When trying to remove an item from array errors - arrays

So when writing a game on Khan Academy When I try to remove a bullet from the array I run into the error "Object does not support method splice" I have been checking my code for hours and have not found out why it does not work. Ideas?
EDIT: The code used to remove a bullet is bullets[i].splice(i,1); and that is what errors out my code.
var bullets = [];
var bullet= function(x,y,blah)
//code that is not important here
for(var I = 0; I < bullets.length; I++){

You have a variable named bullets:
var bullets = [];
(Side note: Why is there a random curly bracket right before this line?)
This bullets variable is an array. It holds instances of the Bullet class:
bullets.push(new Bullet(x, y, 10, player.x+bSize/2, player.y+bSize/2));
You can use the array to access a Bullet at a particular index, and then you can call functions of the Bullet class on that instance:
You can also call the splice() function on the array itself:
However, you can't call the splice() function on a particular Bullet instance!
This line is taking an instance of Bullet from the i index of the bullets array, and then trying to call the splice() function from the Bullet class. But the Bullet class doesn't have a splice() function! This is what's causing the error.
Instead, you probably meant to call it on the array itself:
In the future, please please please try to narrow your problem down before posting a question. Try to post an MCVE instead of your entire project. You could have put together an example program that used just a few lines to create a hard-coded array and used that to demonstrate your problem. Chances are you would have found the problem yourself in the process of creating the MCVE!


Putting year() directly into a array

I am currently creating a array that holds a bunch of different data. One of the data points is to hold the most recent date accessed. For some reason I can't put year() into the array without the program breaking. Code below.
What's the reasoning behind this, and how do I set put the year into the array without a error. I've tried defining year() into a variable, but once again I get a error. Error below.
World_Data.js:5 Uncaught ReferenceError: year is not defined
Thanks in advance!
For anyone viewing this, this is the correct code to use.
var pjs = new Processing();
With the caveat that I've never used processing.js, it appears that you have to instantiate an instance of it first before calling methods on it.
Something like:
var pjs = new Processing();
also note: You do realize you're pushing an array of an array containing the year here, right? (vs. just world_saves.push(pjs.year());)
I see that you already got this sorted out, but just for your information: with Processing.js, typically you'd write Processing code and have Processing.js create the Processing instance and call the setup() and draw() functions for you. There are a ton of ways to do this (many are outline on this page), but the basics would look like this:
<script src="processing-1.3.6.min.js"></script>
<script type="application/processing" data-processing-target="pjs">
int[] worldSaves = new int[1];
void setup() {
size(200, 200);
worldSaves[0] = year();
void draw(){
text(worldSaves[0], 10, 10);
<canvas id="pjs"> </canvas>
What you came up with isn't really wrong or anything, but I also don't know why you're using Processing.js if you aren't using the Processing part of it. So eventually you might end up with something more like the above.

Movie Clip through Display Object Not working correctly

Hey everyone so I have a movie Clip called popEffect that i want to show on the current bubbles that are being clicked by the mouse. Now Whenever I click on a Bubble everything works correctly they get removed from the stage, but the problem I am having is that the popEffect is not positioned to the current bubbles that are being clicked. Instead they are positioned at a different bubble that shows on the screen in the display object array.
Here is how I have it all set up:
private function addBubbles(e:TimerEvent):void
bubbles = new mcBubbles();
bubbles.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bubblesBeingClicked);
Then the BubblesBeingClicked function:
private function bubblesBeingClicked(e:MouseEvent):void
var BubblePop:DisplayObject = e.target as DisplayObject; // HERE is your clicked square
var i:int = aBubbleArray.indexOf(BubblePop); // and HERE is your index in the array
if (i < 0)
// the MC is out of the array
//trace("Pop Clicked");
aBubbleArray.splice(i, 1);
//Remove Listeners!!!
BubblePop.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onBubbleIsClicked);
// Null
BubblePop = null;
Finally my onBubbleIsClicked function where i have the popEffect located:
private function onBubbleIsClicked(bubblePop:DisplayObject):void
//Pop Effect
popEffect = new mcBubblePop();
popEffect.x = bubbles.x;
popEffect.y = bubbles.y;
Can anyone see why the popEffect wont position on the current bubble that is being popped? Its acting really weird.
The reason is this:
popEffect.x = bubbles.x;
popEffect.y = bubbles.y;
As far as I can understand, bubbles is a member variable in the class (you are using it in the addBubbles function. Inside onBubbleIsClicked, you provide bubblePop, but do not use it. You are using bubbles instead, which is actually the last instance you've created inside the tick function!
So every time you create popEffect, you actually assign the x and y to the latest created bubblePop.
Some advises:
Do not use member variables that often. They are used WHEN you need to use a variable between functions. In your case, bubbles is a variable that is used only inside the creational function. You even put them into an array! And because you override it with a new one every time you create an instance, your member variables just saves the last one. Is this really needed? Same with popEffect, does anyone else uses it, as it's again just the last one? Such things create mistakes, as you see..
I truly don't understand what this means: if (i < 0). You search if the object you've clicked is not in the array? Well if it is not (how come?!), then what's the meaning of aBubbleArray.splice(i, 1);? Since i < 0, you actually splice with negative value, so you splice some other element! Plan what you want to do, thing logically and then do the actual code. If the object is not in the array, then why do you remove anything from the array?
Start formatting your code better. Read about camel case and variables scope.
Try to manage your logic better. For example this is pretty awkward: BubblePop.parent.removeChild(BubblePop);, as long as you've added it by using stage.addChild(bubbles);. So isn't it more simple to use stage.removeChild(child);? There are some rules in programming (especially in Flash), like 'what added it should remove it'. This will keep you safe in future.
Good luck!

AS3 Array Limits?

I've ran into a weird problem with flash, I have an array of 92 buttons, at first it was all contained in a single array, the buttons up to the first 20th buttons work, the rest don't.
The buttons will take the user to the next scene basically.
So I tried to breakup the array into multiple arrays, so the first array contains the first 20, the second array the 21-40th and so on, the fifth array contains the 81-92 buttons.
The problem now is I will get this error message:
TypeError #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties
and it'll break all the buttons, rendering all the buttons unusable.
Therefore, I commented out the
for (var a=0; a<buttons.length; a++)
in my button spawn function and the buttons from the first to fourth array works flawlessly well except the fifth, which when clicked, nothing happens.
So I tired to create a new function whereby it was only the fiftharray in it and called the new function in the spawner, same error, breaks everything.
Then I thought was there a button naming issue whereby i mistyped something, I took the button names in the fifth array and pasted them into the start of the fourtharray, replacing what was in it plus commenting out the fiftharray from my script.
The once unworkable buttons (81 to 92) worked, but now (61 to 80) didn't.
I tried combining all the arrays using the comarray, but only the first 20 buttons worked.
So I am wondering if is there a fix or something to solve this problem, much help is appreciated!
There is no need to have multiple arrays, remove them. The last array is obviously shorter than the rest and that's messing up your code -> you are pointing to an index that doesn't exist in your last array.
There is actually no need to have an array. You have 92 buttons, that's a nice bunch. Why not to put it to a movieclip instead? What's the need of the array?
Let's assume you select all your buttons and put them inside of movieclip called buttonsClip. Now you can just use this code, without typing all the instance names out to put them to the array (like the tutorial did it... that may work for 8 buttons, but 92... come on :) ):
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
for(var i:uint=0; i<buttonsClip.numChildren; i++) {
var b:MovieClip = buttonsClip.getChildAt(i) as MovieClip; //Assuming the buttons are movieclips
b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
I know this Question is currently 8 years old, but maybe this will help another person that is searching for the same thing.
I had pretty much the same problem and in my case it was just that I accidently skipped a number while naming all the Symbols in the libary that I wanted to be in this array. I had 42 Symbols but because of this mistake the function to load the array had 43 and obviously the program was confused about that.

Deleting movieclip and clearing memory AS3

Another question from me.
For example I've made something like this.
var unit:Array = new Array()
public function add_unit()
unit[unit.length] = new unitclass(parameter)
public function remove_unit(index)
for(var i:int = index; i< unit.length; i++)
unit[i] = unit[i+1]
Will after using function remove_unit, with specified id the stage will be totaly clear of the array element? If not how do I clear it properly?
Its hard to understand your question...
To add an element to an array use unit.push(new [your_object]());
To remove an element from an array use unit.splice([index], 1);
To add an element to display object(Stage, Sprite, Movieclip etc..) use [DisplayObject].addChild([element]);
To remove a element from a display object(Stage, Sprite, Movieclip etc..) use [DisplayObject].removeChild([element]);
Removing an element from an array wont remove it from the stage, you must call removeChild with the object you wish to remove from the display list.
Ok ok. I'm not used to as3, so I don't know many commands yet.
Still can you tell me: if I use these functions above the effect will be achieved? I just want to add unit to array and then remove it from memory.
I'm just noticing that my application is starting to jam and I don't really know why is this happening. Does this action clear the memory properly? I tried using splice and push instead of the method mentioned at the beginning, but this doesn't seem to help.

How to effectively garbage collect in AS3

I have a flash game that I'm building where I have an array keeping track of a bunch of power ups on the screen. When the player goes an grabs one it needs to disappear from the screen (which is easy) but it also needs to be removed from the array so that collision detection loops don't become really cumbersome. I tried using splice, but I keep get null reference errors, here's the relevant code.
public function collect():void {
try {
Main.powerUps.splice(index, 1);
}catch (e:Error) {
trace("Error in splice");
Then when I create my PowerUp object I pass it a parameter that gets assigned to index which is the length of the array of Power Ups at the time. Can anyone see what's wrong with this code or (preferably) provide a more elegant solution? Thanks in advance for any help.
Elegant solution: use indexOf() and splice() together!
var index:int = Main.powerUps.indexOf( powerup );
Main.powerUps.splice(index, 1);
Where powerup is a reference to the object stored within the array Main.powerUps.
I also created a little class a while back that may be useful to you:
It has a .remove() method so you can just do:
