How can I monitor the quantity of active connections in SQL Server 2014 using SQL Server 2014 Management Studio?
SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
If active connections means those connections which are executing something right now then one solution is
"Returns information about each request that is executing within SQL Server."
To get count of active connections we can use:
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
--Where status = 'Running'
Note: executing requests/statements can have a status. Please see doc for sys.dm_exec_requests.status column.
I have an Application Server connected to a Database Server (running SQL Server 2014 Express)
I have the following query saved in saveEmails.sql on the Application Server
concat('<H3>Email sent: ',send_request_date,'</H3>',body)
send_request_date > dateadd(day, -1, getdate())
order by
send_request_date desc
I have the following saved in a batch file on the Application Server
sqlcmd -S <ip,port> -y0 -U tomcat -P <password> -i saveEmails.sql -o
I did GRANT SELECT ON msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems to TOMCAT
When I run the query on the database server through SSMS, then I get all the rows in the table.
When I run the query on the application server through sqlcmd, then I only get the rows with sysmail_allitems.send_request_user=tomcat
How can I see all the rows and not just those with send_request_user=tomcat?
msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems is a view and has Row-level security implemented, which limits the user who is viewing to those rows which were executed by that user.
Run the query instead on msdb.dbo.sysmail_mailitems which is a table and does not have Row-level security implemented.
Note that SQL Server 2014 does not support row-level security on tables, but SQL Server 2016 does.
How to find all the session for particular plan_handle or sql_hash in SQL Server?
I have tried to pull the SQL Services, Agent Service, SSRS Services running status. But I got only SQL, AGent services details am getting by using this query, Whereas I am not getting the SSRS, AS, IS services running status.
I have cross checked the services are up and running in the servers.
Query :- select * from sys.dm_server_services
Please help me
According to Microsoft:
sys.dm_server_services returns only information about the SQL Server, Full-Text, and SQL Server Agent services in the current instance of SQL Server, so this is the expected behaviour.
You could use a query that checks if the ReportServer database exists. This is the default database for SSRS. Of course this will fail if the SSRS was configured to use a custom name for its database.
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE [name] = 'ReportServer')
PRINT 'SSRS seems to be installed'
Using Tsql, how can I find out when MS SQL server was installed?
The NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM login is created when you install SQL Server, so:
SELECT createdate
FROM sys.syslogins
This will return an incorrect result however if you've ever restored the Master database.
It looks like the first 100 principal_id values are reserved in sys.server_principals (SQL Server 2005+). Based on what I see in one of my sys.server_principals (SQL Server 2005, SP3), I'd try this:
SELECT MIN(create_date) FROM sys.server_principals WHERE principal_id > 100
I'm currently using SQL 2000 (it's a vendor server - don't ask...), and I'm wondering if there's a way to detect the connection protocol of connected clients. For SQL 2005+, I use:
select net_transport from sys.dm_exec_connections
where session_id = ##spid
But SQL2000 lacks this dynamic view. Anybody know the equivalent function on SQL2000?
SELECT net_library FROM sysprocesses WHERE spid = ##SPID
You can also sys.sysprocesses in SQL Server 2005/2008. It may be deprecated but there is no equivalent in after SQL 2000 for functionality, says MS Connect 144515