gmaps geometa.js not found? - maps

I'm using a plugin which calls for displaying map with pins on the homepage. However, this link is not found (404). I've searched for the solution too see what to do, but with no luck.
Is there a new version of this javascript available that I could replace this link with the new one? Not sure how else to put it and hope it makes sense.

Not Certain but I think this is the file.
EDIT: Think this is the most upto date version:


.Net Core how to get traceId Skywalking

I'm using SkyAPM.Agent.AspNetCore 1.1.0, and I need to get the trace id in my code and do something.
However, I didn't find enough information anywhere. Any suggestion?
Seems I found the solution from the source code.
First inject the IEntrySegmentContextAccessor in the constuctor, then get the traceId by _entrySegmentContextAccessor.Context.TraceId

Using gatsby-source-graphcms with gatsby-plugin-react-i18next: GraphCMS_Locale variable type issue

I've run into an challenge/posible incompatibility between gatsby-source-graphcms and gatsby-plugin-react-i18next, for which there appears to be virtually no information online and I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this before please.
I'm working on adding localisation to a site which uses gatsby-source-graphcms and the Gatsby File System Route API to build pages dynamically. Everything was going fine, until I tried to use the $language GraphQL query variable made available by gatsby-plugin-react-i18next with the locale filter field in GraphCMS, which yielded this error message:
Variable "$language" of type "String!" used in position expecting type "GraphCMS_Locale"
The one and only reference I've been able to find to a similar issue was on GraphCMS' public Slack, where someone referred to abandoning gatsby-source-graphcms I favour of gatsby-source-graphql due to this. However I'm hesitant to do this, as that would basically means re-writing the entire site for me! 😢
I've been trying to find some way to feed the page query a second variable, which duplicates the value $language variable from gatsby-plugin-react-i18next but is declared as the correct data type for GraphCMS, or perhaps to somehow cast the string to GraphCMS_locale but have had no luck so far.
Has anyone found a way to make gatsby-source-graphcms play nicely with gatsby-plugin-react-i18next please?
The WIP code for this can be seen here:
Apologies if the code is a bit bad somewhere. I'm not a web dev (this is a community project I'm volunteering on, where there's no professional web devs) and am really just hacking away on copy-and-paste code 😉
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer
I found a super hacky workaround, inspired by #notrab's kind help, in case it helps anyone else:
I added the following to gatsby-node.js:
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({
actions: { createTypes, printTypeDefinitions }
}) => {
type Locale implements Node {
language: GraphCMS_Locale
This changes the GraphQL data type on the language field in the i18next translation data to GraphCMS_Locale, which then means both data types needed by both gatsby-plugin-react-i18next and gatsby-source-graphcms match... and so far it seems to be working in dev mode!

reactjs i18n change translation on demand

I use i18n (react-i18next) in my react js application. Translation with language chooser etc works absolutly fine.
But now I want to change some texts programmatically on demand.
I tried this:
i18n.t('clinical:sde.export.studyTitle', {lng: "en"})
i18n.t('clinical:sde.export.studyTitle', {"en"})
It always returns the german string from current setting and not the "on demand" english text. Is there a solution to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
Your code should work, you need to check that the dynamic language is loaded (this what i18n.changeLanguage does).
I've made a simple test, and it works.

Can we use gauge/gage in Ionic ? (Cordova)

This is my first post here, so I'm sorry if I'm not in the good section.
My "simple" question is, can we add a gage/gauge (I don't now the exact english spelling), in a Ionic project ?
A thing like that:
Or an other exemple:
I already tried to insert gauge like that in my project but the gauge never appears, so please, can you help me ?
(The goal is to show to an user a speed for exemple or the batterie life of his smartphone, any importance, juste a jauge who can be incremented or decremented)
Can you explain me please how it works, for example via a Codepen or anything else. I had already tried to search response but I solve anything on that.
I'm french and I am sorry for my language, but thanks in advance for you'r help !
I was able to get this to work:
You must also have the JustGage library and Raphael. Take a look at the example to see it in action. I was able to even make it work in the app by adding the scripts of angular-gage, JustGage and Raphael (just add a js and paste in the scripts).

How to get city code weather in AccuWeather?

Have someone ever use AccuWeather to search your country weather? I want to get my city weather code in AccuWeather who can help me? The code generate has form like this: EUR|DE|GM014|TORGAU. I can't find my city code (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
to find your location
use this link provided by the help in ubuntu
add your location at the end of the link
For Phnom Penh, the code you seek is ASI|KH|CB012|PHNOM PENH.
Now in general, getting that old style format is difficult because around the end of 2009 / beginning of 2010 they did away with that style of coding stations and replaced it with a newer, perhaps more friendly model. So new style,
will give you the current for Phnom Penh.
If you really really really need to find the old style codes, there is an awesome list here. I would recommend you download the list from here as it is gold at this point and then you can programmatically access it however you see fit. Regex would be a good bet as the format seems to be pretty consistent.
Find your (nearest) city here:
