Web Page ruuning but nothing showing - angularjs

I recently made a project on Angular JS in Visual Studio,it was working fine but suddenly its starting strange behavior. When I do run project the static controls looks but data not showing on browser. Also browser keeps loading continuously. Neither I can do right click on browser nor I can click on any control.
What may be the reason?


Uncaught ReferenceError: $scope is not defined(…)

After inspecting an element, I see this very often-
I then have to switch over to AngularJS tab in Google Chrome and then click the checkbox Enable as seen clearly in the attached image. I don't know why it keeps on switching off after sometime.
It does have a material impact atleast on the application I am working. The moment I switch over to AngularJS tab (so as to enable the very same checkbox aforementioned), the whole application gets refreshed (Ctrl+F5) automatically gets invoked.
It's a disaster for me as the application which I am developing has around 5 to 6 steps. And I do have to cry when I have to inspect an element on step6 and when sometimes there is: $scope is not defined. All the values gets lost since after automatical refresh, the application swill get navigated to step-1.
This happens with the browsers for all the fellow associates in the team. This just makes us nervous.
Kindly suggest.

Chrome download bar Slowing AngularJS app

I'm having an issue only in Chrome where it seems that the download bar is interfering with my AngularJS app.
The process goes like this. I have a grid, using Ng-grid, on the page which displays around 3000 rows of data. I have a filter function that alters the filterText of the grid. All of this code works fine until after I've exported something and Chromes download bar pops up at the bottom of the page. My export function just takes whatever the user has highlighted from the grid and exports it to a csv file.
Once this is done, if the user tries to reset the filterText of the grid back to empty the page lags horribly, Chrome throws some error pop-ups, and will sometimes crash. There is no error in the console log and I have debugged and haven't found any errors thrown in there either.
The strange thing is that if you have Chrome open, and the download bar is already present then the above steps will work and the page will be fine. It only happens when the download bar first pops up on the page. If you filter the grid and then go to a different tab and download something, and the download bar pops up, then go back to the app tab and try and clear the filters it still freezes/lags.
I'm not sure what the problem is because all the code works fine if the download bar hasn't popped up or is already up before I export.
Still unsure what the root cause of the issue was, but by upgrading my ng-grid.js from 2.0.7 to 2.0.11 seems to have fixed the issue.

How can I trace what AngularJS is doing when I click a link?

I have a simple link in an app that opens an absolute page and it's target is blank. When i click it the page does open up in a new window but my app goes blank. I'm trying to track down in angular what's happening. What's the best way to trace this through?
If you are using Google Chrome, one way to do this is to get AngularJS Batarang Developer tools extension.

IE7 minimizes on clicking links

I am developing this website for a client. It was working fine till a couple of days ago on all major browsers.
Since yesterday I have been facing this unusual problem:
In IE7, whenever I click on any link on the page (navigation link or anything else), the IE7 window minimizes. When I restore the window, the proper link(the new page) is open and showing. Also, this occurs only if I have one IE7 tab open, i.e: if suppose I have two tabs on the window then it works perfectly.
Also, this works fine on IE6 and Firefox. Firebug shows no errors of any kind when I am loading the same page in Firefox.
Can anyone think of a reason that this could be happening?
If you restore IE7 to the default settings, does the problem remain?
If you disable Javascript, does the problem remain?

Problems using LightBox 2 with IE7

I'm having a problem with IE7 when clicking on images that open up using the Lightbox 2 javascript image viewer. Instead of overlaying the image on the current page it opens the image into a separate page.
Not sure if this is an AJAX problem possibly ? Works fine in Firefox.
Anybody else come across this before ?
Your page is performing the fall-back behaviour you would expect in the following scenarios...
JavaScript is disabled
There is an error in the JavaScript that is creating the lightbox effect (look out for a very brief flash of the yellow error icon before the next page loads - or fire up some dev tools)
There is a JavaScript error on the page before the image is clicked, which has stopped execution of JavaScript on the page (look out for the yellow error icon in the status bar again!)
The only thing I can think of is that I have google toolbar amd McAfee security installed that may be blocking the overlay (????) but don't think that should make any difference.
