How can I put the cursor behind the text in editable cell in object list view control? - cursor

The cursor has been put behind the text by the following code when the "CellEditStarting" event triggered:
((IntUpDown)e.Control).Select(e.Control.Text.Length, 0);
cursor behind
but after the user clicks on the up-arrow in the cell control, the cursor was put in front of the text again.
cursor in front
Is there any event triggered when user click on the up-arrow in the cell control? So that the cursor can be put behind the text again.


WPF setting focus back to textbox on modal Window close

Assume there is a WPF window with multiple textboxes and one button. Currently the cursor is blinking in one of the textBox and then on button click I launched a modal window and then on close of this Window I want the Cursor blinking back to the textbox where it was before launch of the modal window.
How I can achieve it in WPF?
It will give the button, not the textbox.

WinForms: can a menu click handler determine which edit control on the form had focus immediately preceding the click?

Let's say we have a grid on the form with some cell editors (checkboxes, radio button groups). The form has a file menu. File -> Save. User visits a few cells in the grid, and clicks a checkbox in a cell, and, without touching anything else with the mouse and without touching the Tab key, clicks on the File menu and then clicks Save.
Inside the Save menuitem click handler, is it possible to determine which checkbox in the grid had focus immediately prior? That checkbox won't have lostfocus yet because a menu choice doesn't cause its lostfocus event to fire.

How do I select all the text in a WPF textbox on click

I have several TextBoxes within a UniformGrid.
I want to select all the within a textbox when it is clicked I'd rather the event came from the uniformgrid. I was able to implement selecting all the text with GotKeyboardFocus for when I use only the keyboard with the code below in the handler. However when I merely click on the box it highlights while my mouse is down and on mouse up the cursor appears rather than the text remaining selected.
foreach(TextBox Box in grid.Children)
if (Box.IsKeyboardFocusWithin)
e.Handled = true;
I also have an PreviewKeyUp handler that watches for a max number of letters then moves to the next box. Also each box is initialized with the max number of letters when the screen loads. Which is why I want to do a select all on the text in the textbox so it can be typed over easily.
I was able to use GotMouseCapture almost perfectly except that it doesn't work if you click near the text only near the edge of the textbox.
Try hooking up to the PreviewMouseUp routed event. That worked for me.

In WPF how to determine how focus received

I have a text box on a form and want to perform different actions when it receives focus depending on how the focus was received.
If the user clicks on the text box I want the standard method where the cursor is placed at the end of the text string inside the box. If the user tabs to the text box I want all of the text contained within the text box to be selected.
Is there an elegant way to accomplish this?
I suppose one thing you could try would be to set some application-level (or parent-level) tunneling events so you can toggle a flag indicating it was mouse clicked or keyboard pressed (PreviewMouseDown and PreviewKeyDown). Depending on what was previously pressed by checking that flag, you could do the appropriate action when the text box gets focus.

Control.Leave Triggered by MouseDown, not MouseUp

I have a C# .NET WinForm. In the form, I allow a user to add an item to a ListView by double-clicking in the ListView. This adds a TextBox control to the ListView and places the key cursor in the TextBox so a user can type.
I detect that a user is done with an item in a couple of ways (e.g. pressing Enter, Esc, Tab...), but also when they Leave (TextBox.Leave) the TextBox.
The problem is this set of steps:
User triggers TextBox.Leave by mousing down outside of the TextBox.
I add the new item to the ListView.
I select the the new item in the ListView.
Mouse up occurs and the new item that I just selected, loses focus and is unselected.
What I would like is for TextBox.Leave to be triggered by MouseUp, not MouseDown. How can I accomplish this?
Edit: Cody suggests using the ListView.LabelEdit property. Here are my results trying that:
listView_DoubleClick(...) {
listView.LabelEdit = true;
if(double clicked on existing listViewItem) {
listViewItem.BeginEdit(); //this works as expected
} else {
var newItem = listView.Items.Add("");
newItem.BeginEdit(); //this doesn't work, see below
The call to newItem.BeginEdit() only works when the user double clicks where the new item will show up. If they double click on any other blank area in the listview the new item is added, but it does not enter edit mode. What's going on here?
Pressing the mouse down on another control is causing that other control to request the focus and so the focus moving causes the TextBox.Leave event to occur. Preventing ever other possible control from requesting the focus is not a very viable option. But luckly you only need to prevent the ListView from using the MouseDown to shift focus. So you need to override the WndProc of your ListView and when the MouseDown windows message occurs and you are currently showing a TextBox you eat the message. In order words you do not allow the base class to process it.
