C function to modify inode? - c

I was learning how linux file system works and I came across the concept of inodes. I have written a C program to read a particular inode and print its contents.
Now I wan't to modify the contents of inode from my C code. I know this could break the filesystem if something goes wrong but still I want to try it.
How can I achieve this?

You need to access what is called the "meta" information of the drive - the information about the information on the drive - not the normal information. To do that, you need to open the drive itself rather than any file or directory inside the drive.
If you're talking i-nodes, then you're on Linux and the ext filesystem, so the drive name will be something like /dev/sdb. Be careful: this is the whole disk, NOT one partition/volume/slice within it. That might be called /dev/sdb2 or something - different types of Linux call them different things.
Once you have the partition open, you can treat it just like a (very large!) file: a succession of bytes that coincidentally happen to be arranged as sectors on the hard disk. You can seek to any position and read the data there. If you want to overwrite it, you can - but as you say:
You may completely destroy the data on your hard disk!
Perhaps mount a USB stick (with nothing important on it) and experiment on that? And make VERY sure that you open ITS name and not your main disk's name!


How can I get a filesystem label from sysfs?

How can I get the label of a filesystem using /sys? I know I can get much of the info about a block device by going to /sys/class/block/<device>, e.g. /sys/class/block/sr1 for a cd that I know has the filesystem label config. I hunted through each item, found everything but the label.
I did dig through the lsblk source code, which, in turn, depends on calling udev_device_new_from_subsystem_sysname in libudev, so I went through that. It does appear to populate the property ID_FS_LABEL_ENC, but I cannot figure out where it takes it from in the tree, unless it is tracking it elsewhere?
I would just use libudev, but need to access outside of a C program.
I think that the problem here is that you seem to think that the label of a volume is a kernel thing, as is the size or the free space.
But AFAIK it is not, the kernel doesn't care at all about volume labels, it is just a thing that goes from the in-disk format to user-land: there is no kernel API to get that information. If you need it, you just open the raw binary volume and read the data from there.
But then, there is the big issue that every filesystem is different, so you need special code to manage every single partition type there is. Fortunately, somebody has done the hard work, and you have blkid, part of util-linux available in most Linux distributions. If you need it, you can call the program directly, or link to the library libblkid that does the hard work.
Naturally, to use blkid/libblkid you need read access to the block device, that is, root access. If you think that root access should not be needed to read a label, the people from udev think the same, and that is why there is a udev rule that copies the label when the filesystem is first dectected (running blkid of course). This is the ID_FS_LABEL_ENC you already know about.

Under what circumstances will fseek/ftell or fstat fail to get the size of a file?

I'm trying to access a file as a char array, via memory mapping it, or copying it into a buffer or whatever, but both of these need the size of the file, easy enough, thought I, just use fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END).
However: according to C++ Reference "Library implementations [of fseek] are allowed to not meaningfully support SEEK_END," Meaning that I can't get the size of a file using that method.
Next I tried fstat, which is less portable, but at least will provide a compile error rather than a runtime problem; but The Open Group notes that fstat does not need to provide a meaningful value for st_size.
So: has anyone actually come across a system where these methods do not work?
The notes about files not having valid sizes reported are there because, in Linux, there are many "files" for which "file size" is not a meaningful concept.
There are two main cases:
The file is not a regular file. In particular, pipes, sockets, and character device files are streams of data where data is consumed on read, and not put on disk, so a size does not make much sense.
The file system that the file resides on does not provide the file size. This is especially common in "virtual" filesystems, where the file contents are generated when read and, again, have no disk backing.
To expand, filesystems do not necessarily keep file contents on disk. Since the filesystem API is a convenient API for expressing hierarchal data, and there are many tools for operating on files, it sometimes makes sense to expose data as a file hierarchy. For example, /proc/ contains information about processes (such as open files and used memory) and /sys/ contains driver-specific information and options (anything from sensor sampling rates to LED colors). With FUSE (Filesystem in UserSpacE), you can program a filesystem to do pretty much anything, from SSHing into a remote computer to exposing Twitter as a filesystem.
For a lot of these filesystems, "file size" may not make much sense. For example, an LED driver might expose three files red, green, and blue. They can be read to get the current color or written to to change the color. Now, is it really worth implementing a file size for them, since they are merely settings in RAM, don't have any disk backing, and can't be removed? Not really.
In summary, files are not necessarily "things on disk". For many of the more advanced usages of files, "file size" either does not make sense or is not worth providing.

Are there any file systems that do not use file paths?

File paths are inherently dubious when working with data.
Lets say I have a hypothetical situation with a program called find_brca, and some data called my.genome and both are in the /Users/Desktop/ directory.
find_brca takes a single argument, a genome, runs for about 4 hours, and returns the probability of that individual developing breast cancer in their lifetime. Some people, presented with a very high % probability, might then immediately have both of their breasts removed as a precaution.
Obviously, in this scenario, it is absolutely vital that /Users/Desktop/my.genome actually contains the genome we think it does. There are no do-overs. "oops we used an old version of the file from a previous backup" or any other technical issue will not be acceptable to the patient. How do we ensure we are analysing the file we think we are analysing?
To make matters trickier, lets also assert that we cannot modify find_brca itself, because we didn't write it, its closed source, proprietary, whatever.
You might think MD5 or other cryptographic checksums might be able to come to the rescue, and while they do help to a degree, you can only MD5 the file before and/or after find_brca has run, but you can never know exactly what data find_brca used (without doing some serious low-level system probing with DTrace/ptrace, etc).
The root of the problem is that file paths do not have a 1:1 relationship with actual data. Only in a filesystem where files can only be requested by their checksum - and as soon as the data is modified its checksum is modified - can we ensure that when we feed find_brca the genome's file path 4fded1464736e77865df232cbcb4cd19, we are actually reading the correct genome.
Are there any filesystems that work like this? If I wanted to create such a filesystem because none currently exists, how would you recommend I go about doing it?
I have my doubts about the stability, but hashfs looks exactly like what you want: http://hashfs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
HashFS is a content-addressable file management system. What does that mean? Simply, that HashFS manages a directory where files are saved based on the file’s hash. Typical use cases for this kind of system are ones where: Files are written once and never change (e.g. image storage). It’s desirable to have no duplicate files (e.g. user uploads). File metadata is stored elsewhere (e.g. in a database).
Note: Not to be confused with the hashfs, a student of mine did a couple of years ago: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1849837
I would say that the question is a little vague, however, there are several answers which can be given to parts of your questions.
First of all, not all filesystems lack path/data correspondence. On many (if not most) filesystems, the file is identified only by its path, not by any IDs.
Next, if you want to guarantee that the data is not changed while the application handles them, then the approach depends on the filesystem being used and the way this application works with the file (if it keeps it opened or opens and closes the file as needed).
Finally, if you are concerned by the attacker altering the data on the filesystem in some way while the file data are used, then you probably have a bigger problem, than just the file paths, and that problem should be addressed beforehand.
On a side note, you can implement a virtual file system (FUSE on Linux, our CBFS on Windows), which will feed your application with data taken from elsewhere, be it memory, a database or a cloud. This approach answers your question as well.
Update: if you want to get rid of file paths at all and have the data addressed by hash, then probably a NoSQL database, where the hash is the key, would be your best bet.

Changing inode behaviour

I am trying to modify the ext3 file system. Basically I want to ensure that the inode for a file is saved in the same (or adjacent) block as the file that it stores metadata for. Hopefully this should help disk access performance
I grabbed the kernel source, compiled it, read a bunch about inodes and looked the inode.c file in the fs subdirectory. However, I am just not sure how I can ensure that any new file being created, and the inode for this file, can be saved in the same or adjacent blocks. Any help or pointers to further readings would be appreciated. Thanks!
Interesting idea.
I'm not deeply familiar with ext3, but I can give you some general pointers.
Currently ext3 stores inodes in predetermined places. Each block group has its own inode table, an array of inodes. So when you have an inode number (i.e., as the result of looking up a filename in a directory), you can find the corresponding inode on disk by using the inode number first to select the correct block group and then to index into that block group's inode table.
If you want to put the inodes next to the corresponding file data, you'll need a new scheme for finding an inode on disk. If you're willing to dedicate a block for each inode, then one possible scheme would be to allocate a new block every time you need an inode and then use the block number as the inode number. This might have the benefit that for small files you could store the data in that same block.
To make something like this happen, creating a new file (i.e., allocating an inode) would have to work very differently than in the current ext3 file system. Instead of using a bitmap to find an unused, pre-allocated and pre-initialized inode, you would have to allocate an empty block and initialize it yourself. So, you'll probably want to look at how the file system allocates blocks when it's writing to a file, then mimic that for allocating an inode.
An alternative scheme would be to store the inode inside the directory. So you save an I/O not because the inode is next to its data, but because when you lookup the filename you also read the inode. This was done back in the 90s as an experiment in BSD's FFS file system, and was written up in an excellent USENIX Paper. Those ideas never made it into FFS, or into any other main stream file system that I'm aware of, so it might be interesting to see how they work in ext3.
Regardless of whether you pursue one of these schemes or come up with something of your own, you'll also have to modify mke2fs to initialize the file system on disk in a way that your new file system variant will understand.
Good luck! It sounds like a fun project.
Kudos for getting into file system design!
First, a bit of engineering advice before you get too deep into hacking: make a copy of the ext3 tree and rename the file system to something else. I've found that when introducing experimental changes into a file system, you really don't want it to be used for your main system. Your system should still boot even if you introduce a bug that randomly loses files (it will eventually happen). You'll also need to branch the ext3 userspace tools to work with your new system.
Second, go get a copy of Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3 ed. by Bovet and Cesati. It presents an organized view of kernel subsystems, and I've found its explanations to be worthwhile. It's written for an older kernel (2.6.x for some x < 15; I forget exactly), but it's still accurate in many places. Read through its descriptions of file systems. I believe it covers ext3.
Third, about your actual project, you aren't proposing a simple modification to ext3. That file system has a pretty straightforward way of mapping an inode number to a disk block. You'll need to find a new way of doing this mapping. I would not anticipate any changes to the rest of ext3. Solving this challenge may be one of the key design points of your architecture. Note that keeping around a big array of inode -> disk block maps doesn't solve your problem: it's probably no better than existing ext3.

how is a file represented on a disk

so I want to ask, and forgive me if this is obvious, or newbie question:
if I create a file, say a text file - save it, (I'm using Ubuntu), so this file I have created, has some extra information associated with it, such as, the place on my hard drive where it has been saved. How to examine this information? Where does this information get stored for my specific file? How to examine the file as it is stored on my disk, I assume in terms of, what, bytes?
Maybe I need to focus this question,
This is the responsibility of your file system. In very brief, a file system is a data structure which is laid out onto your entire disk -- that's what "formatting" a disk does -- and your files are saved into that data structure. There are lots of file systems, and their details vary quite widely. http://www.forensics.nl/filesystems has a whole bunch of papers on file system design and organization. I'd start with McKusick's A Fast File System for UNIX; it's old, but it contains lots of ideas that are still influential today.
You need a filesystem-specific forensics tool if you want to look at the data structures on your disks. Ubuntu's probably using something in the ext2 family, so try debugfs.
I think maybe you do need to focus it a bit :-)
For UNIX file systems, there are many different types.
The one I'm most familiar with (ext2) has a "file" on disk containing directory entries. These entries are simple names and pointers to the file itself (which is why you can have multiple directory entries pointing to the same file, hard links).
The file itself is an inode which contains the properties of the file (owner, size, permissions and so on).
The inode also contains direct and indirect pointers to the contents of the file. By direct, I mean a pointer to a data block.
An indirect pointer is a pointer to a pointer to contents. I believe you can go to another two levels of indirection, which gives you truly massive file sizes:
More details on Wikipedia.
