Angular2 Multi-page Application Consuming Spring Rest Microservices API - angularjs

Good day Pals, I have no experience of Angular 2, but a bit of Angularjs 1x. Having done my little research.
I found out that for a new project I am better off going for ng2.
Also, that there is better support for TypeScript against JavaScript.
This is more learning curve for me, since I am from a JS background.
In my project we have built multiple spring bootstrap rest microservices and we need to knock out UI as speedily as possible using Angularjs2, HTML5, CSS3/Bootstrap.
I am looking for a good sample application for Angular2 showing features like: multiple page routing/navigation, templates, directives and components to implement calling our existing rest endpoints/API. Typical CRUD application references will be appreciated etc
It will be good to to see a rich client application partitioned/architectured with best practice in mind.
I have googled and there isn't much out there, I need some expert guidance please. References to code/bloggs/github etc
Thanks in advance.


When to choose React JS or Angular UI Framework

Recently I was going through React and Angular Comparison online (latest versions) & found both are good fit for Web Application UI.
While I was also wondering, there must be some differences which must be focused while deciding between two of them.
Lets suppose, I have one Java based web application with Spring MVC framework , Hibernate & JSF/JSP. Assuming this application is doing massive backend operations & displaying data on UI.
If in todays date, if I want to rebuild this type of application with latest Technology then how I should go for decision making out of React /Angular/other UI framework. For backend may be I will prefer to use Spring Boot which is advanced version of Spring MVC, but its really difficult to make choice on UI side.
Few points which I came across after googling are-
React is best when real time data update is required frequently.
React requires lot of Java script skills so it takes time develop web apps.
Now a days React is most preferred JS library which has more flexibility & big MNC's are also migrating from Angular to React.
While Angular has speedy development & also trying to improve on lacking points per release like Bundle Size, Performance etc.
Angular is preferred when web application is stable and not much enhancement are required.
Do we have some guidelines on when to use React / Angular?
Most of the time, both frameworks do the trick. Chose the framework that matches your team. If you like opinionated frameworks - i.e. frameworks that guide you - chose Angular. If you need a lot of freedom or if you don't like TypScript, chose React.
Small Angular applications have a surprisingly large memory footprint. So I'd prefer React for small things like Wordpress plugins. However, if you're writing a large application, memory and AFAIK even performance are in the same league.
Angular assumes it's owning the entire HTML page. So it's a bit difficult to embed Angular in an existing page, or to write microfrontends with Angular. But that's possible, too: just convert your Angular app into a webcomponent.
In any case, both frameworks are mature and have a huge community. The market share of React is larger, but if you're looking at the absolute download figures, both frameworks are popular and even growing. So #James is right, it's largely opinion based.
You gave some clues by mentioning the old application. If your team has a strong Java background, they'll probably prefer Angular. Modern React encourages to abandon object-oriented programming in favor of functional programming. That's pretty cool, but if you're a long-term JSF programmer (like 10+ years), you're already busy learning HTML, CSS, and TypeScript. Maybe it's a bit much to add a new programming paradigm to the stack of stuff to learn. But again - every team is different. Let your team decide!

Convert Silverlight APP to HTML5 SPA – tools and technologies

My team is working on a strategy to convert our cloud based Silverlight app to HTML5 app. Although we have been working on formulating a strategy to find best possible set of tools, technologies, and methodologies to convert our App to HTML, I am asking this question here to get some feedback from the large community at SO and to learn from experiences of the people who may have done similar things in recent past.
My question has a few parts.
Our app is written in Silverlight and uses WCF RIA services. Most importantly, we rely a lot on MVVM and we wish not to rewrite that logic again hence to reuse as much code as possible. What would be, in your opinion, the best possible combination of tools and technologies for us to use?
In order to make SPA, we would like to use some of the “cool” new frameworks out there but we really want to minimize our work (due to hard deadlines) and be able to thoroughly test our app easily and quickly (hence the code reuse). Is SPA even a good option or should we go for traditional MVC app? Keeping in mind that there are more than 200+ views in our app.
If we chose to go the SPA route, which framework is best suited in terms of life span. We have to move away from Silverlight because it is going to die soon. We don't want to be in the same situation again in near future.
Moving an existing Silverlight app to and HTML5 web app is the perfect project for AngularJS. Angular has it's own similar MV* design pattern, but you will not be "reusing" code from your existing silverlight apps. The main ideas and abstractions may be similar, but just the nature of how html and js work together, and especially how they work in angular, you have to do it the angular way.
Also, Angular is somewhat of an engineering approach to web development. It is not a learn-it-in-a-weekend piece of cake framework to master. There's a lot that goes into it. There's noob ways to do things in Angular, somewhat noob-ish ways to do the same things, and then the so-called "right" way of doing it so you may find yourself learning some ways of doing things only to have them replaced with "better ways".
If you want to "minimize your work" then Angular might not be the best choice, but if you want your HTML5 app to be really awesome then any framework you with will require some studying in addition to getting used to the inherent quirks of Javascript.
Angular 2 is hot and just launched a Beta release, but I'm still happily using AngularJS 1.4 for all production apps.

Front end material design stack with angular.js

I am trying to get better at coding and am trying to figure out exactly what front end stack I need. I have red a lot and about a lot of tools but it is too much and I don't know which ones work good together or not.
Currently my idea is to do a web app with the design principles of Material Design from google and use angular for the logic of the front end.
I have red about and used these tools: Angular.js, Material Design Lite, Angular-material, polymer, ionic, bootstrap, Materialize and other various material design frameworks.
I am playing with this demo that I wanted to try out Material Design Lite but went too further and ended up needing Polymer for some input drop-down components. Playing further more with MDL I found out that it is not sufficient as bootstrap as I am used to work and would like to have this in it, but don't get me wrong I like MDL.
ionic has some good features for the local server and easy set up of template app as well other nice things like export to ios,android app, push notifications, but I ended up deleting ionic.css cause it was interfering with MDL and Polymer
I am asking some more experienced web app developers to help me out with this stack dilemma. I would like to get this out of my mind so I can be free and develop more.
Also tools like GRUNT, BOWER and so on? which one is the best in my case?
note: if u got interested the back end would be cakePhP and Mysql and the data type is going to be JSON (angular will send json to php into DB).
It can be overwhelming trying to learn all the tools and using them at the same time. My advice is to just use the tools when you need to.
If your web app is simple you may not even need a framework like angular. If you want to play with material design, you can do that with the css classes that MD lite offers no matter if you use angular / polymer / or plain javascript. ( If you want to use Polymer you already have some material design styles included. )
Some people prefer starting with the most simple solution and keep adding more sophisticated tools gradually. Others prefer starting with a more complex solution that has integrated the best practices, and in that case using a "Starter kit" may be useful.
Regarding Grunt/gulp... etc. You could worry about that later when you need to have a "build system" to do tasks like compressing files, optimising images and other things that are important for publishing.
After years doing frontend development i realised that is not possible to master all the tools available ( and having a life outside code ). You eventually settle for some tools (everybody have different preferences) and the important experience comes with solving real problems.
i would recommend you to use angular-material for your project if :
you have good knowledge of angularjs or if you find it interesting to learn
you have gone through google design and you want to implement it in angularjs way
try implementing missing features or take online help
Angular-material team is working on adding more and more features as already build in directives and services. Check releases on github page & demo guide
( Drop downs are already there in latest version as menu)
Few points
Google has an awesome open source guide for design.
Angular-material is a framework that helps you implement and follow that design language and principles using angularjs.
Bootstrap is just a framework which gives implementation of css, js related to front end work. Look and feel will be entirely different from google design.
Ionic is again a completely different framework which provides implementation and guide for mobile app development.
You can read about diff in angular-material/bootstrap/ionic in my post here
bower ( package manager) and grunt ( task runner) are tools which work in node environment.
if your development environment is nodejs you should use them to get work done quickly and efficiently.
Check there sites for more information.
If your backend runs on these and you have angularjs in frontend.
Angularjs can make restfull calls in JSON to your api and it would all work good.

Using Backbone or similar framework with Silverstripe

I am replicating an existing application in Silverstripe (PHP framework). The application has a lot of jQuery already and while its organised well at the moment it could get out of control as I grow it past its current point.
Having spent most of my development experience in PHP/MySQL, I have little experience in js front-end frameworks and would not likely use a framework to manage data manipulation with the server from the get go. Really I'm just looking for a suitable solution to organise and manage the js in the short term and something I can eventually evolve (with more experience under my belt) to a point I can manage all frontend logic with.
Is backbone the way to go? Any other advice?
I've been using SilverStripe framework with EmberJS and EmberData with great success. Ember connects to SilverStripe with a RESTful API module
But you can very well use any JS framework and mkae your own SS controller of find other SS modules to help

Client side MVC plus media responsive UI

I m still new to client side MVC and at this point exploring my options.
Angular.js, Ember.js both are highly recommended frameworks, backbone.js is a library but most of the implementation user has to do.
Need a opinion from someone who has been working in client side MVC, as to how should one decide which one to go for?
Plus I need the UI to be media responsive, for which twitter Bootstrap looks ideal.
Is it possible to use one of these framework along with Twitter Bootstrap? In which framework is it easier to integrate Bootstrap?
AngularJs and Bootstrap are the two which I would start with.
AngularJS is opinionated, this means it will help you structure your code well. If you just want binding then don't forget knockoutjs. This is in the mvc package by default in VS.
Bootstrap is just html and css markup so should work with everything.
If you start a MVC5 project now in VS2013 you will by standard have bootstrap.
Many people will have different opinions on this so you could wait for an answer for a long time.
I understand your confusion when it comes to selecting the right JavaScript framework. There are many deciding factors that you must evaluate before dedicating your time and money. I noticed that you mentioned a MVC in your questions title. The first thing that you will want to understand is exactly which MV* architecture that you want to have for your app and why. Once you have that nailed down then selecting the framework will be much easier since you will have eliminated a few of the frameworks. The four architectures are MVC, MVVM, MVP and MV*. Another major factor that you will want to look at is the binding mechanism used for the framework. Some frameworks only allow one way bindings while others support 2-way bindings.
To answer your question, based on what you have explained, I would say that Ember is going to be your best bet. Ember will work with Bootstrap
If your still researching the facts then you will really want to check out this helpful link to a page that goes over the pros and cons of the most popular JS frameworks.
Check it out here:
