format) from a web service that I want to upsert (some rows might exist, others might not).
here are some of the requirements:
The source of the XML is a web service that I'm calling from C# code. Actually two different methods. For one of the methods, the return schema will be something flat that I can map directly to one of my tables. For the other, it will return an XML representation that I might need to work with in C# in order to be able to map it to flat entities for my tables. In that scenario, would it be best to do the modifications needed and then write to file to an XML to use as source?
The returned XML can contain up to 150k entities in XML, that may or may not exist in my tables yet, so I'm looking to upsert them. The files, when written to disk, can weight up to 20 megabytes. I asked if they could do JSON instead of XML, but apparently that's not a choice.
The SQL database is on a different server than my IIS server, so I rather avoid having the SQL server retrieve the XML from a file, I rather pass it from C# as a string or as a Table Value Parameter.
The tables are rather simple and don't have indexes other than the PK ones.
I've never been big on XML, although it got way easier with LINQ to XML, which I was initially using to parse each record and send individual inserts but the performance was just bad, so based on some research I've been doing, I'm thinking I could use:
Upserts from SQL server through MERGE statements.
Pass the whole XML as a parameter and use OPENXML to use as source in the MERGE statement.
Or, somehow generate a Table Value Parameter in C# and pass that to SQL to use on the MERGE.
I read on this similar question (which didnt have access to upsert/merge) that instead of trying to upsert directly from the XML, that it might be better to insert everything to a temporary table and do the merge/upsert against the temporary table?
Would this work and be considerably fast?
If anyone has had a similar scenario, can you share your thoughts/ideas about what combination of features would be best?
You are on the right track. I have a similar setup using XML to transfer data between an online portal and the client-server application. The rest of the setup is very similar to what you have.
The fact that your tables are not indexed is a bit of a concern, if you are comparing any fields that are not PK Fields, regardless of how you index the temp tables. It is important to have either one index with all of the fields used in the merge match clause, or an index for each of them - I find the former yields better performance. Beyond that, using an XML parameter, OpenXML and temp tables is the way to go.
The following code has not been tested, so may need a bit of debugging, but it will put you on the right track. A couple of notes: If all of the fields in the OpenXML WITH clause are attributes, then you can drop the last parameter (i.e. ", 2") and field source specifiers (i.e. "#id" for the detail table). Although the data in your description is flat, in which case you will only need one table, I do often need to import into linked records. I have included a simple master-detail relationship example in the code below, just for the sake of completeness.
<detail_data id="detailID1">
<detail_data id="detailID2">
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument #iDoc OUTPUT, #data
FROM OpenXML(#iDoc, '/root/data', 2) WITH (
match_field_1 INT,
match_field_2 VARCHAR(50),
data_1 VARCHAR(50),
data_2 VARCHAR(50)
SELECT * INTO #detail
FROM OpenXML(#iDoc, '/root/data/detail_data', 2) WITH (
match_field_1 INT '../../match_field_1',
match_field_2 VARCHAR(50) '../../match_field_2',
detail_id VARCHAR(50) '#id',
detail_1 VARCHAR(50),
detail_2 VARCHAR(50)
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument #iDoc
CREATE INDEX #IX_temp ON #temp(match_field_1, match_field_2)
CREATE INDEX #IX_detail ON #detail(match_field_1, match_field_2, detail_id)
MERGE data_table a
USING #temp ta
ON ta.match_field_1 = a.match_field_1 AND ta.match_field_2 = a.match_field_2
UPDATE SET data_1 = ta.data_1, data_2 = ta.data_2
INSERT (match_field_1, match_field_2, data_1, data_2) VALUES (ta.match_field_1, ta.match_field_2, ta.data_1, ta.data_2)
MERGE detail_table a
USING (SELECT d.*, p._key FROM #detail d, data_table p WHERE d.match_field_1 = p.match_field_1 AND d.match_field_2 = p.match_field_2) ta
ON = AND a.parent_key = ta._key
UPDATE SET detail_1 = ta.detail_1, detail2 = ta.detail_2
INSERT (parent_key, id, detail_1, detail_2) VALUES (ta._key,, ta.detail_1, ta.detail_2)
DROP TABLE #detail
Use (3). Process the data ready for upset in C#. C# is made for this kind of algorithmic work. It is both the right programming language as well as the faster programming language. T-SQL is not the right tool. You do not want to use XML with T-SQL for very high performance stuff because it burns CPU like crazy. Instead use the fast TDS protocol to send TVP or bulk data.
Then, send the data to the server using either a TVP or a bulk-insert (SqlBulkCopy) to a temp table. The latter technique is great for very many rows (>10k?). Bulk insert uses special TDS features. It does not use SQL batches to transfer the data. It does not get faster than this.
Then use the MERGE statement as you described. Use big batch sizes, potentially all rows in one batch.
The best way I've found is to bulk insert into a temp table from your C# code, then issue the merge once the data is in SQL Server. I have an example here on my blog SQL Server Bulk Upsert
I use this in production to insert millions of rows daily, and have yet to find a faster way to do it. Give it a try, I think you will be impressed with the performance of the solution.

SQL SELECT using XML input

I've currently got a C# application that responds to HTTP requests. The body of the HTTP request (XML) is passed to SQL Server, at which time the database engine performs the correct instruction. One of the instructions is used to load information about Invoices using the id of the customer(InvoiceLoad):
<InvoiceLoad ControlNumber="12345678901">
I need to perform a SELECT operation against the invoice table (which contains the associated email address).
I've tried using:
SELECT 'Date', 'Status', 'Location'
FROM Invoices
WHERE Email_Address = Invoice.A.value(.)
using an xml.nodes('InvoiceLoad/Invoice/CustomerId') Invoice(A)
However, as this query may run THOUSANDS of times per minute, I want to make it as fast as possible. I'm hearing that one way to do this may be to use CROSS APPLY (which I have never used). Is that the solution? If not, how exactly would I go about making this query as fast as possible? Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I don't see why you would need a call to .nodes() at all - from what I understand, each XML fragment has just a single entry - right?
So given this XML:
<InvoiceLoad ControlNumber="12345678901">
you can use this SQL to get the value of the <CustomerID> node:
SET #xmlvar = '<InvoiceLoad ControlNumber="12345678901">
#xmlvar.value('(/InvoiceLoad/Invoice/CustomerID)[1]', 'varchar(100)')
and you can join this against your customer table or whatever you need to do.
If you have the XML stored in a table, and you always need to extract that value from <CustomerID>, you could also think about creating a computed, persisted column on that table that would extract that e-mail address into a separate column, which you could then use for easy joining. This requires a little bit of work - a stored function taking the XML as input - but it's really quite a nice way to "surface" certain important snippets of data from your XML.
Step 1: create your function
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExtractCustomer (#input XML)
#Result = #Input.value('(/InvoiceLoad/Invoice/CustomerID)[1]', 'varchar(255)')
RETURN #result
So given your XML, you get the one <CustomerID> node and extract its "inner text" and return it as a VARCHAR(255).
Step 2: add a computed, persisted column to your table
ALTER TABLE dbo.YourTableWithTheXML
ADD CustomerID AS dbo.ExtractCustomer(YourXmlColumnHere) PERSISTED
Now, your table that has the XML column has a new column - CustomerID - which will automagically contain the contents of the <CustomerID> as a VARCHAR(255). The value is persisted, i.e. as long as the XML doesn't change, it doesn't have to be re-computed. You can use that column like any other on your table, and you can even index it to speed up any joins on it!

How to get the xml-safe version of an sql server XML Column

Is there a way to get the xml-safe version of an xml column in sql server ?
By xml-Safe i mean escaping special characters like <,>,', &, etc.
I'd like to avoid doing the replacements myself. Is there a build in function in sql server.
What I want to achieve is to store the xml content into another xml attribute.
It is not a direct answer to this question but to anyone who tries to xml-escape strings in TSQL, here is a little function I wrote :
(#xml nvarchar(4000))
RETURNS nvarchar(4000)
declare #return nvarchar(4000)
select #return =
REPLACE(#xml,'&', '&')
,'<', '<')
,'>', '>')
,'"', '"')
,'''', ''')
return #return
I assume that by xml-safe you mean escaping of XML special tags. If you have an XML column you wish to include in another XML document then you have two options:
project the column as [*]: select ..., xmlcolumn as [*], ... from ... for xml path... this will embed the XML content of the column in the result XMl. Eg. if the column has the value <element>value</element> then the result will be like <root><row><element>value</element></row></root>.
project the column as the column name: select ..., xmlcolumn, ... from ... for xml path... this will insert the content of the column as a value (ie. it will escape it). Eg. the same value as above will produce <root><row><xmlcolumn><element><value</element>.
If your question is about something else, then you're going to have to rephrase it in a proper manner and use terms correctly. Don't invent new terms no one understands but you.
If you are inserting XML values into the column, then you don't have to do anything at all. The client libraries know how to handle the proper escaping. As long as you write your code correctly. Remeber, XML is NOT a string and should never, ever be treated as one. If you write XML in your client, use an appropriate XML library (XmlWriter, XML DOM, Linq to XML etc). when passing in the XML into SQL Server, use the appropiate type: SqlXml. Stored procedures should use the appropiate parameter type: XML. When you read it, use the appropriate method to read XML: GetSqlXml(). Same goes for declaring the type in one of the miriad designers (LINQ to SQL , EF etc). Ultimately, there is never any need to escape XML characters manually. If you find yourself doing that, you're using the wrong API and you have to go back to the drawing board.
A good start reading is XML Support in Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
And finally, to manipulate XML as you describe (update XML column of table A with XML column of table B), you use XML methods, specifically modify (... insert...), and you bind the table B column inside the XQuery using sql:column:
update A
set somecolumn.modify('insert {sql:column("B.othercolumn")} before somenode')
from A join B on ...;
In you comment you threat XML as a string and, as I already said, you should never ever do that: strings and XML are as water and oil.
Another simpler way to xml escape a string is to use the following:
DECLARE #Input NVARCHAR(4000) = 'bacon & eggs'
DECLARE #String = (SELECT #Input FOR XML PATH(''))
then use #string from there
The contents of an XML column are XML. By definition, that is "XML-safe".
Do you need to include XML from a column in an XML element or attribute of another XML document? Then just save the outer XML as a string in the new document.

Concatenating rows from different tables into one field

In a project using a MSSQL 2005 Database we are required to log all data manipulating actions in a logging table. One field in that table is supposed to contain the row before it was changed. We have a lot of tables so I was trying to write a stored procedure that would gather up all the fields in one row of a table that was given to it, concatenate them somehow and then write a new log entry with that information.
I already tried using FOR XML PATH and it worked, but the client doesn't like the XML notation, they want a csv field.
Here's what I had with FOR XML PATH:
DECLARE #foo varchar(max);
SET #foo = (SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = 5775 FOR XML PATH(''));
The values for "table", "id" and the actual id (here: 5775) would later be passed in via the call to the stored procedure.
Is there any way to do this without getting XML notation and without knowing in advance which fields are going to be returned by the SELECT statement?
We used XML path and as you've discovered, it works very well. Since one of SQL's features is to store XML properly, the CSV makes no sense.
What you could try is a stored proc that reads out the XML in CSV format (fake it). I would. Since you won't likely be reading the data that much compared to saving it, the overhead is negligible.
How about:
Set #Foo = Stuff(
( Select ',' + MyCol1 + ',' + MyCol2 ...
From Table
Where Id = 5775
For Xml Path('')
), 1, 1, '')
This will produce a CSV line (presuming the inner SQL returns a single row). Now, this solves the second part of your question. As to the first part of "without knowing in advance which fields", there is no means to do this without using dynamic SQL. I.e., you have to build the SQL statement as a string on the fly. If you are going to do that you might as well build the entire CSV result on the fly.
