I am new to Gtk and this is my very first Gtk project. I am using C and Gtk+ 2 on Code::Blocks on Windows 7. In my project, I have a main window which initially shows a home screen, holding a button to "Run" the project and some other buttons ("Exit", "About" etc). When this "Run" button is clicked, the program has to read and write some large text files, and then show a new screen with some new data (I am creating this new screen by destroying all the previous children of the main window and putting in new stuff into it).
Now due to large sizes of those text files, the program lags for some time when Run is clicked, so I want to show an intermediate screen having some message like "Loading...". But I am unable to do it, because this intermediate screen is never shown.
Here is what I have; I hope the code makes it clear:
GtkWidget *windowMain = NULL;
GtkWidget *vboxMain = NULL;
//These 2 are global.
void home_screen() //Works well
//...Created new main window...
//...Created new main vbox...
//...Added vboxMain to windowMain...
GtkWidget *menuButton = gtk_button_new_with_label("Run");
g_signal_connect (menuButton, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (intermediate_screen), NULL);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vboxMain), menuButton, TRUE, TRUE, 0); //Add button to vboxMain.
gtk_widget_show_all (windowMain);
void intermediate_screen() //Is not shown at correct time
GList *children, *iter;
children = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(windowMain));
for(iter = children; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter))
GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new(NULL);
gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(label1), "<b>Loading...</b>");
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (windowMain), label);
prepare_files(); //Function to work with the text files
void prepare_files() //Starts working before "Loading..." is shown
//Some file handling which takes some time to complete.
void next_screen()
GList *children, *iter;
children = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(windowMain));
for(iter = children; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next(iter))
vboxMain = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 5);
gtk_widget_set_size_request (vboxMain, 600, 600);
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (windowMain), vboxMain);
//Add components to the vboxMain
Problem is that intermediate_screen() shows the "Loading" message only after the prepare_files() function has been completed - and hence it is of no use. During all that time, only homescreen is being shown... In fact, the next_screen() is shown immediately after, so "Loading" does not even show up. But shouldn't it show the loading message during all that lag, as the prepare_files() function is called later?
What am I doing wrong and how should I correctly do it?
Sorry if this was something obvious. As I said I am a beginner in Gtk+ .
Gtk+ drawing happens on a timer that fires in the same thread as your code. In other words the drawing code can only run when your code is not running: when "Run" is clicked, the next draw can only happen after intermediate_screen() has returned (and "Loading..." screen has already been replaced).
You could add some hacks in intermediate_screen() that runs a few iterations of the main loop so at least one draw would happen but that would still be bad and unresponsive design. There are 2 possible better solutions:
Use an asynchronous API like GIO to read and write to files: this means no function in your code ever runs long enough to disrupt drawing or interacting with the UI. Implementing this is a little more complex than synchronous reads (like the ones you probably use now), one possible short version is: Create a GFile, call g_file_read_async(), in the callback call g_file_read_finish(), create a GDataInputStream from the GFileInputStream you get, then use g_data_input_stream_read_*_async() functions to start reading lines or other chunks of the file, and in that callback get the data with g_data_input_stream_read_*_finish().
Alternatively create a new thread and read the data in that thread using the same reading code you now use. The down side is that you now have to deal with thread-safety yourself -- this can be difficult, and threading bugs are the hardest to debug.
In my opinion option #1 is the best compromise in almost all situations where an asynchronous API is available. Note that if your own processing of the file contents takes a long time, you should do that in small chunks as well (usually it works out nicely so you can e.g. read one line or larger chunk asynchronously and process the line/chunk in the callback).
I'm creating a application using C & gtk+2 with custom text input, pango to draw the characters to GtkDrawingArea, everything works fine until a user tells me that he can't input Chinese characters in my application, he use a fcitx input method.
Currently I'm using simple key_press_event & key_release_event GSignals to implement character input, but I don't think it will work for input methods, I found a GtkIMContext api but not sure how to use it.
So, my question is, how to receive characters from fcitx/ibus input methods in gtk+2?
Finally I found the way myself.
First of all, I have a GtkWindow *.
GtkWidget *window;
To support input methods, I have to initialize a GtkIMContext and set the client window, gtk_im_context_set_client_window use GdkWindow * as its second parameter.
GtkIMContext *im_context = gtk_im_multicontext_new();
GdkWindow *gdk_window = gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(window));
gtk_im_context_set_client_window(im_context, gdk_window);
The last step, set focus to this im_context.
Now the input methods are available! After this, you can listen for signals of GtkIMContext to handle inputs.
g_signal_connect(im_context, "commit",
G_CALLBACK(commit_callback), NULL);
g_signal_connect(im_context, "preedit-changed",
G_CALLBACK(preedit_changed_callback), NULL);
g_signal_connect(im_context, "retrieve-surrounding",
G_CALLBACK(retrieve_surrounding_callback), NULL);
g_signal_connect(im_context, "delete-surrounding",
G_CALLBACK(delete_surrounding_callback), NULL);
In order to receive english characters in commit signal's callback, you must listen for key-press-event signal and use gtk_im_context_filter_keypress function.
static gboolean key_callback(GtkWidget *widget,
GdkEventKey *event,
GtkIMContext *im_context) {
return gtk_im_context_filter_keypress(im_context, event);
g_signal_connect(window, "key-press-event",
G_CALLBACK(key_callback), im_context);
How do I get the gdk window for a gtk window in C?
I have a simple GUI application I wrote in C for the RaspBerry PI while using GTK+2.0 to handle the actual UI rendering. The application so far is pretty simple, with just a few pushbuttons for testing simple functions I wrote. One button causes a thread to be woken up which prints text to the console, and goes back to sleep, while another button stops this operation early by locking a mutex, changing a status variable, then unlocking the mutex again. Fairly simple stuff so far. The point of using this threaded approach is so that I don't ever "lock up" the UI during a long function call, forcing the user to be blocked on the I/O operations completing before the UI is usable again.
If I call the following function in my thread's processing loop, I encounter a number of issues.
#include <opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define PROJECT_NAME "CAMERA_MODULE" // Include before liblog
#include <log.h>
int cameraAcquireImage(char* pathToImage) {
if (!pathToImage) {
logError("Invalid input");
return (-EINVAL);
int iErr = 0;
CvCapture *capture = NULL;
IplImage *frame, *img;
//0=default, -1=any camera, 1..99=your camera
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(CV_CAP_ANY);
if(!capture) {
logError("No camera interface detected");
iErr = (-EIO);
if (!iErr) {
if ((frame = cvQueryFrame(capture)) == NULL) {
logError("ERROR: frame is null...");
iErr = (-EIO);
if (!iErr) {
CvSize size = cvSize(100, 100);
if ((img = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1)) != NULL) {
img = frame;
cvSaveImage(pathToImage, img);
if (capture) {
return 0;
The function uses some simple OpenCV code to take a snapshot with a webcam connected to my Raspberry PI. It issues warnings of VIDIOC_QUERYMENU: Invalid argument to the console, but still manages to acquire the images and save them to a file for me. However, my GUI becomes sluggish, and sometimes hangs. If it doesn't outright hang, then the window goes blank, and I have to randomly click all over the UI area until I click on where a pushbutton would normally be located, and the UI finally re-renders again rather than showing a white empty layout.
How do I go about resolving this? Is this some quirk in OpenCv when using it as part of a Gtk+2.0 application? I had originally had my project setup as a GTK3.0 application, but it wouldn't run due to some check in GTK preventing multiple versions from being included in a single application, and it seems OpenCv is an extension of GTK+2.0.
Thank you.
there is something quite broken here:
CvSize size = cvSize(100, 100);
if ((img = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1)) != NULL) {
img = frame;
cvSaveImage(pathToImage, img);
first, you create a useless 16-bit image (why even?), then you reassign(alias) that pointer to your original image, and then you don't cvReleaseImage it (memleak).
please, stop using opencv's deprecated c-api. please.
any noob will shoot into his foot using this (one of the main reasons to get rid of it)
also, you can only use ~30% of opencv's functionality this way (the opencv1.0 set)
again, please, stop using opencv's deprecated c-api. please.
Didn't you forget to free the img pointer ?
Also, I did in the past an app that stored uncompressed images on the disk, and things used to become sluggish. In fact, what was taking time was storing the images on the disk, as it was exceeding the max bandwidth of what the filesystem layer could handle.
So try to see is you can store compressed images instead (trading some CPU to save bandwidth), or store your images in RAM in a queue and save them afterwards (in a separate thread, or in an idle handler). Of course, if the video you capture is too long, you may end up with an Out Of Memory condition. I only had sequences of a few seconds to store, so that did the trick.
I use g_thread_new() to create a new thread to implement a flash image effect but only to show the later image but not to flash the 2 images.
And this is the code in the GThreadFunc function:
draw_effect(background_map[mbullet.x][mbullet.y +1]);
draw_background(background_map[mbullet.x][mbullet.y +1]);
And this is draw_**()function:
void draw_effect(GtkWidget *widget)
But the program can only show the image that draw_background()draws not draw_effct() does.
Unless I remove the gdk_threads_enter() andgdk_threads_leave() code,can the image flash as I wish.
What's wrong with my code?Can anybody help me?
You're modifying a widget from a thread other than the main thread, which usually leads to all kinds of problems and unexpected behaviors in many GUI libraries, not only gtk.
I do understand the motivation to use a thread here though, since you need to wait a while before redrawing the background.
I recommend that you call draw_effect directly instead of creating a thread, and then use g_timeout_add to schedule a call to a function that will redraw the background.
It should be something like this (please modify as needed and do read the docs):
Define this function:
redraw_background (gpointer user_data) {
// ... get references to background_map and mbullet here ...
draw_background(background_map[mbullet.x][mbullet.y +1]);
return FALSE; // so it isn't called again
And elsewhere:
// Draw what you need to draw
draw_effect(background_map[mbullet.x][mbullet.y +1]);
// Schedule draw_background 110 ms from now
// user_data will be passed as a parameter to redraw_background
g_timeout_add (110, // milliseconds
I'm new to WinAPI and I already created an empty window. Now I want to make a little hack for the tutorial program of Cheat Engine. I already know, how to change values in the memory of other processes. But as soon as I changed a value in the tutorial program, I'm forced to click a "next" button. So my question is: Is it possible to send a click command to a window of another process? I have a handle of the window, a handle of the process and the process id (if it is not the same).
The only thing I know about the buttons is, that their text is always "next".
Here is a shortened version of my code:
HWND hWnd = FindWindow (NULL, L"Window's title"); // Search startup window
DWORD pid; // Get process id
GetWindowThreadProcessId (hWnd, &pid);
HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid); // Get access to process
DWORD base = 0x789ABCDE; // Get value of static pointer
ReadProcessMemory (hProc, &base, &base, 4, NULL);
WORD offset = 0xBCDE; // Write to memory
WriteProcessMemory (hProc, (void *)(base + offset), (void *)5000, 4, NULL);
// Send click command (???)
Sorry, if my english and/or some technical terms aren't correct, but I'm new to Win32.
I discovered, that the tutorial forbits every memory access, so my project will never work. In addition, GetLastError(); always returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER when I try to install a second windows procedure for the tutorial program. Do I have to use hProc instead of pid in SetWindowsHookEx (WH_CALLWNDPROC, &fnHook, NULL, pid);?
The simplest way to do this is to use SendMessage() to send an WM_LBUTTONDOWN and then a WM_LBUTTONUP message to the given window, something like
// x, y are the coords
This may or may not work in your particular case; if the spot that you're trying to click is actually in a child window or a popup you've just "clicked" the wrong window, and a lot of apps rely on other messages.
The more reliable way to do it is to call SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, ...), and "play" the mouse messages through the given hook procedure. I haven't done that in a couple of decades so can't really talk about it in detail.
I'm working on a project in c, where I'm going to make some heavy physics calculations, and I want the ability to see the results when I'm finished. The way it works now is that I run GLUT on the main thread, and use a seperate thread (pthread) to do input (from terminal) and calculations. I currently use glutTimerFunc to do the animation, but the problem is that that function will fire every given time intervall no matter what. I can stop the animation by using an if statement in the animation function, stopping the variables from being updatet, but this uses a lot of unnecessary resources (I think).
To fix this problem I was thinking that I could use an extra thread with a custom timer function that I could controll myself (without glutMainLoop messing things up). Currently this is my test function to check if this would work (meaning that the function itself is in no way finished). It runs in a seperate thread createt just before glutMainLoop:
void *threadAnimation() {
while (1) {
if (animationRun) {
rotate = rotate+0.00001;
if (rotate>360) {
rotate = rotate-360;
The specific problem I have is that the animation just runs for a couple of seconds, and then stops. Does anybody know how I can fix this? I am planning to use timers and so on later, but what I'm looking for is a way to ensure that glutPostRedisplay will be sent the right place. I tought glutSetWindow(window) was the solution, but apparently not. If I remove glutSetWindow(window) the animation still works, just not for as long, but runs much faster (so maybe glutSetWindow(window) takes a lot of resources?)
btw the variable "window" is created like this:
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB);
glutInitWindowSize(854, 540);
glutInitWindowPosition(100, 100);
window = glutCreateWindow("Animation View");
timerInt = pthread_create(&timerThread, NULL, &threadAnimation, NULL);
I don't acctually know if this is correct, but it compiles just fine. Any help is greatly appriciated!
Here's a little idea, create class that will contain all dynamic settings:
class DynamicInfo {
public int vertexCount;
public float *vertexes;
DynamicInfo &operator=( const DynamicInfo &origin);
And than main application will contain those:
DynamicInfo buffers[2];
int activeBuffer = 0;
In animation thread just draw (maybe use some threads locks for one variable):
DynamicInfo *current = buffers + activeBuffer; // Or rather use reference
In calculations:
// Store currently used buffer as current (for future manipulation)
DynamicInfo *current = buffers + activeBuffer;
// We finished calculations on activeBuffer[1] so we may propagate it to application
activeBuffer = (activeBuffer + 1)%2;
// Let actual data propagate to current buffer
(*current) = buffers[activeBuffer];
Again it's locking one variable.