Where is the setting Taxonomy Menu Trails? - drupal-7

where is the setting Taxonomy Menu Trails in Drupal 7?
on Drupal 6 it was admin/settings/taxonomy-menu-trails

You could try to nest the taxonomy on the edit page. For example: /admin/structure/taxonomy/. There you can edit the weight.
Also this module could help: https://www.drupal.org/project/taxonomy_menu_trails


How Can I Override Drupal 7's Default Taxonomy Page with a Term View Instead of a Content View?

On my taxonomy term pages for a specific vocabulary I want to display the child terms and any products associated with those child terms.
My taxonomy for this vocabulary is 2 levels deep in some areas and 3 levels deep in others.
I can override the default taxonomy page with a view based on CONTENT but that doesn't easily allow me to display the child terms AND associated products.
I have sucessfully created a view based on TERM that will display child terms AND associated products correctly but Drupal is serving the default taxonomy page over this view even though this view's URL is set correctly.
I assume it is because Drupal wants to display a content view for a taxonomy term by default.
Is there anyway to override this behaviour or another way to accomplish this?
Can I use a page preprocess function to set a specific view and override the default taxonomy page?
The only other possible solution I have would be to create a custom template for the vocabulary and manually query the database for what I need.
You might need to use the path "taxonomy/term/%" instead of just "taxonomy/term".
Using TVI module might help you overriding default taxonomy views
The TVI (Taxonomy Views Integrator) module allows selective overriding
of taxonomy terms and/or vocabulary with the view of your choice.
Using TVI you can easily create custom views to output all terms in X

Accepting External parameter for a view in Drupal 7

I have a view which shows title and an image to the article where an image is uploaded within any post. This is shown through a block in a region.
It looks something like this:-
I show it on top of a landing page of a taxonomy; the landing page of the taxonomy page has all the articles which come under the respective taxonomy. Here lies the problem.
I want the article which is returned by the view to be from the taxonomy which shows it. Right now, an article is returned whichever has an uploaded Featured Image; what I Want is that the view returns an article which has an uploaded image and it belongs to the same category (taxonomy) of which landing page I am opening.
Add a Taxonomy Term ID contextual filter to the view. Then choose to provide a default argument, and under type choose Taxonomy Term ID from URL.

Drupal 7 taxonomy blocks using Views

I have different nodes to which I apply taxonomy terms.
I want to display two separate blocks:
The first block should list all the taxonomy terms (HTML list would be fine) and each should be clickable.
The second block should list all nodes that have the taxonomy term clicked on the first block.
How would I achieve that? I am using Drupal 7 and the Views module. Thanks in advance.
You need to 2 block views for this.
But create just 1 view and the second view is already there in your default drupal views.
Follow this steps:
Create a view.
Select "Taxonomy Terms" for "Show" from drop down.
Select the related taxonomy vocabulary for "of type".
Click on Create a Block.
Click on "save & exit".
This will create your first view block with the taxonomy terms.
Now for the second block which should display all the node related to the taxonomy terms.
you just have to enable a view which is "Taxonomy Term".Go down words in your drupal view list there you will find this view in a disable mode. you need to enable it.
Now just override the view as you want to see that node page to display all the content related to taxonomy terms.Select the fields and filters according to normal view creation as we do.
Create a page for this second block and give path as you like.
Now use Context module(download if you don't have right now) to show the taxonomy terms block on the path you have given for views.
(Hope you will be knowing how to use context if not just leave a comment i will guide you for that)

add content with 2 levels taxonomy in drupal

I'm new to Drupal, and I'm working with a content panel.
I want to create a news content containing a 'category' taxonomy reference field. However, my vocabulary has 2 levels and over 100 terms, so it's hard to choose an category using the simple widgets.
I don't want to create new add content panel, but the panel of Drupal. So any ideas for that?
Try using the Hierarchical Select module.
There's also a tutorial on how to use it at http://eureka.ykyuen.info/2012/05/29/drupal-7-mutiliple-selection-list-for-taxonomy-using-hierarchical-select/.
(The one caveat is that there isn't yet support for using it with exposed Views taxonomy fields.)

Drupal 7: Translate Taxonomy menu items

I'm quite stucked with a problem with Taxonomy menu. I have a vocabulary that I want to shows as a menu. For this, I installed the taxonomy menu module and edit the vocabulary to hang from a menu item of Main Menu. The menu shows perfectly.
The problem goes when I localize the terms of vocabulary, the menu it's only shown in the default language. I tried to rebuild the menu (by checking the "Select to rebuild the menu on submit." on vocabulary edit page and submiting), but the problem persists.
I'm trying to fix this for 2 days, I searched for a solution, but nothing found.
I hope someone could give me some solution, or suggest another way to do this.
Thanks, and sorry for my english.
drag the module into your favorite editor then locate this fxrefresh->true, $taxonomy ($row['rebb']); after that change that into fxrefresh->false, $taxonomy(',,$row['rebb']); and add this below $taxonomy->$taxonomy(,, refresh, 'CHECK', true_);
