GAE not loading properties file - google-app-engine

I have created an app-engine app where in I am loading properties files using Spring based configuration and using it in as "${}". When I run my app, all properties are getting loaded properly and my program works like charm but when I deploy the same application in Google App-Engine, I noticed that properties are not getting loaded and am getting null pointer exception. Does anyone has any pointer for this issue. I have googled a lot but not getting any correct solutions. Thanks !!

Use the following in your applicationContext.xml
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:/" />


React / Firebase problem: TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined

My React application worked perfectly fine until I started uploading it on Firebase.
After setting the API key and configuring my database settings in store.js (firebaseConfig), the hell broke loose and
I cannot start my application. It doesn't work anymore when I start it, and obviously I cannot upload it.
It is a CRUD application. I am attaching the screenshot of the error.
Did anyone have this kind of problem?
console log

.net angularjs application error on publish to server

I have an application in .NET MVC5 with angularJS. I started building it locally. When I publish it, I get the angular template error- the template must have exactly one root element. I checked the templates which are razor files. I tried flipping replace to false but that gives me a service unavailable error page in the place of each template. Has anybody faced this before? Any pointers on where I should start looking? If it is the project setup problem, what are the ways to resolve this?
P.S. I am a beginner in .NET.

AngularJS Access denied when loading partial in IE11

I am attempting to develop an AngularJS app that is to be hosted as 'offline html' as part of the Resco MobileCRM software. This software provides offline access to CRM data via its own javascript libraries and this is working fine. I am also able to get a very simple angularjs application working, in terms of retrieving and displaying the data.
The AngularJS application is uploaded to the CRM using the Resco interface and then is download to each client machine via the resco software. The actual files end up in the users AppData folder on each client machine.
When I introduced routing to the angular app, either using ngRoute or ui-router, I am getting Access Denied errors. The resco software uses the underlying browser, which in my case is IE11. I have narrowed down the error to when angular is attempting to load the partials for the routes.
The offending code is below (angular.js v1.3.15 line 9805), url, true);
From my research, it seems like IE believes I am attempting a CORS request, however I am just attempting to load a file from disk.
Various posts suggest I add the site to 'Trusted Sites', however I am not actually accessing another site. I also cannot host this on a web server as the whole purpose is to have this angular application accessible offline within the Resco MobileCRM application
I also get the same error if I navigate to the AppData folder and run the angularjs application directly from there (i.e. not in the resco application).
Other posts have suggested that I need to replace the XMLHttpRequest created by Angular with XDomainRequest but I am reluctant to change the angular library, especially if I don't understand why.
Would appreciate it if anyone could shed some light on why this is happening and how to fix it.
I have confirmed that this is not possible on any of the browsers. You cannot make xhr requests to files served locally from disk.
I got around this problem for directives by loading my 'partials' in to script tags and referring to the id of these script tags in the directives.
I did not try that with ui.router or ngRoute and instead opted to redesign my application in to a number of smaller application as they did not need to share any context

Thinktecture IdentityServer V3 - Data is not binding and resources are not loading

I've recently created an Web API that I'd like secured by Thinktecture's IdentityServer V3. I imported the package from nuget, and was able to hit the token endpoints to create a token. However, I noticed that the bootstrap css would not load on IS's main page:
This is how it appears vs https:/
It didn't bother me until I started using the views (and not just the endpoints) where my pages would print the variable names and function incorrectly with the resources not loading properly. Like so.
Of course, I can not log in since it redirects me the literal "loginUrl" page. I've tried reverting to the previous version 1.2.1, but I still have the same issue. Alternatively, I've looked at samples and those don't have the same issue at all, so I'm wondering if there's a config in my API project that may be causing this.
Has anyone encountered this problem or know of a potential fix?
Be sure to read through the documentation thoroughly, guys. Lesson learned. I just needed to add RAMMFAR to my web.config "otherwise some of the embedded assets will not be loaded correctly by IIS"
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />

Can I run Angular-U/UI-Router with Notepad++?

Is there some way to run UI-Router without running bower/npm, etc?
I tried linking to it (just like to angular), but that didn't work. Tried saving it locally in a .js file and referencing it. That didn't work either. Am I missing something or am I just trying to do something impossible?
edit: Alternatively, is there anywhere to test this? Like plunkr or something?
Here's the source for what I think is the latest. I think you should just be able to link to it in a <script /> tag in your index.html:
Or copy that to a text file and run it completely locally, since I think you're just trying to test it out. If it didn't work, maybe make sure you have all of its dependencies, if any.
Of course it looks like it's a package in plunkr, so you should be able to try it there. I added it and the latest angular for you (haven't tested it though):
You can write Angular UI routing code into your Notepad++ editor, But you require a normal web server to run it properly.
You can try the Google Chrome Plugin to execute all AngularJS related codes.
Kindly Run all the applications using a local server. There is no need for Tomcat server. You can easily download a Google Chrome Plugin "Web server for Chrome". here- Web Server for Google Chrome
Also the Angular UI routing Snippet is available at:
