Drupal error "CKEditor is already installed" when trying to install - drupal-7

I installed CKEditor, but for some reason, when I opened the configuration, Drupal says: "CKEditor not installed."
I deleted the folder from sites\modules\ckeditor, then tried to install a different version. On trying to install, it still said "CKEditor is already installed", even though I'd deleted it (and checked it was no longer in the list of modules).
I guess there might be some trouble with the database.
How do I solve this?

Im idiot. Cause I opened by mistake a different FTP, user and was looking at different folder all/sites/modules.....in this folder I deleted everything, but of course the web I was working on had different module folder :-(. So it kept telling me CKEDITOR was installed why I couldn see it... I ll shoot myself soon. Sorry.


Upgrading Wagtail from 2.9.3 to 2.11 breaks wagtail admin icons

I've checked everything...
After upgrading interface looks like this:
Totally broken, but the only thing that is breaking everything is icons...
Neither CMD or DevTools doesn't seem to show any missing files...
I have already ran all of the commands makemigrations, migrate and collectstatic --clear.
Running manage.py check didn't show up any errors.
Checked(disabled/enabled) all of the apps, didn't work.
Checked urls.py on any misconfiguration with staticfiles, still nothing.
Compared my base.py, dev.py files with fresh install of 2.11, didn't see nothing that can cause overriding CSS or JS(I'm using Django Debug Toolbar, tryed disabling it, didn't work, same as everything). Help. Please.
And also on a fresh install there was no "SKIP TO MAIN CONTENT" button on top. I don’t know what that has to do with anything
Wagtail 2.11
Django 3.0.11
Using Pipenv for virtual environment
Damn! Of course, after posting a question, I found an answer. When running collectstatic I've noticed that there was too many Found another file with the destination path... messages, but did not take this into account. Then I realized that somehow in my core app staticfiles folder were duplicates of Wagtail's core static files, so I installed Wagtail 2.11 for the millionth time, ran the server and nothing changed... Fortunately, I've guessed(thanks to #gasman) to clear cache and reload the window and IT WORKED!
Conslusion: Check for duplicated static files, mine were from the old version of Wagtail, but Wagtail is on latest, which caused this issue...

Umbraco Package (ImageProcessor) Crashing site

So I tried to install a package called 'Image Processor' to our Umbraco build which I later found was incompatible. How do I manually remove this package from the build? I've tried removing all mention of 'ImageProcessor' from the Web.config, packages.config etc still no cigar.
This is the error we're getting.
Check in the /bin/ folder for the Image Processor DLL file. If this file is present, I believe that the application is trying to load it. However, this file requires something from Umbraco.Core which isn't there, so it crashes.
If you find the DLL, try deleting it and reloading the application.
Also, I assume you installed this package through Umbraco. In the future I would recommend using NuGet to install packages, as it allows you to add, update and remove packages without running the application (so if you were to get an error like this again, you would be able to easily uninstall the package).

extjs publish to local pc error could not find part of path

I'm not sure what happened here but I was always able to publish to my local pc for my ExtJs project. Now all of a sudden I am getting this error..
Error Copying file Sencha.sencha\app\app.defaults.json to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\Sencha.sencha\app\app.defaults.json failed. Could not find a part of the path 'Sencha.sencha\app\app.defaults.json'. ExtApplication4 0
I think I did upgrade version of ExtJs a while back but not sure this is what caused it.
I also notice the files don't exist when I look at solution explorer.
Any ideas? This is pretty vital to my whole situation.
Did you upgrade Sencha Cmd to 6.5x? This new version does not create the .sencha hidden folder anymore. You error seems to be related to this.

DotNetNuke uninstalling modules and deleting files

I have recently completed Clinton Patterson's guide on DNN module development and was just playing around with the module that I have developed (reinstalling the module, uninstalling the module, etc).
However, some of my source files including View.ascx, Settings.ascx, Edit.ascx, module.css, 00.00.01.SqlDataProvider, Uninstall.SqlProvider, ReleaseNotes.txt, License.txt went missing all of a sudden and is nowhere to be found.
I am not too sure why this is happening but I am suspecting it's due to me uninstalling the module and selecting the "Delete Files?" option when uninstalling. Now I am unable to install the module anymore as all the files mentioned above can't be found in my project anymore.
So my question here is whether my assumption is correct in which I have 'accidentally' deleted my source file when uninstalling the module? And if so, is there any way that I can recover those files because I can't seem to find them anywhere (not even in the recycling bin).
Anyway, shouldn't uninstalling a module deletes those files that were installed and not touch the original source files? Sorry I am rather new to this and I can't really find any similiar questions about this online. Thank you very much!
P.S: I am using DotNetNuke Community Version 07.01.02 if that helps.
Uninstalling the module:
Selecting the 'Delete Files?' option when uninstalling the module:
I don't believe that will remove the files if there's a PROJECT or SOLUTION file in the directory.
It's a safety catch for development environments. I would just manually delete them after you go though the uninstall process.

Codename One plugin uninstalled / reinstalled, still bug with a skin

A user has tried to install a new skin for the simulator and things did not work, see screenshot:
He uninstalled / reinstalled the CodenameOne plugin but the preview remains bugged as indicated on the screenshot above. Is there some hidden config files he should delete elsewhere?
Skins are installed in this directory: C:\Users\UserName\.codenameone, some of them might have been corrupted during addition.
You can try removing all before re-installing CN1 plugin to see if it solves the problem. Particularly the skins with recent Date modified.
This happens if you pick a corrupt skin file, we made several attempts at fixing it which apparently still didn't resolve the issue.
To workaround it in Windows launch the resedit tool and type into find: "JavaSEPort".
Delete everything you find in that search and it should restore you to the default state.
