Ng-models not accessible - angularjs

One of the ng-models gives null value. When I click the button with the function setNewRecord the parameter selectedDocument is null. The first two parameters are correct. The javascript code is added as well.
<form name="myForm" >
<select ng-model="selectedCompany">
<option value="">-- Select Company --</option>
<option data-ng-repeat="currentSetting in currentSettings" value={{currentSetting.SCACCode}}>{{currentSetting.SCACCode}}</option>
<div><input id="Text1" type="text" ng-model="enteredCustomer"/></div>
<select ng-model="selectedDocument" ng-click="getTypes(selectedCompany, enteredCustomer)">
<option value="">-- Select Doc type --</option>
<option data-ng-repeat="docSetting in docSettings" value="{{docSetting.Doc_Type}}">{{docSetting.Doc_Type}}</option>
<input id ="btnAdd" type="button" value="Add new record" ng-click="setNewRecord(selectedCompany, enteredCustomer,selectedDocument)"/>
Java Script
myApp.service('getDocTypesService', ['$http', '$q', function($http, $q) {
var allSettings = null;
this.getDocTypes = function(compName, custName) {
var def = $q.defer()
if (allSettings) {
} else {
$'GetDocTypes', {
companyName: compName,
customerName: custName
.then(function(response) {
var response = $.parseJSON(
allSettings = response;
return def.promise;
myApp.controller('myController', ['$scope', 'getDocTypesService',
function($scope, getDocTypesService) {
$scope.getTypes = function(comp, cust) {
getDocTypesService.getDocTypes(comp, cust).then(function(value) {
$scope.docSettings = value

Try replacing the select for selectedDocument with this:
<select ng-model="selectedDocument"
ng-click="getTypes(selectedCompany, enteredCustomer)"
ng-options="docSetting.Doc_Type for docSetting in docSettings track by docSetting.Doc_Type">


AngularJS ng-options not populating from Promise values

I have a select box which bind the data from the database.
<div class="select__wrapper-inner" data-ng-init="loadCountries()">
<select id="country" ng-model="selectedCountry"
ng-options="country.CountryName for country in countries">
<option value="" selected>Select your option</option>
Below is the loadCountries function
$scope.loadCountries = function () {
var resultList = mainService.loadCountries();
resultList.then(function (response) {
$scope.countries =;
$scope.selectedCountry = $scope.countries[0];
Also here is the loadcountires code in service
function mainService($http) {
this.loadCountries = function () {
var result = $http({
method: 'GET',
url: '/API/Country/Countries'
return result;
When I checked countries list, it is populating succesfully, but not binding to ng-options in the select box.
Can anyone help me with this please !!
Change ng-options like this and try.
<div class="select__wrapper-inner" data-ng-init="loadCountries()">
<select id="country" ng-model="selectedCountry"
ng-options="country as country.CountryName for country in countries">
<option value="" selected>Select your option</option>

how to validate after pushing the data in angular js

<select class="form-control input-sm text-uppercase" id="ddlUsers" data-ng -model="UserName" >
<option data-ng-repeat="List in Users" value="{{List.Value}}" ng-options="">{{List.Name}}
controller code
var Users = [], filterCondition=[];
$(res).find('NewDataSet Table4').each(function () {
Value: $(this).find('UserId').text(),
Name: $(this).find('Name').text()
$scope.Users = Users;
$scope.UserName = $scope.Users[0].Value;
i want to show the select text based on the value equal to below code
filterCondition.push({ operator: localStorage.getItem('UserId') });

Need to filter model based on make in angularjs. below code is not working model comes empty if filtered on make

Need to Filter options in dropdown based on manufacturers (make). Need to filter models based on selected make option via "ng-model:make"
<div class="form-group">
<label for="make">Make</label>
<select class="form-control" data-ng-model="make" data-ng-options="maker.make for maker in makers" required></select>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="make">Make</label>
<select class="form-control" data-ng-model="make" data-ng-options="maker.make for maker in makers" required></select>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="model">Model</label>
<select class="form-control" data-ng-model="model" data-ng-options="availabledevice.model for availabledevice in availabledevices|filter:make" required></select>
Services from factory:
deviceassign.factory("manufacturersoptionsservice", function($http) {
var devicemakers = {};
devicemakers.values = function() {
return $http.get('api/displaymanufacturersapi.php');
return devicemakers;
deviceassign.factory("availabledeviceservice", function($http) {
var availabledevice = {};
availabledevice.details = function() {
return $http.get('api/displayavailabledevicesforoptionsapi.php');
return availabledevice;
deviceassign.controller('assigndevicecontroller', function($scope, growl, manufacturersoptionsservice, availabledeviceservice) {
manufacturersoptionsservice.values().success(function(response1) {
$scope.makers = response1;
availabledeviceservice.details().success(function(response3) {
$scope.availabledevices = response3;
// ...
Its working now.Had to select make.make as make itself is an object in JSON
<select class="form-control" data-ng-model="model" data-ng-options="availabledevice.model for availabledevice in availabledevices|filter:make.make" required></select>

how can I set the value in select option field using angularjs

I am getting the response as below and I would like to adjust those in select option tag. How can I set those please suggest the same
[null,"a","b","c ","d"]
My code is like
$http.get('v1/sport').success(function(data) {
$scope.sports = [];
//$scope.sports =;
angular.forEach(, function(value, key) {
$scope.sports[value.sport_id] =;
In view
<select name="teamSport"
ng-options="sport[player.sport_id] as sport[] for sport in sports"
<option value="" selected="selected">-- Select --</option>
Using ng-repeat and ng-model like this
<select ng-model='value'>
<option ng-repeat='option in options'>
$http.get('v1/sport') .success(function (data) { $scope.sports = []; angular.forEach(, function(value, key){ $scope.sports[value.sport_id] =; }); });
$http.get('v1/selectedSport') .success(function (data) { $scope.selectedSport = data; });
And the view
ng-options="sport[player.sport_id] as sport[] for sport in sports">
You can directly use the data without converting it using forEach.
Here is the script which will render the dropdown using the data you gave in the comment [{"sport_id":"1","name":"a"},{"sport_id":"2","name":"b"},{"sport_id":"3","name":"‌​c"},{"sport_id":"4","name":"d"}]
You can set the selected in the $scope.selected variable.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.sports = [{"sport_id":"1","name":"a"},{"sport_id":"2","name":"b"},{"sport_id":"3","name":"‌​c"},{"sport_id":"4","name":"d"}];
$scope.selected = $scope.sports[2];
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<select name="teamSport"
ng-options="sport as for sport in sports"
<option value="" selected="selected">-- Select --</option>

get selected tags text with select2 AngularJS

How do I get user selected multiple tags with angularjs, taking in consideration the following snippet
<input type="hidden" ui-select2="select2Options" ng-model="list_of_string" style="width:100%" />
<small>hint: start to type with a</small>
Angular scope
$scope.list_of_string = [];
$scope.select2Options = {
data: function() {
api.categories().then(function(response) {
$ = response;
return {'results': $};
'multiple': true,
formatResult: function(data) {
return data.text;
formatSelection: function(data) {
return data.text;
Try changing your <input .../> to <select> </select>
<select multiple ui-select2 ng-model="list_of_string" style="width: 100%">
<option ng-repeat="option in data">{{option.text}}</option>
