React, Redux: Update state and re-render children - reactjs

The scenario I'm facing is I have an array of jobs stored as Redux state. I have a container which accesses the data with Redux connect and uses parameter from this.props.params to then find the appropriate Job to then hand down to it's children as a prop.
Within the Child Component the Job triggers an action which updates the job and then is merged and updates the jobs in the store. This seems to be working fine but when the container re-renders the child does not. I can see that is has something to do with the fact that I don't store job as props or state.
My question is what is the best (Redux)way to handle this?
So if I change JobShow to include jobs={jobs} it re-renders as jobs has updated. This seems to indicate that state is not mutating, I also can confirm that the container itself re-renders and even re-runs renderView() but doesn't re-render JobShow.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import * as actions from '../../actions';
import JobShow from './job_show';
class JobContainer extends Component {
renderView(job, customer){
let viewParam = this.props.params.view;
case "edit": return <JobEdit customer={customer} job={job}/>
case "notes": return <JobShow customer={customer} activeTab={"notes"} job={job}/>
case "quote": return <JobShow customer={customer} activeTab={"quote"} job={job}/>
case "invoice": return <JobShow customer={customer} activeTab={"invoice"} job={job}/>
default: return <JobShow customer={customer} activeTab={"notes"} job={job}/>
render() {
let { jobs, customers } = this.props;
if (jobs.length < 1 || customers.length < 1){
return <div>Loading...</div>;
let job = jobs.find(jobbie => jobbie.displayId == this.props.params.jobId);
let customer = customers.find(customer => customer._id.$oid == job.customers[0]);
return (
<div className="rhs">
{this.renderView(job, customer)}
JobContainer.contextTypes = {
router: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
customers: state.customers.all
export default connect(mapStateToProps, actions )(JobContainer);
Reducer Snippet:
import update from 'react-addons-update';
import _ from 'lodash';
export default function(state= INITIAL_STATE, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, all: action.payload, fetched: true };
let newStatusdata = action.payload;
let jobToUpdate = state.all.find(jobbie => jobbie.displayId == newStatusdata.displayId);
jobToUpdate.status = newStatusdata.newStatus;
jobToUpdate.modifiedAt = newStatusdata.timeModified;
let updatedJobIndex = _.indexOf(state.all, state.all.find(jobbie => jobbie.displayId == newStatusdata.displayId));
let updatedState = update(state.all, {$merge: {[updatedJobIndex]: jobToUpdate}});
return { ...state, all: updatedState}

Looks like you figured it out yourself, but you may find a slight refactoring improves the clarity of what you're doing. Here are some examples of how you might change the structure of your reducers using the object assign operation:
case ActionTypes.EDIT_TODO:
return Object.assign({},
{ text: action.text }
There's more in the official redux docs as well (
You may also find writing tests and using a package like deepFreeze useful, as it will tell throw an error if you accidentally mutate state without realizing.

The problem as pointed out in comments by #markerikson was that I was mutating state. Using the $set function from react-addons-update I successfully updated the content.
The new reducer snippet looks like this:
let newStatusdata = action.payload;
let jobToUpdate = state.all.find(jobbie => jobbie.displayId == newStatusdata.displayId);
let updatedJob = update(jobToUpdate, {status:{$set: newStatusdata.newStatus}})
updatedJob = update(updatedJob, {modifiedAt:{$set: newStatusdata.timeModified}})
let updatedJobIndex = _.indexOf(state.all, state.all.find(jobbie => jobbie.displayId == newStatusdata.displayId));
let updatedState = update(state.all, {$merge: {[updatedJobIndex]: updatedJob}});
return { ...state, all: updatedState}


Redux, React, MapStateToProps: Retrieve a specific element in an array from the redux state tree

I have a reducer named "leagues" in the redux state tree, which is just an array of individual league objects. Each league has a unique id (assigned in the backend), and a name.
I'm trying to write a Component that represents an individual league, and so I want to have a mapStateToProps function that retrieves the correct league. The correct league is known from the url, that is, through the match prop in react-router-v4.
I tried:
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
return {
league: state.leagues.find(aLeague => ===
But that led to an error "state.leagues.find" is not a function.
Then I tried
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
return {
league: state.leagues[]
which doesn't error, but retrieves the wrong league - if the id is 3, then this retrieves state.leagues[3], instead of state.leagues.where( === 3)
The value of leagues when I attempt to access the a single league's page:
leagues: [
id: 54,
name: 'Test League'
id: 55,
name: 'Another Test'
And the leagues reducer code:
const initialState = {
leagues: []
export default (state = initialState, action = {}) => {
switch(action.type) {
return state = action.leagues
return [
default: return state;
Any help is much appreciated.
This is because when the redux store is initialized you most likely are setting the initial state to null which is why you get an error state.leagues.find is not a function and once the state is resolved through an async ajax call then the state is there. I recommend to make that kind of logic in a react lifecycle method like componentDidMount and set the state there for the league once the leagues state is available. like this:
componentDidMount() {
const { leagues } = this.state;
if (leagues && leagues.length > 0) {
// update the state to the correct league here and is the id that you want
const league = leagues.find(aLeague => ===;
I hope that helps.
It seems like when your component first renders, its default state has been set to null and causes the app to crash when you try to use array method find on a null object. Set your initial state for your leagues reducer to an empty array.
Then if your array is empty, your app probably hasn't retrieved results yet, and you can display a message like "Loading...".
However, this doesn't solve the problem of you actually have 0 items in your database, for example. Then you'll show falsely show loading even when there is 0 records.
For that, I would also suggest adding a isLoading reducer (with default state true), that maintains the state of your application during the time it is fetching async data. When your async calls complete, dispatch an action to update the appstate and set isLoading to false. Only then should you try to retrieve values from your leagues reducer.
I would also suggest you have another "league" reducer that does the filtering so you don't have to maintain this logic in your component.
I see that Array.prototype.find is not supported in IE. So, there could be a browser compatibility issue.
You can always use Array.prototype.filter instead (assuming that state.leagues will always be an Array:
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
const { leagues = [] } = state;
return {
league: leagues.filter(aLeague => ===[0]
Your reducer looks wrong to me. Could you try this:
export default (state = initialState, action = {}) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
leagues: action.leagues,
const leagues = [...state.leagues, { id:, name:, }];
return {
return state;
Some of your functions are manipulating the state and changing between returning a bool, an object and an array.
To resolve this, I now use an object instead of an array. (See reference 1 below for the reason). And I render the component after the store state is loaded so I can use mapStateToProps. I've put some code extracts below from working code. Hopefully also provides some tips on how to use Redux reducers for this use case. Please excuse any typos, I edited the code extracts inline here.
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import thunkMiddleware from 'redux-thunk'
import * as reducers from './reducers'
const initialState = {
items: {
/* id(1): {id: PropTypes.number.isRequired, name: PropTypes.string}
id(n): {id: PropTypes.number.isRequired, name: PropTypes.string} */
var rootReducer = combineReducers(reducers) = createStore(rootReducer, initialState, applyMiddleware(thunkMiddleware))
export const UPDATE_ITEM = 'UPDATE_ITEM'
export const updateItem = item => ({
import { UPDATE_ITEM } from './actions'
export const items = (state = null, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
let id =
return Object.assign({}, state, {
[id]: Object.assign({}, state[id], action.item)
return state
Add some objects to the store
import { updateItem } from './actions'
var item1 = {id: 1, name: 'Alice'}
var item2 = {id: 2, name: 'Bob'}
SomeComponent mapStateToProps
function mapStateToProps (state, ownProps) {
return {
item: state.items[]
Load Component like this after the store is populated.
<Provider store={}>
<SomeComponent id={1} />
<SomeComponent id={2} />
Just wanted to note that my main motivation to solve this was that I was mapping the entire object state (state.items) to props, but then render was called after an update to any array element which was horrible for performance.

Update React when Data in Object in Store has changed

I've found lots of similar problems, can't seem to sort my case
I have a component that won't re-render when data changes.
When MODE changes, which is a string, the entity re-renders and updates.
When hotspot.description changes, it won't update.
I can see the description has changed in the store, I can console log the changes all the way to this component.
However I just can't get this component to update when the description changes in hotspot.
Any clues!?
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
mode: state.admin.hotspot.mode,
hotspot: state.admin.hotspot.edit,
export default class HotspotRenderer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
hotspot : nextProps.hotspot,
mode: nextProps.mode,
render() {
const {hotspot,mode} = this.state
const isEditingText = hotspot && mode === HOTSPOT_EDIT_MODE.TEXT
const html = hotspot != null ? ReactHtmlParser(draftToHtml(hotspot.description)) : null
return (
isEditingText &&
<div className={`hotspot-renderer hotspot${} hotspot-text-default`}><div>{html}</div></div>
const initialState = {
isDraggingNewHotspot: false,
export function hotspot(prevState=initialState, action) {
switch(action.type) {
case START_ADD_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, isDraggingNewHotspot: true }
case FINISH_ADD_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, isDraggingNewHotspot: false }
case ADD_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, mode: HOTSPOT_EDIT_MODE.DRAG}
case EDIT_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, edit: action.hotspot}
case FINISH_EDIT_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, edit: null}
case EDIT_HOTSPOT_MODE: return { ...prevState, mode: action.mode }
case UPDATE_HOTSPOT: return { ...prevState, edit : action.hotspot }
case GO_TO_EDIT_SCENE: return { ...prevState, edit :null,mode :null }
case UPDATE_SCENE_HOTSPOT_SUCCESS: return { ...prevState, edit: processUpdatedHotspot(prevState.edit,action.payload) }
default: return prevState
function processUpdatedHotspot(prev,update){
return null
if(! =
return prev
Here is where the description is edited
let hotspot = this.state.hotspot
hotspot.description = description
hotspot.imageUpdateRequired = true
this.setState({hotspot : hotspot})
This is dispatched whenever text is changed, via a draft-js editor.
The state is updated with the changes, and another entity is aware of them.
You have to follow the Immutable pattern to update your value, even before passing it to redux (see updating nesting objects in the link).
So before sending hotspot.edit to your reducer be sure to update the nested description object following the immutable pattern like this :
const hotspot = {
description, // shorthand for description: description
imageUpdateRequired: true,
this.setState({ hotspot });
So you have to question yourself, are you sure your action it's being actually taken?
Any non-case in the switch statement will return the previous state, therefore It's normal that It won't re-render.
Some tips to follow to verify if your redux state it's being updated:
Make sure your constants are imported correctly in your actions and in your reducer
Make sure the triggered action it's being properly taken by the reducer
Log the next state in your reducer before your return it, so you can be sure that the next state is the correct one
Follow this steps and let me know if your problem persists

react props not updating with redux store

I've always used react-redux connect to configure props but I need to use a react Component to use lifecycle methods. I'm noticing that my props that I'm grabbing from the store seem to be static and they do not update as the store updates.
class AlertModal extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const { store } = this.context
const state = store.getState()
console.log('state', state)
console.log('store', store)
this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => this.forceUpdate())
this.title = state.get('alertModal').get('alertModalTitle')
this.isOpen = state.get('alertModal').get('isAlertModalOpen')
this.message = state.get('alertModal').get('alertModalMessage')
componentWillUnmount() {
updateAlertModalMessage(message) {
updateAlertModalTitle(title) {
updateAlertModalIsOpen(isOpen) {
render() {
console.log('AlertModal rendered')
console.log('AlertModal open', this.isOpen) <======= stays true when in store it is false
return (
How do I set up title, isOpen, and message so they reflect the store values at all times?
It should be something like this. In your Confirmation component:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return { modalActive: state.confirmation.modalActive };
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Confirmation);
In your reducer index file, is should be something like this:
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
confirmation: ConfirmationReducer
I believe you have your own reducer file called ConfirmationReducer here. It should be something like this.
import { ON_CONFIRM } from '../actions';
const INITIAL_STATE = {modalActive: true};
export default function(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, modalActive: action.payload };
return state;
Make sure you write your own action creator to create an action with the above type and relevant payload of boolean type.
Finally you should be able to access the property from the store inside your Confirmation component like this:
You have not posted entire code, so it makes very difficult to give a solution to the exact scenario. Hope this helps. Happy coding!
For me the problem was that I was assigning this.props.myObject to a variable which wasn't deep cloned so I fixed it by using
let prev = Object.assign({}, this.props.searchData)
What I was doing
let prev = this.props.searchData
So I was disturbing the whole page.Seems quiet noob on my part.
this may help you
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.setState({searchData : nextProps.searchData})

setState works but redux store update doesn't

First, I want to mention that the only thing I'm changing between two approaches is setState vs going through the Redux store. Not changing anything else i.e. components, etc.
If I use the setState approach, I can close my modal but if I go through the store, it doesn't close. Any idea why?
Here's my reducer:
import 'babel-polyfill';
import * as types from '../actions/actionTypes';
const initialState = {
modals: {
"modal1": { isDisplayed: true },
"modal2": { isDisplayed: false }
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
modals: action.modals
default: return state
Here are the two versions of my onClick action that is supposed to close the modal.
This is the setState version and it works:
displayModal(modalId, value)
let modals = this.props.modals;
modals[modalId].isDisplayed = value;
return setState({modals: modals});
And here's the version that goes through the redux store and it does NOT close my modal.
displayModal(modalId, value)
let modals = this.props.modals;
modals[modalId].isDisplayed = value;
return this.props.actions.displayModal(modals);
There's not much to the action but here it is:
export const displayModal = (modals) => {
return {
Just so you see how it looks in my component, here it is:
render() {
<div>Some info...</div>
? <Modal1 />
: null}
? <Modal2 />
: null}
BTW, I know that I'm hitting the action and the reducer. I also know that if I put a debugger in my mapStateToProps, I'm hitting it with updated state for my modals. So I know both the action and the reducer are doing what they're supposed to.
I just tried something and this fixed the issue. I added last line to mapStateToProps and updated the section in my component:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
modals: state.modals,
isModal1Displayed: state.modals["modal1"].isDisplayed // Just added this line
And changed the code in my component to:
render() {
<div>Some info...</div>
? <Modal1 />
: null}
First of all, never mutate state in Redux reducer - it must be a pure function to work and detect changes correctly. Same rules apply to objects which you get with props.
You must change your code so you only dispatch an action to the store and reduce it to a new state.
First, dispatch an action:
displayModal(modalId, value)
this.props.actions.displayModal(modalId, value);
Your action will carry information which modal to hide or show:
export const displayModal = (modalId, value) => {
return {
Then you can reduce it:
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state,
modals: Object.assign({}, state.modals,
[action.modalId]: { isDisplayed: action.value }
default: return state
As you can see there is a lot of boilerplate here now. With ES6 and ES7 you can rewrite your reducer with the object spread operator or you can use Immutable.js library, which will help you with setting properties deep in the hierarchy.
Reducer with object spread operator looks like this:
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
modals: {
[action.modalId]: { isDisplayed: action.value }
default: return state
You may ask yourself why your fix works. Let me explain.
You change a modal state when you dispatch an action to the Redux by mutating state in place modals[modalId].isDisplayed = value. After that the action is dispatched, reduced and mapToProps gets called again. There is probably reference check in connect higher order component and you have mutated the modal but not the modals object so it has the same reference = your component doesn't re-render. By adding a isModal1Displayed field you are actually disabling optimizations because there is boolean comparison, not a reference check and your component rerenders.
I hope it will help you with understanding Redux and it's principles.

React - Redux - Connect data fetched to Component

I am creating a React application and integrating Redux to it in order to manage the state and do network requests.
I followed the Todo tutorial and I am following the async example from the redux website, but I am stucked.
Here is my problem, I want, in my application, to fetch a user from a remote server. So the server send me a json array containing an object (maybe it's better if the server send me directly an object ? )
The json I obtain looks like that (I put only two fields but there are more in real) :
[{first_name: "Rick", "last_name": "Grimes"}]
Anyway I can fetch the data from the server but I can't inject user's data into my application, I hope you can help me but the most important is that I understand why it doesn't work.
Here are my several files :
I have two actions, one for the request and the other for the response:
function requestConnectedUser(){
return {
function receiveConnectedUser(user){
return {
export function fetchConnectedUser(){
return function(dispatch) {
return fetch(``)
.then(response =>
.then(json =>
function connectedUser(state= {
}, action){
switch (action.type){
return Object.assign({}, state, {
isFetching: true
return Object.assign({}, state, {
user: action.user,
isFetching: false
return state;
And I have finally my container element, that I have called Profile.js
import React from 'react';
import { fetchConnectedUser } from '../actions';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
class Profile extends React.Component{
componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch } = this.props;
const { user, isFetching} = this.props;
console.log("Props log :", this.props);
return (
{isFetching &&
Is fetching
{!isFetching &&
Call component here and pass user data as props
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const {isFetching, user: connectedUser } = connectedUser || { isFetching: true, user: []}
return {
user: state.connectedUser
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Profile)
In the code above, I always have the Is Fetching paragraph being display, but even when I remove it, I cannot access to user data.
I think I have the beginning of something because when I console.log I can see my actions being dispatched and the data being added to the state, but I think I am missing something in the link communication with this data to the UI Component.
Am I on the good way or do I have a lot of things to refactor ? Any help would be very helpful !
Seeing as you are immediately fetching the data I allow myself to assume that isFetching may be true at beginning. Add an initial state to your reducer
state = { isFetching: true, user: null }
Then assuming you setup the reducer correctly:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const {isFetching, user } = state.connectedUser
return {
Hope this works, feels clean-ish.
