How can I download a PDF file from a form using UI designer?? Bonita - bonita

The thing is I have found how upload a document and after that downolad it. But I just want to download it. I want to do it using the UI designer but I dont know how to do it.
Thanks :)

I dont know which tool are you using to design your UI, anyway this is concerning functionality, not design. In that point, i need to know wich language do you want (or can) use. For example, in PHP, it's very simple, you can make something like:
(create php file) downloadpdf.php
1st: (if you want to generate pdf "on the fly":
function download($foo){
content headers (type, force-download, etc)
database select to get data or harcode it.
echo data
and call this function with some id to select from database or something (ignore if you want to hardcode it)
Other option to download a file, if it's stored on server is making a link to this file (statically or dyamically). If you wanna take control to file downloads, check this post:
I don't mean that it can be done with UI designer tools, and it's not concerned if it's from a form or not.

You should create link and variable which type is javascript expression. On Variable value write
return "/bonita/portal/" + $data.context.mainDoc_ref.url;
On link URL write your variable and to text
Download: {{context.mainDoc_ref.fileName}}
Here you can find excellent example for this case


Liferay 7.1 npm-react-module localization

I'm trying to include localization into my npm-react-module, but I have failed receiving the value for the corresponding key from the file. It simply returns the key. I did some research but I couldn't find any source that would help me solve my problem.
In the code which I will show you bellow, I have included a file into my module. In my portlet, I have included the needed configuration for the language properties. I have also tried to add a separate file for a specific locale, but that didn't help me either.
This is an example of my portlet configuration:
This is an example content from my file:
This is how I'm trying to access the value in my React Component:
<h1> {Liferay.Language.get('example-key')} </h1>
But it only returns "example-key" instead of "example-value".
In my view.jsp file I am able to retrieve the corresponding values using
<liferay-ui:message key='example-key'/>
I have tried this method: but it didn't work either. Did anyone get this to work properly in their npm-react-module? I really don't want to spend time implementing my own localization service. Thanks!
Liferay.Language.get('key') gets text replaced by the build mechanism. Therefore there is no actual object/class to do this. I have been trying to get this to work myself and have resolved that I will have to do internationalization on my own.
localizing is done only in build time meaning if you have a language
key that generated dynamicly , you can't localizate it or for example
if you get a key from api fetch and need to localizate it, you can't
beacuse Liferay localization method for react (
Liferay.Language.get("yourLanguageKey") ) its undefined in runtime and
you can't use it.

getting the field values of content types from drupal

Here I want to know how to get the field values of my custom content type 'mypop'. I tried all methods in google but I don't know how to use, for example i tried function node_load, I can't able to know where to write this function, what are the parameters and tried EntityFieldQuery too. Can I know the how to do it in brief explaination.
Thanks in Advance.
Definitely a very broad question. Assuming you have the content type 'mypop' created already, think the easiest steps for you would be to:
Make sure you create some content of that content type
Customize the "Manage Display" on that content type and make sure the fields you want are set to visible there
Once you do this, those fields should be visible when you view the nodes of that content type already. If you want to further customize the view, you should probably customize the template file for that specific content type (there's other options but trying to keep this as simple as possible).
To do this, copy the "node.tpl.php" file you'll find on the modules/node folder to your theme templates folder and change it's name to be "node--mypop.tpl.php".
That way, you'll override Drupal's default display template for that specific content type only. Now you can basically tweak it into anyway you want.
Hope this helps!
Thanks a lot Alberto. Its working now! I have another issue too, it also got cleared and now its working fine !Another issue is javascript called automatically when I open views edit for other contents. Now by doing overriding this template file, it also gets cleared. Thank you !
node_load take node id. So in order to use noad_load() function, you should first retrieve node ids. Better if you use noad_load_multiple().
// Query all of the nids of a particular content type.
$nids = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array('nid'))
->condition('type', 'Article', '=')
// Get all of the article nodes.
$nodes = node_load_multiple($nids);
You can see the result by calling print_r($nodes). Just write a normal function in you .module file or .inc file. Call it anywhere, your choice. say, in menu callback.

DotNetNuke parse HTML before display

Could anyone tell me if there's some way of "hooking in" to DotNetNuke so that I can, for example, search and replace text for ALL HTML modules on the site?
e.g. if I use an HTML editor and enter the text {{replace_me}}, then I could have some code that detects "{{replace_me}}" every time a page is rendered and replace it with something else.
Please note that this is a simple example - there may be other ways of "replacing" text - however the actual use case we have is very specific and there will be some significant processing to decide what to replace :) - so whatever solution we implement should basically be:
Get HTML from DB -> Process it however we wish in full C# -> Deliver the modified string.
I believe you can do this with the use of an HTTPModule. used to sell a module that did this, looks like you might be able to download it now for free (maybe?) at

Difficulty with filename and filemime when using Migrate module

I am using the Drupal 7 Migrate module to create a series of nodes from JPG and EPS files. I can get them to import just fine. But I notice that when I am done importing them if I look at the nodes it creates, none of the attached filefield and thumbnail files contain filename information.
Upon inspecting the file_managed table I see that both the filename and filemime fields are empty for ONLY the files that I attached via the migrate module. This also creates an issue with downloading the files.
Now I think the problem has to do with the fact that I am using "file_link" instead of "file_copy" as the file operation I specify. The problem is I am importing around 2TB (thats Terabytes) of image files. We had to put in a special request with Rackspace just to get access to that much disk space on our server. So I can't go around copying from one directory to the next because of space issues. So "file_link" seems like the obvious choice.
Now you probably want to see how I am doing this exactly, so here is the code snippet:
$jpg_arguments = MigrateFileFieldHandler::arguments(NULL,
'file_link', FILE_EXISTS_RENAME, 'en', array('source_field' => 'jpg_name'),
array('source_field' => 'jpg_filename'), array('source_field' => 'jpg_filename'));
$this->addFieldMapping('field_image', 'jpg_uri')
As you can see I am specifying no base path (just like the example file does). I have set file_link, the language, and the source fields for the description, title, and alt.
It is able to generate thumbnails from the JPGs. But still missing those columns of data in the db table. I traced through the functions the best I could but I don't see what is causing this. I tried running the uri in the table through the functions that generate the filename and the filemime and they output just fine. It is like something is removing just those segments of data.
Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I am using the Drupal 7 Migrate module version 2.2. It is running on Drupal 7.8.
Ok, so I have found the answer to yet another question of mine. This is actually an issue with the migrate module itself. The issue is documented here. I will be repealing this bounty (as soon as I figure out how).

How do you build a multi-language web site?

A friend of mine is now building a web application with J2EE and Struts, and it's going to be prepared to display pages in several languages.
I was told that the best way to support a multi-language site is to use a properties file where you store all the strings of your pages, something like:
welcome.english = "Welcome!"
welcome.spanish = "¡Bienvenido!"
This solution is ok, but what happens if your site displays news or something like that (a blog)? I mean, content that is not static, that is updated often... The people that keep the site have to write every new entry in each supported language, and store each version of the entry in the database. The application loads only the entries in the user's chosen language.
How do you design the database to support this kind of implementation?
Warning: I'm not a java hacker, so YMMV but...
The problem with using a list of "properties" is that you need a lot of discipline. Every time you add a string that should be output to the user you will need to open your properties file, look to see if that string (or something roughly equivalent to it) is already in the file, and then go and add the new property if it isn't. On top of this, you'd have to hope the properties file was fairly human readable / editable if you wanted to give it to an external translation team to deal with.
The database based approach is useful for all your database based content. Ideally you want to make it easy to tie pieces of content together with their translations. It only really falls down for all the places you may want to output something that isn't out of a database (error messages etc.).
One fairly old technology which we find still works really well, is to use gettext. Gettext or some variant seems to be available for most languages and platforms. The basic premise is that you wrap your output in a special function call like so:
echo _("Please do not press this button again");
Then running the gettext tools over your source code will extract all the instances wrapped like that into a "po" file. This will contain entries such as:
#: myfolder/my.source:239
msgid "Please do not press this button again"
msgstr ""
And you can add your translation to the appropriate place:
#: myfolder/my.source:239
msgid "Please do not press this button again"
msgstr "s’il vous plaît ne pas appuyer sur le bouton ci-dessous à nouveau"
Subsequent runs of the gettext tools simply update your po files. You don't even need to extract the po file from your source. If you know you may want to translate your site down the line, then you can just use the format shown above (the underscored function) with all your output. If you don't provide a po file it will just return whatever you put in the quotes. gettext is designed to work with locales so the users locale is used to retrieve the appropriate po file. This makes it really easy to add new translations.
Gettext Pros
Doesn't get in your way while coding
Very easy to add translations
PO files can be compiled down for speed
There are libraries available for most languages / platforms
There are good cross platform tools for dealing with translations. It is actually possible to get your translation team set up with a tool such as poEdit to make it very easy for them to manage translation projects
Gettext Cons
Solves your site "furniture" needs, but you would usually still want a database based approach for your database driven content
For more info on gettext see this wikipedia page
They way I have designed the database before is to have an News-table containing basic info like NewsID (int), NewsPubDate (datetime), NewsAuthor (varchar/int) and then have a linked table NewsText that has these columns: NewsID(int), NewsText(text), NewsLanguageID(int). And at last you have a Language-table that has LanguageID(int) and LanguageName(varchar).
Then, when you want to show your users the news-page you do:
SELECT NewsText FROM News INNER JOIN NewsText ON News.NewsID = NewsText.NewsID
WHERE NewsText.NewsLanguageID = <<Session["UserLanguageID"]>>
That Session-bit is a local variable where you store the users language when they log in or enters the site for the first time.
Java web applications support internationalization using the java standard tag library.
You've really got 2 problems. Static content and dynamic content.
for static content you can use jstl. It uses java ResourceBundles to accomplish this. I managed to get a Databased backed bundle working with the help of this site.
The second problem is dynamic content.
To solve this problem you'll need to store the data so that you can retrieve different translations based on the user's Locale. (Locale includes Country and Language).
It's not trivial, but it is something you can do with a little planning up front.
thats what we apply it to. Our apps are all PHP, but gettext has a long heritage.
Looks like there is a good Java implementation
Tag libraries are fine if you're using JSP, but you can also achieve I18N using a template-based technology such as FreeMarker.
