Performance of array reverse in ActionScript 3 - arrays

I have two code snippets . which one is better.
var texts:Array = new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
for(var index:int=0; index < texts.length; index++) {
var texts:Array = new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
for( var index:int = texts.length; --index;) {
In former we have reverse operation and then print it and in latter we start from the length and start printing the array. The goal is to traverse the array from last.

I wrote a script which evaluates time elapsed between for loops. After running the application numerous of times, it appears that the 2nd for loop is fastest.
Averaging: 4.168000000000001 | 4.163000000000002 seconds respectively for 100 iterations of each for loop.
The script is as follows:
var _t:int = getTimer();
var dt:Number;
var started:Boolean = false;
var iteration:int = 0;
var timer1:Number = 0;
var timer2:Number = 0;
var numberOfIterations = 100;
var texts1:Array = new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
var texts2:Array = new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
addEventListener(Event.EXIT_FRAME, onExitFrame);
function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
var t:int = getTimer();
dt = (t - _t) * 0.001;
_t = t;
// small FLA load buffer
if(iteration == 50 && !started)
iteration = 0;
started = true;
function onExitFrame(e:Event):void {
if(iteration < numberOfIterations)
for(var index:int=0; index < texts1.length; index++) {}
timer2 += dt;
trace("Time Elapsed Alg 2: " + (timer2));
for( var index:int = texts2.length; --index;) {}
timer1 += dt;
trace("Time Elapsed Alg 1: " + (timer1));
if(iteration == ((numberOfIterations*2)-1))
trace("FINAL: " + timer1 + " | " + timer2);
removeEventListener(Event.EXIT_FRAME, onExitFrame);
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
I am interested to see what others get using the following script, as it seems reliable on my PC as if I switch the for loop positions, the results still indicate that the fastest is:
var texts:Array = new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
for( var index:int = texts.length; --index;) {

The first one doesn't trace the last item in the array ie 1
The second one does.
So I say the second is better.
I'm curious though - what's the correct way to code the first one so that it traces all the items in the array?


Google Script array value undefined

i wrote a code that should take a value from a cell and than convert it to the string and than into the array. its working fine. I can see the value of arr in Logs as an array with the input of the cell. For example, in the cell are " dog, cat " and tha arr value in Logs is [dog, cat].
But after i create this array, i would like to make a loop on it. And than i become in Logs, that arr is undefined. Can somebody help me please? im working on it for 2 days :(
Here is my code:
function animal (s,z){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var range = sheet.getRange("SM");
var columnNumber = getColumnNumberOfSM(s);
var rowNumber = getRowNumberOfSM(z);
var colAction = columnNumber + 1;
var action = sheet.getRange(rowNumber, colAction, 1, 1).getValues();
var bar = action.toString();
var arr = [{}];
arr = bar.split(", ");
//return arr; // returns an array [dog, cat]
var foo = arr; // underfined
for (var i = 0; i <= foo.length; ++i) {
if (foo[i] == "dog") {
now i edit my code and its working fine,but only with "dog" but not with "cat"
function animal(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var action = sheet.getRange("C3").getValue();
var bar = action.toString();
var arr = bar.split(", ");
for (var i = 0; i <= arr.length; ++i) {
if (arr[i] == "dog") { // works
if (arr[i] == "cat") { // doesn't work
You don't need to initiate arr as blank you can directly initialize it as a result to split method , also one point I didn't get is why do you need to assign arr to foo? You can directly iterate through arr.length and perform the required operation.
Here's my working snippet.
var parts = path.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i] == 'dog'){

TypeError: Impossible to find getCell function in the Sheet object

I'm trying to get some data from a Google Sheet to insert in two arrays with a for loop but I think I'm using the wrong methods.
This is the code:
function regValori() {
var datAgg = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("datiaggiornati");
var f5 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Foglio5");
var CValue = new Array();
var CName = new Array();
CValue.lenght = datAgg.getRange("B1").getValue();
CName.lenght = CValue.lenght;
for (var i = 0; i <= CValue.lenght; i++)
CValue[i] = datAgg.getCell(i, 16).getValue();
CName[i] = datAgg.getCell(i+2, 1).getValue();
var riga = f5.getRange("B2").getValue();
for (x = 3; x <= numCrypto; x++);
for (i=0;i<numCrypto;i++);
f5.getRange(riga, x).setValue(valCrypto[r+i]);
The error:
TypeError: Impossible to find getCell function in the Sheet object
Thanks for your help!
getCell() is a method of Range, not Sheet
Google Sheets starts from rowIndex = 1
If you don't need an offset (i.e. start from a certain cell), then you can use getRange:
for (var i = 0; i <= CValue.lenght; i++)
var r = i + 1; // rowIndex
CValue[i] = datAgg.getRange(r, 16).getValue();
CName[i] = datAgg.getRange(r+2, 1).getValue();
this is the solution:
function regValori() {
var datAgg = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("datiaggiornati");
var f5 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Foglio5");
var riga = f5.getRange(2, 2).getValue();
for (var i = 2; i <= 6; ++i) {
f5.getRange(riga, i + 1).setValue(datAgg.getRange("P" + i).getValue());
f5.getRange(2, i + 1).setValue(datAgg.getRange("A" + i).getValue());
i posted another question here for the same problem and I get a perfect answer how to use for loop to drastically reduce code lenght.
the only part I changed is this one: (var i = 2; i <= 6; ++i) with this one: (var i = 2; i <= n+1; ++i), so it can work perfectly with any variable n to get with command "var numCrypto = datAgg.getRange(1,2).getValue();"

Can not save array in shared object as3

I have this code in my simple flash. I want to save name and score in my quiz. My code reference in this website
I want to make my code in just one actionscript. But I didn't success do it.
var m_FlashCookie = SharedObject.getLocal("LeaderboardExample");
var EntryName:String ="nama kamu";
var EntryScore:String ="nilai";
const NUM_SCORES_SAVED:int = 10;
inputBoxScore.text = EntryScore;
inputBoxName.text = EntryName
var latest_score_object:Object = {
name: EntryName,
score: EntryScore
var arr:Array;
arr =
if ( arr == null)
arr = new Array();
arr.push( latest_score_object );
arr.sortOn("score", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
if ( arr.length < NUM_SCORES_SAVED )
btnSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveData);
function saveData(event:Event):void
{ = arr;
var myHTMLL:String = "";
var total_stored_scores:int = arr.length;
btnLoad.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadData);
function loadData(event:Event):void
for (var i:int = 0; i < total_stored_scores; ++i)
// loop through every entry, every entry has a "name" and "score" field as that's what we save.
var leaderboard_entry:Object = arr[i];
// is this the last score that was just entered last gamestate?
if ( leaderboard_entry == latest_score_object )
myHTMLL += (i+1) + ". <b><font color=\"#0002E5\">"+ + " " + leaderboard_entry.score +"</font></b><br>";
myHTMLL += (i+1) + ". "+ + " " + leaderboard_entry.score +"<br>";
myHTML.text = myHTMLL;
Can anybody help me?
You're saving the array as data.arr but reading the array as data.storedArray. You need to make them the same.
In other words, you've written this: = arr;
And when you load:
arr =;
This clearly doesn't make sense: data.storedArray is never set, so it will never have a value, so you will always end up with a new empty array.
You need to use the same property on the shared object data. For example: = arr;
Looking at your code, there's a number of other issues:
The latest score is immediately removed because arr.length < NUM_SAVED_SCORES is going to be true from the start, since arr starts out empty, and it then calls arr.pop() which will remove the latest entry that was just added. So the array is always empty.
It adds the score immediately with arr.push(latest_score_object) instead of waiting until the user clicks save, so the value of the input texts don't matter at all -- the saved values will always be "nama kamu" and "nilai".
The following fixes all the issues mentioned:
var leaderboard = SharedObject.getLocal("leaderboard");
const MAX_SAVED_SCORES:int = 10;
inputBoxName.text = "nama kamu";
inputBoxScore.text = "nilai";
var entries:Array = || [];
var latestEntry:Object;
btnLoad.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadClick);
btnSave.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveClick);
function loadClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
function saveClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
function saveLatestScore():void {
// create the latest entry based on input texts
latestEntry = {
name: inputBoxName.text,
score: inputBoxScore.text
// add the entry and sort by score, highest to lowest
entries.sortOn("score", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
// if reached the limit, remove lowest score
if (entries.length > MAX_SAVED_SCORES) {
// store new sorted entries to shared object = entries;
function displayScores():void {
var myHTMLL:String = "";
for (var i:int = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
// loop through every entry, every entry has a "name" and "score" field as that's what we save.
var entry:Object = entries[i];
// is this the last score that was just entered last gamestate?
if (entry == latestEntry)
myHTMLL += (i+1) + ". <b><font color=\"#0002E5\">"+ + " " + entry.score +"</font></b><br/>";
myHTMLL += (i+1) + ". "+ + " " + entry.score +"<br/>";
myHTML.htmlText = myHTMLL;

Porting c code to actionscript 2

please look at the following link.
Permutation of String letters: How to remove repeated permutations?
I would like to port this to actionscript 2. Here is what i have so far:
var str:String = "AAC";
var arr:Array = str.split("");
function swap(i:Number, j:Number)
var temp;
temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
function permute(i:Number, n:Number)
var k:Number;
if (i == n)
for (k = i; k <= n; k++)
swap(i, k);
permute(i+1, n);
swap(i, k);
This is working fine to list all permutations with duplicates, but i would like to remove those and have unique values. So far i haven't managed to port the ticked solution from the above link. Thank You for your help.
Below are two versions, the first is for AS3, the second is for AS2. It is a slightly different algorithm (it is a bit less efficient then the one you have, but I think it will do as an illustration). It is essentially the same algorithmic complexity, so it's OK, the redundancy is in generating intermediate results (shorter arrays), which are later discarded (but you could modify it to reuse those arrays, if this concerns you).
private function permuteRecursively(input:Array,
hash:Object = null):Array
var first:String;
var oldResult:Array;
var newResult:Array;
var times:int;
var current:Array;
var test:String;
if (input.length > 1)
first = input.shift();
if (!hash) hash = { };
oldResult = this.permuteRecursively(input, hash);
newResult = [];
for each (var result:Array in oldResult)
times = result.length;
while (times >= 0)
current = result.concat();
if (times == result.length) current.push(first);
else current.splice(times, 0, first);
test = current.join("");
if (!(test in hash))
hash[test] = 1;
else newResult = [input];
return newResult;
private function permuteRecursively(input:Array,
var first:String;
var oldResult:Array;
var newResult:Array;
var times:Number;
var current:Array;
var test:String;
var result:Array;
if (input.length > 1)
first = input.shift();
if (!hash) hash = { };
oldResult = this.permuteRecursively(input, hash);
newResult = [];
for (var i:Number = 0; i < oldResult.length; i++)
result = oldResult[i];
times = result.length;
while (times >= 0)
current = result.concat();
if (times == result.length) current.push(first);
else current.splice(times, 0, first);
test = current.join("");
if (!(test in hash))
hash[test] = 1;
else newResult = [input];
return newResult;
Actually, now that I think of it, I'm not sure what kind of duplicates you were trying to avoid. The above code treats the permutations of AAC such as AAC and ACA as if they were distinct (even though A is "duplicated" in them), but AAC and AAC are considered the same (even though the first A and the second A may come from different sources in the original array).
If what you wanted to remove duplicated elements of generated arrays, then, obviously, the best strategy would be to remove them from the source first.

Randomly removing an array

just for the record, i'm using AS3.
I have an issue where I would like to remove a sprite randomly in AS3, I have managed to figure out how to create the sprites so that they fill as a grid, just for the life of me I can't figure out how to remove them!
Here's the code i've used to create them:
function showpixels() : void
for (var i:int = 0; i < 40; i++)
for (var j:int = 0; j < 40; j++)
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();;*10, j*10, 10, 10);;
Basically I need these to be removed randomly until what's underneath can be seen.
Any help would be good, I'm pretty new to this! Thanks!
function removeRandom():void
var rand:uint = Math.random()*pixels.length;
var i:Sprite = Sprite(pixels[rand]);
if(i.parent) i.parent.removeChild(i);
pixels.splice(rand, 1);
UPDATE: To remove at random intervals you could try something like this:
var _timer:int = 100;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _handle);
function _handle(e:Event):void
if(pixels.length > 0) _timer --;
if(_timer < 1)
_timer = 10 + Math.random()*50;
function removeRandom():void
var rand:uint = Math.random()*pixels.length;
var i:Sprite = Sprite(pixels[rand]);
if(i.parent) i.parent.removeChild(i);
pixels.splice(rand, 1);
Marty's idea works. Another option would be to shuffle the array first and then just pop off elements.
To shuffle an Array use pixels.sort(function (...args):int { return int(2*Math.random()-1) }).
And then you can simple remove them like this:
function remove():void {
if (pixels.length) removeChild(pixels.pop());
else clearInterval(;
And add this line at the end of showpixels: = setInterval(remove, 500);
