Using different domain for development and production in angularjs - angularjs

I'm working on AngularJS single page application that consume REST services. The front-end application is developed separately from the back-end and therefore during development we've to hardcode the domain name in the URLs for AJAX calls (we've enabled CORS). But in the case of production everything is running in the same domain and hence hardcoding the domain name looks little bad. Is there we can use the domain name in urls for ajax calls during development and in production don't hardcode the domain name? I'm using gulp.

An example of using gulp-ng-constant with an $http interceptor:
The following task in gulpfile.js will generate the file target/build/scripts/_config.js with the contents angular.module('globals', []).constant('apiContextPath', '...');:
gulp.task('app.ngconstant', [], function() {
var ngConstant = require('gulp-ng-constant'),
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
constants: {
apiContextPath: '.' // TODO Devise a way to set per environment; eg command line
name: 'globals',
stream: true
Obviously you need to include the generated file in your (packed/minified) code.
Something along the following code will configure the $httpProvider to prepend the apiContextPath to all requests that start with '/api/' (i.e. our REST endpoints):
angular.module(...).config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(['globals', function(globals) {
return {
'request': function(config) {
if( config.url.indexOf('/api/') === 0 ) {
config.url = globals.apiContextPath + config.url;
return config;
(There are quite a few other configuration options, so this is just an example from an older project I worked on.)

If you don't already, you could pass your gulp build a parameter to build in production or development mode.
Based on that flag you can set a baseUrl property in your gulpfile that is used to include a script (using gulp-insert) into your javascript build before all of your angular scripts:
'window.baseUrl = ' + baseUrl
Then you could have a constant in your application that your services use to get the baseUrl:
angular.module('YourModule').constant('baseUrl', window.baseUrl);


How to make an angular application take arguments from command line?

I have an AngularJS application in which my code looks something like this:
myApp = angular.module('myApp',
myApp.constant('CONSTANTS', (function() {
// Define your variable
return {
backend: {
baseURL: ''
I run this application using http-server on port number 8000 like this:
% http-server -p 8000
I want to pass in a command-line argument for the backend.baseURL such that it over-rides the value specified in the code. How can I do it??
What you need is at least required http-server that supported dynamic content. while your http-server is supported only static content.
And in the comment you asking which server should you use. There are thousands of web-server that support dynamic content out there. but sinc you are currently using http-server I assumed you just want a small server for local-dev.
Unfortunately, I cannot find any server that support your need without modifying their code. So I suggest you to create your own server base on a library on npm.
This is and example server using live-server.
var liveServer = require("live-server");
var fs = require("fs")
var root = process.argv[2] || "."
var port = process.argv[3] || 8000
var replaceTextMiddleWare = function(req, res, next){
var file = process.argv[4]
var find = process.argv[5]
var replace = process.argv[6]
if(file && find){
if(req.url === file) {
fs.readFile( root + file, "utf-8", function(e, content){
res.end( content.replace(find, replace))
} )
var params = {
port: port, // Set the server port. Defaults to 8080.
host: "", // Set the address to bind to. Defaults to or process.env.IP.
root: root, // Set root directory that's being server. Defaults to cwd.
open: false, // When false, it won't load your browser by default.
ignore: 'scss,my/templates', // comma-separated string for paths to ignore
file: "index.html", // When set, serve this file for every 404 (useful for single-page applications)
wait: 1000, // Waits for all changes, before reloading. Defaults to 0 sec.
mount: [['/components', './node_modules']], // Mount a directory to a route.
logLevel: 2, // 0 = errors only, 1 = some, 2 = lots
middleware: [ replaceTextMiddleWare ] // Takes an array of Connect-compatible middleware that are injected into the server middleware stack
Then you can run your server by
nodejs myserver.js /mydocument/myproject/ 8000 config.js "" ""
The command accept parameters:
Path to serve content
File name
Text to find
Text to replace
This server support only one dynamic file with simple find/replace.
From this point, I guess you can modify middleware to do whatever you want.
when Ive done this in production I use the build process for this, using gulp in this case,
var knownOptions = {
string: 'env',
default: { env: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'default' }
var options = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), knownOptions);
console.log("using config : " +;
we get an environment variable defaulting to default using minimist we can pass -env 'string'
then further in the code pushing a dynamic file onto app.js
//now we use options.env
env/[options.env].js here is an angular module that exports environment specific constants
looks like you are not using gulp but you are using node script from package.json. if you are using gulp then this should not be a problem you you use http-server via gulp.
one thing you can do in your current case is as part of your run command, set process.env.baseUrl="dynamic" and then roughly speaking, use this in your code like this
return {
backend: {
baseURL:process.env.baseUrl || 'http://fallbackurl'
Basically what I understand is that you want to customize http-server package for your won custom handling.
Here is small solution I found for you....
Go to node installation folder(In my case its local one)...
So path of file which we going to edit is like this...
Import one package which serve you to get command line don't need to install it, its already there.
var argv = require('optimist').boolean('cors').argv; // add this line at top after line number 7
At line 60 and after code before.push(function (req, res) { add following code..
if( req.url === '/backend-url' ) {
return res.end(JSON.stringify(argv.x));
So before push function will look like::
before.push(function (req, res) {
if( req.url === '/backend-url' ) {
return res.end(JSON.stringify(argv.x));
if (options.logFn) {
options.logFn(req, res);
now we have configured our new command line argument x for http-server which will be return for url "/backend-url"
Now at front end
myApp.constant('CONSTANTS', ('$http', function($http) {
// Define your variable
**var backendURL = (function() {
return $http.get('/backend-url', function(bUrl) {
return bUrl;
return {
backend: {
baseURL: backendURL
Done, now you add url like this: **http-server -p 8080 -x**
I choose this approch as replacing file content i dont think good in you case
If you use only one instance of your app, you can start it with script, that accepts all necessary command line arguments, replaces appropriate placeholders (string between specific comments, for example) in your application js files and then launches http-server on necessary port.

How to get config values from server in Angular?

My application needs some config values on application startup. Suggestions from the community is to store them as constant as separate module, preferably in separate .js file. This might work for me.
However my configuration values are also stored on the server, and dont want to duplicate those on client side, so i was thinking of making server call to get those.
Im newbie to angular, is it valid design practice to make server call in module's config method? If yes then should i just use $http service to get the values from the server?
var main = angular.module('myapp', ['AdalAngular']);
main.config(['$stateProvider',$httpProvider, adalAuthenticationServiceProvider', function ($stateProvider,$httpProvider,adalProvider) {
// $stateProvider configuration goes here
// ?????CAN I make server call here to get configuration values for adalProvider.init method below???
instance: 'someurl',
tenant: 'tenantid',
clientId: 'clientid',
extraQueryParameter: 'someparameter',
cacheLocation: 'localStorage',
}]);["$rootScope", "$state", .....
function ($rootScope, $state,.....) {
// application start logic
main.factory("API", ["$http", "$rootScope", function ($http, $rootScope) {
// API service that makes server call to get data
So based on suggestions below I'm going with declaring constant approach. Basically I will have separate config.js file and during deployment process I will overwrite the config.js file with respective environment based config.js file.
If have to 10 constants then i have to pass them separately to module.config(). Is it possible to declare constant value as JSON object and somehow read it in config function so I don't have pass 10 different parameters?
angular.module('myconfig', [])
and then how do I read the values in config method?
var main = angular.module('myapp',['myconfig']);
?? How do I read CONFIGOBJECT value that is a string not json object?
I'll describe the solution used in project that i was working on some time ago.
It's true that you cannot use services in config phase, and it's also true, that you can use providers and constants while config phase.
So we used the next solution:
firstly, we created simple object with config, like
var config = {
someConfig1: true,
someConfig2: false,
someConfigEvents: {
event1: 'eventConfig1',
event2: 'eventConfig2'
Then we also declared angular value with jQuery lib:
app.value('jQuery', jQuery);
And now we cannot use services like $http, but we can use jQuery, so we just making ajax call to config server and extending our config:
jQuery.ajax("path/to/config", { async: false, cache: false })
.done(function (data) {
var response = angular.fromJson(data)
if (response) {
} else {
.fail(function () {
.always(function () {
You cannot inject a service into the config section.
You can inject a service into the run section.
So, you cannot use - for example $http service to retrieve data from server inside config() , but you can do in inside run(), which initializes the provider's service.
See also more complete answer here.
Hope this helps.
Why string? Why don't you simply use
.constant('CONFIGOBJECT', {Const1:somevalue,Const2:somevalue,Const3:somevalue,Const4:somevalue}
.constant('CONFIGOBJECT', '{Const1:somevalue,Const2:somevalue,Const3:somevalue,Const4:somevalue}'
Only providers are available during the config phase, not services. So you can't use $http during this phase.
But you can use it during the execution phase (in a function passed to run()).
An alternative is to have some JavaScript file dynamically generated by the server, and defining the constants you want.
Another alternative is to generate such a JS file during the build, based on some file that would be read by the server-side code.

How can I de-cache AngularJS templates when they change on the server?

We have an Angular project where the templates have changed numerous times thanks to our "Agile" environment. Browsers seem to strongly cache the templates because of the html file type. This means that when business goes to our dev site after an update, they occasionally see the old templates. How can we make sure that when changes are made to the templates, the user downloads the new template instead of loading from the cache?
We use Jade and to prevent caching, we have a variable based on the time that gets appended to the end of our JS/CSS includes (style.css?v=2012881). Since we already have an 'appVersion' via this variable, I chose to expose that variable using an angular module and constant:
In my main Angular module I have:
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function() {
return {
'request': function(config) {
if(!config.cached && config.url.indexOf('.html') > -1){
if(config.url.indexOf("?") > -1){
config.url = config.url.replace("?","?v="+appVersion+"&");
config.url += "?v="+appVersion;
return config;
Since the templates are loaded using $http.get, I added an interceptor that detects if a request is a request for a template and appends the appVersion to the request if it is. That way we have the same versioning for the CSS, JS, and HTML.
Use tools like grunt-filerev ( for static revisioning. They basically add a file content hash, so that caching becomes impossible.

Angular js read environmental variables

I am trying to read environment variables in http get calls
$http.get('http://' + $ + ':8080/api')
I want to be able to read the environmen variable and use it as the http rest server in teh above API call, as follows
$http.get('environmental_variable ':8080/api')
Note: I dont know the environment variable until runtime So I cannot have the value before hand to use it as a constant
There are lots of examples showing how you can put your settings into different files or constants. Most of these work, but miss the point.
Your configuration settings are not part of your code!
Apart from the 'Hello World' examples, your deployment should be carried out by a CI/CD server and this should be responsible for setting your configuration settings. This has a number of benefits:
1) You are deploying the same code to different environments. If you deploy code to a test environment, then you want to deploy the same code to your production environment. If your servers have to rebuild the code, to add the production configuration settings, you are deploying different code.
2) Code can be shared without giving away your API details, AWS settings and other secret information.
3) It allows new environments to be added easily.
There are lots of examples out there on how to do this. One example is
There are no such things as environment variables in the browser.
The $location service is always going to get your current URL. I guess your API might live on a different host.
It's possible to simulate environment variables by storing configuration in an Angular constant.
app.constant('env', {
Then you can inject this constant into your other providers.
app.controller('MyController', function($http, env) {
Here's a decent article on best practices with constants. The article favours not using constants, as it's useful to be able to modify the configuration without having to rebuild the code.
The way I normally handle this is to move all the instance configuration details out to a config.json file, then load it with $http when I bootstrap my application.
For instance, you might have a config file like this.
apiUrl: ""
Then an Angular service that loads it.
app.service('Config', function($http) {
return function() {
return $http.get('config.json');
Then other services can get hold of the promise, that will expose the config when resolved.
app.controller('MyController', function($http, Config) {
.then(function(config) {
I strongly suggest you to use a library for setting environment variables. You can use angular-environment plugin to do that:
Here's a example
angular.module('yourApp', ['environment']).
config(function(envServiceProvider) {
// set the domains and variables for each environment
domains: {
development: ['localhost', ''],
production: ['', '*', ''],
test: ['', '', 'acme.*.com'],
// anotherStage: ['domain1', 'domain2']
vars: {
development: {
apiUrl: '//',
staticUrl: '//',
// antoherCustomVar: 'lorem',
// antoherCustomVar: 'ipsum'
test: {
apiUrl: '//',
staticUrl: '//',
// antoherCustomVar: 'lorem',
// antoherCustomVar: 'ipsum'
production: {
apiUrl: '//',
staticUrl: '//',
// antoherCustomVar: 'lorem',
// antoherCustomVar: 'ipsum'
// anotherStage: {
// customVar: 'lorem',
// customVar: 'ipsum'
// },
defaults: {
apiUrl: '//',
staticUrl: '//'
// run the environment check, so the comprobation is made
// before controllers and services are built
Then you can get the right variable based on what environment your application is running:
var apiUrl ='apiUrl');

How to make an angularjs application 12 factor compliant regarding configuration

I'm trying to make an angularjs app 12 factor compliant regarding config (
It should depend on the environment and I should not see the words development, test, production, etc. in the code.
Variables could be stored in bash env for example.
I could pass them to a webserver.
I already thought of an .erb template file to erb config.js.erb > config.js, but if I change a variable while the application is running I'd have to redo this.
I already found this article
But it's a big lie and Grunt.js to do this, really... Anyway.
I know 12factor philosophy wasn't made for frontend application but my angular application could be deployed in many different servers across many environment and it won't harm anyone to try to do things properly :).
Thanks !
The config parameters I'd like to use would be some stuff like :
url: "The url of the api server"
port: 8080
images: "url of my images caching service"
"api_key": "The api key used for that deployment"
#other external frontend services
Other Edit:
This guy kinda went with an answer : which I find kind of ugly and totally bound to angularjs; but it works !
Here is the solution I found, it's totally bound to angularjs but it works for me on Heroku and it's very simple. I just append my conf module to the generated code.
Everytime I restart the app a new version of the code is copied therefore the Append only happens once.
The Append just redefines an already existing configuration variable.
If someone find something more 'classy' I'd be happy to put it as the right solution !
var compression = require('compression');
var express = require('express');
var logfmt = require('logfmt');
var stdio = require('stdio');
var glob = require("glob");
var fs = require('fs');
// ------------------------
// Read config from args
var ops = stdio.getopt({
'url': {
key: 'u',
args: 1,
default: '',
description: 'Url of api server'
'port': {
key: 'p',
args: 1,
default: 5000,
description: 'Port on which to listen'
var port = ops.port || process.env.PORT;
ops.port = undefined;
// ------------------------
// Append config to js built file
var codeToAppend = 'angular.module("project.config",[]).constant("ApiConfig",' + JSON.stringify(ops) + ');';
glob(__dirname + '/dist/scripts/scripts.*.js', function(er, files) {
fs.appendFile(files[0], codeToAppend, function(err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log('The "conf code" was appended to file!');
// ------------------------
// Start App :3
var app = express();
threshold: 512
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/dist'));
app.get('/config', function(req, res) {
I found a repository on github that hopefully help you Angular-Express-Train-Seed
