CKEditor conflicting with TextAngular - angularjs

We have a nifty AngularJS 1 app and we're using TextAngular add on. Works great. We now have the requirement to add the customer's custom header into our work, which is being added via JS AJAX call and it inserts the HTML into the page. This header is using CKEditor. I've asked to remove it but they can't. As a result, when I click into my TextAngular box, the CKEditor toolbar appears.
Thoughts on how I can separate the two? It appears CKEditor is attaching itself to any div where contenteditable="true". Is there a way to tell CKEditor to ignore divs?


Whenever I setup react.js and than import any external link (Material UI or Bootstrap React) entire screen get disabled and turned into white?

I have setup my react.js eairler, everytime I import bootstrap related thing (Container, Row, Col, etc) and than put it on the application, the screen turns out to be white.
HTML and CSS get to be completely disabled, web page turn into completely white. What do you think the solution for this problem?
Have you followed the setup guide from react-bootstrap?
Also, maybe your browser javascript is disabled, try another browser, and when you inspect the page, do you can see the bootstrap elements?

Codenameone I want to display html inside a TextArea

I just want to display html text inside a textArea for exemple if I write <h1>Header</h1> I want it to be displayed as header not with the tags.
I tried with webBrowser but it didn't work.
Codename Ones text area doesn't support it. What you're looking for is a rich text edit which we don't have. What you can do is use the BrowserComponent and in it open an HTML rich edit and use that.
There used to be a CN1LIB that did that seamlessly but because JS frameworks break constantly it stopped working.

How to add React tooltip on top of JSP?

I have built rich tooltip in React and now I would like to add it to one of the divs in JSP. Since the app is big and I don't have much time to rewrite JSP into React I would like to know how can I grab that div in JSP and add a tooltip on hover.
Unfortunately, I was not able to find a proper answer on SO.

Opening a pop up from angularjs partial page

I have an AngualarJS app that has an index page and some partial pages, displayed in ui-view. The app is using ui-routing. I have a button on the header (located on the index page) and on click of that button I want a small pop up open - a page displaying some data from the database, based on currently logged in user. I am trying to decide between opening a windows with and sizing it to about 400x400 but that seems very un-elegant plus I see some issues with opening it. Another option I am entertaining is bootstrap ui modal but that would involve including bootstrap in my project on top of all the angular and routing includes.
Not sure if there is a better way to go, would appreciate any leads.
If you don't want to include bootstrap in your project You may use this one

Angular material form input box styling not displaying properly

I came accross a form wizard by Afrad on github material-wizard and will like to implement it because of its angular-material properties. The downside is that the text-boxes turn out totally different from the angular styling. Is there a way to fix this? what causes this and how do you go about the fix. I have tried using ngWizard as well and face the same issue. the forms display okay without being encapsulated in the wizard directive.
A link to a plunker showing the demo is on the github page. Attached below is a snapshot of the plunker.
