How to add event in hybrid app using ionic calendar+angularJs - angularjs

I want to add events on selected date using ionic calendar and angularJs. But it should not add that event to native calendar app. How can I achieve this. Thanks in advance :)

Try with this ionic plugin, it's quite simple and have good documentation.


Add new button to App Component and display a popup window on button click

I am new to Angular JS and trying to learn this by developing a simple application.
Currently I have developed a simple app to retrieve and show a master table data, front end (Angular JS) and backend (spring-boot). Further I want to implement CRUDS to this app.
I need your help add a button to app component and onClick a popup window be shown.
this is a very basic question....
I suggest you to go over this tutorial.
And in Angular material you will learn how to work with Dialogs (popups)

How to create Material calendar in codenameone?

Hi I'm new to Codename One and i did a sample on calendar but it showing normal calendar. i want to know how to implement Material Calendar in codename One?
If anyone have idea on this please suggest me some code
Thanks in Advance
Codename One currently don't have such Calendar widget, but there's a classic matrix style Calendar which you can extend and customize as you like.
import com.codename1.ui.Calendar
Calendar calendar = new Calendar();

How can I add waterfall charts in Angular JS?

I have been using the bar charts from Angular Charts Directive , which has been created using charts.js .
GitHub Link : Angular Charts
But I need to show a Waterfall Chart in my Application.
Can someone please help me to create a Waterfall Chart in my Angular App?
A deep hearted thank You in advance!!
If you want to make waterfall chart, please use this link
make sure it will help you !!!
Another nice alternative is using HighCharts for making waterfall charts :
It looks and feels better than zingcharts. But, it is a paid product!

How to sort the Ionic grid using drag and drop?

is ionic contains this feature or using in angular ? below is the jquery link
same thing am looking for.
No Ionic does not provide the requirement that you are looking for, but ionic provides Reorder feature in list view.
Use this link for further reference

Getting Started with AngularJS and Material Design

I am trying to play around with the Material Design stuff for AngularJS. The Project can be seen here. I'm trying to do a basic project. This has led me to two questions about material design.
How do I use an icon for a button? I ran git submodule update --init per the docs. I have the icons directory. However, I do not understand how to actually use a button. For instance, I want to use the refresh icon (/icons/system_icons/av/res/2x_web/ic_loop_24dp.png), so I'm trying the following:
However, the icon is off-center. How should I fix this?
How do I setup navigation up in the app?
Thank you!
